The Gang of Five
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Something More Dangerous

Kit12 · 10 · 1571


  • Ducky
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(I have fan fictions on I should get to, but I figured this newest plot idea I should grace you guys with first, so here goes!)

Chapter 1

"K-it" the young whistling type crested swimmer, Cory, all but whined, "Petrie's snuggling stick isn't around here, can't we just go back?!". The young flyer turned to her friend, "Cory, you know if I don't find it Petrie can't get to sleep".

"She is right, she is" Ducky added, "Petrie's snuggling stick is very important to him, so if we can find it we should find it". Ducky giggled, "Now I sound like Ruby".

"Yeah kinda" Kit laughed. "Speaking of which" Cory added, "maybe we should go back and get the others to help look for it". It was only the two young swimmers and young flyer out almost to the line of crossing from the Great Valley into the Mysterious Beyond who were on this quest for Petrie's snuggling stick.

"Oh please no!" Kit flapped back over closer to where the other two stood, "I--it's my fault he lost it, I asked if I could borrow it last night and after he actually let me--I can't let Petrie know I lost it, at least not until we find it".

"But it could be anywhere!" Cory protested, "and I wanna go watch Cera loose at the log running game again, plus I'm sure the game's no fun since we have the best player here with us...well with the exception of myself" Cory grinned. Ducky giggled again, "You are very good, Cory" she said, "but I believe I beated you last time".

"Yeah, well, it won't happen this next time" Cory said, "so let's go back and...".

"Hey! What's that?!" Kit darted forward suddenly, out past the cave exit to the Mysterious Beyond. "Kit! Come back here!" Cory cried, crawling after her. Ducky followed. Kit had swooped over to a very large...something, it looked like the thing itself didn't know if it was a very large egg or a rock.

This wasn't the reason for her darting out though, the reason was a stick laying just next to the rock thingy. "Look guys, it's Petrie's snuggling stick!" the little flyer said happily, "Ok, now we can go return it and...".

"What in the Great Valley is that?" Cory asked, walking up with a perplexed look on his face. Kit frowned, "It's Petrie's snuggling stick, I just told you...".

"Not that" Cory waves his hand, "that!" he pointed. Kit turned around to finally take in the huge rock maybe egg thingy behind her. Her head tilted accordingly with the confusion of an identification as well. In fact, all three of the kid's heads tilted.

"That is a very big egg, it is" Ducky said. "It's not an egg, it's an oddly shaped rock" Cory answered. "It looks like it could be both" Kit said in more confusion.

Cory turned to her with his arms crossed, "How could it be both? There's no kinds of dinosaurs that lay rocks".

Kit's eyes went wide, "Maybe it's the Lone Dinosaur and he hasn't hatched yet!" she said, "they say his egg's really big".

"But he did hatch, or else we would not know about him, we wouldn't" Ducky pointed out. "Oh, right" Kit frowned again. The kids looked at the rock/egg once more.

"We would probably know what it is if we touched it" Cory suggested, yet didn't move to do such. "Yes, that would be a very good way of knowing, it would" Ducky agreed. Still the kids stayed motionless.

"I-I'll do it" Kit said hesitantly, taking a step or two out. "Oh Kit, you do not have to" Ducky said. "Well..." Kit turned back to the rock thingy, "it's gonna bother us if no one knows...and I could fly out of the way really quickly if anything happens...".

"Yeah..." Cory still sounded scared himself for his friend's sake. Kit gulped a bit but flapped a bit closer. Ducky and Cory took hesitant steps closer as well, somehow they felt they shouldn't let Kit get too far ahead incase she would need help.

By a series of flaps and tip toeing steps, the kids made their way up to the huge thing. Kit gulped once more, but made her voice work.

"Uh...hello?" she said, the idea of this thing being an egg was just too hard to put to rest right now. "i-is anyone in there...would you rather we left you alone and let you hatch on your own?".

"Is your very big mommy gonna come eat us if you are an egg" Cory added to himself.

