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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 261598


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"You should not be using the Dino Minder so much..." Topgaler warned.

"Be quiet, you're starting to sound like Stego," Mikoto leapt up at his partner's head, a leap that no normal human, or even some not-so-normal human could hope to match. He twisted around in midair as a swirling vortex of colors appeared around Topgaler's head and he vanished into it, reappearing in the Bakuryu's cockpit, which was a large orb-shaped console. He placed his hands on the sides of the console.

Topgaler released his distant cry and took to the air, beating his massive wings and taking flight.

"This place really is cut-off from civilization," Mikoto noted as he studied the ground far below.


Spyro and Cynder exchanged confused expressions at Scooby's strange explanation for his singing talents.


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Well, the pressure's on me' Dixie said
" WE still have the duets" Stripetail said. What sone would you like to sing Dixie?"
"Still Crazy After All these Years' Dixie said after sonme thought.
 She went though the paces then stood back and took a deep breath.
"i met my old lover in the steet last night, she seem,ed so glad to see me I just smiled. And we talked about some good times and drank ourselves som,e beers still crazy after all these years" Dixie was in fine form as she continued the song. "Now I'm not -the kind -of man- who likes to socoialize. I seem to lean on old familiar ways, and I aint no fool for love songs that whisper in my ear, still crazy after all these years.. Its Four in the morning and I'm tapped out  yawning, yawning my life away.'
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Topgaler was an extremely fast flyer, able to outdistance everything in the air, not even other flying Bakuryus could keep up with his maximum speed.


Cynder clapped as Dixie finished. Spyro clapped as well, though he had secretly been hoping Dixie would slip up in some way and give Scooby and him the lead in this round.


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A  5 of 5 Dixie.' Stripetail said. "You stumbled over a couple words, but kept the song flowing. It is obvious you have been singing for years, why they have not cast you to sing in movies I don't know. You have star talent , my dear" Dixie began to cry as  Stripetail praised her singing. 'You are the most talented of the four singers, yet Scooby outsang you this round.  the scores are out of five so the totals are : Scooby  5 of 5 and best performance so he'll get  3 bonus points, Dixie 5 of 5, Cynder 5 of 5, and Spyro 4 of 5. The boys lead 12-10 entering the duets thanks to 3 bonus points,' Stripetail said
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"oK so I didn't quite clear the bar Scooby set for me" Dixie shrugged. Are there bonus points for the best duet?
"Yes I give 3. you need to beat them by 3 points to win, and the total score will be out of 10, since there are 2 singers.' Stripetail said Who wants to go first?"
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(ooc: Oops, didn't think it would be this long.  Sorry for the long post.)

There was a roar not to far away.  "I guess Brooklyn woke up." She said being startled when she first heard it.  

"Yea, magic can remove the physiological need to sleep, but the mind still needs to sleep now and then." The Tourist said.

"I thought it best he do his cold sleep in a corner of the kitchen.  That way he can make himself breakfast as soon as he wakes up." The Tourist said.

"Shant be long till we are at the co-ordinates." The tardis said.

A few minutes later Brooklyn walked out.  In one hand he had half of a submarine sandwich and in the other a can of soda.  "Hey guys what's up." He said as he walked into the room.  "Hey Velma, been a while." He said noticing Velma was with them.

"Hey Brooklyn, how are things?" Velma asked.

"Great, Alex said is first word." Brooklyn Said taking another bite of his submaring sandwich.

"Already, jinkies, that was fast." Velma Said.

"Likely the fay blood from his grandmother." Sara said.

"Your & Katana's egg hatched yet?" Velma asked.

"Nah, that'll be another 12 years." Brooklyn said before taking a drink of his can of soda.  

"oh yea, I forgot, it takes you gargoyles 20 years before you hatch." Velma said.

"We've arrived." The tardis said, the rotor stopped going up and down, "My sensors show it's daylight outside."

"Daylight, I only just woke up." Brooklyn said.

Sara walked into the console room holding a small digivice.  "I'm all done.  I added a slight modification, adding in a spell so those who would find the appearance of the digimon shocking won't be able to perceive him.  A simpler spell then invisibility but very useful in this case I think." Sara said as she handed the digivice to Velma.  

Sara looked at The Tourist.  "You need the practice, you do the spell." She said.  

Velma looked at the digivice, "Sorta neat looking." She said and put it away next to the communications device.

"Yea, looks like something Lex would go nuts over." Brooklyn said looking at the device in Velma's hand before she put it away.

