The Gang of Five
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The Eternal Bond

raga · 59 · 7542


  • Petrie
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Hey, this fanfic has been up on for a little while now but I've decided to post it both there and here from now on.  If u want to see it there my author name is raga19, I think....  The chapters here will appear just as they do on the other site, except for chapter 3.  I'm editing out some curse words both to comply with this groups rules (I'm pretty sure their not allowed at all and I'd rather not take the risk and I'm too lazy to go look :DD ) and because although they seemed right at the time I wrote it, their too un-LBTish and really want to get rid of them.  I won't be editing it on fanfic cause their story editor is too big a pain for a few words.  Hope u like it and all comments welcome! (except flaming of course, y would u want to hurt me like that?  :cry )


  • Petrie
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The small rodent-like creature scurried along the rock face, its small beady eyes searching for anything edible.  It hadn’t found anything to eat in nearly an hour and with its lightning fast metabolism, burning up calories almost as fast it could consume them, it needed to find a decent sized source of food or be forced to forage during the night.  Finally it found a small bush surrounded by a few weeds.  It was enough food to survive on for nearly three days, and with a small crack in a boulder next to it, the rodent had found its next home.
Just as it began to feast the rodent heard the footsteps of two considerably larger creatures walking its way.  With a small squeak of fear the rodent ran into its new found shelter, turned around, and peaked back out the entrance to watch the creatures as they came by.
Two long necks rounded the corner and at first the rodent thought it was seeing double, until it noticed the subtle differences between the two dinosaurs.  The two were slightly different sizes, one a little bit larger than the other.  The larger of the two had brown eyes, was a dark tan with a touch of purple and had a large patch of a very dark purple running along his back.  The smaller had blue eyes and similar color scheme, except lighter, and with a pink hue, both were obviously very young.

“Ali, are there any other kids our age in your herd?” the larger asked the smaller, apparently named Ali, as he nervously kicked a small rock off the ledge to their left.  The rodent had noticed that the larger long neck had seemed perfectly comfortable, if a little worried, when he had first rounded the corner, but now he couldn’t bring himself to look at Ali.  He seemed extremely nervous and well out of his comfort zone.
“A few, why?” Ali answered innocently, she seemed completely fine.  “Are any of them boys?” the larger responded.  I see what he’s trying to do, the rodent thought with a surprisingly complete knowledge of dinosaur relationships.
“I don’t know, there’s a few, why are you so curious Littlefoot?” Ali asked
“I don’t know” Littlefoot hastily responded, “Just trying to pass the time.”
The rodent realized that Littlefoot’s answer was too little, too late; the look on Ali’s face told it that she had realized what was going through the head of her traveling partner.  It saw the tails of the two long necks brush up against each other several times, until on the third time Littlefoot made his move.  His tail rapped round Ali’s tail, and Ali returned the gesture.  The rodent felt his heart beat faster and began to wonder why he was reacting so acutely to what was happening, it didn’t affect him.  The long necks stopped and looked into each other’s eyes, for nearly a minute not even the leaves on the nearby bush moved.  Suddenly they broke eye and tail contact, looked away in embarrassment and resumed their walk as if nothing happened.
The rodent felt the sudden surge of disappointment.  “What are you doing?  Why didn’t you kiss her?!  She likes you!!!!” the rodent found itself yelling to nobody in particular, the long necks couldn’t understand him.  “God dam it you idiot!” it yelled again.  “No!”, this time though, it wasn’t a rodent’s voice yelling.


  • Petrie
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Chapter 1:
A Dream’s Consequence and a Hidden Truth

   “NO!” Littlefoot yelled as he woke from his dream.  While still a little groggy despite the rush of adrenaline in his blood, Littlefoot looked over to his grandparents, making sure they hadn’t been woken.  They were still sleeping peacefully and Littlefoot breathed a sigh of relief while slowly standing up.
In the moonlight it was obvious that the Littlefoot standing in the clearing was very different from the one in his dream.  Several years had gone by and Littlefoot had grown, not by much in his species standards, but enough to notice.  The purple on his body had begun to fade and was being replaced by a grayish tan.  That is, except for his back.  His back had become a blazing crimson, a color rarely seen in long necks and considered extremely attractive by others.  As Littlefoot quietly left the clearing a scar on his right foreleg became visible.  The scar had an unusual shape, a semi-circle, a little more than half-way full, with its open end pointing straight back towards his tail.  Littlefoot had received the scar while playing tag with his friends a few years ago.  It still hurt from time to time but most of the time Littlefoot didn’t even remember it was there.

I need to talk to somebody about this Littlefoot thought as he weaved through the trees, dodging some of the lower branches that could now hit him if he wasn’t careful.  He stopped at a tiny clearing and began munching on a few treestars as he considered who would be the most helpful.  The adults were out of the question, they would just laugh and tell Littlefoot that it was young love and not to be bothered by it.  But Littlefoot was bothered by it, Ali hadn’t entered his mind in such a long time and suddenly, for no apparent reason, he had this dream about her.  The rodent perspective actually made sense to Littlefoot, he often felt as worthless as those tiny creatures when he thought about how cowardly he had acted with Ali.  The reason the dream had come at all was the real mystery.

Littlefoot then turned his thoughts to his friends.  Spike was useless, the spike-tail could talk, but getting him to was way too much effort for Littlefoot.  Petrie and Ducky wouldn’t be much help either.  As much as Littlefoot cared for them, they hadn’t matured much over the past few years.  This left Cera.  As much as Littlefoot hated to admit it, she was his only option.  Cera seemed tough and unloving on the outside, but Littlefoot knew there was sweet girl somewhere under that thick skull.  Plus Littlefoot always felt a special bond with Cera, she would understand him.  So Littlefoot left his midnight snack and moved off towards the nest Cera shared with her father, stepmother and sisters.

Cera sat on her throne, watching as her loyal subjects attended to her every command.  She was ruler of the valley, all bowed down before her.  An evil smile spread across her face as she basked in her power.  That was until she felt the swift kick to her side that jolted her from her dream.

“What the-” she was about to yell when she felt someone’s tail forced into her mouth.  She knew instantly who it was, the only person she knew who would dare shut her up using their tail.  It was Littlefoot.

