The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

New Surroundings

Kit12 · 709 · 31940


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"Ah right" Peter said, "the anything that can happen then...I guess I'm doomed".

Henry chuckled a bit, "Don't worry Pete, keeping your mother from killing me is another reason I'll watch real carefully to make sure nothing happen like what did to Mr. Anderson here.

"Well we must be getting back to the lab" Henry went on, "Unless you have to stay specifically at your post I suppose you can come along". Just stop freaking out my nephew he thought but didn't say that part as the group (with or without Frank as he chooses) made their way back towards the lab.

"Hey do you think we'll bump into Mr. Hammond?" Peter asked, sounding every bit the star struck kid, he'd only seen the man busily bustling about every now and then. Henry laughed, "Don't worry Peter, you have to bump into him eventually, he runs everything here".


"Yes, that could be it" Ducky admitted. "So...if that's the case...we're in another Great Valley?" Cory asked, trying to figure out what what Chomper said might mean.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail finally began to stir himself awake. He blinked several times as he asked in a confused tone.
"W-where are...we. Its...a...wall? Why are we here, shouldn't we be looking for this Great Valley place?"


John Hammond at that moment happened to be carrying a clipboard in his left hand and using his walking cane in his right, and was far too preoccupied to see Pete or Henry coming around the corner, and bumped into the two. Hammond dropped his clipboard from the sudden stop and chuckled.
"One of these days, if I'm not careful I may just walk right into one of the dinosaur habitats and then I'd be in real trouble." he said with an amused tone. He then looked who he'd bumped into. "Oh dear I'm sorry boys. Here let me help pick this up."


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Chomper thinks for a bit, "Didn't Littlefoot lead you guys to the Great Valley? Maybe he can again." He says after thinking back to some of the stuff the gang told him.

Diver nods, "I heard the stories that he did, I certainly did." Diver said nodding remembering some of the stories she had heard.  "Ducky said that and I heard other stories that said that also." She paused for a moment, "Though I did hear a story once that said that Cera lead them to the Great Valley.  But only once and that was long ago."


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Ducky giggled but not unkindly to Longtail, "Yes we still plan to do that, we do" she answered the fleyr.

"Yeah I heard that too" Kit replied to Chomper with a smile. She turned her smile over to Petrie to find her cousin all but frowning. "Petrie...?" she asked. The flyer let out a sigh and shrugged, "That...not go so well, me fall in sinking sands pool and she not even notice, Littlefoot and other even have to save me".

"Oh..." Kit frowned a bit, "Maybe that's why she never mentioned it. Gee speaking of Cera I wonder if she's around too?".

"Well perhaps our first thing to do should see if we can't find her" Littlefoot said, "Her and Spike, Come on guys if they are around we shouldn't leave them all alone wherever they are". With this Littlefoot began to lead at least the kids out much like he always did.


Henry smiled, "Oh that's quite alright sir" he bent to help the Park's runner pick up the items. Peter, on the other hand, just stood there, "Wow..." he breathed, "Y-your Mr. actually here! Wow I knew I'd meet you working with Uncle Henry and all's honor, sir".

Henry looked both a bit embarrassed and amused, "Um meet my nephew Peter McIntire, Mr. Hammond" he pointed out, "he's interning down in the incubator room, getting a bit better of an education than one more year of High School's likely to provide".

Peter snapped out of his admiration a bit and now bent to hand Hammond his clipboard back, "Uh...yeah, plus considering my scientific discussions paper on trying to prove a Raptor's maternal instincts was deemed poorly researched I don't think I'm missing much" he chuckled a bit.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Ah Mr. Hammond good to see you around and all the hallways are secure and there is no fence damage,' frank said walking up to the group while continuing his patrol of the hallway.


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Chomper started to follow Littlefoot walking along as he started sniffing while holding his muzzle up and moving it around a bit as he sniffed trying to see if he could catch any scent of Cera or Spike.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail blinked, and slowly slid off of Littlefoots back. He stepped up to the wall as he spoke.
"You guys go ahead...I'll catch up...I wanna see something, about this wall." he then reached out and places his claw on it. Immediately his eyes widened and memories from his past came flooding back, as if the Thundering falls had landed on his head. He remembered everything! But in his shocked state he fell backwards again and landed on his back with a smile. 'Alright...but..wait...I remember more, like...HOW I GOT HERE!' thought Longtail as his happiness turned to anger.


