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Journey to the Island


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Great! The chapter was pretty sweet, Pino's very nice


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Another Chapter, Chomper and Pino's parents appear again! Got kinda confused though.. If you find any goof-ups let me know :)

Everyone goes to the back of the cave to keep warm, and the reason why Chomper's parents and Pino's parents aren't very friendly twords eachother is revealed! I think..

Chapter 21: Lies
Chomper watched as Ozzy and Pino went to the back of the cave to 'talk'. He wondered what it was they would talk about.. Chomper jumped when he heard the loud booming sound from outside the cave. "And i just fell asleep!" Ichy growled. "I cant even sleep with how loud the wind is." Strut said, shivering as another gust of wind went through the cave.. Chomper turned his head and saw Pino walking over to him. "What was it he asked?" Said Chomper. Pino sat down next to Chomper and said.. "Nothing much, just wondered why i helped.."

"When did it get this cold?" Ozzy said, shivering as another gust of wind blew through. "this isn't helping!" Ichy said, getting up and walking to the back of the cave. "Think we should follow him?" Strut said, looking at Ozzy, Pino and Chomper. Everyone nodded their heads and followed Ichy to the back of the cave..

A few hours have past and the Sky Water still came down and the Cold Wind still blew through the cave. Everyone huddled together to keep warm, and soon everyone fell asleep except for Chomper and Ichy..

"Never seen Sky Water come down like that before.." Ichy said to himself. "I have." Chomper replied. "Really?" Ichy said, looking up at Chomper. "It can get pretty bad." Chomper said, shivering. "How bad?" Ichy said, folding his wings. "it can last through alot of Night Circles.." Chomper said, trying to keep his arms from freezing from the cold air..

Tyra and Rano continued their search for Chomper, but they still could not find him. Tyra sniffed the air to see if she could find Chomper's scent, but cought the scent of another..

Acro slowly walked over to Tyra and Rano, both of them growling at Acro threataningly. "What do you want, Acro?" Tyra roared. "I only come to bring you news of your son." Acro growled in reply. Tyra and Rano looked at eachother, then back at Acro. "What news do you bring?" Rano roared. "The Spined Sharpteeth, when they retreated they killed your son. Pino is also guilty of this act." Acro growled. Tyra took a threataning step twords Acro and roared. "How do you know? Your blind!" Rano also growled threateningly at Acro. "My eyes may not see, but i could hear your son's voice crying for help.." Tyra and Rano looked at eachother then back at Acro. "How do we know your telling the truth?" Rano growled at Acro. Acro looked at Rano and growled. "They want you off the island, yes?" Tyra and Rano looked at eachother again, then back at Acro. "We will find the proof ourselfes." Tyra growled. "We will find the Spined Sharpteeth and make them tell us what they did to our son!"

Meanwhile, in a different part of the jungle, Spine and Spino searched for Pino, but found Acro instead..

"You are searching for Pino, am i correct?" Acro growled at the two Spined Sharpteeth. Spino stepped twords Acro and growled. "What do you know of our daughter?" Spino growled. "I could hear Pino calling for her parents, but Chomper ripped her throat out and she was eaten by Chomper's parents.." Acro growled. "You lie!" Spine roared at Acro. Acro looked at Spine and growled. "You saw one of the Sharpteeth attacking her, yes?" Spine growled at Acro. "Yes, and we want them off our island because of it!" Acro looked at Both Spine and Spino and growled at them both. "It is because of them that there is less food on this island and Pino unfortunately was on their list of food.." Spine roared at Acro. "Get out of our sight!" Acro snorted at the two Spined Sharpteeth then turned around and went back into the Jungle. Spino stepped over to Spine and growled. "Do we believe him?" Spine looked back at Spino and growled. "We will ask the sharpteeth ourselves.."


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Interesting. Can;t wait to see what happens next, the drama is really picking up!


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Another Chappy! Kinda has a refrence to the song "Who needs you?" and Kinda ends in a cliff-hander, and if you find Any goof-ups, let me know :)

This is what happened when everyone sleeps huddled together in the back of the cave.. And Dil isn't doing to well, however her journey does not end there..

Chapter 22: Im Sorry
Chomper jumped when he heard the loud booming sound from outside the cave, he rubbed his eyes and looked around. Everyone else was still asleep, so that must mean that the bright circle is not in the sky yet, even though the sky puffies made it harder to tell if any of the great circles were in the sky. Chomper yawned and drifted back to sleep..

Pino's foot twitched when another cold gust of wind blew through the cave. She curled up and hugged the warmest thing she could find..

Ichy woke up when he felt something squeeze him. He turned his head and looked at Strut..

Strut woke up when he felt something kick him in the nose. He looked at Ichy with a 'Why did you hit me?' look on his face. "Can i have my feathers back?" Ichy said with a dry tone. "What?" Strut said. He looked down at his hand and saw feathers. "Im sleeping with someone who wont pull my feathers!" Ichy growled, folding his wings. "Sorry." Said Strut, handing the feathers to Ichy. Ichy took them and climbed over Strut to sleep somewhere where someone wont pull his fathers.. "Sure has a good kick for someone so small!" Strut thought to himself while rubbing his nose..

Ozzy woke up when he felt something tickle his nose. He looked down to see a feather. Ichy went over and picked up the feather. "Sorry, dropped something.." Ichy said, picking up the feather and walking away.. Ozzy then noticed something on his foot, he looked down and saw Pino holding onto his foot tightly. Ozzy grumbled to himself and layed his head back down to sleep..

Dil had been traveling for many night circles now and was beginning to feel weak, she had not found any food or water ever since she left the Land of Mist. She also began to wonder if it was a good thing to trust that Egg-stealer..