Cera glared angrily up at the longneck, and turned towards her father to make sure he was still asleep.  Littlefoot motioned for her to follow and she angrily complied.  That dumbass flathead, this better be good she thought as she walked.  The three-horn looked up at the long neck and found her anger quickly disappearing.  Littlefoot’s crimson patch gleamed in the moon light and Cera couldn’t help but feel something.  What are you doing Cera? She thought to herself, He’s a long neck!  There were three horns that had a slight reddish hue but nothing near what Littlefoot had so it really wasn’t considered an attractive quality among the species.  Still Cera felt an almost constant attraction to it and couldn’t help but stare at the blob of color even as it started to grow larger.

“Hey!  Cera, watch where you’re walking!” Littlefoot cried out.

“Sorry…” Cera muttered back.

“You know your horns hurt!”

Cera looked straight up at the two small horns growing on her eyebrows and realized how much she had grown over the past few years.  She was keeping up with Littlefoot in size, but that would end soon enough, and her two eyebrow horns were finally starting to grow in.  They were a little longer than her nose horn, which would start to grow soon enough, and Cera couldn’t be prouder of them.  Unfortunately there was another change she wasn’t so happy about.  She had always loved her orange skin, but most of it was quickly turning grey.  Not all the orange was gone though; many said she looked like a grey three horn with orange splattered all over her.  It wasn’t the best look in the world but more of the orange would disappear and leave just a few streaks behind.

Cera looked back at Littlefoot as he sat down and got comfortable.  “So what’s so important that it couldn’t wait till the morning?” Cera asked, her annoyance barely concealed.  “I had a dream…” Littlefoot responded with a somber tone.  “A dream?!  You woke me up because you had a dream?!”  Cera felt her anger surge back, He woke me up in the middle of the night because of a dream?  “It was a dream about Ali”  Littlefoot responded defensively.  “Oh”  Cera said softly.

She knew Ali was a sensitive subject for Littlefoot.  There were no other long necks their age in the Great Valley so Ali was the only girl long neck Littlefoot’s age that he had ever gotten to know.  Even though Ali was important to Littlefoot Cera didn’t like her.  She wasn’t sure why, Ali had more than proven herself to Cera, but she just did not like her.  

Cera looked up into Littlefoot’s eyes as he stared back into hers.  She could see the starlight twinkling around his dark brown eyes just before she bashfully looked away only to have her eyes settle on Littlefoot’s crimson patch.  Cera then turned away from that too and glanced at the semi-circle scar on Littlefoot’s leg and felt the wave of guilt rush over her.  It was her fault that scar was there.

“Do you love her?”  Cera asked simply as she looked down at her paws.  Littlefoot couldn’t look at Cera either, he turned away and replied “I don’t know, I do know that I’ll probably never see her again and I’ve accepted that.  Ever since I’ve accepted that I haven’t dreamt of her, till now”.  

Cera knew what was coming, their entire lives had been one great journey to this night.  They had been through so much together, she had even been there the day Littlefoot’s mother died right before his eyes.  There had always been a special bond between the two, a bond stronger than with anyone else.  Cera looked back up to Littlefoot as he looked back to her and the two began to slowly lean in closer to each other.  She then said the sentence she knew would seal their fates “Maybe the dream was trying to tell you that you have fallen in love with someone else”.  They came closer and closer, “I think I have” Littlefoot said in a quiet voice.  “Who?”  Cera asked even though she already knew the answer.  


They closed their eyes and pushed their heads together, nuzzling.  What are you doing? Cera asked herself, Your nuzzling a long neck, are you crazy?  Her thoughts were quickly suppressed as the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced came over her.  She loved it, and she loved him.  For once in her life she swallowed her pride and her prejudice and just allowed her uncensored feelings to control her actions.  After a few seconds they broke apart and stared into each other eyes knowing that nothing would ever be the same.  They were both tired so they said goodnight and began to walk back to their respective nests.  Just before they left the clearing Cera stopped, looked back at Littlefoot and said “I love you Littlefoot”.  

“I love you too Cera”.

Authors note: This is a little thing I like to do at the end of a chapter, its a quote that kinda fits what I'm saying

"I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you"
-Roy Croft


  • Ducky
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Hey, smooth story! You wrote it really well and made people feel it!


  • Petrie
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Chapter 2:
A Stranger’s Task and a Secret in The Open

   Littlefoot yelped and reared his head away from the branch that had just poked his eye.  Despite the pain he took the opportunity to steal a glance at Cera standing a few yards away.  He had never realized how beautiful she was to him, he even like the mosaic of yellow and grey that most considered an unfortunate side-effect of a three horn’s teenaged years.  He resisted the urge to walk over to her and nuzzle her again; it wouldn’t be wise since they weren’t alone.
The entire gang was there, the same five dinosaurs that had been through so much together.  Petrie was munching on some treestars near Littlefoot’s head.  The flyer looked much the same as he always had but was growing noticeably larger as the years went by.  Spike and Ducky were down by Cera, Ducky was also growing larger but it was spike that was going through the most dramatic changes.  Large plates were growing on his back where little knobs of bone used to be and the razor sharp spikes that give spike tails their name where growing at an alarming rate.  His formally green skin was slowly darkening to an earthy brown.
Littlefoot and Cera had met up early in the morning before finding their friends to talk about the night before.  At first the meeting was very awkward, neither really knowing what to.  Flashes of his cowardice with Ali ran through Littlefoot’s head forcing him to make a move.  He reached in and they affectionately rubbed heads, “Cera, can I…?”  Littlefoot shyly asked.  Cera giggled at Littlefoot’s innocence “Of course you can, you don’t have to ask!”  Littlefoot leaned in and nuzzled Cera gently until he was forced to break away by the wide grin spreading across his face.  Despite his incredible happiness Littlefoot felt something was wrong, he looked down at Cera’s three milky white horns.  He then rubbed the top of his head on Cera’s frill in what would appear to be a sign of affection.  In reality Littlefoot was just checking the obvious.  He had no horns.
The smile quickly disappeared off Littlefoot’s face and Cera took notice, asking what was wrong.  “I’m a long neck, you are a three horn” Littlefoot said flatly.  Cera’s signs of joy evaporated and her face turned to despair.  “Nobody is going to accept this” he finished, averting his eyes from Cera.  She reached in and used her horns to turn Littlefoot’s face back towards her and whispered “It doesn’t matter”.
They decided to keep their feelings a secret from everyone else for now.  They would tell Ducky, Petrie and Spike soon enough, they would accept the long neck and three horn’s decision.  It would only be a matter of time until the relationship was completely out in the open, but they decided not to think about it now.  For now they would just enjoy having each other.


