The Gang of Five
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Lylat Tales

Explorer · 868 · 53478

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bill spoke into the mic. "Fox, good to hear you, we've got problems, and I know you guys are kinda busy, but if you could spare some reinforcements...Cornaria is under attack by a massive fleet! We only have a few trainees here including my son, and we're getting pounded!"

Jason was struggling at keeping his ship level and out of harms way with the laser cannons continuous firing. And just as he had a clear shot at the bridge a warning alarm sounded and realized the right wing of his ship had been ripped clean off by a stray bolt, but he fired a smart bomb at the bridge regardless hoping to take them out as well.


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"Fox froze.. "Corneria under attack? Very well, I will send help." Fox said to Bill
"Team! Head out! Corneria is under attack!' Fox barked into the radio.
But Fox! We still haven't investigated the base!' Krystal protested. the blue vixen appeared on Fox's screen. "We have to investigate.."
There's no time Krystal. Bill needs help. We'll return to this sector after we drive off the invaders" Fox said. He had strong feelings for Krystal, and she for him, but there was a decorum they both followed. The job came before thier personal relationship.. and now, the job was defending Corneria..
"Very well.. but i sense that if we don't investigate now, the task of destroying the base will be much harder later..'
 Fox sighed. "that's simply part of the business..' he pulled away from the base and began flying away towards the distant planet of Corneria.
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Albus's eyes widened as he saw a red disk flying towards the ship, instantly bracing and throwing himself to the ground just before the explosion took place and blew away most of the ship's bridge, leaving only part of the cockpit intact.

"System failure" The machine now spoke. "System failure"

"Damnit!" Albus cursed, running through the exits to reach the flight room, where his spare fighter awaited. A normal fighter model used by most of his army. "I'll show you how you fight!" He added, entering the ship and flying away.

From the outside, the front part of the ship completely exploded, leaving behind only clouds of smoke. The rear part of the ship remained in the air for a short period of time, falling right after.

Albus could be seen piloting the fighter that just came out of the clouds, straight towards Jason.

"Target acquired." The ship's AI alerted.

Albus didn't hesitate in shooting immediately.


"Commander, what was Colonel Fox's reply?!" Will requested, flying away from the swarm. "I'm getting pinned!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bill looked up as he saw one of the capital ships explode and could see Jason in a dire predicament. and just as he was about to call into his mic and warn his son, Jason's ship spun in a 180? spin all the way to the ground before exploding.
"JASON!!!" Cried Bill in a moment of fear and regret for his son.


Several seconds earlier

Jason pulled away from the exploding husk of the capital ship he'd just destroyed single handedly. He was feeling good, but that feeling died quickly as a single direct hit blew out his shield systems and breached his cockpit, and in an act of desperation as the cockpit filled with smoke he spun his ship in a 180? circle hoping to kill a few of the flames and keep hisself alive as his ship crashed violently into the ground, and burst into a bigger ball of fire.


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"What the... is that..." Will stammered, looking down to the radar. An ally fighter was indeed crashing down. But the name... "JASON!" Will called out, switching the flight direction towards the explosion site.


"HAHA! ONE DOWN!" Albus taunted, turning another ship of the fleet. "Engage in battle! That one won't bother us anymore!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bill was already outside the communication center and running as fast as he could to get to his son's fighter. He skidded to a halt in front of the downed wreck and could see only fire and busted ship parts with no sign of Jason in sight.
"Jason...." was all Bill could say as he took off his helmet and let it fall to the ground.

"Hey dad...lookin' for me?" called Jason as he stepped around the wreckage of his fighter plane holding his helmet under his arm. "Heh...had you guys worried did I?" he asked with a rough smile as Bill embraced his son in a hug


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Fox climbed out of his plane after doclking in the Great Fox. "How long before we reach Corneria ROB?' "30 hours.. at curent speed.." came the robot's reply. 'So we've got time to kill" Fox frownd.
Krystal entered the room from the hangar " So why the change of plans Fox? you know we were supposed to inestigate the base!" Krystal was dressed in a blue flight suit, which highlighted her features, and msade her look very attractive. it was times like these where Fox really enjoyed having her on the team.. Fox was dressed in his usual suit with a green jacket. "Bill's in trouble.. he called me for help..."
Bill Grey? what's he doing in Corneria?' bKrystal asked sitting down on a sofa
"His son jason is graduating from the Cornerial Flight school.. well he's saying a massive invasion fleet appeared and they only have a him and a few trainees as a defense at the moment...' Fox laid his head back on the sofa. " I Just hope we get thee in time to help.."
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As the fighter landed inside the new ship, Albus jumped out and stormed through all the doors he could find, eventually reaching one of the offensive team rooms.

"Take that damned building down! You made angry now!" Albus roared, almost capable of throwing out of the way most of the pilots.


Will sighed in relief at the sight.

"That's good... Is everything alright, sir?" He called down through the communicator.

The enemy fleet had started firing out all the cannons they could. Many buildings all around were erratically being annihilated into dust as the fleet made its way through the city. In fact, the fleet was just above them.


"Prepare the land units!" Albus commanded with a confident voice.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Both Jason and Bill looked up and could see the devastation happening as the buildings were being bombed to rubble. And almost immediately Jason had his blaster pistol at the ready and said aloud, "We need to get a secure location NOW!"

