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Land Before Time: A wish apon a Star

Threehorn · 76 · 10933


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omg his been online and answering some fourm messegers but haven't bothered to edit his information on this topic. I need the bio sorted out I can't do much till then so sorry to say it not going anywhere



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Okay, let me sort out the personality then.

Personality: She is very kindhearted to her friends and others, but she is a tomboy.  Tries her best to find good in everyone and make a new friend whenever possible.  Very intelligent, mostly in the field of math, (You'd be surprised how often that comes in handy in outdoor survival.) and not afraid to speak her mind, especially when her friends are talked bad about.  Has been well known to fuss over one little thing for hours on end. (She basically wants to win the arguement.  In all truth, only her friends can stop her long quarrels.) However, she is a good friend to have and one that is wise to keep.

Basically, a little bit of me and a little bit of tomboyishness mixed together.

Now, understand that the Personality explanation was done as good as I could possibly give.  If you still don't understand it, then there is no hope in you understanding this charcter.  However, I wouldn't be surprised.  She has been proven to be a tough charcter to work with.  In fact, I have yet to see someone use her well.  I hope you can pull this one off.  She is a tough one in the end.


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THank you for the stuff now I will begin soon. I will get to work on it and show a preview of the first chapter on here.  :DD

I hope I can get a starting start with what I got. thanks you all  :yes



  • Ducky
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Your welcome. I'm sure that you'll be able to make a story.

(A very sure)


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sounds good Threehorn! Look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Happy writing! ;)


  • Ducky
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I'm even more excited then before. If that's possible.

(An even more excited)


  • Ducky
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Wow, it's been a while sense Threehorn posted this topic. I sincerly hope that he remembers to post the first chapter.

(A very sincere)


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Hi sorry to say that this idea of a story is kind of in the mud without a way to get out at the moment I feel washed out with a wave of big water hitting me... I've had so much on my plate and other things getting in the way causing me not to get much done I've done only about 2 and half pages that sounds so lame of me but I will try to get the first chapter done and show you all it I hope....

Keep your fingers crossed people I will get this story moving to chapter 1 complete I will try! my very hardest if things dont get in the way :S



  • Ducky
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Yes! *Does crazy dance* I knew you'd remember! Sorry about all the stuff you've had to do. Eww, Big Water tastes yucky.

(Disgusted at Big Water)


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Right I've finally did this first chapter and posting it here. sorry it took so long, so many things just appeared over the time I was doing it.


Chapter 1: Trip Trot Wish

A group of 5 children aged between 12 and 14 head through the thick of woodland for a camping trip over the week heading to the river they would of left earlier but some raining weather in the morning stopped them. Now the weather was light and bright during the mid day point the 5 kids made their way through bushes down and up embankments and around some trees travelling through the leafy and stick covered brownish forest floor.

Wayne looking around as they step through the forest “Wonder how long these trees took to grow” Wayne moved his hand on a tree as they walked by it “Jay where is this clearing over by the river?”
Jay looked at the compass then Wayne “the river that way” Jay points “we have to reach the gorge we travel alongside it to the bottom the river should be there” Jay told the group
Malte looked at the direction then at Jay as they walked “That a good 3 or 4 miles from here it going to be almost sunset when we get there and if we not stopped” Malte spoke sounding like there could be something that could stop them.
“What would stop us in the middle of no where?” Chris Asked from the rear of the group.
Malte looked back “Forest rangers the area we going in as I warned before a area that many leave alone.” Malte told him as he turn back looking where he was going.
Evelyn walk up beside Malte “Well we all agreed to have some time camping so there no problem to it. A time all by ourselves.” she said feeling up for it.

