The Gang of Five
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The "Would You Rather" Game!

tempestwheel · 1095 · 96625


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Very little money doing a job I love.  I'm sure I can find a way to live with only a few clothes, a tent and whatever food I can buy.  I choose this because of the fact that I have a job I hate.  There comes a point where even tons of money doesn't sway you when you hate your job.

Would you rather fight Nightmare in Metroid Fusion with only 1% of collected items or take on Gannon in the first Zelda game in a minimalist run?


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Nightmare 1% all the way (considering I've already done 1% runs twice). I find the last dungeon of Zelda to be challenging enough casually let alone on a minimalist run (which would mean doing it swordless as well). Now if you want a hard Metroid challenge fighting Mecha Ridley in Zero Mission on Hard 10% is where it's at.

Would you rather have LBT continue making more movies/seasons but RhettxAli become canon or never have any more LBT releases?


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Of course the former! >:D

Would you rather ride wild big sharptooth or make head-in-mouth trick with belly dragger?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2018, 04:44:21 AM by Sneak »


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Ride a wild sharptooth!

Would you rather watch a movie with good heroes and a terrible villain or a movie with a good villain and terrible heroes?


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Last time I dislike heroes and love good villains, so... I pick the second one.

Would you rather make a deal with LBT Sharptooth or with Redclaw?
(in Dr. Strange's style, lol XD
in Dr. Strange's style, lol XD)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 06:45:56 AM by Sneak »


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Redclaw!  I can have a better chance of coming out of it alive and make him look stupid to boot.

In the following scenario, you died in one of two ways.  However, which was it?

Were you stabbed in the heart or Electrocuted to death in a comedic fashion?


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(well, just remember that Stupid Claws is villain and Sharptooth is not, so big green guy can be more suitable for you in some possibilities, especially when you're trying to make a DEAL (only if you're not that longneck or his friends, of course))

since in pure comedy can't be true deaths or hurt - I prefer electrocution that will tickle my fingers! :3

Would you rather go with gang to a place that is called "Place nobody returned from" for some more serious reason than just going to adventure, OR - be sane child dinosaur and stay at home? :P


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Go with the gang because it's too exciting.

Would you rather die in a place where it's illegal to die or be born in a place where it's illegal to be born?


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Of course I want to be born!!! :O
Or else how would I stalk Finland for uncut LBT copy? XD

Would you rather try to say a wish to true Stone of Cold Fire when legends say that this stone turns your wishes against yourself like evil genie, but you have a very serious reason to do it, or would you not do it and try to look for another way to solve problem?


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Find another way to solve the problem.

Would you vote for a day where crime is legal or vote for a day where you have to give a gift to someone you hate with a passion. (Note that the latter cannot involve hurting them in any way, shape or form.)


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Second choice.


Would you rather join Cera's position and go around or Littlefoot's position and go straight through dangerous place to find Bron?


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Join Cera.

Would you rather go back in time and kill Hitler when he's a baby or go back in time and kill baby Donald Trump?


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I choose the second.
I find it risky to change history. How would the world have changed in the last, almost 100 years, if Hitler had never had any influence? No one can say that.

It's a little different when history is going on. We don't know how history would turn out if Donald Trump lived on. But we don't know what history would be like if Donald Trump would die either. But exactly that is history, changing things.
Well, how I would change history is another question. The fact is, I don't want to change history as it happened until now. That's why I'm taking the second.

(By the way, Hitler almost drowned in a river in his childhood, but he was saved.)

would you rather fly a jet plane or a propeller plane?


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I am afraid of high and flight, so I would use some safe propeller baby plane...

Would you rather forgive Sharptooth who killed your family member in distant past because he was hungry and let him go, or you would not stop until you make revenge?


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Would you rather have Ducky & Petrie in a love relationship or have Littlefoot & Cera in a love relationship?


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Cera, don't kill me, I know about your secret feelings towards this cute flathead! :Mo Opposites attract,right?  :angel So I choose second one.

Would you rather make your travel through Burning Mountain area or area filled with one dangerous Sharptooth you can't avoid so easily (if you can at all...).
« Last Edit: February 07, 2019, 03:08:17 AM by Sneak »


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I'll take the Burning Mountain.

Would you rather do your taxes yourself for free and possibly get stuff wrong, thus being contacted by the IRS and possibly be charged with tax fraud or would you pay a tax expert a ridiculous fee, but get it right?


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Okay, let's try something else then.

Would you rather watch all three Fred movies in a row without stopping or watch the top ten most hated YouTube Videos in a row without stopping?


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I haven't watched even one Fred movie, so I'm going to just continue watching hated YouTube videos.  :bestsharptooth

Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?


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Would you rather watch all three Fred movies in a row without stopping or watch the top ten most hated YouTube Videos in a row without stopping?
I know this was a couple posts above now, but I wanted to give my own answer anyway. I'm going to say watch the ten most hated YouTube videos, just because I'm a bit morbidly curious to know what they are. :lol Whereas with Fred, I already kinda know what to expect. :neutral

^I would rather be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease. Exploring a new planet sounds exciting, but dangerous at the same time.

Would you rather the aliens that make first contact be robotic or organic?