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Land Before Time: Twilight Valley

Serris · 509 · 32581


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The Swimmer had already escorted Ozzie to Grandpa Longneck.

It was now daytime and Deimos, armed with a stone tipped spear, approached the dinosaurs.

"So anything new come up?" Deimos asked.

"We caught an intruder." the Fast-Runner replied.

"Good. Has he been delivered yet?"

The Fast-Runner nodded. "Yes."

Littlefoot, Hyp and Nod were patrolling the Feeding Grounds.

Strut was also with them. He wielded two stone tipped javelins and a hollow reed with some poison darts.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Deimos then turned to Lori. "So Lori, your arm doing any better?"


Strut, who was still patrolling the Feeding Grounds stopped for a break. "So, I heard Ozzie's been captured."

Hyp nodded. "Yep. We're going to interrogate him soon."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I guess it feels better..." Lori said, glancing down at her arm skeptically. "But I don't know. I've never worn a sling before, or really broken my arm either..."

She glanced off at the wall of the valley with a frown. "Has anyone ever tried to find that mystical blue stone that's supposed to be in the caves around the valley? I heard the Claw Valley dinosuars might be after that..."


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"Good to heard that Lori." Deimos replied. "As for that stone, I was not present when it crashed into the valley but I do know that every cold time an expedition has been mounted to try and find that stone. Each cold time, the stone moves within the valley. The most recent expedition was the last cold time and the stone was found in a cave at the base of the Smoking Mountains."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Well if they found it, why didn't they do anything with it?" Misty asked, walking over to where Deimos and Lori were.


"Alright boys, I think we've got to go a little bit lower" Kit said. Twiz, Skylar and herself were trying to fly through the mist as best they could at as high as they could, but it was becoming clear they'd all but have to fly low to the ground to see anything of where these flowers were.

Hesitantly they all flew lower. "Eh, that's some nasty looking water" Skylar said, seeing a nearby pond, "even if I was thirstier than I am now, I don't think I'd think about drinking it". Kit and Twiz nodded their agreement. Down below, a tail flicked in the water briefly and a pair of eyes swam along following the trio.


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Deimos shrugged. "I don't know. But from what I gathered, the valley residents seem to fear the stone." He then turned to Lori and Misty. "I am considering mounting an expedition to search for the stone. Would you consider coming along?"

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Well..." Misty thought, "It does still sound like a bunch of dirty water...but yeah, I guess I'm curious about if it's real or not so, I'd come along" she nodded.


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A spear toting Runner ran up to Deimos and the group. "Deimos, a strange blue rock has appeared in the Great Rock Pass."

Deimos's expression darkened. "Hmm. I'll check it out."


In the Great Rock Pass, the current patrol there was gathered around a medium sized blue crystalline meteorite.

"What is this thing?" a Swimmer asked. He jabbed the meteorite with his stone tipped lance only to receive a painful electric shock that threw him to the ground.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"I would...if I could move!" commented Longtail with a scowl on his face.
"I'm still worried about she back yet?" he asked with a concerned crack in his voice.

Grandpa Longneck chuckled at Longtail.
"Now is not all that bad. You can relax for a while, and try to think of ways to help the valley until you can fight again." said the older Longneck.
He then turned to Deimos and said, "You would be right...we did...and still do fear the stone...but as for where it is...I can't say, because I don't remember."


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"I'll go along," Lori siad, not suonding at all eager, but that was only because he was carefully controlling herself. He was really excited and eager to see this stone.


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Misty as well as reservations, and alot of them, but she followed anyway as Deimos made his way to the stone. She frowned as they got closer, seeing the one swimmer already on the ground. "Please tell me he just fainted and Grandpa wasn't right" she muttered to herself.


Skylar turned back once more, frowning at the water they were flying over. "Something wrong?" Kit asked, turning back to look at him.

"Look I see yellow flowers!" Twiz exclaimed, pointing. Kit quicky turned that way once more, "That's them!" she said, "the one's Littlefoot had to find before! Oh we found them, now we just have to...".

A bellydragger leaping out and snapping at Skylar, who quickly darted closer to the others, interrupted her.

"Quick! Fly that way!" Twiz ordered, flying as high as he could while still being able to see in the fog, with the others following, as the three of them headed towards the land where they saw the flowers. The height they were at seemed safe but was a bit unnerving as everytime the bellydragger, now on land, leapt up to snap at them he almost caught them.

<"Hey! We're sharpteeth too, so let up!"> Twiz yelled down at the bellydragger in sharptooth. The bellydragger just smirked, "Well given how long it's been since I'v eaten, I don't really care right now, all that's around here are those nasty furry things".

Skylar, as a full meat eater, and even Twiz to an extend, felt a bit sorry for  the poor bellydragger, and Kit's soft heart made her feel sorry for him too, but that didn't mean they were going to offer to fix the hunger problems personally. "We've got to get higher!" Kit glanced up at the fog and wondered if maybe they could try to find their way through it...


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Deimos ran over to the Swimmer and gently tapped him. "You okay?"

The Swimmer groaned and staggered to his feet. "That damn rock! It... threw me to the ground when I poked it with my spear."

"Hmm. I'll take you to Mr. Bigmouth. Misty, Lori do you mind helping some of the elders guard the stone?"

The Swimmer shook his head. "I just need to rest a little."


Inside one of the bushes near the stone, a gold fast-biter was eavesdropping.