There was an explosion of dust as the three horn’s paw hit the stony ground.  The dinosaur was large, very large; although it was still obvious he wasn’t fully grown.  His color scheme was unusual for a three horn, not only did he have a rare musty brown color instead of the usual flat grey but he had crimson stripes.  These stripes, outlined in black, ran all along the three horn’s back, from the tip of his tail up to his snout and on his right foreleg was the most puzzling detail of all, a semi-circle scar.
The three-horn was walking through a barren waste-land, nothing but a few weeds grew around him.  He looked a few yards up ahead and saw his purple traveling partner.  “How much further?” the three horn yelled, not giving any effort to hiding his irritation.  “We’re almost there, we should arrive before the bright circle is halfway through the sky” the other dinosaur responded.  We better be, sharptooth the three horn thought to himself, and indeed his guide had the characteristic large, powerful legs, skimpy two-fingered arms and dagger sharp teeth of a sharptooth.  
The three horn’s unexpected companion was young though, and the three horn could easily take him down.  This may not stay true forever, but for the time being the sharptooth had far more to fear than he did.
Suddenly the earth beneath them started to shake.  A dammed earthshake the three horn thought to himself.  He knew exactly how to act in volcanically active areas like the one he was travelling through.  He stood perfectly still and listened intently, suddenly a large cracking sound came from behind him and the three horn leaped several yards forward.  The ground behind exploded and lava came spewing into the air, the masses of glowing orange landing just inches from his tail.
“Luca, you ok?”  The sharptooth called back.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just fine”  Luca grumbled.
“Luca?” the sharptooth called back again.
“Yeah, what?”  Luca barked back.
“We’re here”.


“Earthshake!” the gang yelled in unison, still fearful of the relatively common occurrence.  Instead of panicking and running in circles though, they ran straight for the main entrance to the Great Valley.  About a year ago a series of large earthshakes had rocked the Great Valley.  During the shakes a large hole in the great wall developed, leaving the valley vulnerable to the dangers of the mysterious beyond.  It took nearly a month, and every resident of the valley, to block up the hole again.
During the fix a small passageway was left in the wall, creating a main entrance to the valley and allowing the other entrances to be blocked up.  The passageway is constantly manned by a guard who has the ability to seal the entrance should any sharpteeth come too close.  Unfortunately when the ground starts shaking and rocks start falling even the best systems go horribly wrong.
When they arrived at the entrance their fears were realized, the dark brown club-tail that was standing guard now lay on his belly, several streaks of blood running along his face.  Ducky ran up to the club-tail and put her ear to its nostrils.  “He’s alive, he’s going to have quite the headache, but he should be fine, yup, yup” she concluded.  “Ok” Littlefoot said, “We’ll keep up his pos-”.  He stopped, standing in front of him was Luca, but to Littlefoot, Luca was just a stranger.


The long neck stared at Luca with a puzzled look on his face.  “Are you Littlefoot?” Luca asked.  “Who are you?” the long neck responded, acting as if he hadn’t heard what Luca had said.  “Are you Littlefoot?”  Luca repeated in a stronger tone.  The long neck considered the question, glanced at his friends, turned back to Luca and said “Ya, but who are you?”  Luca ignored the question “Excellent, I’ve been looking for you for a year now”.
“How did you find me?”
A smirk grew across Luca’s face.  Any normal dinosaur would have asked why, but Littlefoot was obviously not a normal dinosaur, he had realized that if Luca won’t give away his own name, the odds that he was going to give up his purpose were slim.  “An old friend of yours showed me the way” he finally answered.  Luca prides himself on his powers of observation, and he took note of the slight changes on Littlefoot’s face.  Littlefoot’s eyes widened slightly, the pupils growing large, but suddenly a small frown grew on his face and he took a quick glance at the three horn next to him.  Luca had his theory, but that had to wait.
“Who?”  the three horn asked with a hint of irritation that only added more evidence to Luca’s suspicion.  Luca stepped aside and the gang gasped and instinctively took fighting stances as they saw a young sharptooth standing nervously right behind the spot Luca was standing.  “Relax, you know him” Luca said, trying to calm the dinosaurs.  “Chomper?”  Littlefoot asked, not really believing the sharptooth standing before him was that loveable baby he once knew.
Chomper looked shyly up at Littlefoot and nodded, still visibly nervous.  Luca was a little uneasy too, he didn’t know how the dinosaurs standing in front of him would react to the sharptooth in their presence.
After a pause a smile grew across Littlefoot’s face and Chomper was greeted by his friends.  “I’m sorry to cut your little reunion short but I need to talk to Littlefoot, alone”  Luca interrupted.  “What you can say to Littlefoot, you can say to all of us” Cera shot back angrily as she stepped between Luca and Littlefoot.  Well, someone’s pretty defensive Luca thought, his theory all but confirmed, I’m going to have to end this.
“Fine, its Cera right?”
“Yes”  Cera snorted back.
“You can come along, but no one else”.  Littlefoot and Cera looked at each other than turned to their friends.  After a series of nodding Littlefoot said “Fine, follow me, I know where we can talk”.   Luca followed Littlefoot and Cera to a small rocky outcropping about a ten minute walk north of the main entrance.  The outcropping jutted out into the valley, but a ring of large boulders around the rim and a sixty-foot drop to the valley floor the spot was very private.  During the walk Luca pretended to be distracted by the Great Valley’s beauty but in reality he was paying close attention to the dinosaurs in front of him.  They held a whispered conversation the entire time, keeping Luca out of earshot.  Luca could tell they were talking about him from the quick glances in his direction, but the conversation soon turned.  Cera’s demeanor changed completely, and Luca could hear the occasional giggle float back to him.  They make me sick Luca thought in disgust.
They gathered in a circle and Luca began his story.  “I come from a forest on the foothills of Animus Mountain, about a two week walk east of this valley.  When I was young we were always protected by an ancient order of three horns, called the Animus Benevolentia, until a few years ago.”  “What happened?” Littlefoot asked curiously.  Luca sighed “The Animus Benevolentia are lead by the Cornu Valde, they have to follow his every order.  A few years ago the current Cornu Valde started to grow old and senile and began to make strange tactical decisions, even the eldest members of the Animus Benevolentia began to question his leadership.  Sharpteeth were constantly finding their way into the forest, killing, eating.”  Luca trailed off, sorrow in his eyes.
“About a year ago the Cornu Valde became deathly ill and passed on.  An egg appeared at the entrance to the throne cave, as has always happened in the past, and we waited for the solar eclipse, for it would tell us when to bring the egg to the birthing cave.  Months passed without an eclipse and the inefficient leadership that we revert to after the death of a Cornu Valde couldn’t hold the Sharpteeth at bay.  They killed, they ate, and they eventually stole the egg.  The Animus Benevolentia elders went to the mountain seer, desperate to find a way to retrieve the egg before the eclipse came.
“The seer told them that there were only two dinosaurs that could retrieve the egg, Luca the three horn of my own home, that’s me, and Littlefoot the long neck of the Great valley, that’s you.”  Luca finished. “So some seer said that we’re supposed to rescue the egg of the future leader of your protectors from Sharpteeth.”  Littlefoot summarized.  “Yes, a highly organized group of Sharpteeth that plans to hatch the new Cornu Valde and use him to unlock the secrets of the Animus Benevolentia, very powerful secrets.” Luca answered.


