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Fanart for Sharptooth Valley


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Dark Pterano

  • Chomper
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There's something I do need to point out before it turns into a fight between DH, Chomper4 and Brek.

(1.) Yes Chomper DH did already do Tera, the picture is called Petrie's Mom as a Sharptooth.

(2.) Brek Tera is the name you gave Petrie's Mother, check the chapter when Petrie and his Mother went looking for Pterano, before his big fight with Sierra.


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  • Littlefoot
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I'm a she, actually. Sorry, I wasn't sure if you were referring to me or not in that statement.

Now as for the other Tera, I don't know as I never even heard of this Tera, from TDV, before. And if I do, it won't be in this topic because this topic is for Sharptooth Valley fanart only, not Total Drama Valley.

I apologize if I'm misunderstanding again.


  • Ducky
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I'm sorry for even making the TDV art page in the first place.


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Drew a new picture. This time I decided to try something different. Instead of just a character profile, I thought of drawing a scene.


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  • Littlefoot
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That's nice. they look even more evil than the original chars.


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  • The Circle
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That's a really nice thing to see a complete scene for a change. Are they Rinkus and Sierra?


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  • Littlefoot
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Although this isn't for Sharptooth Valley specifically, it was still inspired by it.

I wrote a scene for this. Here it is:

Littlefoot couldn't sleep. He rested at his mother's side, his head lifted up and he stared up at the sky. When was it going to be morning already? He was feeling restless and his hunger made him wish they were at the Great Valley.

Then something caught his eye. Something small moved in front of him. It was a small longneck, looking like it was probably a newborn. Littlefoot's first thought was what was it doing out here all alone. But then instinct started to take over and he licked his lips, his eyes tracking the small creature as it disappeared into a small jagged closure.

Littlefoot to up and started to make his way towards the creature. He suddenly paused, and glanced back at his mother, who was still sleeping, as well as his grandparents. Wasting no more time, Littlefoot moved towards the creature again.

The baby longneck looked behind it, spotting Littlefoot closing in. Frightened, it scurried down a slope, where a thick blanket of mud awaited. Littlefoot tripped, and struggled to get back up. He took another step, but was immediately stopped when another sharptooth, roughly his age, came dashing towards him, stopping him in his tracks.

"You again?!" Cera, a fastbiter, a bit smaller than Littlefoot, cried, baring her teeth. "Go away! That's my longneck!" With an evil smile, Cera turned her attention to where the baby went off to.

Littlefoot frowned. "I saw it first!"

"Well it's in my pond!" The fastbiter responded as she disappeared over the slope.

Littlefoot followed her. He quickly lost his footing and slid down the slope. Cera was smiling at the baby longneck when she suddenly felt Littlefoot slam into her, pushing her into the mud. She glared up at Littlefoot as the baby longneck tried to get away. Littlefoot could only smile nervously, but he turned his attention to the small creature.

Cera got out from underneath Littlefoot and lunged at the baby longneck. She missed, slamming into the mud. Littlefoot took his turn, snapping at the baby with his teeth, but instead of meat, his snout became covered in mud after a bubble popped in his face. The two sharpteeth sat there, looking left to right to see where the baby went off to.

Then, next to Littlefoot, a large bubble formed, the face of the baby longneck on it. Cera whipped her tail from side to side and lunged at the bubble, Littlefoot getting out of the way just in time. When the baby disappeared, Cera looked around again. Behind her, the baby appeared again, looking larger because of the bubble that was forming around it. Cera lunged again, missing entirely.

But instead of getting frustrated, she started to smile. This was almost like a game to her. "Hey, this is kind of fun!"

The two sharpteeth started to giggle, playfully lunging at the baby longneck, who was becoming ever more frightened. A few times, Cera and Littlefoot lunged into the mud just for the fun of it, usually in completely different directions than the baby was. The two laughed so hard that they didn't notice the baby running away as a shadow casted over them.

