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Star Wars Quest

F-14 Ace · 78 · 11467


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"Hyperspeed?" Tuvco looks at him "We use a different system to what you call hyperspeed that technology is outdated" Tuvco without emtion words to it "forcefields are not able to withstand a phaser or torpdeo, logic detacts we make it look like we getting damaged then fire a Phase Alpha shot from the deflector that will knock out their systems in one Phase blast wave"

"Make it so" Captain THreehorn ordered then look at Ralis "I don't know what systems you use but ours look like it is 300 years beyond your times"

F-14 Ace

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Ralis said, "We have had space travel capibilitieds for over 50,000 years.  We have had hyperdrives on ships for over 30,000 years.  
An officer said, "It is too late!  He's damaged our shields!
Ralis said, "Alright, I sugguest we get out of here now!  I've commanded a ship before so I know what I'm saying.  If your technology is as advanced as you say, then he should have trouble catching us."


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"Tuvco let out a deflector blast and then Lt. Mattians engage to Warp 9" Captain THreehorn orders the ship fires a pulse which destory the fighters and the ship goes to Warp 9 in a second.

"I want to know why the sub-light shielding failed" he demands looking at Tuvco

"I believe the prototype shielding was mis-alined and cause a minor damage to the shield generator I will have to run a level one scan of the shields next time I believe as logic would suggested the ship sub-light shields would be able to hold off all attacks next time" Tuvco said to the captain

"Then you and Blex get on it right away and I want a word with you sir in my ready room!" Captain Threehorn walks into his ready room connected the bridge. Ralis follows as Blex and Tuvco get to work on realining the sub-light shields.

"I don't know who the hell you are but you talk to me like that again on my bridge I will personally throw you in your craft and launch it out of the shuttle bay at high warp!" Captain Threehorn said with a anger tone in his voice "We brought you on board to save your life and all you do is tell me to do this do that! well here is a bases to how command works here your a guest and guests have no rights in command to tell me what to do or my crew the only ones that can suggested things is the serinor crew! Do I make myself clear" he said to Ralis sitting in his chair looking at him with a anger look on his triceratops face.

F-14 Ace

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Meanwhile, on Beauta, Paito had decided to go back to his old profesion.  Jack decided to accompany him on this hunt.  THey travled to the spaceport in Thunderhead.  They boarded the Dark Vengeance and took off.
Jack asked, "What is the target this time?"
Paito replied, "A pirate named Yazet.  I heard about some activity in the Dagret System."
He set coarse for the system and engaged the hyperdrive.


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Tuvco came in the ready room a hour later "Sir I've realined the ship shields and now we can take on a Borg fleet if needed, logic proved to be right"

"Good, bring Ralis to my ready room" Captain Threehorn ordered

"Aye sir" he leaves the room and Ralis comes in 2 minutes later.

"Sit down Ralis I like to know more what wil be up against in this galaxy" Captain Threehorn asked drinking some herb tea.


Blex notice a ship heading right towards them in a very long warp speed which will be in view in 30 minutes compained to their speed it was only traveling in a hyper stream no faster then warp 2. "Tuvco we got a ship heading towards the system we was in it going to be in veiw to us in 30 minutes but to them in the hyper stream they will not see us."

"Keep a lock on them and track their movement they might be a hostile force" Tuvco said with calminess

F-14 Ace

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Ralis asked, "Yes sir, do you have a map that shows where we currently are in the galaxy?  There are some places we probably can't go.


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"We have a astromastric lab on Deck 7. it shows a very well designed and uptodate position of every star and where we are and if there any ships near by to the range of our senors" Captain THreehorn said to him "I would take you there right now, if you like"

F-14 Ace

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Ralis looked at the map and outlined an area.
He said, "This is Imperial Space.  Although the empire was defeated, they still control this area.  There is currently a dispute betreen them and the republic.  Also, this area over here is Chiss Space.  They aen't too friendlt either.  Steer clear of Imperial Space though.  Admiral Thrawn isn't one to take prisoners.  Oh, and we are currently in Wild Space near Beauta now.  Over here is Raptoria, my home planet and in the center of the galaxy is our capital, Coruscant.  We might want to go there.  I'm sure they will not shoot us.  This large area here is the Unknown Regions.  For some reason, it has never been fully explored.  If you want to see something new, go there.  The only charted planets in that area are Kailel, CHiss, and Kema.  Rumor has it that some nasty things lurk there though."


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"I see this is amazing detail... the federation is alot different look at our galaxy" Captain THreehorn push some panels and the Milkey way Galaxy it showed where the federation sat in the Alpha and Beta Quanters and how much of the Galaxy been mapped out. "You see we come from a galaxy unlike yours and for some unknown reason the races on our galaxy delevloped techology at a faster rate then you and one race is the threat of any galaxy which we can't truly kill. the Borg" Captain Threehorn looked at him.

F-14 Ace

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Ralis said, "Yeah, there are some trouble makers here too.  30,000 years ago, the Rakata started taking over the galaxy."
He pushed a button and the map zoomed in on a planet in the outer rim.
He then continued, "This desert planet is Tatooine.  The people refuset to join the Rakata so the Rakata bombarder the planet with an orbital strik.  It was once a lush, green world until they destroyed its ecosystem.  The Rakata had incredable technology.  They were the ones who invented out hyperdrive.  Then, while I was in hiding, some explorers from outside the Galaxy landed on Dagret.  They called themselves the Yuuzhan Vong.  THey pretended to just be looking around but I sensed they were trouble.  They left and I never saw them again.  These Borg, did they have ships and machines that were actually alive?  Because I think they might have come here."