Littlefoot looked down and shook his head. He must have the wrong Littlefoot, there is no way I’m supposed to do this, he thought to himself, but he said Littlefoot of the Great Valley.  He looked at Cera next to him and wished he could be as brave as her.  He could ignore this task, it didn’t affect him, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave all those three horns to die, he would do it.  “Ok, I’ll go with you.” He finally decided.  “Excellent, we have to wait though.  We have no idea where the egg is but once the solar eclipse occurs the Sharpteeth will have to bring the egg to the birthing cave where they will have to wait on another eclipse that will finally hatch the egg.  So we leave at the next eclipse, until than we have a rather large problem to sort out.”  Luca said, “We have to stop this relationship between the two of you”.
Littlefoot was shocked, “How did you know?”  “You two don’t hide it very well, it was simple to figure out, but it must end, not only will it be a distraction but I will not let one of my own kind mate with someone outside of our species” Luca answered curtly.  “WE’RE NOT MATING!” Littlefoot and Cera yelled simultaneously, “And if you do anything to try and end this relationship I not going to help you!”  Littlefoot screamed, burning with anger.  “I find it funny that you think you actually have a choice, the number of Sharpteeth in the mysterious beyond pales in comparison to the number just east of Animus, if my people fall this valley will be next.”  Luca said defensively.
Littlefoot knew Luca was right, by the sound of his story Animus sounded full of Sharpteeth that would probably end up finding the Great Valley in the future, he still didn’t want the relationship to end though, he loved Cera.  “Can’t we deal with this afterward?”  Littlefoot pleaded.  “Fine, you are obviously not willing to end this, but I’m sure your parents will”  Luca said as he turned and started to walk off.  “Wait!”  Littlefoot yelled and ran up to Luca, “We’ll end it, we’ll end it”  Littlefoot said in defeat.  “No”  Cera said defiantly from behind.  “If you want to tell our parents go ahead, but I love Littlefoot and I’m not ending this relationship because of racism.”  “Very well.”  Luca said and walked off.
“This is going to be a disaster.”  Littlefoot said and began to walk away.  “Wait” Cera called after him.  Littlefoot stopped and looked back towards her.  “I’m not looking forward to returning home tonight so I was wondering if you would spend the hours till than with me.”  Cera quietly asked.  Littlefoot walked back and to Cera and they embraced.

Author's note:

"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, pain of love lasts a lifetime."
-Bette Davis


  • Petrie
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thanks, theres one more chapter that has been written and i'll upload it in a sec, kinda got distracted.


  • Petrie
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Chapter 3:
The fast-bitter ran swiftly through the dark underground cavern in an obvious rush.  This particular fast-bitter was known as a Deinonychus to those who fight Sharpteeth often enough that a distinction needs to be made.  The Deinonychus, or D-chew as many called them when pronunciation skills broke down in battle, was fairly average in every way.  It was a little under eleven feet long and extremely bird like in appearance, with long brown feathers covering most of its body.  Its head was drastically different from a bird though, covered in pale scales and containing a mouth full of razor sharp teeth.
“This can’t be good” he muttered to himself as he rounded corner after corner, running further into the cave.  It was fairly dark, but the occasional hole in the cavern ceiling allowed enough light in for the D-chew to see.  “Ugh, why do we have to go so deep into these caverns?”  he asked himself.

Finally the D-chew came upon another dinosaur, one that caused a momentary wave of fear.  Standing before him was a massive sharptooth, more specifically Tyrannosaurus.  This Tyrannosaurus, also known as a T-Rex, was around forty-two feet long form snout to tail.  Its massive head had teeth nearly a foot long that could easily rip the D-chew to pieces, it had small skimpy looking two-digit arms that were surprisingly powerful for their miniscule size.  In contrast to its arms the T-Rex’s legs where absolutely massive, bulging with the muscle and raw power it took to propel the seven ton behemoth.  The dinosaur’s muddy brown skin blended in with the cavern wall so well that anyone who just glanced at its location wouldn’t even notice that the giant monster was there.

“What do you want?” it said in borderline disgust as it looked down at the comparatively tiny creature before it.  “He wanted to see me” the D-chew answered with a quiver in his voice, in reality he was that scared of the T-Rex, as intimidating as the dinosaur was, it had no reason to harm him.  “We’ll see” the creature said as it slowly turned and walked into the massive cave behind it.  The D-Chew followed in his wake, dodging the occasional stalactite that was shaken loose by the massive impacts of the T-Rex’s foot.

“You can leave us now” came a voice from the pitch black corner of the cave the moment the T-Rex and D-chew had entered.  The T-Rex turned and left without a word and true fear began to seep into the D-chew. The dinosaur leaving the room may appear frightening but it was an idiot and would only attack when given orders to do so.  The creature hiding in the shadows was another story; the D-chew knew what it looked like and was glad he couldn’t see him now.

“I have a task for you Stoneclaw” the voice said as Stoneclaw trembled in fear realizing that the booming voice before him probably came from lungs bigger than him.  “Anything you say master” Stoneclaw obediently responded, trying his best to hide his fear.  “You have been to the Great Valley before, correct?” the voice asked.  Stoneclaw confirmed this and the voice continued.  “The Animus Benevolentia have sent a three horn to the valley to find someone, I want you to go there and find out who their looking for and why, then I want you to get rid of them, understood?”  “Yes master, I understand” Stoneclaw said.  “Good, now go” the voice finished and Stoneclaw quickly left, glad to be free of the cave.