Jay changes the subject “Did you guys watch Land Before Time last night? I did, can’t get enough of watching them.” Jay was saying as he walked over a low over a small stream of water.
Wayne ties a red tie around a tree “Yeah I enjoyed it as well” he told as he finished tiring the tie on the tree and follows the others now in the back crossing over the log.
Chris looked at them “I hope a sharptooth wins for once” he said that and they looked “Hey what can I say I like T-rex” Chris said and they went back to keeping a eye on walking through the forest floor.
“You and your Rex. Your sharptooth mad” Evelvn said and Chris laughed a little “But your choice and I respect it, people have all their own tastes in dinosaurs, what leaf eater do you like? I like the flyers flying in the sky with a nice little glide I can dream it” Evelvn said thinking and forming a image in her mind.
“Day dreaming won’t get us there” Malte said and Evelvn snaps out of it
She look at him as they walked under a arched over tree “Your too serious, where your sense of imagination?” Evelvn asked Malte
“No, I find imagination to be uncreative” Malte answered and Evelvn speaks back
“How can you like Land Before Time?” Evelvn said back
“I like the first one it can’t be beaten and the new ones are all unreal to my view” Malte said back pointing out floors in it.

“Oh great here we go” Jay mutters as they walk on.
Two hours pass and they come up to the gorge Malte and Evelvn arguing about Land Before Time movies coming up with one come back after the other unable to end it. Wayne then walk between them “Ok quit it now guys this has gone long enough and we at the half way point or so” Wayne said to them
“We are?” Evelvn walk fast up to where Jason stood with Wayne glad the arguing came to an end.
Malte looked at Wayne “Thanks for cutting it I thought we would never be done in arguing that topic I couldn’t end it and she just kept striking back with a blade of courage” Malte said as he and Wayne caught up with the others and then saw the land for themselves down below the higher land that they was now on.

“Wow this is amazing so that where the clearing is?” Wayne pointing at the grass plain little area by the river “why this are be off-limits?” Wayne searched his head a little
Jason took a glance at Wayne “Beats me, but why talk about it? Lets head down” Jason then moves on down to the right taking a slight steep path down to the ground with the others soon following
Malte took a glance at the land then walks behind them “It looks like the Great Valley from Land Before Time, I think they took a team here to draw the land then use it for a background image and for imaging” Malte said to them walking steadily but he slips and almost fall over Evelvn grabs him before he goes flying over on his back.
“Careful Malte the rain made this area a bit muddy just watch your footing” she spoke with a smile on her face he smirked back
“Thanks Evelvn” he moves on carefully this time down the slope with the others.

They reach the bottom and Chris looks back up “Ok now this is taking the mink, we have to go back up that? It going to take us hours!” Chris said with the look in his eyes not looking forward to doing it.
Wayne laughed for a second then said “it took us hours to get down what the differences?”
Chris thought about it and sighed “It did… great, didn’t realize and now I do guess we have to in a weeks time” Chris walk on behind Jason speaking to them as he did.
Wayne waits for the others and then walks behind Malte as they head for the final leg of the journey “took a bit of time but from the look of this journey it was grand” Wayne said looking around and up at the forest trees and leaves that cover most of the sky and view around them.
“A place of quietness, I’ll enjoy it here” Malte said as they walked up a bit of a hill then see the clearing with the rest just below the hill they see the sun has set already and the stars starting to shine they see one bright star in front of them brighter then the others.

“Hey look there is a large star why don’t we all make a group wish?” Evelvn suggested
“Wishes are never real so I don’t see any harm” Malte spoke looking at the star.
Wayne smiled “I’m in, are you Chris?” Wayne turn his head to Chris
Chris nods “Yep” he replied
“I don’t want to be the odd one out so I say yes as well” Jason said looking at one each of their faces “I think we all know what to wish” they nod in turn and then look to the star.
At that point they all thought in their minds making the wish ëWe wish to see the Great Valley for our own eyes” as that thought left their minds the star shined brighter for a second then back to it normal shine they didn’t take much notice of it and head down to the open field to set up for the night.

They set up the tents and as night closed they sat all around the campfire that was made “Looks like everything ready for the five nights here” Wayne scanned the area that had forest covering around in a horse shoe shape and the river in front of the camp leading from the clearing they in.
“Best place to be at. Jason you’ve done yourself this time around” Chris raised his mug of hot chocolate up as he spoke.
Jason shrugged his shoulders up a little then drunk some of the chocolate then speaks “Well I just knew it was here and thought my friends should come here with me on a camping trip such as this” Jason said to them putting his mug down yawning a little.
Malte looked over at Jason “why don’t we all settle down for the night looks like we all need it” Malte suggested seeing how tired others are.
Chris nod once “Malte good idea, I’ll put the fire out and you get to sleep” he said to them getting up onto his feet.
Evelyn stood up and went to her tent climbing in she popped her head out to them “Goodnight” she said and closed up.
Wayne shook his head a little “I am going to follow her example good night” Wayne gets up yawning and pulling his arms up a bit.
Malte looked at Wayne, Jason and Chris for a second he saw their appearance change for a second he closed his eyes rubbing them then opened his eyes “I am defiantly tired” Malte suggested to himself to understand what he saw thinking his brain was going to sleep already.