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"Borg work in a collective a hive mind linking them all together and their ships are Cubes, Spheres and Dimoards theses ships all have assimaltion technology that turn those of free well into drones under the control of the Hive and the Borg Queen. the Borg have transwarp technology which is far more advanced then normal warpdrive. but they can create transwarp portals... if they did out this far then you all would of have been turned to Borg by now cause you haven't they haven't got this far, still confied within their own area of our galaxy growing in size slowly turning worlds into their own worlds" Captain Threehorn told him as images came up on records of Borg attacks on the federation.


on the outer rim of the galaxy a transwarp rift opens and 3 small ships followed with a tactical Cube and 20 building ships arrive and head towards a nebla and high impluse no one aware of the new arrivals a small ship saw them but a beam from the Cube destory it as the ships enter the nebla and the building units starting to built a transwarp gate.

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Meanwhile, Paito came out of hyperspace.  He saw the wreckage of a hip then a large cube object.  It began to attack.  Paito said, "Let's get out of here!"
He turned around and sped off into hyperspace.  About 22 minutes later, Jack said, "Paito, there is a large vessel ahead.  We should report that monstrosity we saw back there!"
The bounty hunter replied, "Yeah, I think you're right.  Attention, unidentified vessel, we need help!  Something tried to attack us!"


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"Captain this is Blex we being hailed by a small ship it just entered hyper stream and at our speed be out of range in 2 minutes should we drop to matching speeds?" Blex asked on the comm.

"Do it so tell them to drop out of their hyper stream at the system we entering" Captain THreehorn asked and close the channel

"small vessel you are asked to drop out of the hyper stream at these cooridates we will dock you in Shuttle bay 2 as directed and the captain will meet you in shuttle bay 2 to talk about the matter." Blex said to the small ship


"Vessel heading out of range we will intorcept at grid 77, 92" the collective voice said and another voice spoke looking at the view

"No let them go, they will have no time or resoruse in time to stop our transwarp gate till the main Borg ships arrive we will not leave this star system this will be a base of operations for the Borg and we will sprend and assimalted them all" the Borg Queen said looking at the screen.

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Paito docked with the ship and explained what he had seen.


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"Borg..." Captain Threehorn said with a mutter "They're here... looks like what you saw was the most powerfulest of the Borg the type 4 tactical Cube once encountered by USS Voyager." he said to them "looks like the race you talked about created a fake race name to hide their true reasons from whoever met them at first Ralis. they are back and planning a massive invaision in this galaxy" Captain threehorn said

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Actually, Threehorn, the Yuuzhan Vong were in tehNew Jedi Order book sierries I am reaging.  THey are a takeoff on theBorg I think.
Anyway, Paito asked worriedly, "What are we going to do?  Would a starfleet help?"
Ralis answered, "Well, a standard star destroyer is 6,000 meters long and packs a whole lot of firepower.  A super star destroyer is 17,000 meters londg and has the power of halfa starfleet.  Beauta has both types of these ships in theor fleet."
Jack said, "They have them on the moon of Ision.  THe fleet has over 5,000 ships.  The Beautians control this system so as long as these Borg stay here, the people of Beauta have every right to take action.  Their ships are  manned by droids so it would be hard to turn them into Borg.  Would Beauta help?  We can send a transmission to them."


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"the borg will be able to..." Captain Threehorn get a call from the bridge.

"Captain long range scans showed a new type of Cube... the Fusion Cube it 8 cubes fused to one large one it heading deep into space heading on a heading of 092 mark 2 it heading for a large fleet of massive star ships" Blex reported

"they must be taking care of defence around the star system..." Captain THreehorn muttered

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Paito said, "Beauta has three planetaty shields powerful enough to repel a bast from the Death Star.  If they have them up now, they should be safe, right?  I've already lost one planet!  I'm not losing another like I lost Alderaan!"
As they watched, a green laser shot from Ision and blasted a huge chunk out of the Borg superweapon.  another laser did major damage to the cube.  Suddenly, the borg fleet turned and dissapeared into space.
Paito said, "Ision had superlasers capable of destroying a planet.  It seems they have fended off the attack for now."
Jack looked at the Borg's coarse and said, "NO!  They're headed right for Raptoria!  The planet is defenceless!  They'll be slaughtered!"
PRalis said, "It looks like the fleet is spliting up.  the other half is headed for Bespin!  I'm going to contact the Jedi on Yavin IV but they are on the other side of the galaxy.  it will take time to get here."


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"Captain there something near the fleet the cube was at it a..." Blex was cut short when a massive subspace explosion happens and all the ships that fought of the cube blow to pieces

"I got bad news the fleet that defended themselves against the cube is destoryed the Borg led the fleet to believe they was taking heavy damage they planted a bomb of some sort and blow a subspace rift open for a moment it was enough to destory the whole fleet and for the homeworld of your kind Ralis we heading there to stop the Cube with our own new technology it should destory the cube before they get there" Captain theehorn said as the ship gave chase after the cube


Borg Queen watched "Federation... now this might be a problem Fusion Cube change heading to a planet that seem to have nother more the cities all over it set a course and bombard the planet level everything." Borg Queen ordered and the Cube change course.

"That will keep the federation busy while the gate near completion once it ready no one can stop the Borg" Borg Queen said to her collective as she watched her plans working perfectly.

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Ralis asked Captian Threehorn, "How do you normally deal with these guys?  Is there any way you can get moreof your Federation people here?"
An officer said, "Captain, the borg are changing coarce!  They're headed for a planet in the core.  It is the capital!"
Paito said, "Coruscant!  They are going after Coruscant!  Is there any way to slow them down?  I fought to free the galaxy from the Empire and I'm not going to just watch as it is taken over by some invading slime!  It there any way to stall them at all?"
Ralis said, "If there is anything I can do th help, I will gladly do it."