Littlefoot stepped from the trees into the large clearing he and his grandparent used as a home.  Usually when Littlefoot returned home this late his grandparents were already asleep, but tonight was different and as expected they were still wide awake.  When they saw Littlefoot walk into the clearing they glanced at each other and walked up to their grandchild, the ground softly rumbling under their massive weight.  Littlefoot sat down and waited for his grandparents to talk, uncertain of what was to come.

“Littlefoot, do you know a certain three horn named Luca who came to visit us today?” his grandfather asked.  Littlefoot sighed and responded, “He actually never gave us his name, but I’m pretty sure I know who you’re talking about”.  “And is what he said true, about you and Cera?” Littlefoot’s grandmother added.  “Yes” Littlefoot said flatly, looking down at his paws since he couldn’t bring himself to look up at his grandparents.

His grandparents looked at each other and sighed, “We’re not angry at you Littlefoot, this is your decision, it’s just that inter-species relationships are nearly unheard of, and many view them very poorly” Littlefoot’s grandfather said, trying to cheer up his grandson.  “I know, but I still don’t want to end it.”  Littlefoot replied, almost pleadingly.  “Well as long as you know that it isn’t the most popular thing then we are not going to stop it.  It is your decision Littlefoot and we will respect that, Cera’s father on the other hand” Grandpa Longneck trailed off.  “I know, it’s not going to be pretty, but Cera wanted to handle it on her own.”

At the same time that Littlefoot was talking to his grandparents, Cera entered her own clearing.  She looked around quickly and saw her father sitting in the middle of the field, but both Tria and Tricia were missing.  Not a good sign.  Cera obediently walked up to her father and sat down next to his unusually calm form.  An observer would think that Topsy wasn’t all that angry, but Cera knew her father and had to stop herself from shaking in fear.  She looked up at Topsy, a very formidable sight for her to behold.  At least three times her size, a mixture of dark grey and a light grey belly and skull, with three massive horns protruding from his triangular face, Topsy caused fear even in Sharpteeth.

“Is it true” he said quietly and evenly.  Cera was growing increasingly fearful as the seconds went by, the longer it took for Topsy to explode, the worse the explosion would be.  “Yes” Cera answered without explanation, she knew answering a yes or no question when her father was like this with anything other than yes or no was deadly.  “Why Cera, why are you doing this to me?” Topsy asked, his voice filled with what sounded like defeat.  Ugh Cera thought to herself, he’s trying to guilt trip me.  “But-” Cera never got to finish her sentence, for the volcano that was her father blew.

“What is wrong with you Cera!  This is just plain disgusting!  What kind of example are you setting for your sister?  You know she looks up to you, and yet you go ahead and do this!  And of all the creatures in the world you choose a flathead, you might as well have fallen in love with a sharptooth!  And then, as if it weren’t enough that you get into a relationship with a long neck, you choose Littlefoot, that good for nothing flathead!”  Topsy finished.

Cera was shocked, her father had never exploded so loudly in her presence before.  Fear overwhelmed her, freezing her to the spot.  But it soon disappeared as Cera turned from a frightened little girl to a very pissed off three horn.  “I don’t give about what you think” she finally said, saying each word individually and with great force.  Topsy of stunned, even Cera was surprised at herself, “What did you say?”  was all that he could manage to utter.
“I said that I don’t give.  I have had enough of you bossing me around and forcing prejudice on me.  You can’t control me, this is my life and I will live it the way I want to!  And if you don’t like it than you can go fuck yourself!”  Cera continued to yell, not believing it was actually her saying the words.  Meanwhile Topsy just stood in place, mouth open, unable to comprehend what he was hearing.

Finally he managed to compose himself “Cera, I am you father and you will not talk to me in such a way”.  “You’re not my father, not anymore!”  Cera yelled right into Topsy’s face before turning and running.  Topsy took a few bounds after her but then stopped at the edge of the clearing.  “Fine! Run! See how much I care, go to the mysterious beyond while you’re at it, hopefully you’ll die there and save me any more humiliation!” he bellowed after her.

For Cera it was like a boulder fell on top of her.  Her own father had just wished she would die; the words were still ringing in her ears, stinging worse than anything she had ever experienced.  She had managed to stop herself from crying during the whole argument, but now tears flowed freely and sobs came croaking from her throat.  She walked towards the mysterious beyond, considering making her father’s wish come true.

The next morning Littlefoot started with his regular routine, walking over to the secret watering hole where he and friends have eaten breakfast together for years.  This time though things were a little different.  Besides the obvious absence of Cera, something that wasn’t overly unusual, Spike, Petrie and Ducky weren’t eating, they were just staring at Littlefoot, anger in their faces.  

“Uhhh… Hey guys” Littlefoot cautiously said, unsure of what was wrong.  “You and Cera were in a relationship and neither of you told us!” Ducky finally blurted out, obviously annoyed.  “Why didn’t you trust us?”  Petrie added, demonstrating the increase in maturity his speaking skills have experience in the past few years.  Spike’s contribution to the conversation was just a strange grumbling sound, which actually relived Littlefoot.  Spike was speaking with increasing frequency as time went on but he still waited until he had something incredibly important to say before he opened his mouth.  The fact that this situation did not register with Spike as important enough to gift his raspy voice onto his friends was a good sign for Littlefoot.

“We do trust you!  We were going to tell you everything but then Luca showed up and we didn’t get the chance.  I promise we were going to tell you guys.”  Littlefoot pleaded with his friends.  He needed to have somebody on his side.  Ducky sighed, “I guess”.  “Thanks guy-” Littlefoot couldn’t finish his sentence because the wind was knocked right out of his lungs.

Cera’s eyes opened and she saw the light of the bright circle illuminating everything around her.  Than the pain came, the most excruciating pain she had ever experienced.  Cera screamed at the top of her lungs, just wanting to escape her world of agony.  Unfortunately the only result of the scream was a fresh wave of pain, one that forced her to slip back into unconsciousness.

Littlefoot was flying through the air, confused as to how he got there.  He realized something had hit him, hard, but he had no idea what.  Suddenly Littlefoot’s new found flight skills came to a sickening stop as he slammed into a tree. Littlefoot heard the large crack of a broken rib and then the searing pain of something stabbing him in the side.  He fell to the ground and his long neck slung his head into the dirt, threatening to knock him out.  Littlefoot shook his head, fighting the darkness that entered his vision.  He slowly got up to his feet, ignoring the broken rib that was slicing the flesh in his chest cavity, and turned to face his attacker.