"H-hello..." Kit repeated, and raised her small little fist to rap on the rock as if listening for a sound. Kit was pretty sure she'd caused an earthshake or something as right afterwards the whole ground about her, Cory and Ducky seemed to shake.

"Kit!" Ducky cried, darting forward to grab the startled flyer before both herself and Cory darted behind a nearby, plain ol' ordinary rock. The three of them were huddled behind the rock in a solid group hug mass as they heard more rumblings and crackings. "Oh if we broke the Great Valley we are so in for it!" Cory commented beyond his fear as the three kids waited out the rumblings.

Soon, everything went quiet again. "I--I think it is over" Ducky said. The three kids slowly sat back up and looked to the top of the rock they were hiding behind. The unspoken question of who would peek first was in everyone's mind.

"Kit...tapped it, so I will look first" Ducky said, "it is only fair".

"Careful Ducky" Kit said as the swimmer grabbed a hold of the rock and peered over. Cory and Kit helped haul her up. The little swimmer peered around and then her eyes went wide.

"Oh...what are you?" she asked. Such a question prompted Cory and Kit to peer around from the other side of the rock as well to look.

There, in the clearing, and with a broken egg looking rock laying in pieces about him, stood...somthing with the head of a threehorn, wings like a flyer and about the size, bigger than a longneck with claws that would put a sharptooth to shame.

"Oh my..." Cory breathed, "it's a Fire Spitter!". Ducky frowned, "I thought they did not exist".

The huge creature, or Fire Spitter, turned his head and soon spotted the three inquisitive hatchlings. "Well hello there children" he said in a very friendly, if not rumbly and deep, voice. "Now, which one of you tapped my egg?".

Instantly, and still staring at the Fire Spitter with wide eyes, all three of the children pointed to another of their friends. "He/She did it!".


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  • Ducky
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I like it so far! It's quite adorable. Nice idea :)


  • Ducky
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:DD I think I might see where this is going. Great story.


  • Jedi Knight
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  • Cera
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Wow this is such a nice story :D  Keep up the great work


  • The Circle
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It does seem an interesting story so far.  Hope you keep writing.


  • Ducky
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(Oh I'm not surprised if it's obvious where I'm going with this ;) at least for this next scene)

Chapter 2

"You three were all the ones to first touch my egg?" the Fire Spitter asked, looking amused. Kit, Cory and Ducky calmed a bit and realized that they had just almost sold each other out, but then it had been the panic of the moment.

"Um, no Sir" Kit admitted, "I...I tapped it, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you".

"Oh it's quite alright" the Fire Spitter smiled, reclining into a laying down position to get more level and look at the kids, "that's how the rules of this work; Um I assure you I'm not going to eat you or anything, so why don't you kids come on out so I can get a better look at ya".

Kit looked back at the others, "He seems very friendly". Cory frowned, "Yeah...and if he were mad about us disturbing him I think he would have lashed out by now". Ducky's answer was to walk out closer as requested, and the other two followed.

"That's better" the Fire Spitter smiled, "Now then, starting with the little flyer who freed me, what's your name?" he asked, looking at the young one. "Um, Kit sir" she answered. The Fire Spitter nodded and next looked at the two swimmers. "I'm Ducky" Ducky said with a smile, "and this is Cory". The other swimmer waved.

"Well it's a pleasure" the Fire Spitter said. "D-do you have a name, Sir?" Kit next asked. "Well, yes I do" the Fire Spitter said, "but you children would never remember it".

"How can a name be hard to remember?" Cory asked. "Yes, and we have to know what to call you, we do, we do" Ducky commented. The Fire Spitter smiled, "Well if you insist, my name is Curishdrakenstaffmaharajasiliasbasdentreklanscal" he grinned.

(A/N: for those who want that broken down as to what I just said... Curish-drakenstaff-maharaj-asiliasbasden-trek-lanscal)

The three young one's had wide eyes. "Um...can we call you Curish?" Kit asked. The Fire Spitter smiled, "Yes, I think that would be acceptable" he said.

"Wow, did it take more family members than just your mom to come up with that?" Cory asked. Curish grinned, "I don't have parents, creatures having to do with magic such as myself rarely do".

