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Health, injuries, and sicknesses

Noname · 29 · 3599


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& Mr. Thicknose was shown smashing a rock in at least 1 episode.  

They showed Petrie being sick briefly in the 9th movie and he rubbed some leaves on his beak I think.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Noname,Sep 20 2008 on  12:51 PM
But does this cause them injury? One would think that a Triceratops would have a skull which could withstand that kind of injury...
It still hurts them, as Cera says in this exchange from LBT 10:

Shorty: Doesn't it hurt?

Cera:The trick is not noticing.

Usually, things that hurt cause damage over extended periods of time. Topsy's never sounded like he has all his oars in the water anyway.


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True, it could be from the way he was raised and maybe some subtle brain damage also.  Though the effects of that may not be fully noticed till he's older.


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Well, I would imagine that a Triceratops would be adapted to bashing his head against things... I suppose that pain/injury can come when a creature tries to do something that it isn't well-adapted for, like Cera hurting her ankle when she tried to log-rolling game. I would also imagine that Ducky would be in a similar situation when walking over terrain her feet are not adapted for (soft, marshy ground and swimming in the water.)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I guess, though I'd personally rather have Sever's disease than PCS.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Sep 20 2008 on  06:41 PM
Topsy's never sounded like he has all his oars in the water anyway.
I think it's mostly based on his upbringing.  He's not an open-minded individual, so he would naturally be more ignorant than his open-minded neighbors :rolleyes:.

I learned some time back that threehorns rammed objects and predators with their heads at a certain angle; otherwise their skulls could smash in (yeeowwch!) :x.  Perhaps other forms of damage were avoided by doing this.

Something else I learned about threehorns: evidence has been found to show that they may have had a bone disease similar to osteoporosis in their genes.  I may have also read something about duckbills having some kind of back trouble :huh:.  While they may never address such ailments in LBT, it seems as if every living thing has its evolutionary deficiencies.  Humans have to deal with back problems 'cuz of their upright position <_<.


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I guess every species has something, though you are right in that they'll likely not mention any of that sort of thing.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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There are admitedly some injuries, but I find it strange how much they're averted---for example, Petrie came so close to being fully struck by lightning in 9...yet they averted it...almost on purpose one would think.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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But seriously the most we got in the first movie for the gang was a couple of bruises Petrie stnading on Littlefoot's head causing him to say "OW!" and Cera walking into a stalecmite, which she seemed fine from. And Petrie falling through a loose rock

the rockslide in the second (Petrie said "me hurt all over")plus Chomper biting Cera that left no marks...

nothing in the third except Petrie squeezing Littlefoot's nose, which hurt a bit...

Ducky falling on her back into the water and apparently losing consiousness from it, Cera getting a sore horn, and Littlefoot getting his tail bitten by Ali, causing him to say "Ow."

Movie 5 had Littlefoot bumping his head on the log causing him to say "OW! Cer-uh!!" and Littlefoot getting his tail bitten by Spike and Ducky smashing her hand on Spike's tail, both causing them to say "Ow!"

Movie 6 had Littlefoot tailwhipping himself causing him to say "Ow", Littlefoot getting a rock dropped on his toes, also causeing him to say "Ow". And the bee stings.

Movie 7 had Littlefoot rolling over on a pinecone, causing him to say "Ow", I think

Ducky stubbing her foot on a rock during "The Mad Song" which hurt

Nothing in 9, except Petrie getting his tail grazed

Cera smashing her horn on SOLID rock in 10

Littlefoot passing out in 11...does that count?

Nothing in 12

In the tv series, Littlefoot stepping on a sharp plant, Cera twisting her ankle, and Petrie hurting his wing.

Itt sounds like a lot but most were just bruises, if not milder, that hurt just for a few seconds. Even Ducky's incident in 4 I wouldn't think was as bad as it could have been (if she'd fallen face first) but then someone said something about your nerves being on your would it hurt more?