John stood back up with a smile. "Ah Frank good to see you here too." he then faced Pete and chuckled.
"So it seems I'm a local celebrity here. I never thought of it that way before." he then thought about what Henry had said. "Ahh the incubator of my favorites! So Henry, where were you, Pete and Frank headed? I suppose the DNA labs can wait a while longer for these notes...after all...I pay them!"


  • Ducky
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Pete smiled, not really sure if Mr. Hammond was kidding or not, "Uh, well Sir" he answered for his uncle, "we were just heading back to the Incubator room to see about getting me back on task on watching some of the one's who aren't hatched out there".

Henry looked confused at what his nephew said, "Pete, there aren't any hatchling or anything out there yet, we're still breeding them all in our inucubator room, remember I told you that, for control and all that".

"Oh" Pete said, "But while I was out there I saw a little Stegosaurus hatchling in a bush" he answered. Henry frowned deeply.

Just then Dennis and another random personnel hurried down the corridor, "I told you to...!" he began to hiss at his companion before stopping at the sight of Hammond and the others.

"Ah, Mr. Hammond" Dennis chuckled, "I was just getting a soda and then I was gonna go watch those computers again, no worries, no shirking here, come on" he tugged his companion along the hallway.

Peter frowned, "He's a bit...odd" he admitted.


Kit frowned inquisitively at Longtail wanting to be alone but shrugged and decided to let him do it. Ducky glanced back though in time to see Longtail fall and both her and Kit rushed over to help him up. "Longtail, are you alright?" Ducky asked. "What happened?" Kit asked, she was perplexed by Longtail's look of anger.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"I was just heading for the lounge since my shift ended two or three minutes ago,' frank said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail felt Kit and Ducky helping him to stand up, and when he realized he still held his face in anger he sighed and tried to smile but coudn't. He then asked without turning to face either of them:
"Is there a mark on my back, kind of like a sharptooth tried to bite me? Cause if there is...then I at least know how I got here and why I couldn't remember anything."


John nodded to Frank. "Alright you do need your rest. I however will be accompanying Pete and Henry down to the Incubator Room." He then watched as Dennis pulled the other scientest down the hall. "He's highly qualified, but odd is probably the right word for him." Hammond then turned and began walking back to the incubator room.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Yes he is a strange fellow,' frank said to himself after Hammond and the others walked off.


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Kit and Ducky looked a bit perplexed. Ducky peered nonetheless, "Um...yeah" she said, "there is a small mark here" she pointed.

"Were you attacked or hit while we were fleeing all that sky fire and burning mountain water?" Kit asked, since that was the last thing she could really recall having happened.


Henry Taylor (since he need's another last name being Pete's maternal uncle) continued leading both Mr. Hammond and Pete back down towards the Incubation room. "I really do like it in here too, Mr. Hammond" the teen commented as they walked on in, "it's so neat, watching them all hatch and stuff".

"Ah sir" another personnel rushed up, "we were just going to contact you, one of the Rex eggs looks about ready to hatch, come on there Henry let's make sure the monitors still stay stable and all".

As they made their way over, Peter hardly knew what to think. He'd glimpsed a few of the predators but mainly down here he'd been watching herbivores hatch, the predators were still a new thing and so this larger, moving egg was still quite an experience.

"Pete" he heard his uncle say, "the light". Peter adjusted the light to not be to overbearing to the poor thing as a nose started pushing it's way from the egg...


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Having no idea what was going on Chomper, Diver, and Mim sat down to rest, not knowing when they'd get the chance to rest next.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail finally turned to face Kit and Ducky. He sighed as he retold what he could remember.
"I was trying to run and get away from the sky fire, and fire water from the smoking mountain, when I felt this sharp pain in my back...and then I don't remember much...but I do know I woke up once before, and I think I was being carried by something, I'm not sure what...but I know I tried to fight back...and in the moment I felt something like this wall here...its...strange." Longtail then sighed again as he looked at the ground.


