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characters you wish they brought back

rosie · 30 · 5233


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What charactesr would you like to see again in the series? B)


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I haven't yet seen every episode, so I don't know if perhaps my wish has been granted already (I doubt it though or else there would have certainly been mention of it in some discussions) but I would be interested in seeing an explanation for the "Dinah and Dana mystery" or about the whereabouts and howabouts of Cera's original family. I am not sure a TV episode would suffice to deal with that story though.


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It did seem like early in the sequels that they were undecided if Cera's siblings and mother made it or not.  

As for some others it would be nice if most of them would appear again, especially ones who live in the great valley and should be in long shots of the valley, even if not given any spoken dialog, or shown at gatherings of characters in group shots.  

As for Pterano, he can't show up in the valley till the gang as early teens or so, but nothing is stopping him from showing up if the gang is outside the great valley.   Some like Doc, can show up at any time even though they live outside the great valley.


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I'm also curious about Dinah and Danah.
Sue. What happened to her? I'd like to see her again. I kinda grew to like her.
Then really, we have all characters that went of, Doc, Pterano etc.
I guess I'd be interessed to see what happened to all of them.
Who knows? Not you, Who knows? Not me.  :P:
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I would be nice if they didn't keep making 1 shot characters in the movies and started bringing some characters back like in the tv series.


  • Ducky
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I want to see Chomper's parents again.  :lol

I'd also like to see Ali again, that one episode with her in it, just didn't suffice.


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To be honest? I think I'd prefer to see Ruby and Chomper leave for a season and instead allow Shorty and Ali to fill in their spaces. I just find Shorty and Ali to be more interesting than Ruby or Chomper. Also, and I know Malte's not gonna like this, but I'd actually like to see Bron appear as a regular character in the series.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, I don't mean to take a different outlet on this topic but it didn't ask for characters that still had bodies so I can indeed tell you who I want brought back the most. This certain character, I, and most likely many others, would absolutely love to see again, although, I'm afraid that one of the only ways for her to talk to Littlefoot might just have to be in a sleep story of his if the writers go the traditional route with a character like this. Guessed who I am referring to yet? Unprovable bragging rights if you have already. I want Littlefoot's mother's spirit to make at least one more appearance. After all, she made a few already throughout the first movie. It would be great to get visible proof of The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island song lyrics that say, "You know I'll never leave you. You can find me anywhere".

Imagine what it would be like if in the second season it shows his mother's spirit again and he was able to talk with her about things. A sleep story would be the conventional way of talking to an angel/spirit/ghost/whatever she really is, or, I think it would be the most interesting scenario this way: What if during the first second season episode, Littlefoot does something to show that he has the purest heart or utmost virtue or something similar. After proving this, his mother's spirit, which I assume is in some LBT heaven/afterlife thing would have permission or gain the power to appear before him while he is awake at any time, but she can only be seen, heard, or touched by Littlefoot, and spirits of course don't have scents anyway.

Maybe she can't stay with him every second of the day or maybe not even every day. Maybe every once in a while he can call her mentally and her spirit will appear before him for a little bit and he can get advice, ask a question, or just have mother/son talks. And there would be two ways to handle this. Either she tells Littlefoot that it is best that no one knows about spirits like her, or she allows him to tell a select few, which should probably be his friends, as adults would either think he's is faking and is actually crazy. If he told his friends, I highly doubt they'd think he'd lost it, but more likely think he was faking it, but only at first, since that is what they thought he was doing in The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water when he told them about someone that none of the others saw, until of course, he was able to provide proof.

I suppose my idea is very similar to the movie "Angels in the Outfield", except that I don't think Littlefoot should permanently lose contact with her in the end. Maybe a reason for a temporary separation again which could be something like, "she was out of time to be on Earth for now" or that "she needs to go back for a while and get her strength back".  Since the first season episodes continued movies I-XII, why can't season two episode content, such as having access to his mother, be stopped with new movies? If this contact were to be established, I think movies made after the second season should continue the idea, as events such as Tria's appearance in The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses influenced all the movies made afterward so far. Another thing that would make this even more interesting: Let's say, Littlefoot needs a pure heart or utmost virtue or whatever at the time he wants to speak to his mother, and therefore, if he does something bad, his character is tarnished and he can't contact her again until he made his mistake right again.