"Magic?" Ducky and Kit asked at once.

"Oh yes, I've completely not gotten to the point yet" Curish smiled, "you children are in the presence of a Fire Spitter who has a most useful gift of being a wish granter as well; but then I guess that's not surprising as I've never met a normal Fire Spitter who wasn't special in someway in my life".

"Wishes? Like what the Stone of Cold Fire gives?" Cory asked, remembering that whole adventure and fiasco surrounding the mythical rock. Curish's laugh seemed to shake the ground again, "Ah yes, that rot of a story, no no child, that's simply what my true story has turned into; you see...that's a rock, or was" he pointed behind him at the remains, "and...well...". To prove his next point Curish blew fire much as any Fire Spitter should be able to do.

"Oh!" the kids all suddenly got it and said at the same time. "Actually that's just a guess of mine" Curish went on, "but until I see a Stone of Cold Fire I'm not giving it precedent over my magic abilities, and it seems likely it's just a mis-reading of my tale as I stated, so that's the story I'm going with".

"So we really get any wishes we want?!" Cory was quick to pick up on the point in all this. "Well, the little flyer here freed me" Curish said, "technically she get's any wishes she wants, three to be precise".

Cory frowned, "Well if I'd known that and that you weren't going to eat us, I could have tapped the egg too" he said. Kit laughed, "It's ok Cory, I don't think I need anything like wishes. Can I just give 'em to him and Ducky?" Kit asked.

Curish shrugged, "However you want to go about it, I just can only grant the wishes when you say them, since you tapped the egg". Kit nodded, "Ok, well then...Cory can wish for something and then Ducky and then I'll just use the last wish, if I think of anything" Kit shrugged.

"Something tells me Cera's gonna want in too once we get back to the Great Valley" Cory smiled. "Well that shouldn't be a problem" Curish said, "You see...".

Just before the Fire Spitter's statement was finished, though, a voice shouted out. "This way, I found 'em, they're alright". Cory, Kit and Ducky turned to find Mr. Threehorn having made his way to the spot they were now at, a bit outside the Great Valley.

"Oh thank goodness!" Tylr said, landing and give all three of the kid's a non partial hug even if the main reason he was probably out here was for his daughter, Kit.

"I practically promised your mothers I'd check up on you two" he next told Ducky and Cory though.

"W-what for?" Kit asked as they were released. "What for?" Petrie's mother asked, having come along as well, "why, you children didn't feel that huge earthshake?". The three kids looked at eachother.

"Why as soon as we noticed you three were missing we feared the worst and came out looking to make sure you hadn't strayed too far" Mrs. Flyer went on. "Not that we're surprised to find you have..." Mr. Threehorn sighed a bit.

"Ah, yes" a voice the three children knew as Curish's next sounded, "I just stumbled upon the kids myself". Wondering why a Fire Spitter would speak so normally, like the sight of him wouldn't completely shock the adults, the kids turned and found...a bright yellow, but otherwise normal threehorn standing there.

The threehorn, Curish, smiled to them and gave a wink before addressing the adults once more, "I um...just appeared after the earthshake was done" Curish said with a smile, "and spotting your young ones, just had to make sure they were ok".

"Oh, well, thankyou very" Petrie's mom said, fishing for a name to call the new threehorn. "Curish, at your service ma'am" Curish, in his threehorn form, said with a bow.

"Yeah" Kit smiled, "Mr. Curish here is really nice and helpful".

"I'll say!" Cory added. Ducky hid a giggle.

"Well...come on then, let's all head back" Mr. Threehorn said, "Um...I suppose it would be rude of me to keep out another threehorn, especially one who saved the kids,'re welcome to come Mr. Curish" Topsy said. "Thankyou ever so much" Curish said, following along with the adults as they all walked back to the Valley.

As they continued along, Curish noticed the kid's inquisitive glances and slowed so they could talk to him a bit more freely. "Wow, you look just like a threehorn!" Kit whispered.