So that's the legendary Stone of Cold Fire? he thought.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Lori shook her head. No, she didn't mind. She was staring at the stone with a shocked expression. She was almost afraid to get near it, but decided she would probably be okay if she didn't touch it.

She glanced over at Misty. "Well, I'd like to see those Claw Valley sharpteeth take it if no one can even touch it."


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"Remember Lori, if they want it; they'll find a way to do it." Deimos said.

And that's what we'll do. the gold fast-biter thought as he ran towards the exit.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Misty had to frown at first at the prospect of guarding a rock that had just done that...but she nodded, "Sure, be happy too", ok maybe that was exaggeration.

She laughed at Lori's comment though, "Yeah, I'd like to see that too".


"Ok, someone tell me what we do now" Skylar said, looking to where the bellydragger blocked their path to the flowers.

"Don't you get it, an innocent flyer's gonna die if we don't get those to him!" Kit shouted at the bellydragger urgently. Twiz translated and when the bellydragger just smirked, he next frowned.

"Look, there's plenty of flatteeth who don't think highly of sharpteeth or bellydragger or anything like that, do you want to prove them right?! Now for once, have a heart!".

"Fine" the bellydragger said, "I'll let one of you go back, but not all, I need two other potential meals to chase". Twiz and Skylar looked at eachother and before anyone could say anything, turned to Kit, "Kit, you go" they said.

"What?!" Kit turned to them, "Oh no, no way I could just abandone you guys to...".

"We'll be along shortly" Twiz whispered, "just to not waste time, go on now and once we dodge the bellydragger we'll follow".

"We won't take no for an answer, it's the only honorable way to go about it, we can hold our own better than you" Skylar said. Kit sighed, still hating the idea, but flapped down and like he'd promised the bellydragger let her get a flower and fly back up with it.

"I'm flinging it towards the first of those in the Great Valley I see and coming back for you boys" she said. "Won't be neccessary" Twiz assured her, "we'll be along shortly".

Only knowing the boys would just argue with her more, Kit forced herself to begin to fly off back towards were the Great Valley was as she tried to think up a way to also help the boys.


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The gold fastbiter ran to where Theta and the rest of his forces were camped out.

"We've found the Stone of Cold Fire." the fast-biter said.

Theta grinned. "All right group. Let's roll!"

The gathered dinosaurs cheered and brandished their weapons.

They then headed into the Great Valley via that same exit.


"I hear shouting." Deimos said, "and it's coming from the outside."

The Swimmer gulped and brandished his stone tipped lance. "Oh no, I think the Claw Valley dinos are invading."


Theta and Hasta led the assault.

The entrance was lightly guarded, with the only guard being a Spike-Tail and a Fast-Runner.

Hasta and a Claw Valley Clubtail quickly battered the Spike-Tail guard to death and a Claw Valley Spikethumb (Iguanadon) grabbed the Fast-Runner and slammed his thumbs into the Fast-Runner's neck.

The Fast-Runner escaped by using one of his hands to gouge the Spikethumb's eyes forcing him to let go.

The Fast-Runner then bolted into the valley, leaving a trail of blood behind him.


A Fast-Runner clutching his hand to a deep stab wound in the side of his neck arrived at the group. "The...Claw Valley dinosaurs...they're here..." He then took a final breath and collapsed to the ground, dead.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Misty rushed forward to check the poor messenger's pulse, but of course it was too late, she stepped back and glanced in the direction he'd meant.

"No way this rock could help defend us is there?" she asked as her gaze stayed fixed on the direction they were apparently heading from.

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Grandpa Longneck wasn't expecting an attack like this, and he said, "Little ones, someone needs to look after Longtail." he then looked to Deimos and asked, "Which way are the attackers coming from?" as he stepped forward to defend his home.

Longtail moaned and said, "Oh...this is gonna get bad!!"


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"They are apparently coming towards this entrance." Deimos said. A series of shouts and roars coming from the entrance confirmed his words.

Littlefoot, Hyp and Cera had arrived at the group. All were breathing heavily.

"An attack?" Hyp asked.

Deimos nodded. He then turned to Misty. "Try throwing or knocking the enemies into the rock."

"Talk later, prepare for battle now." the Swimmer guard said, readying his stone tipped spear.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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With a nod, Misty raised and aimed her stone thrower, letting the vines snap and hurl a rock straight into the midst of the attackers...


I must be crazy, that or Longtail's rubbing off was all Kit could tell herself, yet she was given some relief in that her "crazy" plan was working to an extent.

"Kit, what part of getting the flower..." Twiz began annoyed as Kit darted past the bellydragger once more, causing him to turn in that direction, "No guys, really, the mist's making it harder on him too, just...get down here and do what I said".

"It's worth a shot" Skylar sighed, and darted down to dive just out of nose reach of the bellydragger and make him turn towards him before Kit diverted his attention the other way. The belydragger was starting to feel teased.

"Stop moving so much ya winged morsels!" he shouted. Kit glanced up to Twiz, almost inviting him to join in too, but in a specific way that Twiz caught the hidden signals of yet still wasn't sure of. Either way, they had to try something. Twiz dove straight for the bellydragger and as the meat eater turned forward again, Kit and Skylar darted by in an X formation on either side as well, causing the bellydragger to try and look that way before Twiz being all but in his face shocked him further and he ended up reeling back and flopping onto his back on the ground near the flowers that had looked so promising of a position before.

Twiz and Skylar laughed, "Alright, now that's a successful team right there!" Skylar said as Kit even grabbed a few more of the flowers just in case and the trio flapped back towards the Great Valley.