And I have another view on this subject: What if you forget her being in spirit form when she is on Earth, but instead takes the physical form of living creature like a dinosaur, say, a young girl longneck around Littlefoot's age which anyone could see since she would have a physical body? She could be like Littlefoot's guardian angel. Those types tend to have huge hearts though and pretty much care for everybody. I could even see his mother saving a sharptooth's life because her heart knew it was the right thing to do, whether their kind killed her or not.

Now what if you forget my limited contact theory as well? What if after she takes the form a female longneck that is around Littlefoot's age and lives in the Great Valley. Then she is made an official new character of the gang, making it the gang of eight for however long she can be there. But since she still is a divine being, just in a "shell", it could make several story parts much more interesting if she had some kind of subtle special abilites that she could use to protect and help her son, his friends, other Great Valley resdients, and outsiders as well, flatooth or sharptooth, yet other than Littlefoot and maybe his friends, when amazing things happened, nobody else can explain how they did.

And then there is the humor. Littlefoot's mother will like to sleep with her family again, but would probably decide it's best that his grandparents remain unaware of her true identity. They could think of a true statement that doesn't reveal anything about her, and Littlefoot could say something like, "I met her a long time ago, we're realy close, she just moved to the Great Valley by herself, and needs a place to sleep. Can she stay with us?" which his grandparents would surely oblige. The humor can come in two ways. His grandparents would see how close they are, how they sleep right beside each other, and how Littlefoot would kiss her, as I am sure he would occasionally. Then his grandparents would assume that they were in love and make comments like "They sure look cute together" or "It looks like our Littlefoot found someone special." They might even ask her personal questions to see if she is Littlefoot's "type." The other form of humor would come from a young male longneck who likes his mother looks and so would flirt with her, like Rhett, Shorty, or someone new. When Littlefoot keeps stopping such actions, that would prove to his grandparents and friends (if his friends never learn the truth) that he is in love with her, even though it isn't that way at all.

One major positive would come from this: If she were to show up throughout the series in whatever form for whatever reason, we would surely learn what her name is finally. That would make some fanfictions easier. And speaking of fanfiction, if they don't bring her back, considering that there is a 99.99% chance they won't, it would always be nice to see something like this in a fanfiction, which anyone is welcome to use since I'm not nearly ready to start one yet.

And just like the "Who would you like Chomper to kill?" topic, I hope I didn't go beyond the perameters of the question again. This is just honestly who I want to see brought back more than anyone. Sorry if this idea is incredibly stupid, but it is all I could think of. And don't be afraid to straight up say "That idea is the stupidest thing I have ever heard" because I won't mind at all since that would be your honest feelings said in the most honest way you could. Nothing better than that. But if I can't give you permission to personally bash me here, you could always do so in a personal message which I will read and respect whatever you feel just how you feel like saying it. So relax and be honest since you can't hurt my feelings here. Later!