"Well of course" Curish said with a smile, "I have to be nearby for when you wish to wish for something, and this whole thing about you kids having wishes at your disposal should stay a secret".

"Why?" Kit asked.

Curish made sure the adults were still way far ahead to where they couldn't hear. "A strange thing happens to folks when they're given anything or the possibility of anything they want" he said, "trust me with what my line of work is I've seen it".

The Fire Spitter/threehorn sighed, "Friends and family members you would think the best person in the world would suddenly turn greedy if they knew one word from you could cause anything they wanted to come true. I'm actually relieved to see a group of innocent children is who I get to wish grant for this time, but I'd watch out for it even with you guys as you ponder what you want, don't get carried away or turn on eachother".

Ducky, Kit and Cory all laughed. "We are all good friends, we are" Ducky said, "we would not be mean to each other". Curish just smiled and said nothing.

The laugh caused Topsy to turn back, and with a smile of amusement Tylr noticed how it was probably only the fact that their new guest was a fellow threehorn that the crusty old second head of the Valley didn't question his talking with the children shortly after they'd met him. He simply looked a bit curious, but turned forward once more, deeming the fellow threehorn who'd saved the children as fine.

"I will even prove it" Ducky continued, still out of the grown-ups earshot "Cory, you can use Kit's first wish first, um if you're ok with that Kit" she added. The little flyer shrugged, "Sure, why not, I still don't know anything I need".

Cory smiled, "Wow, thanks Ducky...let's see..." he began to think, "anything I want...".

"Well here we are" Mr. Threehorn's voice next sounded out as they reached the Valley, "and you three are lucky nothing happened" he said as the rest of the Great Valley seemed to approach.

"Why, if I were in charge of you..." he glanced to the two flyers and even Cory and Ducky's mothers as they rushed up to hug their children respectively, "I would confine you to your nest for the rest of the day just for wandering off like that without even the excuse of Littlefoot leading you off to it".

From where the other kids had crowded over to see that their friends had returned safely, Littlefoot frowned a bit. Tylr smiled though, "It's fine" he answered for atleast Kit, but both Cory and Ducky's mothers nodded as well that they agreed the children didn't need anything that severe.

"You kids just promise me you won't go into the Mysterious Beyond again, at least for today", Petrie's mother said, she knew ever was a hard thing to ask from these kids. "We promise" Kit assured with a smile.

"Y-yeah, us too" Littlefoot added, just to alleviate that worry.

The adults moved off and Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Petrie, Ruby and Chomper approached to see both their friends who were safe and the new threehorn who had saved them.

"This is Curish" Kit introduced. The threehorn nodded his head in greeting, "how do you kids do" he said.

Cera smirked and turned to Littlefoot, "Look Littlefoot, he saved them, maybe he's the Lone Threehorn" she joked. The other kids, besides Littlefoot, laughed, yet Ducky and Kit seemed to be holding in a really big laugh as they shared a secret look...oh if Cera only knew how close she was with the legend reference without knowing it!

Cory didn't laugh since he was too busy frowning. "Cory, what is wrong that is making you not happy?" Ruby asked. "They're treating us like hatchlings again!" Cory cried, frustrated. Ducky and Kit smiled, "They are only looking out for us, they are" Ducky pointed out.

"Yeah well, sometimes I just wish it was us in charge instead of them!" Cory said, still pouting...before he realized what he'd said and got a look of discovery on his face. Slowly, he turned to Curish smiling.

"Yeah, I think ever kid in the world's wanted that at one time" Cera said, "but it's never gonna happen".

"Oh I don't know..." Cory said, gaze still on Curish who was frowning with where he thought the young swimmer's thoughts were going. He should have may have been innocent but they were also very naive...


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Chapter 3

"I wish we were in charge for a whole day instead of the grown ups!".

"Uh...Cory..." Cera stepped forward, "why are you telling the smelly threehorn that like he cares?" she asked. Curish frowned at the "smelly" comment while Ducky and Kit looked worried as Cory turned like he might just up and answer that!