The ground suddenly began to shake. Littlefoot and Cera froze as a huge bellow rang out. They looked over to see an enraged male longneck running towards them.

After a second of stunned silence, Cera screamed, "FLATTOOTH!"

"Help!" Littlefoot cried as he and Cera dashed away from the angry longneck. "Mother!"

"Help!" The two cried in unison as they slipped onto their backs because of the mud. Flattooth was now upon them. They quickly got up and ran, a heavy foot slamming behind them just where they were.

Flattooth bellowed again, snapping at the sharptooth kids with his jaws. The kids managed to get away from him and headed towards a thorn bush. A longneck was too big to get inside. Surely, it would make the beast turn back. Littlefoot and Cera hide beside a wooden base of one patch of thorns and looked up. In an opening overhead, they could see the face of Flattooth, the teeth bared in anger. The two kids felt their hearts race, breathing increasing, and they moved back.

Flattooth pushed his head into the thorns, sniffing at the air as he tried to figure out where the sharpteeth had went to. He reached the bottom of the thorns, where Cera and Littlefoot were. He still hadn't spotted them, but that didn't keep him from pushing down on a piece of wood that the kids were hiding underneath, pushing them into the ground as he continued to sniff. He snorted and lifted his head up and moved back slightly, thinking the children may have gone that way.

After that close call, Littlefoot said as he gently bumped Cera with his snout, "Go!"

He and Cera immediately began to slink away, grateful that a longneck's sense of smell was not as strong as a sharptooth's. When they came across two different trails, Littlefoot immediately called to Cera, "This way!"

Cera stubbornly refused. "Uh-huh!" She immediately ran down the other tunnel, ignoring Littlefoot as he called after her.

"Wait! You're going the wrong way!" Littlefoot tried to catch up to Cera before it was too late. But Cera was way out ahead, being a fastbiter.

Suddenly, they ran across an open away in the thorn patch and Flattooth immediately spotted them. He immediately lunged forward with his long neck, pushing his body against the ground and ignored the thorns pushing up against him as his head pushed into the thorn patch. Littlefoot barely dodged the mouth and became entangled in thorny vines.

Littlefoot struggled to get free, biting at the thorns to try and free himself, but it was no use. He looked behind him. The longneck was roaring at him, trying to push his neck further into the tunnel to get at him. Littlefoot struggled as hard as he could, and finally the vines snapped, sending him flying forward and the vines whipped back. Before Flattooth could react, the vines slammed into his face, cutting across his face.

Roaring in pain, Flattooth pulled his body out from the thornbush. He shook his head, feeling blood trickle down his face from the cut. He looked ahead, trying to find the sharptooth that had dared harm him. Once he spotted the two fleeing sharpteeth, bent on getting even for what happened to his eye and teaching the sharpteeth a lesson for trying to harm his son, Flattooth raced towards them.

He slammed his front legs into the ground close to them, causing the sharpteeth to fall to the ground. He lowered his head and hissed at them. Then he prepared to attack...

Suddenly something rammed into his body, causing him to stagger back, hitting his head against a rock. Furious as the children ran towards the newcomer, a huge female sharptooth, Flattooth smashed the rock with his strong neck, screeching.

Littlefoot looked up at his mother. "Mother?"

The sharptooth nudged her son and then Cera. "Run! Run!"

She immediately turned her head back just in time. Flattooth rose up onto his hind legs and tried to slam into the sharptooth. She immediately moved her body back, avoiding the blow. Then she snapped her jaws forward, trying to grab the longneck by his head. But Flattooth managed to dodge out of the way.

Littlefoot looked up, seeing his mother's foot raised above Cera. "Look out!" Cera saw the foot and immediately got out of the way as the foot slammed down.

Flattooth snapped at Littlefoot's mother, barely missing her. She let out a loud hiss, snapping her teeth at Flattooth. The enraged longneck narrowed his eyes and snapped again, but didn't land a blow. Littlefoot's mother backed up, letting out a loud hiss. She lowered her head and rammed her head against the longneck again, causing the animal to fall back. Thinking the danger was over, she started to walk fast beside the two young sharpteeth.