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I'm very much in favor of the idea of Littlefoot's mother keeping some role in land before time stories. I am not really keen on the idea of her taking any tangible physical shape (or even that of some ghostly figure), but in any case even the memory of Littlefoot to his mother would be bound to influence his action at times. Personally I think that factor has been too much neglected in the relationship between Littlefoot and Chomper.
I think though (and this is just my interpretation) that once she did her contribution to lead Littlefoot on the last steps to the Great Valley she would have "moved on" so she is not likely to intervene as directly as she did in the original movie anymore. It might also work well to include element where the reader himself has to make up his or her mind whether or not it actually was an intervention of Littlefoot's mother.
There is one land before time comic in which Littlefoot mentions the treestars remind him of his mother because of the first treestar he had received from her. Later in the story an earthquake bares the way back into the Great Valley for Littlefoot and the others, but Littlefoot sees a treestar drifting in the air which floats in a direction where they find a hidden way back. Littlefoot interprets it as a sign from his mother while the reader may make up the own mind about it. I like that kind of approach.
In my own land before time stories I have always included Littlefoot's mother in some way so far.
In "The Big Quarrel" (which I wrote before coming up with the thought described above) she appears in a dream of Littlefoot and does intervene more directly than I would probably allow her to in any story I would write these days.
In "The Cold Time" there is a very subtle hind. In a moment of despair and fear Littlefoot sees the evening star and is giving him new confidence.
In "Old Threehorns" there is a passage in the first chapter which I would like to quote as it is a good example of how I would include her these days:
He [Littlefoot] sat on the ledge and gazed over the Mysterious Beyond but when they approached him he turned his head and smiled at them. He looked a bit absent minded. “Hello! Good morning!”
Cera saw with a grim satisfaction that Littlefoot too was besmeared all over with dried mud, but it didn’t lessen her fury: “Confound it Littlefoot! There was nothing good at this morning! We spent the whole morning looking for you! We were already worried and I guess so were your grandparents. What on earth have you thought by just vanishing without leaving a word?” Littlefoot had listened to Cera’s tirade calmly; the smile had disappeared from his face and he said remorseful: “I’m really sorry but...”
“And you should be! This is really a bad form just to vanish and...”
“That is enough! Calm down Cera!” said Ducky who was also angry about Littlefoot’s disappearance but was not as unforgiving as Cera and didn’t want the matter to become a more serious quarrel. “Let him speak! Why have you gone here Littlefoot?”
“Morning light”, said Littlefoot quietly. “Morning light!” roared Cera and looked at the sun that stood already too high to be still called morning light. “You want to tell us that that... oh.” Cera stopped abruptly and suddenly it was her who looked remorseful. And also Ducky, Spike and Petrie looked a bit embarrassed suddenly. They all remembered something Littlefoot had told them about what his mother had once said him: “You know I’ll never leave you. You can find me anywhere. The morning light the evening star.”* And the way Littlefoot had pronounced the simple word “morning light” made it certain that he was referring to this words of his mother and that these words were more than just words.
“Well, I... didn’t mean to...”, stammered Cera but Littlefoot shook his head. “It was my fault. I should have gone back earlier.”
“Maybe you should have told us when you went here”, said Cera carefully. “I went here very early. Even my grandparents were still sleeping and I didn’t want to awake you so early. And moreover...”, said Littlefoot a bit quieter. “I hope you don’t mind; I wanted to go alone.” “Yes, of course”, said Cera nodding. “Uhm, are we disturbing right now? Shall we go again? Shall we?” asked Ducky considerately. “No, please stay. I don’t hear her anymore anyway. Already for quite a while, but I hoped I would hear her again.” “Your mother?” asked Ducky quietly and Littlefoot nodded silently. “You can hear her? What did she say?” asked Cera and a short moment later she added: “Or don’t you want to talk about it?” “It is not as if she would speak and say do this or do that. It’s more that I feel her presence the same way I felt it during our journey to the Great Valley.” Littlefoot fetched deep breath. “Since then I felt it only very rarely and whenever I felt it something important happened shortly after. Good things sometimes and sometimes bad.”
“You believe something will happen, Littlefoot?” asked Petrie. Littlefoot smiled helpless and shrugged: “Maybe; at all events it has always been the case after I felt my mother so far.”


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The problem with the whole "love interest ' idea Sharptooth, is that there has already been a "love interest" created for Littlefoot. Ali. I highly doubt his mother would assumme a physical form, and I'm not sure it would be possible for her to do so.
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And Some speculate the shining star seen in the 5th movie during or just after the always there may be her.  Though it seems at most she would be a voice, with maybe an image in water.  Though with her not appearing, except maybe as the star seen in the 5th movie, she's unlikely to now after so long.

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Regardless as to whether or not she were to ever appear again, I believe she is with Littlefoot always and is watching over him.  Being a Christian Spiritualist, I strongly believe in the afterlife and that our deceased loved ones are always with us, even in death.  The reason I believe she has not been "seen" since is 'cuz guiding Littlefoot to the Great Valley was her unfinished business.  It is said that the dead do not rest in peace until their unfinished business is taken care of.  I dunno.  This is just my theory.


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One could interpret her appearance at the end of the movie in the shape of the cloud could be her leading Littlefoot do the last step to the Great Valley & heading off to whatever the LBT afterlife is.


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Chomper's parents.  I really wonder what they've been up to.


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and they give a clear reason on how to escaped that island,


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There are quite a few stories they have not yet told and characters they have not used who they could or should.


  • Petrie
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There is one character I personally want to see make a return and that is Archie. Either him or Rooter despite the fact I don't think we will see Rooter again in future movies or episodes, although he was mentioned before.