Chris put the fire out and soon everyone was in their tents fast asleep with the clear night sky above with the full moon and stars. It seem to be a perfect night time over the open area but the big bright star shines brightly then flash over the open land for a few seconds the light left with nothing happening to the tents.

Sunlight beams into the face of Jason it was strange his tent was closed so he shouldn’t feel the light not that direct maybe a shade of colour from the tent itself he opened his eyes seeing it was morning but no tent. “What’s going on? Where my te…” he noticed something really strange he tried to move his fingers but something wasn’t right he couldn’t feel any movement of one finger but the palm moving it in one fixed movement.

Jason felt something else it was a fifth limb he known he felt it and moved it at will but the form of it was now making him panic a little he raised his head up but he notice something when he breathed in the air channelled down something long it was his neck. Jason moved his eyes crossing them a little then he saw it a object in his view he moved his head it moved with him he stuck his tongue out raised it up seeing it at the end of the object.
“No… no that can’t be real” he stutters then he turned his head around looking at his body it was wide with a ridged back with a tail and his legs now on wide hips but he saw claw feet on the end of the legs not two but four he felt had to know and made his back right leg move planting it on the ground feeling it he stood up on all fours he feeling the touch of the soft grass ground. “It is real… no it… NO!” he shook his head closing them

“Count to 5 then open my eyes and I am in my tent” Jason said while his eyes closed “1… 2… 3… 4… 5…” he opened his eyes and looked down to see clawed front feet then he almost screamed but held it back instead he found the river running to it finding it easy surprisingly he smashed his head in the water for a few seconds he held it in the water then raised it out shaking his head a little “ok… screaming won’t help… need to keep clam…” he said in a shaking voice “I am a dinosaur not that a longneck, but how… it not possible in any real sense” he muttered “and talking to that very weird but good in some… the others!” he stops and remembers about the group he ran back to the others but in the rush tripping over landing on his back sliding into a tree he laid on his backside with his back legs and tail resting with some of his back up towards the tree.
“Maybe not so easy” he then sees two small dinosaurs sleeping while looking upside down from where he was he managed to pull himself over getting himself upright.

Jason nudges the small swimmer with his snout the swimmer opened it eyes slowly blinking “Which one is it?” Jason’s first said to it
“Malte who else…” he said looking at Jason just seeing his head in the view of vision “Jason where did you get the dinosaur head costume from and why you said that to me like that?” he asked not knowing what he looked like he sat up using his hands as support that when he felt his body his legs, feet and something else touching the grass with his lower torso.
“Look don’t shout” Jason said with a stutter in his voice for a second
Malte slowly looked down he saw greenish yellow scaled legs with three toed clawed feet attached to them and sitting there naked he jumped up and covered his lower part of his body between his legs “I don’t know why I look like this but naked! What the…” Jason put his front foot on his beak another to make him close it half way from raising his voice.
“Don’t you think I don’t like this as well” Jason pulled it away putting it back on the ground “I don’t see anything there anyway most likely hidden but that not the point, we some how been changed I don’t know how though” Jason said looking at Malte with his head lowered again.
Malte raise his claw hands away looking at them seeing only three finger claws and thumb claw he put them on Jason’s snout and said “It feels real enough…but how? Couldn’t be that wish I made I don’t believe in such things” Jason moved his head up and Malte hanging on “Jason…”
Jason put his head down and Malte let go touching his feet on the ground “Sorry Malte something about the wish made me think. What did you wish?”
“Nothing much just a non-productive wish being in the Great Valley what was yours?” Malte asked him and Jason nods once “you mean you’ve wished that too? Could?” he looked at the other sleeping forms of dinosaurs around them
“I think so” Jason only said then look at the flyer “Lets wake this one next”