Standing on the spot where Littlefoot had taken off on his rib-cracking flight was Topsy, and he did not seem happy.  Cera’s father was set up for a charge.  He held his body low to the ground, knees bent, storing energy, the front of his paws dug more into the ground than the back so that most of the normal force would propel him forward instead of up.  His head was lowered, aiming his three razor sharp horns right at Littlefoot.  If any of those horns were to pierce the long neck in his belly, chest or side, Littlefoot would be done.

Littlefoot knew it would be pointless to fight back.  As much as he hated to admit it he couldn’t even win a fight against Cera, and her father was considerably larger.  “Please, sir, don’t do this.”  Littlefoot pleaded, unsure of what to do.  “You have poisoned my daughter’s mind and tarnished my family’s name, and now you will pay” Topsy yelled, shaking with anger.  He started to bound forward, picking up speed as he went.  Spike, Ducky and Petrie stood frozen in fear, unable to help their friend.  Littlefoot shut his eyes and braced for the impact, waiting for the end to come, but it didn’t.

“Stop!” Littlefoot heard a small feminine voice call out in front of him.  He opened his eyes and saw Tricia standing between him and her father.  The young three horn looked much like a miniature version of her sister.  She had the same body shape and form, but her eyebrow horns were not yet visible, and she was roughly half Cera’s size.  She was a dark pink with a pale belly and was still far from her teenaged graying. Then again her mother, Cera’s stepmother, was one of the few three horns who never end up graying out, so Tricia could stay pink for the rest of her life.

Despite her small size and innocent color patterns she was surprisingly forceful when she had yelled stop.  At the sight of his youngest daughter yelling at him, Topsy firmly planted his heals into the soft dirt, bleeding off the massive amount of momentum his enormous size had provided.  He eventually skidded to a halt a few feet in front of Littlefoot and Tricia and stared down at his daughter, his face still clearly showing his anger.  Usually just the sight of his youngest was enough to put Topsy out of any foul mood, but the three horn had never been this pissed off in his life.

“Get out of the way Tricia” Topsy said firmly to his daughter.  “No daddy!  What is wrong with you?”  Tricia yelled back, tears now flowing from her eyes.  Topsy’s face softened slightly, but the anger was still there. “Tricia, please.”  He pleaded with his daughter.

“Topsy Three Horn, what do you think you are doing?” came a familiar voice from behind Topsy.  Walking from the woods was Cera’s stepmother, Tria.  Tria was a fully mature three horn, a little smaller than Topsy, who had a dark pink color very similar to her daughters.  Her belly was paler than the rest of her body, as with most dinosaurs.

“Did you know Tricia overheard your argument with Cera last night?” Tria continued, obviously annoyed.  Shock crossed Topsy’s face, “I didn’t know-”  “What you don’t know is how to handle this situation correctly.  Who cares if Cera is in a relationship with a long neck?  I know where you come from, where we come from, and it was a place of prejudice where killing for this sort of thing was the norm.  But we have come a long way since then, we don’t wake up every morning wondering if we’re seeing our last sunrise.  These children live peacefully in a valley filled with dinosaurs of other species their age.  It is understandable that some could fall in love with each other, and no, it’s not the most popular thing, but you’re the only one taking it to such an extreme.  You have hurt this poor little long neck and you have hurt your own daughter’s feelings and now you’re going to come with me and find her so you can apologize.”  Tria finally finished.
Topsy’s face melted, the anger completely gone.  The transition actually amazed Littlefoot.  He was awed at the fact that Tria could get Topsy to calm down so easily, it was an amazing accomplishment.  But instead of guilt and embarrassment, horror now stretched across Topsy’s face.  “You mean she didn’t come to you last night?” he said slowly, his voice full of fear.  “No, but she’s ran away before, why are you so concerned this time?” Tria responded obviously concerned by Topy’s fear.  “Well… I may have said… that I wish she would go the mysterious beyond…and die…”  Topsy responded like a little child that has done something wrong.
A collective gasp came from the dinosaurs in the clearing.  Littlefoot couldn’t believe what Topsy had done to his daughter, it was just wrong on so many levels.  Tria was starting to shake with anger, an emotion Littlefoot had never seen the three horn go through before.  “Ok, I am so mad right now I can’t even think straight.  I will deal with you later, but please tell me why you are so worried because of this.”  Tria said in a seemingly calm voice, in reality though it was thinly veiled anger; Littlefoot concluded that Tria was trying to spare Tricia from having to see her parents fight anymore.  “I’m afraid she might try and fulfill my wish” Topsy responded quietly.