"Because he can grant wishes" Cory said. "Cory!" Ducky and Kit cried. Curish sighed, "apparently the kid doesn't listen when adults talk" he grumbled to himself.

"Grant...wishes?" Petrie asked, he didn't sound like he believed the swimmer.

"Yeah" Cory said, "he's a magic Fire Spitter". Cera looked at Curish then back to Cory. "He is!" the young swimmer protested, seeing Cera's look. "Tell them" he turned to face Curish expectantly.

The Fire Spitter/Threehorn sighed, "Well if you went and spilled the secret already...".

"Wait, you mean...everything Cory said is...true?" Littlefoot asked. Kit sighed, "Yeah, although it was suppose to be a secret so Mr. Curish wouldn't have the trouble of everyone wanting to have wishes once they found out".

"But they can't do that, since only Kit can make the wishes, she tapped the egg" Ducky supplied. As everyone looked even more stunned and or shocked, Kit sighed again and went through the whole story of what had happened when Cory, Ducky and herself were outside the Great Valley.

"Yep" Cory finished with a smile, "so he's gotta make us in charge of the Great Valley instead of the grown-ups".

"You, you wouldn't really do something that shouldn’t be done like that, would you?" Ruby asked. Curish sighed, "Well I'm not bound to do anything off of the little swimmer here, but if my wisher, Kit here, says it, I can't judge either way, I just have to do it; it's how the rules work".

Cera rolled her eyes, "Oh please, you still look like a normal Threehorn to me, I mean...". Seeing that the kids did need a bit of proof with this, and Cory had spilled the secret anyway, Curish looked around to make sure no grown ups were nearby (they weren't) and then, in a flash of light, quickly went to his Fire Spitter form.

Littlefoot, Cera, and Ruby took a few steps back while Petrie, Spike and Chomper immediately dove behind them in shock before peering out nervously. Curish smiled, "and since the skeptical threehorn there will probably need more proof...", he blew a puff of smoke, apparently his outlet of magic as well as just spitting of fire action, and the whole Great Valley turned barren without a green speck to be found before he puffed again and it went back to normal.

Curish next shrunk back down to his Threehorn form once more, "Don't worry, none of your parents saw that little weather change though, so you kids won't have to explain a thing...but now do you believe your friend?" he turned to Cera. The threehorn nodded her head with wide eyes.

Cory grinned to Cera smugly, "See, I told ya! Ok then Miss Wish Holder!" he turned back around to Kit, "Go ahead and repeat it!" Cory said excitedly, "I wish we kids, the nine of us", he signaled the gang of seven as well as himself and Kit, "We're in charge of the Great Valley and the grown-ups couldn't tell us what to do at all...only...I'm in charge of the rest of yall a bit more".

Ducky frowned, just curious, "You did not say that before" she pointed out in confusion on Cory putting himself more in charge. Cory shrugged, "It's my idea, I figured I should add it".

Kit frowned, "I don't know Cory, doesn't--".

"You said I could use one of the wishes!" Cory protested, "and that's what I wanna use it on, now just say it, Kit!". He looked like he was pouting and about to jump up and down a bit.

"Perhaps those of us who would be in charge should say if we even want to be in charge" Ruby pointed out, stepping forward and seeing how this whole plan could turn bad real fast.

"Yeah, I don't think we should do something like that Cory" Littlefoot added, "what if something bad happened and the grown-ups couldn't help us out with it?".

"I still don't think he could make it work that well" Cera said.

Cory frowned, "Kit said...".

"Yes I know, Cory" Kit stepped forward, "but I just think that".

"You're just going back on your promise!" Cory crossed his arms. Kit sighed.

"Cory" Ducky next stepped forward, "don't you remember when we were all upset because our parents kept treating us like hatchling, but when we had to watch Chomper as a baby we found out it was hard?".

"But we're not watching anything!" Cory said, "we just get to say what we can do and not do without the grown-ups pushing us around!".

Kit frowned, "I did promise Cory a wish..." she realized. She turned back to Curish, as if asking him what she should do.

"It's still completely up to you" Curish said, "the three wishes are yours alone to use as you want to in the end, and however you want".

