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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 261579


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The Dynaman team with Petrie and Ducky continued battling, going from area to area and battle the invaders in the area.  They remained together so they could concentrate their power and cover each other.


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"We're going to use metals and stuff to make metal soldiers. If you find anything valuable you can keep it," the trucker said.

He tried the door to the shop only to find it locked. He motioned over a soldier with a handheld portable battering ram. A few swings later, the door fell off its hinges, revealing an interior in utter chaos.

"Bulk, Skull, stay in the truck until we clear this place. Once that's done, we'll radio you guys in," the Wolverine soldier said. He was the same soldier who had destroyed the door.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Bulk and Skull didn't need to be told twice. They scampered back into the truck as the bullets started flying. yells and screams filled the air
  at the convention center  the soldiers were slowly gaining the upper hand..   Most of the attempted teleporters had been destroyed..
  Stripetail finished eating and called his team together " we are going to go on the offebsive now..
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'I haven't finished breakfast!' Incendia cried, shortly before recieving a frying pan to the back of the head.

Glacia stood behind the fallen orange dragon, dented frying pan in hand. 'Glacia reporting for duty... it's about time we dragons made ourselves useful to your cause, Stripetail.'

'Ow... my head,' Incendia groaned, rubbing a small sore bump with his right hand, the other picking himself off the ground.


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good to see you two up. I trust you slept ewell? The wizard replied. 'now we are going to need air support for this mission. incedia you can fly correct? and Incedia..' the young dragon was trying to break free from his sisters grasp.. "  young lad, try not to do anything stupid, because that might kill a bunch of creatures here including yourself.. Have you finished breakfast yet?"
_ If you two aren't finished eating, we can wait a few minutes Agumon said...
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'He's finished, trust me,' Glacia said. 'He won't stop eating sometimes if you don't pull him away.'

'I'm still huuuungry,' Incendia grumbled.

'You can have some ice cream later, if you're good... okay?'

Incendia immediently stopped struggling. 'Yes sir, captain pants!'

Glacia looked up to Stripetail. 'I can't fly, given I have no wings. However, I would advise that if my brother is to go out without me that he be supervised.' She looked over to him, Incendia now having taken an interest in Agumon, poking him. Glacia leant in to Stripetail, 'he's not all there in the head, you might have noticed,' she said. 'If he has his way, though, he can be very powerful. He's completely immune to fire, and can breathe a breath hot enough to melt through heat resistant metal.'

'Hello, you're funny,' Incendia said to Agumon, continuing to poke him. 'Can I poke you.'

Glacia sighed. 'I will take full responcibility for his actions. Though, i believe I may have already mentioned that. I promise you though, he will not let anyone come to harm.'


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Jason breathed out pure cold making an area ahead of him very cold, frost and ice appearing as some objects got very cold then frooze.  He moved his head a bit side to side to increase the area effected.  Gallantmon used the time to rest for a moment before he went back to attacking.


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No you can nOt poke me, said the Digimon leader with finality as hevgave the young dragon a glare..
 I noticed and that is why you will be coming with us.. Spyro and Cynder will fly and keep and eye on our young friend here. you listen to anything and evertything they tell, if you don't i;m going to hear about it and you won't like me when I'm angry.." Stripetail said
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'I figured as much, being a wizard and all,' Glacia said with a hint of a sigh. 'I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.'

She turned away and grumbled to herself. But you don't have to put up with him all bloody day, Stripetail, she thought.

She clapped her hands, getting the attention of her brother. 'Right, Incendia... we have work to do.'

'Making pancakes?'


'Making lego?'


'Making... uh... pancakes?'

'You already said that.'

'Oh.' He paused for though, gears in his head slowly grinding. 'Making war?'

'For once you are right on the money. You have a job to do, and I pray you will do it without too much stupidity.'

'Aye aye, captain pants!'

'I'm not even wearing... gah! Nevermind. Let's go.'


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Alrihght Cynder said coming up to Incedia and looking at him " you stick with us at all time, unless we have no choice but to seperate. Got it? Cynder could tell that this dragon was younger than both her and Spyro, but she was not in the mood for babysitting..

 Just stick with us and you'll be fine" spyro said reassuringly..
- Hes your brother isn't he hunter asked as the group headed out to where the mtystery Machine and other vehicles were stored..
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Suddenly, a large box truck barreled towards the convention center.

"Turn back!" the commander shouted.

The driver leaned out the window. "Get away from this place now! I'll take down the whole f---ing convention center and these f---ing terrorists!" he shouted.

The soldier glanced at the box truck and ordered his men to evacuate.

The Dragonstorm troopers immediately fired at the truck bomb.

The Sang-Heili troopers ran into their APCs and fled the scene.

The driver of the truck bomb was fatally wounded by the weapons fire but just before he died, he detonated the truck bomb, killing nearly everyone in the convention center and totally leveling it.


The commander was on his way back to the Sang-Heili base. He radioed Stripetail.

"Commander, the convention center was destroyed along with the Dragonstorm forces present. A civilian drove a truck bomb into the convention center but he warned us before he set it off," he said.


The boutique had only a few Dragonstorm soldiers who were easily disposed of.