Dr. Hammond rushed over to the now hatching egg and smiled. He stepped over the egg and pulled several small pieces away from the hating baby rex. "Come on little one...come can do it." he cooed as the baby rex pushed its way out.
"Are we getting this on camera Pete?" asked Hammond as he continued to watch.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank walked into the lounge and sat down at the bar. "What do you want,' the bar tender asked. 'Lager.' frank replied. Frank looked to his left and saw Robert Muldoon. 'When did he arrive,' frank asked the bar tender. "He arrives a few hours ago,' the bar tender replied.


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Cory had paused as well with the others, and waited, thinking Kit and Ducky would lead Longtail back over soon...but they stayed their talking. Cory sighed, "I'll go get them back on track" he said,  beginning to walk over.

Littlefoot stepped in front to stop him though, "Cory...if Longtail wants us to know too he or the others will tell us".

Cory sighed, "Well Cera would never stand for that, and until she's here to say so, I'm saying so for her". Cory rushed over as Littlefoot sighed. He then turned to Mim, Diver and Chomper, "I guess we should try not to lose them", he walked over but not as quicky or close as Cory just yet incase they were just going to head back the other way again.

"S--something?" Kit asked, she didn't like the way Longtail had said that word. "what kind of dinosaur did it look like?".

Ducky looked at the wall. "What's going on?" Cory asked walking up. "Longtail remembers some strange other kind of dinosaur and this wall" Ducky answered.

"Oh, well then maybe we should go over and see what it's all about" Cory said in a tone as if he were suggesting a very normal plan.


"Camera, oh right" Peter said, quickly fumbling the camera up, but luckily in time as the little Rex pushed it's way all the way out or partly so. "Wow..." Peter sighed, "for a deadly predator...he's cute, makes me want to name him Biter or something".

Henry gave his nephew a weird look, "Well considering it's a she...".

"Oh right" Peter said, "then I'll just think on the name".

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail closed his eyes and tried to remember. Flashes of what happened moved through his mind.
"They...were two footers, but...they were...strong...really strong. But I can...tell you this, they were shorter than a full grown longneck." said Longtail as he opened his eyes. He then reached out as if to touch the wall again, but instead clawed at it using all his strength.
All that he got however was a loud screeching sound that hurt his ears, and only three small white markings. Longtail nodded his head as if accepting something. "Yeah...same stuff, tough and hard to scratch." whispered Longtail to himself.


Hammond smiled. "She is cute isn't she. Well all names aside, we do need to get her into a proper heating chamber so she stays warm. Henry could you help me with this?" he asked as he lifted the rest of the egg away from the baby rex.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank walked over to Muldoon. "Mr Muldoon,' Frank asked. "Yes what is it,' Muldoon replied before noticing franks tail. 'So you're frank anderson,' muldoon said before taking a drink of his coffee. "Yes that's correct,' frank replied. "Well I just want you to know that you have my respect,' muldoon said. "Thank you,' frank replied before asking "Do you mind if i sit here with you'. "No I don't mind,' muldoon replied.


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Mim nodded, "Yes we should all stay together and not wonder off in different directions.  WE're still not sure where we are or if any dangers are nearby like unfriendly sharpteeth." Mim said.

"Yea, let's go." Chomper said, and the 3 of them walked over to where the others or longtail or wherever the majority are.


  • Ducky
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Kit winced as Longtail clawed at the wall, having not expected it. "Longtail...yikes, warn us before you do that".

"Same stuff as what, Longtail?" Ducky asked as Cory and the others approached. "What's going on?" Cory asked. "Longtail might remember more of where we are, he might" Ducky said.


"Right away sir" Henry said, helping Hammond to clear the shell away and then relatively clean the baby Rex.

"Peter just get that incubator there ready" he said. Peter turned from watching the Rex a bit, "Oh right" he moved over and made sure the appropriate switches were switched on to adequately keep the little one warm.

"That's right, good job my boy" Henry praised his nephew. Peter was on his way to being a really fine scientist around here, Henry thought. The boy smiled at the praise.

"Alright, well also names aside" one of Henry's co-workers with another clipboard said, "I'll go input Biter or whatever her name is's number into the computer..." he walked away to do just that.

"Wow, that must be a big database" Peter observed. Henry smiled as he helped Hammond move the Rex, "Pretty big by now, yes".