Kit sighed and turned back to look at the others, "Ok...then I wish Cory gets his wish, but if any of us don't wanna be in charge, we don't have to and our parents can still tell us what to do" Kit tried her best to come up with a way to make everyone happy. Curish sighed, seeing the loopholes left in clearly, but the kid had spoken and he had to grant.

"Alrighty then..." he puffed his fire (something he could still do as a threehorn) and the kids all winced. When they let up, though, nothing seemed different.

"Well what do you expect" Curish smiled a bit, "you can't see being in charge, but...".

Just then a random Whistling Swimmer from the Valley, the same type as Cory but not related of course, passed by and he smiled to the young ones. "Well how are you little one's doing this fine day?" he asked, "Uh meaning no offense of course there Mr. Cory and Miss Cera, but you know I just call you and your friends kids since you are" he chuckled.

"Mr. Cory?" Ducky asked in surprise. "Miss Cera?" Kit added. The swimmer laughed, "Well of course, I'm gonna be nice to the two kids in charge of our Great Valley here; I would think Mr. Cory and Miss Cera's playmates and closest friends would remember that they've been in charge of us ever since we first joined up with Littlefoot's grandparents to make it to the Great Valley, of course Miss Cera wasn't there at the time and only added her input once Littlefoot here was kind enough to show her and the rest of you all the way to the Great Valley as well" he chuckled, "but you get what I mean".

"Uh...yeah" Littlefoot said hesitantly, putting the facts together.

"Of course some would find it odd that two young ones are our leaders, but I'm not one to judge" the swimmer shrugged and moved on. Once he was gone the kids, including Cory, all turned to Cera.

"What" the threehorn shrugged, "I didn't say to put me in charge".

"But you did want to be in charge" Curish pointed out, "even if you didn't say it; that's why you are. I didn't even have to know that, the wish just took care of it. In this set up, it's exactly how Kit put it, everyone of the nine of you who wants to be in charge and/or finds the idea cool is, namely you and Cory; everyone else who's either too smart to want to be solely in charge of the Valley (he smiled at Littlefoot and Ruby), doesn't like the idea of grown-ups not being in charge, (he smiled to Kit and Ducky) or is still freaking out that a magical Firespitter can do that to the grown-ups authority (he smiled to Petrie and Chomper), plus the little spiketail who's only worry is this Valley keeping it's green food, are spared that".

"So Littlefoot's Grandparents and Cera's dad can still take care of things if anything happens?" Kit asked, wanting to make sure of that.

"As long as neither Cory or Cera argue and outweigh their opinion on whatever the topic is; their vote is final since they you put it, in charge, since that was Cory's wish and you wished for Cory's wish to come true with the exception of leaving out anyone who didn't wish to be in charge".

"But...I said that so that some of our parents wouldn't have to be useless and could help out if things got bad" Kit said. "Sorry" Curish shrugged, "I'm a wish granter, not an advisor; I told you, whatever's said I have to grant it no matter what".

Littlefoot sighed, "Ok well, it's just until the bright circle goes down right?" he asked Curish. The Fire Spitter nodded, "At the wish's start, we've started over at a new day" he indicated the rising Bright Circle, "and these two get until it goes down to have full authority".

Littlefoot nodded, "Then we just have to make sure nothing happens until then, and if it does, make sure Cory or Cera don't do anything to make it worse".

Cory frowned, "The grown-ups are the one's making it worse by ordering us around all the time" he commented casually, climbing up on some nearby rocks.

"Yeah Littlefoot" Cera said, "other dinosaurs other than you are capable of handling stuff you know!".

"Me think me know where Cera wanting to be in charge came from" Petrie whispered to Chomper. The sharptooth nodded. Cera had seemed to have been waiting for this day when she got to shoot down some of Littlefoot's ideas in favor of her own.

Ruby glanced back at the new day's bright circle, "I fear this is going to be a very long time of the bright circle being up" she sighed.