Bill nodded in response to his son's statement as he pulled a rocket launcher from his back. He then placed his helmet back on his head and radioed to Will, "We need to get under cover, the enemy ships are bombing the city and we need all the help we can to keep these ground forces at how 'bout lending a hand?"


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"The Cornerian forces don't seem enough to deal with this, sir! I'm going to land and help on the ground!" Will replied, diving immediately and flying directly into the hangar. "I'm a bit out of control here!"

With that, Will nearly crashed against another fighter, but managed to make a u-turn and land upside down.

"I'm okay!" He immediately informed, jumping out of the ship with his Zapper ready to used.

He ran outside and stopped by Bill and Jason, pointing the Zapper at the soldiers that had just come down from other transport ships.

"Commander, we should find shelter! There is no chance we can repel them on our own!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bill fired a rocket and fell to one knee to avoid a shot aimed at him from an enemy unit."You're right Will, EVERYONE back to the Communications Center its closer and easier to defend."

Jason at that moment fired several shots from his pistol and then turned and ran for cover where his father had told him, turning only once or twice to fire over his shoulder.


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Atr this time, the Great Fox, moved past Fichina,  it had to pass Meteo to reach Corneria... Fox and Krystal were playing cards as the image of Peppy suddenly appeared,. 'hello Fox, Hello Krystal. As you know Corneria is now under attack.. we are trying to fight back we are being overwhelmed. Unless you get here soon, the planet will be lost.. You must hurry.. my commanders tell me the longest we can hold out is 36 hours..probaly less.."
We;'re on our way Peppy" Fox eplied. 'we just passed Fichina.. we just have to make it through the asteriod belt and we'll be there! Hang on!"
We're trying.. Peppy out!' Peppy said and the image vanished.
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"Ooooh, this is bad, Fox!"
Slippy piped in. He had just returned from making a few minor repairs in the docking bay when they received Peppy's transmission.
"Didn't even get to investigate the base, and now it looks like we're about to have ourselves one heck of a close call. It's rotten luck we were so far off when all of this started!"
Slippy set down a few loose tools and proceeded to do a routine check of the ship's guidance system, more to calm his nerves than because he expected to find anything abnormal.


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"we've had close calls before slippy" Krystal said.. oputting down a card..'this willsimply be another.. Once we drive the invaders off.. we're heading back to investigate the base.."
Only if we have time.. Peppy may have another mission for us.. " Fox said. Peppy had taken over for General pepper, who had commanded the conermian Defense for many years.  Sadly, General Pepper had passed away a short time after stepping down..a couple weeks, and he was gone.. Fox had been greatly saddened to hear of his passing, the entire team had put black crepe on thier wings as a mark of respect and paying tribute to the late General.
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"Affirmative!" Will responded, trying to clear his way in by shooting the nits that now backfired against the building's walls.

With the invasion approaching, Will backed against the wall and kept shooting back while following the rest of the team further into the Communication Center.

"How far is Colonel Fox from Corneria, commander?" Will asked out.


"Albus, sir." A unit interrupted. "Radars detected a massive cornerian move from the city against the second main ship. What should we do?"

"Tsc, what are they? Civilians?" Albus muttered, trying to pay attention to the screen in front of him.

"Yes sir, and some cornerian army units."

"Then take them all down. Army first. We'll let them know what we can do."

"Yes sir." The unit replied, walking back. "Order to kill. Throw the army down, then head to the civilians."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Jason fired several more times and made sure everyone was inside before closing the main doors. He then set the building into lockdown mode and activated the automated guns to defend the structure. "This is getting bad. We need a plan to retake the city and fast, we seem to be running out of time, and resources." he said with a frown as he turned to his father. "Dad, what do you suggest we do? Commander?"

Bill sat down in one of the communication chairs and sighed. "I hate to admit team, but unless we get some air support any attack we make can be bombarded from up above, and that would cut our plans real short. I'll try contacting General Peppy to see what he thinks."
Bill then signaled the radio. "General Peppy do you read? This is Bill Grey are you there? Over?"


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The responbse came in with static. "Bill.. This is Peppy.. the communications have almost been completely severed.. I'm sorry but you're on your own.. Fox and his team are passing through the Meteo field and should be there in a matter of hours.. You'll have to.. best you can.. then..  help is coming.." the link died..
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"Jason, gimme a hand with those!" Will called from the balcony, shooting down at the lined array that threatened the building with powerful shots.

The complete set of shots that hit the building hit a very large area of the balcony, but Will was somehow shielded at it since the shots simply seemed to pass by, never a straight shot at him.

"Commander! I suggest we pick our ships and fly away from here!"

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bill growled as he heard the Generals words.
"Of course..." the Communications building was then rocked by several explosions. Bill furiously typed on the keypad in front of him and pushed the enter key as he said aloud, "SHIELDS UP!"

Jason had to admit he was nervous, but his nervousness was slowly giving way to anger for several reasons, but the most prominent was the fact that they at the moment were helpless to defend their Cornaria.
Jason lashed out and punched the closest wall with his fist. "ARGH! This is insane! We almost never stood a chance, they had us outgunned before we knew they were here! And even then...when we tried to fight back, they drop War ships from the sky and blasted me out of the sky! All that training for nothing!!!"


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The great Foc carved its way through the asteriod field, in the distance the planet of Corneria grew larger and larger as they approached.. "Team.. lets head to the arwings.. we need to get there as soon as we can" Fox said, getting up from sofa and heading to the hangar..
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