But Flattooth wasn't finished yet. Suddenly, the mother sharptooth found herself being pushed into the ground as Flattooth slammed into her. Then Flattooth bit down onto her back, driving his teeth into the back of her shoulders.

Littlefoot and Cera dove behind a rock formation, slightly raised above the ground, and looked at the site in horror. Littlefoot's mother struggled to get the longneck off of her. Eventually she managed, but the longneck's teeth had already done damage, noticeable by the blood that now stained her shoulders. Littlefoot and Cera ran off to get out of the way as the mother sharptooth staggered to the side of the cliff.

Littlefoot's mother looked in horror as Flattooth barreled down on her. She dodged his slamming attack, but got stuck between the ledge and a rock that leaned towards it. Flattooth took this chance and reared up onto his hind legs and struck down with his strong front legs. Instead of doing harm, he ended up freeing the mother sharptooth, the rock formation completely shattering under his weight.

She staggered further ahead, dodging the jaws of the longneck. He snapped at her again, missing her completely. Littlefoot's mother turned around and returned Flattooth's fearsome bellow. She smashed her head against him one more time and the longneck fell backwards, several rocks pounding onto him as the trio of sharpteeth fled.

Then the ground began to shake. A crack split into the land, starting to split the land itself, increasing inside. Littlefoot watched it as it went underneath him. The land began to shake again and he nearly fell. Frightened, he and Cera began to run away. Littlefoot's mother looked around as she suddenly found herself on a raised piece of land and her son and the fastbiter were nowhere in sight.

Scared from becoming seperated from the huge sharptooth, Littlefoot and Cera looked behind them to see Flattooth was up again, and running straight towards them. They immediately began to run away, feeling the ground shade beneath them partially thinks to the enraged longneck.

Soon, Flattooth was upon them again, his feet smashing into the ground next to them. The pair of sharpteeth did a good job at dodging until at the last moment, when Flattooth's foot smashed into the ground, causing the sharptooth to literally ride on his foot as he continued to walk. Suddenly, Flattooth stopped, causing the sharpteeth to fall off of him. The earthshake was causing the piece of land they were standing on to break apart. Flattooth lifted his head to the sky and let out a roar of frustration.

The piece of land started to tilt, causing Littlefoot and Cera to roll towards the edge of the cliff. Flattoth watched them as he, too, began to slip towards the edge. Suddenly the longneck's tail swooshed forward, hanging over the edge. Littlefoot and Cera immediately grabbed onto it as Flattooth struggled to get himself up.

"Help!" The two youngsters shouted in unison.

"Mother!" Littlefoot's mother immediately turned her head as she heard her son's voice, her eyes widened in fear.

Flattooth was almost over the edge. Only his neck remained on top of the breaking piece of land. His feet were pushed against small ledges, providing him away to keep himself from falling over, but it wasn't going to last too long. He felt the youngsters run across his back and he roared in anger as they leaped out in front of him, trying to reach safety. The kids tried to run, but kept slipping and rolling towards him. Flattooth snapped at them several times.

Suddenly a thick tail slammed against his head. As Flattooth lost his footing, Littlefoot's mother immediately lowered her body and snatched Littlefoot and Cera by their tales and lifted them up. The two kids watched as Flattooth fell into the big underground, his roar rapidly growing fainter until he disappeared completely from view.

Littlefoot's mother lowered her head and released the two. She gently nudged Littlefoot to follow her while Cera ran in another direction, desperately looking for her father as the earthquake continued to wreak havoc across the land.

Note: I may shade the picture sometime, if anyone is interested.


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  • Cera
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 That is a very good pic, if you shade it it may get even better... but only if you want to do that :DD .


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  • Littlefoot
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Wow nice job on that one Kacie. You can really see who is who in that picture. Love it :)


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