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Chapter 4

"So the first thing we're going to play" Cera smirked back at her friends whom she knew couldn't shoot down her idea, her being in charge and all,  "Is the lone dinosaur, only I get to be the lone threehorn this time, and you all can't say anything about it".

"But Cera" Ducky said, "maybe since Mr. Curish has to hang around anyway to be here if Kit wants to wish for anything (it was only knowing how Cory would react that kept Kit, or Ducky for that matter, from using their wishes to undo Cory and Cera's big day), we should let him be the lone threehorn since he is a legendary threehorn already" she giggled a bit. Cera frowned, "Hey, I'm half in charge here and...".

"But Mr. Curish might take away that if you mean to him" Petrie pointed out. Cera frowned, "He can't do that, it's not it?" she turned to the threehorn/firespitter who was off just watching the kids play. Curish just smiled, "Well now I don't quite remember what the rules are for that...".

Ruby had a feeling it was no, since the wish granter had told them he couldn't make decisions like that on his own while bound to granting someone's wishes. It was enough unsurity for Cera though and she frowned a bit, "Oh fine, but I get to say that I'm not the sharptooth".

Cory had been laying on a nearby rock, chin propped in his hands boredly, when he suddenly sat up, "Oh for crying out loud! This is what you're doing with it!" he declared. Everyone else turned to him. "We have one day to be in charge and do anything we want without grown-ups getting on to us, and you pick to play the lone dinosaur and not be the sharptooth?!" he asked.

Cera frowned, "Well what would you do Mr. Smartie?".

"I don't know, go steal every treesweet off the treesweet tree and your dad can't...", Cory hadn't had any idea beforehand on what to do, just that Cera's idea of simply using it on games they played anyway was annoying him, but apparently he'd stumbled on it again!

"Hey, yeah!" he said, "I'm gonna go get as many treesweets as I want from the treesweet tree" he laughed, "and no one can say I don't get 'em since I'm in charge and everything!". He rushed off.

"Well hey, wait for your fellow leader!" Cera cried, taking after him next. Cory turned around to grin at her, "fellow leader, I thought you were second in command since it was my idea to begin with" he said. Cera frowned, "Nope, the wish put us at equal, but if you want to let my horn try to decide..." She pushed her face closer to the little swimmer.

"Fine, equal, whatever" Cory stepped back and shrugged, he'd been teasing anyway, "let's just get those treesweets!". He took off with Cera in close persuit

With sighs the others followed. "Just one bright circle right?" Kit asked, turning back to the others, "Just 'till it goes down, right" Littlefoot sighed.


(OOC: Ok, for later usage, I was debating who to use and debated probably every villain LBT's got, but I think I finally settled on an idea :DD)

While the kids plodded over to raid a treesweets tree, two flyers were having about as bad a day as they could recall in a while, yet given how many dinosaurs hated them, that wasn't all that surprising.

A flash of blue followed after a flash of pink before a kick, screech and taunting laugh followed. "Ha, not so smart now are we Mr. Slow Biter" the pink flyer taunted. He grinned and turned to his companion, "Hey Sierra, d'ya hear that, I made a funny 'cause they're...".

"Will you keep that bothersome tail out of my line of sight!" the pink flyer, Rinkus', companion, Sierra yelled as he swatted away said offending visage blocker. "I've still got one more..woah!", he leapt up just in time to dodge the lucky snap the green fastbiter below him had almost got in. Rinkus and Sierra flapped higher, as much as their still injured wings would allow and watched the two fast biter brothers, Screech and Thud, circle below them, gearing up for another leap.

They were on a slight vacation from Redclaw needing anything at the moment, and enjoying the possibility of a flyer breakfast and the present hunting of such quite thoroughly.

"This isn't working" Rinkus frowned, moving his injured wing as he noted Sierra's was bothering him too. "I forget who bit which of us, but soon they're gonna just be able to finish the job!". To answer him, Screech next leapt up, snapping his jaw and barely missing grabbing either of the two flyers who once more dodged just out of his range. Screech landed and hissed to himself. Yet Thud was right there, leaping and snapping off to the right to try and grab a distracted Rinkus who was fleeing Screech.

