The Gang of Five
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Never Do Anything Together

Kit12 · 120 · 14473


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Rhyn returned, "My family likes the idea. "

"Good, that'll increase the group a bit." Mim said nodding, & liking the idea of an increase in the size of the group.  "I hope the Great Valley is as large as the herd of longnecks said." Mim said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandpa Longneck sighed. Kaga may have been right this one time however the elderly longneck felt he had to say something.
"Kaga, I may not know what it was like for you, but you do know that being in a herd is like being with a family...if you give them enough time to get to know you, it can indeed make all the difference." He then turned to Mr.Threehorn and asked, "Don't you think so my friend?"


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Mia returned and nodded, "They'll be along shortly.  They like the idea of traveling all the way to the valley with as large a group as possible." Mia said

"Good. This is starting to look quite advantageous and better for the whole and the individual as well." Mim said.

"I certainly do like that.  It means we can all travel together and remain friends." Diver said smiling happily that she'd be able to keep the friend she had made shortly before.


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"Who said I was your..." Mr. Threehorn began to grumble, yet the cut himself off and just frowned, " much as I hate to agree with a longneck...yes, a herd can be there for you" he said.

Littlefoot smiled, "and now we can be friends and help each other too!" he said, playfully tackling Cera. The young threehorn frowned, yet like her father was finding herself not hating Littlefoot as much as she once did.

She wiggled out past him and huffed, but with a small smile, "Yeah I guess, but I'll be the one watching out for you" she said.

Littlefoot's mother laughed, "Yes" she told Kaga, "for as long as your with us, we'll be there for you".


"Oh yes, I am glad we get to keep our friends, I am" Ducky said, hugging Petrie and Kit again.

"She sure like doing that" Petrie commented with a glance to his cousin. Kit laughed, "I think her and Diver and the others are sweet".

Cory decided to try out that 'knowing stuff to do girls didn't' thing Mr. Cyrix had mentioned. "You know" he told Diver, Ducky, Kit and Petrie, "I've always been good at walking on my hands, if you wanted me to teach any of you while we walk" he said.

Petrie frowned and looked at his wings, " now know now to fly, so...don't think I'll try that".

Cory flipped over and began walking on his hands, yet only got a few steps before toppling over. Ducky hid a laugh. "That does look fun, let's try it Diver!" she said, next trying to walk on her hands.

General Grievous

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"Thanks, guys." Kaga said, feeling a bit better now.
He had a feeling that he would like the longnecks better than the grumpy threehorn, however, he decided not to say anything about that.


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Diver nodded, "it looks like fun." She said and tried to walk on her hands but once she got her legs up over her head she kept on going and fell onto her back.  Mia tried it, well away from the others to not hurt them, and did much the same, managing to bend her legs so the bottoms of her feet hit the ground before her back did.

"It is certainly not as easy as it looks." Diver said.


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Cera and Littlefoot continued to dart about playing tag as they continued along on their journey.


Ducky soon followed, falling on her back too, laughing. "Yes, it is not easy at all, nope, nope, nope" she said.

"Then me glad me not try" Petrie said. Kit, however looked intriqued and next tried it herself, although she just fell like the others.

"Ah well, it takes time" Cory said, he then went to flip back on his feet, but missed and landed on the ground too.

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Cyrix smiled as he heard the young ones finding ways to keep themselves entertained during the trip, although he was a little concerned that all the falling they were doing was going to hurt them over time, but he also remembered that hatchlings were known for quickly recovering from injuries.
Still he decided it would be nice to give some friendly advice.
"Cory, perhaps you and the other younglings should wait until we are resting before trying such a trick. I wouldn't want any of you getting hurt."


Grandpa Longneck smiled as their herd continued to walk. "This is turning out to be just a wonderful day, although I am starting to feel rather hungry. Mr.Threehorn, can you see any green food nearby?" he asked sincerely.


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Cory frowned, "Yeah you're sounding like someone in charge already" he told Cyrix. His mother shot him a look.

"but...yes Sir" he added. Kit laughed and flapped up to fly once more, yet staying near the ground where Petrie had to walk.


Topsy frowned, "Did you just order me...".

His mate sighed, "just do it dear" she said. With many many grumbled Topsy moved off, "Now pay attention Cera" he said, "these longnecks don't know where to find the best food so they have to defer to my superior judgement".

The little threehorn nodded and Littlefoot turned a quizzical look back to his mother who just smiled. "One doesn't always have to be proven right" she told her son, "sometimes avoiding a fight is the best thing". Littlefoot nodded.

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Cyrix laughed at Cory's comment.
"It's alright. I need to be kept in check by someone right?"


Grandpa Longneck faced Topsy's mate and said, "You do know...I wasn't giving your mate an order...I was simply asking if he could find any green food."


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"Maybe better I not try again." Mia said and sat down to rest.


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"and I get to be that someone?!" Cory quickly leapt into Cyrix's lead in and asked. Kit laughed, "You're gonna do it anyway, aren't you?" she asked. Cory nodded, "Yeah, probably".

Tyrl had been listening to this and turned back with a smile, yet as he looked forward once more he noticed Ptami up ahead apparently arguing with Cree and Pterano.

He put on speed to reach where they were ahead of the group, which was apparently the point.

Pterano sighed, "I'm telling you, if we sneak past, it'll cut atleast five...".

"Do you not see that!" Ptami exclaimed, pointing, "what do you mean sneak past, we have a duty as scouts to report just this sort of thing" as she turned she noticed Tylr coming over.

"Tylr! You're closer, go, tell Cyrix, we've got sleeping fast biters just over this ridge".