"I do." The Tourist said.  He walked over to Brooklyn and started the spell, taking longer since he was still learning dragon magic.  Sara had thought him this spell since she thought it would be good if more then just she could do this spell.   Once he was done with the spell he put his right hand on Brooklyn's chest to release the spell since he wasn't practiced or skilled enough yet to cast the spell from a distance like Sara could.  The spell took effect on Brooklyn, his body glowing briefly.  

"Cool, now I can go outside." He said, setting his can of soda and submarine sandwich down on top of the rotor.

"looks like we're inside a cave." The Tourist said as he showed the exterior of the Tardis on the large monitor.

"Readings show everything is the same conditions of earth." The tardis said.  The group headed towards the doors and outside and into the cave.


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(OOC: Don't worry about it, Kor. Type as long as you need to.)

"A duet?" Cynder asked. She turned to Dixie. "Do you have any suggestions for a song?"

"I hope whatever you did for your solo, you can do for the duet, too," Spyro said to Scooby.


Mikoto directed Topgaler towards the coastline, hoping to come across Surf Point and see if he could find one of the gangs Nick had mentioned.


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Ron't rount ron rit" Scooby said. 'Rut re rare rinrhe read."
 How about "Don't Go Breaking my heart? Its a guy and a girl usually, but We can make a girl-girl duet work..' Dixie said.
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"Okay," Cynder said. "I'm sort of familiar with that song."


As the coastline came into view, so did a large reptile-like creature. It resembled a tyrannosaurus a bit with stegosaurus' spikes running down its back. Its scales were black with the underside scales takinga lighter gray color. The spines on its back were light blue. It looked up as Topgaler flew overhead and roared at him.

"Interesting," Mikoto said. He glanced down at the device on his wrist. "Stego..."

The face plate glowed red, switching to resemble Stego's face. "I'm coming," the bakuryu said.

The spiens on Godzila's back light up, before he exhaled a stream of green fire at Topgaler, who barely managed to barrel roll out of the way in time.


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Row arout. Ri'd Really Riove Ro ree rou ronight?' Scooby said, Rits rwo ruys ringing arout ra rirl.."
"I'd really Love to see you tonight/ Good choice" Stripetail nodded.
 Who wants to go first..?"
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"I'm not familiar with that one," Spyro said.

"I guess Dixie and I will go first then," Cynder said. "And you can either decide on a new song, or teach the lyrics of that one to Spyro."


Stegoslidon, a large red and silver biomechanical stegosaurus with golden spines, charged through the forrest. Topgaler turned towards him and swept down, grabbing hold of his back with his claws, lifting him into the air.

"Bakuryu gattai," Mikoto commanded as the eyes of both Bakuryus glowed. Topgaler spun around in the air and then both he and Stego began falling towards the ground. Topgaler's wings and legs separated from his body. The wings attached to the bottom of stego forming legs, while the legs attached to his side forming arms. Stego's neck folded open, revealing a fierce-looking face. "Complete Killeroh."

Killeroh hit the ground with a thunderous impact and brandished his clawed hands at Godzilla.

(OOC: Gattai=combination/Killeroh=Killer King)


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WE need to nail this one Cynder' Dixie whispered as Stripetail made them go through their paces. " otherwise we're going to be dowb 2-1-1."
 Don't go breaking my heart..' Dixie began..
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The group exited from the tardis and looked around.  

"It's a pretty well let cave at least." Odysseus said.  

"A few large cushions tossed over there and it would make a comfortable sleeping cave." Sara said looking around the general area.

"Looks boring, think I"ll go to sleep." Sam said.  

The eyes went back to their normal human appearance.  "I'm glad she's gone.  I bet she hid the book I was reading under the bed again." Ian said.

"What is that?" Velma said pointing in the center of the cave was an object.  

"The egg thing with the horn thing sticking out of it?" Ian said.

They all walked closer to it. "Sorta looks like a modern art sculpture." Ian said bending down to look at it.  

The Tourist took out what looked like sunglasses with light tint to the lenses and turned on the sensors & scanners and looked at the digi-egg.  "Hmm, I'm getting some interesting readings on this." He looked at the readings.  

"I wonder what sort of statement it would say, fi it were modern art." Ian said.  

Sara thought for a moment looking around the cave then back at the digi-egg.  "The oddness of reality."

"You're right," Odyesseus said looking at Ian then Sara, "That does sound like a good modern art sculpture name."

"I prefer old sorta art, not this weird modern stuff." Brooklyn said.  