Malte put a claw hand on the chest below the beak of the flyer and shook a bit with it waking then looked at Malte a female scream came out but only for a split second Malte putting a claw hand over the beak closing it “Shh Evelyn it Malte” he said and the let go of her beak
“But how? Your well look like a dinosaur… don’t you dare say I am one too” Evelyn warns him
“Yes you are the flying type” Malte said and she using her claw on the mid point of the wing moving it whacked him across the face he holding his beak a little to the right side “What was that for?”
“I told you don’t dare tell me that” Evelvn said sitting up looking over herself “great small winged beaked dinosaur, I would love to find the formula of how wings of this type of dinosaur work but being one… this is crazy” she said standing up looking at Malte at eye level “Well at least we the same size now” she chuckled
Malte crossed his arms with a frown in his face “thanks for bring that up…” he scrolled.
“What about the other two?” Evelvn looked over at the last two
Malte looked at her oddly “aren’t you freaked out about this?”
“Yes but going mad over it won’t help us hmm?” Evelvn put her claws on her sides with the wings folded up a bit as she looked at him Malte just shook his head couldn’t be asked to get into another argument with her.
Jason turns his eyes from them to the other two “I guess they Chris and Wayne but which though?” Jason said as he looked back at the other two.
“Jason?” he nods to Evelvn “Well lets wake the spiketail first” she said to him
Jason then realise something “why are we calling each others types by Land Before Time style?”
“Cause we wished to be in the great valley” Malte said looking up at Jason “Well wake the spiketail”
“Me?” Jason raised his head a bit looking at both of them still both nodding “Two small friends and they gang up on me” he sighs and walks over to the spiketail he using a front foot put it on the back gentle and shook it back and forwards a little.
The Spiketail open his eyes yawning with his vision not that clear as he looked at Jason “Which one? Wayne or Chris?”
“Chris I believe I was last called, why have you forgotten it?” Chris spoke at him with the same unaware notice of what happened but then he noticed in a second he looked down to see part of a snout “can someone tell me why I feel like I haven’t eaten in days and why I feel like I got nothing on with my body strangle shaped?” he said a set of questions
“Wow now that strange I thought you’d being a spiketail would of not be able to talk like that still” Malte said to Chris walking around into his view Chris stood up quickly and step back then look at Malte
“Malte? Your…” Chris pause seeing the look on his face “erm never mind how did this happen to me? And us? We’ve…”
Jason speaks over him “Ok ok enough with the questions we don’t know but panicking isn’t going to help us at all” Jason first said and Chris looking at him seeing what he is “All I know it was the wish”
“And I thought it was the fire playing tricks with my eyes last night” Evelvn speaks up “but that wish we all did must of trigger something to happen to make us like this” she said walking to Chris and lent on his front leg.

“Now for Wayne” Jason said with them all turn their heads to the threehorn sleeping still “Erm his going to react badly to this” he said and looked at them with a small look of concern
Evelvn moved off Chris leg and looked at the threehorn “Couldn’t be more wrong”
“We can’t just sit here…” before Malte could finish Wayne’s eyes slowly open Jason was the first to move towards him Malte, Evelvn and Chris
Jason clear his throat best he can “Wayne. Erm something happened to us from that wish we made and we’ve well been turned into dinosaurs all of us” Jason said carefully to Wayne putting the words into place Wayne blinked then looked with his blackish scaled threehorn head blinking he then screams but Jason put his front foot under his lower snout and shut it “quit it!” he said to Wayne
Wayne looked like he was in a panic just as the others feared “Wha… what happened!? How did the wish do this!? It not right! Turn us back wish us back” Wayne said to them in a right state in his voice.
“We don’t know how to. We all just woke up like this only 3 minutes ago was me then the others follow suit please stop panicking” Malte said trying to reinsure him
Chris speaks next “I know it weird being a four legged threehorn but we can’t do anything being in a panic” Wayne looked at him and shakily nods once.