Littlefoot was running full speed to keep up with the rest of them, ignoring the sharp pain in the side.  He had already told Topsy and Tria about the secret entrance to the Great Valley and they had decided Cera left through there and not the main entrance where the on duty guard would have seen her.  Littlefoot couldn’t think straight, he didn’t want to think straight, the implications were too big.  An outsider would think that Cera hated her father but in reality the exact opposite was true.  She strived for her father’s acceptance, his love, but Topsy was not an easy three horn to please.
The pain in Littlefoot’s side began to subside.  At first it seemed like a blessing but Littlefoot knew the truth, the adrenaline pumping through his veins was blocking the pain, damage was still being done and Littlefoot would feel it later.  He didn’t care though, Cera could be hurt, or worse, and he had to get to her.
Petrie was in the lead and he burst through a bush that seemed to be sitting in front of a solid rock wall.  This bush was actually the entrance to the secret passageway in and out of the valley that Littlefoot and his friends had found a couple years ago.  Littlefoot already knew what to expect.  The small cave that ran through the ridge surrounding the valley lead out to tiny plateau with a shear drop directly opposite of the valley, in order to get down the gang always had to take a gently sloping ramp to the right.
Petrie had turned right immediately after exiting the cave out of habit, and the rest followed him, except for Littlefoot.  He ran straight to the edge a couple yards away and looked down, praying not to see what he knew was there.  His heart sank.
Several yards below him was the sprawled form of a three horn.  “Cera!”  Littlefoot yelled out in desperation, but the dinosaur lying on the floor below him didn’t move.  Littlefoot looked back at the others who were running down the ramp at full speed.  He then looked to his left, there was a spot that wasn’t a shear drop, it was still dangerously steep but Littlefoot felt he could make it.
He shifted his weight down and back, storing the energy in his knees as if they were springs.  He then straightened his legs unleashing the stored force and sending him into the air.  Littlefoot landed on the sloping edge and felt a jolt of pain as the shock ran up his body and caused his broken rib to stab further into his gut.  The moment of fresh pain made Littlefoot lose focus, slip, and begin tumbling down the steep slope.
Littlefoot finally came to a stop.  He lifted his head with a groan and looked at Cera lying next to him.  He felt a wave of nausea and quickly turned away forcing himself to swallow the bile rising in his throat.  He didn’t want anyone to know sickly he felt from the site of Cera’s body.
She was lying on her left side in a small pool of her own blood; the dirt was stained with it.  Her right hind leg was bent at an unnatural angle and Littlefoot could see the bone sticking out from under the skin.  Other than the leg, and what must be some gash underneath her that was the source of the blood, she actually didn’t look too bad.  That was until Littlefoot noticed that her chest wasn’t moving.
The long neck scrambled to his feet and nearly fell again from a new jolt of pain.  He looked down at his side and saw his milky white rib just starting to poke out from underneath the skin.  He ignored it and hobbled over to Cera’s head, leaning in listening to see if she was breathing.  She wasn’t.
Tears began to fill Littlefoot’s eyes, but instead of grief Littlefoot felt himself become overcome with anger, anger at Cera.  Littlefoot started beating the three horn’s chest in frustration.  Topsy, Tria, Spike, Ducky and Petrie arrived and stood in silence watching the pathetic scene in front of them.  But the punishment Littlefoot was dealing to Cera’s body was a blessing in disguise.  The repeated concussion on the three horn’s chest triggered a coughing reflex.  Cera let out a cough and a large glob of congealed blood came out with it.  After a large, gasping breath Cera began to breathe again.
The three horn looked up at Littlefoot, “Hey” she managed to croak.  Littlefoot couldn’t help but smile from the relief he was feeling.  “You’re an idiot, you know that right?” he replied back to her.  “Ha, ya, I know” Cera said before closing her eyes and slipping back into unconsciousness.
“She’s alive” Littlefoot said to the others as they gathered around Cera.  “Let’s get her to The Healer” He added.  “I think we need to get you The Healer, we do, we do” Ducky said.  “What?  I’m fine” Littlefoot responded, trying to shrug off Ducky’s concern.  “Littlefoot, look down” Petrie added to the conversation.  Littlefoot did look down and saw the pool of his own blood that was slowly growing in size.  I completely forgot about my rib was the last thing Littlefoot thought before his world turned black.


Littlefoot groaned and slowly opened his eyes.  For a few seconds he lay on the ground in relative comfort, some sort of moss acting as a cushion beneath him, but the pain soon came.  He tried to hold it back, but a gasp escaped his mouth alerting the large big mouth in front of him.
The big mouth was only known by her title, The Healer.  She had shown up at the Great Valley a couple years ago with an amazing knowledge of dinosaur biology and the healing powers of various plants.  She was quite and kept to herself, completely ignoring any non medical questions or conversation.  But if someone was hurt she would do her best to help them without asking for anything in return.
“It may have felt like the rib had broken off completely and made a fairly large mess in your chest but it wasn’t nearly that bad.  It only partially cracked and moved just enough to stick out from the skin.  I’ve pushed it back into place and you should be fine in a couple weeks” was all The Healer had to say before turning away.  “Wait!  What about Cera?” Littlefoot called back to her.  “She’s alive” The Healer responded before walking behind a boulder and out of sight.
Littlefoot examined his surrounding and recognized where he was.  The Healer made her nest in a small clearing surrounded by six spaces enclosed by boulders and dense vegetation.  The enclosed spaces were used as patient rooms and gave the sick some privacy while they recuperated.  Littlefoot recognized this space in particular; he was treated in the same patient clearing when he had received his semi-circle scar a little more than a year ago.
The long neck turned to look at the damage on his own person but realizes the wound isn’t visible.  The Healer had rapped Littlefoot’s body with several enormous leaves, held in place by vines, that was pasted in a thick sticky resin.  The resin was hard and made the leaves rigid.  This prevented Littlefoot’s chest from moving too much when breathed or walked around so the broken rib would stay in place and heal.  The long neck gingerly rose to his feet and began to walk around, to his relief he no longer experienced the sensation of a knife moving through his chest.  He slowly walked over to the next patient clearing, the one The Healer had walked over to, and gazed at the scene before him.
Right next to him were two small piles of a dense sponge-like moss used as bandaging in larger gashes.  One pile contained fresh unused moss, while the other was soaked in blood.  In the middle of the clearing was Cera, lying on a bed of moss similar to the one Littlefoot woke up on.  She was unconscious, but breathing.  A short but thick piece of wood was tied to her broken leg, keeping it immobile.  A leaf and resin setup, similar to Littlefoot’s, was wrapped around her body, stopping the bleeding from the large gash Littlefoot knew she had.
There were two other dinosaurs in the clearing.  The Healer stood on the far side by a tree, her body obscuring whatever she was working on.  Cera’s only other visitor at the moment was her sister Tricia.  The little three horn was curled up next to her older sister sleeping gently.  As Littlefoot slowly moved closer Tricia woke up.  She looked up at the long neck and her tail began to wag energetically.
Tricia expressed herself through her tail.  It wagged when she was happy, stood at attention when she was scared, and drooped when she was sad.  If she was an artist, her tail was her brush.  It moved in beat with her voice when she talked or sang, and she sang quite often.  It was as important as any facial expression when determining her emotions, and right now it was telling Littlefoot that she was happy to see him.
“Hey Littlefoot!” she said with no evidence of her sister’s dire condition in her voice.  “Hey” Littlefoot responded with a slightly somber tone after watching Tricia’s tail make a unique movement for each syllable either dinosaur uttered.  “The Healer said Cera going to be okay” Tricia happily announced while looking down upon her older sister.  “She will be fine in a few weeks, if she wakes up” The Healer interrupted from the background.  “If she wakes up?” Littlefoot inquired.  “They sometimes don’t” The Healer finished before walking out of the clearing.
Tricia seemed to ignore the comment and continue staring at her sister.  “Clumsy Cera, I can’t believe she fell off a cliff like that” she said.  Littlefoot’s heart sank a little.  Obviously nobody had told her the truth.  It was actually expected, she was too young to understand suicide, plus the shock that her sister wanted to kill herself would have been too much for the young three horn.
Littlefoot looked at Cera’s sleeping form.  The love he had felt just the day before wasn’t there anymore.  Instead all Littlefoot could feel was disgust.  She had acted like a coward, taking the easy way out of her problems.  But Littlefoot didn’t like feeling this way.  He wanted to love her again, so he pointed his anger at someone else.  “Luca” Littlefoot muttered, his teeth clenched in anger.