This time he got the satisfaction of grabbing the flyer's long tail and seemed to grin to himself as he swung his head on his trip back down to the ground, flinging the flyer off to the side to tumble along the ground. Screech and Thud both turned their attention to the grounded flyer, who looked very panicked indeed. "S-Sierra!" he cried, looking up to his 'friend'. Sierra was still at a semi-safe height and just looked thoughtful, like he was figuring out what he probably should do.

Screech rushed headlong in for the kill and Rinkus, spurred more by fear than strategy, leapt up and managed to flap himself to safety once more as Screech skidded to a stop after his useless charge. Thud even seemed to screech out in sharptooth some sort of reprimand of Screech having charged out to fast and lost the element of surprise or something. The blue fast biter turned to sharply argue back in the same high pitched tone.

Rinkus took advantage of the distraction to frown at Sierra, "Thanks alot for the help!" he said. "Hey I couldn't figure out how to safely do anything" Sierra shrugged. With a final shove, answering back Screech's back talk, Thud nonetheless, as any experience fastbiter hunter would, turned his attention back to their prey rather than some silly argument, and Screech, to his own credit, filed in line to help his brother in this joint effort, disagreements that may or may not have still hung in the air aside.

The had more maturity than the two flyers at any rate. Sierra frowned, "Hey, I can't save your tail from every dumb--". Another lunge from Thud interrupted Sierra's point and caused Rinkus to glance about and notice their surroundings. He noted a very familiar wall. "Come on" he pulled Sierra along, "I won't have to worry about how useful you are if we just avoid the fastbiters all together".

Sierra looked to where they were flapping, "Are you insane, the Great Valley citizens aren't going to let us--".

"It's an idea for now isn't it!" Rinkus shot back, "plus we'll be gone before they even know we're there, it's just until we lose the sharpteeth". Seeing where their prey were headed, Screech and Thud put on a burst of speed to try and catch them before they reached the all but impenetrable wall of that cursed flattooth valley. The two flyers dodged through the smelly treesweet canyon though and Screech and Thud had no choice but to halt and falter back from the putrid smell. They screeched their annoyance though.

"There, see" Rinkus panted as he caught his breath from where they'd been able to safely land, "now we just wait the two dumb sharpteeth out, I mean what are they gonna do, starve us out of a treesweet stocked canyon" he indicated about with a grin, "We've got all the time in the world and probably won't have to even let those Valleyers know we're here either".


"Alright guys", Kit's dad Tylr called out to his nephews minus Petrie, whom he'd told his sister he'd watch. Petrie's mom was having a 'girl' day with her daughters and Tylr had thought obliging to watch the boys while she was thus occupied shouldn't be too bad...

He really should have known better. "Hide and seek is a very bad game to play when I'm suppose to know where all of you are at one time" Tylr called out once more as he landed on a branch yet continued to scout the area.

Tylr caught the sound of giggles and smiled, knowing at least some of his little nephews were nearby, well that was something at least he assumed. The next sound to be heard though was not little flyer hatchlings at all, but the distinct agitated roar of just any fastbiters, Screech and Thud! Somehow Tylr would know those cries anywhere with as much as they'd terrorized this area and Petrie and Kit and their friends.

The screams of small little flyer hatchlings followed the roars and as Tylr stood there stunned by the roars himself he was soon bombarded by and weighed down with all of his sister's little boys hugging any huggable area of him they could find in fear.

"Make it go away, Uncle Tylr!" one of the boys cried, before burying his head once more. "Yeah, that or get momma, and she'll make it go away" another added.

Tylr shook his head and made his mind work. "Come on we've got to tell Mr and Mrs. Longneck and Mr. Threehorn" he said, moving the kids to where they wouldn't hinder his flight he took to the skies.

"b-but Cory and Cera are in charge" one of the boys, Flapper, pointed out. Tylr sighed, "Yes, I know, but there are many things that kids just can't handle; I don't remember who let them lead us in the first place, but I'm falling back on our adult leaders who can actually do something" Tylr said.