Wayne then said “where are we?”
“Great Valley I guess but not sure where about though but best to stay out of sight from others in this…” Evelvn starts suggesting then Malte tap her back and points she looks and the others do as well
“Better act like dinosaurs from Land Before Time cause here come the very five dinosaurs and we in their path” Malte said to them with a very well suggested idea.

The group then was met up by the very five dinosaurs both sets looking each other with short silence looks


  • The Gang of Five
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working on this was hard enough but if some sences look different to the style it writen in some parts is cause of the long periods of time it took me get this done I said I will do the first chapter and kept my word on it enjoy reading it.

like to hear how you like it as well or any comments.



  • The Circle
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Interesting story Threehorn and I'm sincerely looking forward to read how it is going to continue :)
I suppose it also tells us a bit about how we may be perceived.
“No, I find imagination to be uncreative”
This is one thing the real Malte would definitely never say. What can there be more creative than imagination? It's what all creativity is based on.
I suppose it is my preference of keeping fantasy and reality apart (to enjoy both with all my heart and mind) and my preference of keeping non LBT elements out of LBT which may have caused this impression. But of course the characters in the story don't make any claims about forum members and you have a fine set of various characters there Threehorn. Nice job!


  • The Gang of Five
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thank you very much I thought about the style of looks a characater is from what people had writen and created something a little different to the real people here. :) it only fiction isn't it :p

well I will try to get to work with the LBT story and get anotehr done


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  • Littlefoot
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Okay, read the first chapter.  Very nice.  However, your spelling and grammer could use a little work.

For instance, you continuously spelled "Evelyn" wrong.  You often made the "y" a "v."

I think you're getting the point. :)

Other than that, pretty good.  I especially enjoyed Malte and Evelyn arguing over Land Before Time.  Pretty much like me and Malte. :lol Despite our arguments, I do consider us friends. :)

Now, where I come from, people would have a thing of length. (Each chapter MUST be at least 6 pages.) Not me though.  I don't mind length very much.  It's what's inside that counts. :p

So, let's see, the list of what we became is...

Jason: longneck
Wayne: threehorn
Malte: swimmer
Evelyn: flyer
Chris: spiketail

Hey Malte, do you enjoy being a swimmer? :lol:

Hey, any chance of this being on soon? :)

Just curious.

Well, gotta go.

See ya later. :^.^:


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I can put it on fanfiction but it will not have another chapter for some time. I am off to USA on June 8th for 12 weeks.

thanks for the comments

- THreehorn


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Quote from: Threehorn,May 30 2006 on  01:48 PM
I can put it on fanfiction but it will not have another chapter for some time. I am off to USA on June 8th for 12 weeks.

thanks for the comments

- THreehorn
Oh, you headed to the USA?  Where in the USA?  Maybe we'll end up meeting. :DD


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working at a summer camp in IOWA near Des Moines called Sunnyside from 8th june to 20th of augest after that I will have from that day to the 12th of september in USA before returning to the UK.


  • The Circle
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Each chapter MUST be at least 6 pages.
That's another thing you and I would argue about. I don't think that chapters ought to be defined by number of pages, but rather by content. If there is a change in time, situation, location whatever, I would tend to open a new chapter. I probably would have made one when they all fall asleep and started a new one with their being dinosaurs. I don't overrate the importance of where chapters are set, but I consider a new chapter a very good point to stop reading and continue next time you pick up the story.
Hey Malte, do you enjoy being a swimmer?
Quite fine with me. if it comes to my physics I would probably make a dinosaur not overly strong, but very fast at running. In size I would not be a tinysaur as for my mind and character... well oh my god!!!  :lol
Wouldn't make a good carnivore with my unwillingness to attack anything other than verbally (I would end up talking some herbivore into allowing me to eat him or her), then again I'm definitely not a vegetarian. I might be a scavenger, then again I would probably grow sick of it!  :x  An eggeater? Oh no, the poor kids! I would probably starve and die  :DD
I've been to Iowa's northwestern corner for a few days during my exchange. If your stay will be anything like mine you are going to have a really good time Wayne. I'm yearning for new shores these days.


  • Ducky
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SPIKETAIL?! Gosh darnit. Aw well, still, great story none the less! Oh, and you captured "Me and my Rex" wery well.

(A very very very happy)