"All clear," the Wolverine soldier said into his radio. He reloaded his rifle.

The trucker reloaded and holstered his pistol as he helped himself to a chain that a construction worker had left behind.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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" We were going to use the convention center as a base of operations!" stripetail frowned " Just find the nearest essentially intact building then.. Stripetail out" stripetai l said
_ They just blew up the covention center.. and the forces are heading back here Stripetail said to the others " they jkilled the enemy though, so some good came off it
- Bulk and Skull slowly headed inside and started looking around for things they could use.
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'Yes,' Glacia began, following the others, 'that is my brother... as much as I like to think otherwise.'

Incendia meanwhile, paused for thought. 'Wow,' he finally said, 'all the dragons around here are bigger than me. How come you all don't have feathers?' He asked Cinder. 'I have feathers, look!' He pulled one out of his wing, a fluffy orange thing that floated gently in the air when he let go of it. 'I wish I could do that more often, but my sis says it's bad for my plumage... whatever that means.'


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We have scales " Cynder replies, her helmet muffling her voice somewhat. " and we're wearing special armor took, for protection.. so tell us a buit more about yourself ncedia "
_ We cannot choose our blood relations, they are family, with all thier quirks" Hunter grinned. " they can drive us to the very brink, but in a pinch there is no one we'd rather have at our side...
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A Sang-Heili scientist went up to Stripetail. "Commander, we are deploying our experimental flight armor right now. Setsuna and Haresh were kind enough to lend us some enchanted gems to use as weapons and power source," she said. "They will be doing patrols."


Outside on the airfield, several soldiers dressed in sleek black armor were preparing to take off.

The air was perforated with the sound of the jetpacks warming up then the sound of nearly 20 armored soldiers simultaneously soaring into the sky.

The group of armored soldiers zoomed by Incendia, Glacia, Spyro and Cynder.

One of the troopers waved her armored hand at the 4 dragons.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Good.. scan the city and look for any places that could serve as a place to launch attacks at the enemy controlled portions of the city.. The sooner we regain control over these areas the better..then we can start forcing dragon other of thier other areas.' Stripetail replied. "
_ Buk and Skull managed to find a safe that was cracked open, alas all they founf in itwere rolls of dimes nickels pennies and the occassional quarter.." well we won't have to worry about tolls.." Bulk snapped.
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'I couldn't agree more,' Glacia said to Hunter. 'As much as I hate his... antics, I would do anything for Incendia. Brother or not, I've learned to live with him, and I... doubt I could live without him.' She sighed, looking away. 'It's not really his fault, the stupidity and silliness... that's just the way he is. Still, he does have his moments of brilliance. For example, he built a toaster that can travel through time and space... don't ask me how, he could never explain it to me in plain english.'

Incendia, meanwhile, attempted to explain his back story to Cinder and Spyro. 'Well... you see. I come from this planet, it's really dry and there's lots of meteorites and stuff. Really neato! But um... yeah, we have this biiiig house by a cliff, and we live in it and do stuff like... um... stuff!'

He gave a goofy grin. 'I make things out of bits I find lying around. Out in the desert there's this big pile of junk called The Scrap. Glacia says it's what's left of all the people who lived out there before the whole place dried up, but I like it cause it's got all shiny bit's in it. Hey, I think your armor is really cool, I wish I had armor. I did once make a big one and I painted it red and gold cause i saw it in this movie once and... um... well, I forget now, but it was really cool. Glacia never let me use it though, she said it would blow up with me inside it, and that would be bad... but I do what she says because she is always right.'


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So you like in a desert world, and use things you pick up from the trash heap.. i came from a swamp myself..' Spyro replied " I have a brother sparx, who's not here with us, and that.. is probably a good thing..
 So hes an inventor.. perhaps he could be very useful to us then..' Hunter replied/
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The trucker had found some pipes left over from a construction project, he tossed them into the passenger compartment.

The soldiers kept watch as Bulk, Skull and the trucker tore apart the boutique.


The squadron leader found a large but abandoned sports arena by the river. It was quite far from the base but rather close to the now destroyed convention center. It was structurally sound but the grass in the arena was ripped apart by artillery fire. The scoreboard was completely gone, shattered by weapons fire.

"Commander, we have found a  baseball stadium by the river. It appears to be near the convention center," he said.

All of a sudden, a wyvern darted by them. It appeared to be carrying a large bomb and it was heading towards the Sang-Heili Base.

"Take down that wyvern!" the commander ordered.

Three of the flight troopers chased the wyvern. It screeched at them and fired a bolt of white fire at them.

In retaliation, one of the troopers clenched her right hand into a fist. Arcs of electricity danced along her outstretched arm and a bolt of lightning crashed into it, knocking it back. Another flight trooper fired a concussive shockwave at it.


Deimos and his team waited inside the cafe for the ferocious rainstorm to subside.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Occupy it immediately. maybe once this is over, we can actually see games played there, " came the reply "But that is a long way off.."
The wyvern exploded with a huge boom as the wave hit it. debris rained down on the ground below..
_ the Storm continued growing in intensity, it was now comparable to a Catergoty 2 hurricane, and those with deimos could see debris floating past them down the sreet..
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