Tylr quickly back peddled the other way.

"Cyrix" he flew over and landed, "Over there, to the right, we can't go that way" he pointed exactly where he meant, "there's some, thankfully sleeping for now, fast biters; w-we're gonna have to find a different way" he said.


Topsy's mate, Carla (ooc: why not, since she'll need one) smiled a bit, "I know, he just doesn't" she sighed, "look personally I'm not as hung up on all this as Topsy is, when he first stopped your son from playing with Cera" she told the boy's mother, "I worried the kids might hurt themselves, but didn't even consider the whole longneck thing...I mean it was a bit odd, but then who cares".

"Topsy, just sees this stuff in his own mind" she returned to telling Grandpa Longneck, "and I'm afraid you have a lot to put up with, since he gets even worse with suspicions around goes back to some neighboring bullies when he grew up, nothing he should condemn the whole lot of you for" Carla explained.

"But...I do believe he can change" she added.

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Cyrix smiled at the report.
"Thank you Tylr, although I'm wondering why your sister, or brothers didn't warn us sooner, we almost walked right into that one!" He didn't realize it until he was done speaking but Cyrix was clenching his fist, and he sighed as he tried to relax. He then turned to the rest of the group.
"Everyone, we will be taking a different way around. It seems that a group of sharpteeth are blocking our original path, we will have to go left, and around the long way."


Grandpa Longneck smiled at Carla.
"I'm sure he can. And I know he only wants whats best for his children."


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Tylr looked a little confused at Cyrix's point. He assumed it was just because they hadn't noticed until just then least he knew for sure that had to be the issue with Ptami, as it had with himself. He still didn't know who of the three of them had spotted the fast biters first...perhaps one of his brothers...but no, they would have warned them as well.

As Ptami returned from having spread the news as well and turning those for whom it was needed to Cyrix' new way, and as they continued another way, he asked her discretely while Cree and Pterano weren't around.

"Ptami, did one of them notice the fast biters before you?". His sister thought, "we'll when I discovered them there was an argument..." she paused as she realized the two had wasted time probably with an argument than immediately warning.

Ptami frowned at the same time as Tylr with this realization, but they two weren't sure what to do with this news yet.


Carla smiled at the longnecks' understanding attitude. "Yes, unfortunately that wanting the best spans to kind-sim, but that is what his goal is".

Littlefoot's mother, Tenderheart, sighed, "It seems alot of us have gotten us to the, 'it's always been that way' explanation even as I told Littlefoot" she commented thoughtfully on how maybe it was time to change that, and how this different herd that was almost formed of her family, the threehorns and Kaga might just be a step in that direction.


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"It is better to have to go around then through sharpteeth, it certainly is." Diver said having heard the news of the new way they were going

"Those sharpteeth are getting off easy." Mia said, not to sure of the new way, proffering to fight and eliminate sharpteeth.

"It is safer this way for the majority then trying to force our way through and fighting when it's not needed." Mim said.

"Yea, maybe." Mia said.  

Rhyn was away, helping the other flyers spread the news, having come to tell her friends first before she went around on her route to tell others.


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"Yep, they definitely got off super easy, since I would have given them heck too" Cory commented about leaving the sharpteeth. At Petrie, Kit and Ducky's questioning looks, he shrugged, "Well...sorta".

"Cory" Kit smiled, "are you bragging about stuff you can't do?" she asked her new friend in amusement. She giggled as the swimmer shrugged, then hugged him.

As everyone seemed to be on their way easily, Tylr smiled and nodded to Rhyn, "Thanks, every pair of wings helps in getting news through quickly" he said sincerely. He was still slightly curious about what he could tell of Rhyn's family apparently not being fond of Pterano, or so it looked earlier before they headed out, but didn't ask since it wasn't any of his business.

General Grievous

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Littlefoot's mother, Tenderheart, sighed, "It seems alot of us have gotten us to the, 'it's always been that way' explanation even as I told Littlefoot" she commented thoughtfully on how maybe it was time to change that, and how this different herd that was almost formed of her family, the threehorns and Kaga might just be a step in that direction.

Kaga smiled and said cheerfully, "Who's to say we can't change that?  I mean, just imagine what we could accomplish if we work together."

He too was hopeful that the old ways could be abandoned.  He had never understood it anyway.

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Cyrix continued walking and stopped for a moment as he sniffed the air. He then looked up to Tylr and commented by saying, "I smell smoke, but I don't see it..can you see if there is anything around that might cause a fire?"


Grandpa Longneck smiled.
"Yes, working together and keeping each other safe is far greater if other kinds were to work together."


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"I wonder what the next place we stop at will be like." Diver said.

"Hopefully at least as nice as this one." Mim said, "But we'll have to wait and see." She said.


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Looking worried, since he didn't see anything yet, Tylr nonetheless nodded and flapped higher. At first he didn't see anything, then he spotted it, a crumpled mass of a tree or something.

Flapping closer, Tylr noticed it wasn't about to burn, but apparently already had. He guessed some sky fire from the sky water storm of yesterday must have caught the very dry leaves at a bad time, even with all that water.

He flew back and reported to Cyrix. "I don't know if it's bad news" he added, "but it is that much less food than we would have been able to find before" he added.

"Well that's just great!" Cree sighed. "Now Cree, that doesn't mean there isn't any food" his sister quickly pointed out, the other flyer just shot her a look.


"Do you think we'll meet others who might want to join up with us too, Grandpa?" Littlefoot asked eagerly. "Oh I hope not..." Topsy grumbled, yet he didn't fully mean it.