Littlefoot found Luca munching on some treestars by the river.  He wanted to make a dramatic entrance, pushing Luca around, but unfortunately for Littlefoot the three horn had several hundred pounds of extra mass on him.  “You see what you’ve done?  She tried to kill herself!” he yelled at Luca from a safe distance.  “Yes, pathetic isn’t it?” Luca responded without so much as pausing during his feeding.  “No, it-” but Littlefoot was interrupted, “Yes, would be the correct answer.  You came to me because you want to blame me, but it’s not my fault.  What I did may have been a little wrong, it’s debatable, but her reaction, and the reaction of her father, was completely out of my control” Luca finished, his attention now fully focused on Littlefoot.
Littlefoot knew it was the truth, and it stung.  As much as hated himself for feeling this way, he wanted nothing to do with Cera or her father.  He just wanted to get away.  “When do we leave again?” he asked.  Luca smiled, “Look up”.  Littlefoot followed Luca’s order and saw a black circle slowly covering up the sun.
“We go now” Luca said.  “But my ribs” Littlefoot responded.  “We’ll go slowly, you’ll heal in time” the three horn responded, shrugging off the long neck’s concern.  “I have one question before we leave, why did we wait for the bright circle to turn black before going?  We could have left earlier and given ourselves more time” Littlefoot asked his new travelling partner.  The three horn stopped for a second, than continued walking.  I guess he’s not going to answer that question either.

Author's note:

" 'I lose my temper, but it's all over in a minute,' said the student. 'So is the Hydrogen bomb,' I replied. 'But think of the damage it produces!' "
-George Sweeting


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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so far so good raga. You write very well.... :)
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Member+
  • Ducky
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Since I've already rated these chapters on I will only ask you to update this story ASAP. :)

I am not so sure if that word you haven't edited in chapter 3 is LBTish, but it isnt something I couldnt live with. ;)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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I like this! It's very interesting. Can't wait to read more.


  • Ducky
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  • Petrie
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opps, forgot the quote of chap 3, its up now

Cancerian Tiger

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Hehe, I've been following this and have even reviewed it.  I figured the author was yourself due to "raga" part ;).  Seriously, I've been having withdrawls from this story and hope more is posted.  Ouch!  Poor Cera :(.  I about vomited when I read about her leg.  Then again, that's me.  Nothing grosses me out like an open displaced fracture :x  :x.  I can't believe for the life of me her father said that to her.  It just does not seem to fit his character of being the protective father that he is.  Speaking of characters, I feel Littlefoot's actions of not wanting to have anything to do with Cera was so not his normal self.  Littlefoot is a loyal and loving longneck.  I know that if the love of my life had just attempted suicide and may not live, I would not be able to leave his side.  Littlefoot seems more like that.  If he was going on the journey just to help Luca out and get back to Cera quickly, that would seem more plausible.  Then again, it's your story.  I'm just giving my two-cents.  BTW, love the quote!  Did ya come up with that yourself?  It immediately made the list of my favorite quotes of all time ;).


  • Petrie
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Wow, didn't know anybody liked my story so much, thanks.  As for the next chapter, I'm sorry but it could be a while.  I had predicted at first that it would only take a couple weeks but some unexpected stuff came up.  I leave on a cruise (hell ya!  :lol: ) this friday and won't be back till the 22nd, so thats another huge chunk of time where i won't be writting.  Maybe (hopefully) I can get the chapter done by the end of the month, we'll see.

As for some of your thoughts, here are my rationalizations:

Yes, Topsy is increadibly protective, but also very hotheaded.  We all know he has an especially strong prejudice against long necks and in his point of view he is protecting his daughter.  He didn't cause direct physical harm to her, he just kinda got carried away.  I know it was still a little extreame, but the story kinda depends on it happening.  Don't worry though, there will be quite the talk between Topsy and Cera in the next chapter

We all know that Littlefoot can be hotheaded at times as well (mostly in the first movie though), but not to the extreame of abandoning Cera.  But once again it is something I need to happen, but I have thought of a rational reason behind it as well (its an OCD kinda thing, there has to be something rational  behind everything, i even used puttent squares to create a system of inhertiance for "greying out" in three horns  :smile ).  I have Littlefoot in a state of shock right now, he just can't rationally consider the sitution.  When it wears off he will return to her, or at least he would if there wasn't a certain.... incident (no one dies, i promise, at least not for now  :rolleyes ).

Also, and i understand how no one would get this untill the next chapter, but DID Cera try and kill herself?
*dramatic music*
*cliff hanger*
*I'll stop this now*

as for the quote, all three of the quotes I have right now were said by the person written below it.  In the case of the one ur referring to, it was actually written by him, and wish I had thought of it.


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Also, and i understand how no one would get this untill the next chapter, but DID Cera try and kill herself?
*dramatic music*
*cliff hanger*
Aaah! I knew it! The way you wrote in that little part directly after Cera had "jumped" off of the cliff sort of gave me a little suspicion... I did question whether or not she actually tried to kill herself. And having Littlefoot leave before speaking to her made me even more suspicious :p
Now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, heh. Good stuff!

Cancerian Tiger

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Yeah, I'm itching to read the talk between Cera and her father.  Have fun on your cruise, and take your time :)!


  • Cera
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Wow I gotta hand it to you. Topsy is more of an ###whole in this story than in all the movies put together. Really suspensful story so far! Keep it up :D


  • Petrie
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well I'm finnally back, leaving the warm 80+ caribbean for freezing new york, fun.  But really, I had a good time, love cruises and love royal carribean, loyal to royal is the corny phrase their website uses :rolleyes .  Anyway, to more important stuff, normally i spend an hour or so a day while on a cruise on my room's balcony, reading.  This time though I didn't bring a book, thought i would just listen to music but that got boring.  I didn't want to lose that time, its very relaxing, so i took out my iphone, opened up that little notes program and started writting.  After writting a few scence for this actual story I started to write a short story that occures a few months prior to the eternal bond, but i didn't finish it.  So I have to make a choice, finish that story, or drop it for now and work on the next chapter for eternal bond, which is over due by my standards.

Cancerian Tiger

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Glad ya had a good time, Raga :yes.  I'd say work on your current story first.  It sucks to be left at a brutal cliffhanger <_<.


  • Petrie
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ur right, so i'm back to work on the next chapter, I hopping to finish and upload it by the weekend after this upcoming one (march 6-8).