"You're not the only one." Odysseus said.

Velma bent down to look at the egg.  "This bit looks like a lid.  I can just see the seam."

The Tourist then remembered why they were there, having been sidetracked by the conversations and the readouts. He turned off his scanner and put the glasses away then looked at Velma.  "Time for you to pull it I think." He said.

Velma reached out to get a good grip of the digi-egg and tried to pull it up.


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The legg glowed and moved and disappered in a blast iof light,. In its place stood a medium size digimon with a 'v' on its forhead, and long arms and claws. "Helo master' It said with a prounced lisp. "I am Veemon, at your service..'
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"I couldn't if I tried," Cynder joined in.

"So do you think you could teach me that song you suggested?" Spyro asked turning to Scooby. He kept his voice low so he wouldn't interrupt the girl's song.


Killeroh leapt at Godzilla, swinging its claws for him. The big lizard ducked under the slash and then bit hold of his atacker's arm. The machine stayed silent as Godzilla's jaws squeezed. Mikoto kicked out with one of Killeroh's legs, sending Godzilla stumbling back. His spines light up and he spat a blast of fire which hit the robot full in the chest.


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Rure. Rets Ro go rou rof rhe room, ro re ron't ristract rhe rirls. " Scooby said.
Dixie was singing the everses of Elton John, Cynder was singing in the place of Kiki Dee. And they were nailing the song.. Scooby Shook his head as he leasd Spyro out of the room.
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"We're gonna need a miracle to beat them," Spyro sighed as they left the room.


Godzilla spun around and whipped Killeroh with his tail, knocking him down on his back.

"He is strong," Topgaler said through the device on Mikoto's wrist, since he couldn't speak normally while combined with Stego.

"How exciting," Mikoto smirked under his helmet as Killeroh stood back up. Killeroh crouched down as Stego's tail englarged and slapped against the ground. They leapt into air, preforming a front flip towards Godzilla. Stego's spines slashed across Godzilla's shoulder as the lizard ducked to the side. The spines left a large cut in the reptile's shoulder. Godzilla burrowed into the ground.


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Rand Ro Rhink Ri ruased rup ry riracle rith rhe rast rong" Scooby said, leading him to the other side of the  hotel. ":Rok, rere's row rhe rong goes
"Hello its been awhile. Not much, how bout you? I'm not sure why I called I guess I really just wanted to talk to you... And I was thinking , maybe later on, we could get together for awhile, its been such a long time and I really do miss your smile.."
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Strut, Rime, Dr. Zanasiu and Zachary placed their armor in the indicated closet.

"Hey, Deimos isn't that armor uncomfortable?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

"Not really, besides if Mr. Bigmouth and Ms. Swimmer could just randomly appear, who knows what else may appear." Deimos replied. They'll be thanking me later if all hell breaks loose. He thought.

"Who's singing?" Rime asked.

"Sounds like Dixie." Strut replied.


Dr. Kerzach entered the kitchen and found several cooks working in the kitchen. He approached the one who was idle, an anthropomorphic Indian Elephant.

"Hello, sir. I'm the new worker here." Dr. Kerzach said.

"Ah, very good." the Indian Elephant replied. He had a slight Indian accent. "What is your name?"

"Ah, yes. I am Yuri Kerzach."

"Welcome aboard Mr. Kerzach. My name is Haresh Devarajah. I am the sous chef here."

"It's Doctor Kerzach. Mr. De...var..jah" Dr. Kerzach replied, stumbling over his coworker's surname.

The Elephant gave a hearty laugh. "Don't worry, it happens to everyone. Call me Haresh or Harry. But you a doctor or a scientist? Shouldn't you be working in a lab?"

Dr. Kerzach felt a short flash of anger. This guy thinks that I'm above working in a kitchen. I'll show him. He thought. Dr. Kerzach then turned to the Haresh. "Haresh, I have been laid off and I needed a job."

"Good, why don't you start making the stir fry?" Haresh said.

Dr. Kerzach nodded, headed over to the sink and washed his hands. All these guys seem a little shady; but if they try anything, they'll get to taste my amorphous steel blade. He thought.

(OOC - I'll  leave the head chef/bounty hunter/mage to Aves. I'll take the sous chef.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Jinkies." Velma said as she fell backward into a sitting position.  

"You don't see that happen everyday." Brooklyn said a bit surprised at what happened.

"Except in anime type of cartoons maybe." Ian said.  

"Uh, hello? Veemon is it?" Velma said composing herself a bit.  "Master? why do you call me that.