Dil flopped down onto the sand, to tired to continue. Her feet were soar and the sand was not helping, and she has never traveled this far without water. She could hear loud rumbling off in the distence, but was to tired to know what it was. She tried to stand up, but to no avail. "Im sorry Ichy.. I guess i really do disgrace the race that breeds me.." Dil said to herself before closing her eyes. She knew for sure that she would not wake up if she did fall asleep.. A few minutes later, Water began to fall from the sky..


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Good chapter, as always. The Who Needs you reference was good.

Update soon!  :)


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Couldnt agree more. I wonder why Strut pulled Ichy's feathers? Maybe he was looking for a pillow? :p
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Another chapter! Hopefully i dont have the timeline goofed up.. If you find any goof-ups let me know :)

Dil's fate is revealed..

Chapter 23: A Blur in the distence
Dil slowly openned her eyes and tried to look around. She felt like going back to sleep when she noticed everything was wet. She was quickly awakened by a loud booming sound and felt the Sky Water coming down. She at first was confused, but then she now knew what was going on and began to laugh. "Luck at last!" She said to herself, grinning evilly. She pressed forward through the Mysterious Beyond as fast as she could. "Ichy, here i come." She thought to herself. If it wasn't for the Sky Water she would have been dead..

Ozzy woke up with a head ache, he had a sleep story of being chased by a Belly Dragger and was not sure how the sleep story ended. He looked at the cave entrence and saw the Sky Water was still coming down, he would have sworn it was coming down even harder. Next, Pino woke up. She sat up and began to rub her eyes. "Well, Well. Someone has finally awoken." Ozzy said, looking back at Pino who yawned and stretched. Pino looked back at Ozzy and nodded.

Ichy then woke up, followed by Chomper and Strut.. Everyone watched the Sky Water, shivering when the cold wind blew through. Ichy stayed far away from the cave entrence, knowing that if he went close he would be blown away. Suddenly everyone heard a low grumbling noise and looked at Chomper. Chomper rubbed the back of his head and said. "Im hungry." Ichy shuddered at what Chomper said. Another grumble was heard and everyone looked at Ichy, who folded his wings. "Me too." Ichy said. He was only able to eat a few crunchy flyers ever since he got to the island, one of them even stung him. "I have not even gotten any eggs yet!" Ozzy said with a grumpy tone and frowned..

A thought struck Pino, she was lucky her scales were blue otherwise everyone would have seen her go pale. She remembered her parents had an egg not long ago and was beginning to feel uneasy with what Ozzy said. She had remembered what Chomper told her about the two Egg-stealers. he didn't remember much, just that they wanted to eat the egg he was in..

Dil stopped when she felt more water under her hands. for some reason it felt different then what she was used to. She lowered her head to drink some, only to spit it all out. "Yuck!" She growled at the horrable taste. She was wondering if it was water or not. She looked around and saw a large blur off in the distence. She readied herself for a long swim..


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Heh... It looks like Dil is finnaly catching up with Ichy. I wonder if he will be happy with this coming reunion? :p
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Another Chapter! Hopefully i wont be as slow for the next chapter.. This was kinda a tough one. I didn't want them all huddled together in the cave forever, so i tried to think up of a reason for why they left. and all i can come up with is the cave getting flooded? Might try an Alt. Chapter for this one.. Any goof-ups, let me know! :)

The gang leave the cave, and Dil arrives to the island!

Chapter 24: Bad Weather
Everyone watched as the water came down even harder, jumping when a loud booming sound is heard. Ichy stared at the entrence of the cave, hoping something small and eadable might poke its head through. Then everyone stood up suddenly. "Uh oh." Pino said to herself. Ichy looked at everyone with a confused look and said.. "What's the problem?" Strut pointed to the cave entrence. Ichy looked at the entrence and saw water coming through. He looked back at Strut with a dry expression and said.. "So? We've got some water coming in.." "That's the problem!" Pino yelped when she felt the water touching her foot. Ichy looked down at the ground and noticed everyone was standing in a puddle of water, which was coming from the cave entrence. He looked at the entrence again and saw the entrence was sloping upwards which meant that the cave could easily get flooded. "We're going to have to leave." Ozzy said. Ichy looked at Ozzy with a petrified stare. "Are you crazy? I'll get blown away!" Ichy said, flying infront of Ozzy's face. "He's got a point." Strut said, looking at Ichy then back at the cave entrence. "We could always hold onto our tails." Pino suggested, tugging her own tail. "That could work." Chomper nodded in agreement. "I dont know.." Ichy said, landing on Strut's head and folding his wings. "You can hold onto me. That way, if you fall off, either Chomper or Pino will catch you!" Strut said. Chomper and Pino nodded with agreement. Ichy thought for a moment, then he to agreed..

"And i just got my feathers dried!" Ichy thought to himself while holding on tightly to Struts neck.. "I cant see anything!" Ozzy yelled out. Strut was trying to keep his eyes open but the Sky Water kept going into them, making it harder to see. Chomper held on tightly to Struts tail while Pino held onto Chompers tail and tried to keep an eye out to see if Ichy falls off..

Still they continued through, making sure not to run into any sharpteeth. Suddenly a everyone was almost blinded by a bright flash, followed by a loud booming sound.. Pino was suddenly hit in the face by something with feathers and to her horror, she knew it was Ichy. "Ichy!" Pino yelped, Trying to hold onto Ichy's wing..

"Help!" Chomper yelped. Ozzy and Strut turned their heads and saw Pino holding onto Ichy's wing. They both tried to help Pino, but by the time they got their, Ichy was gone..

Dil crawled out of the big water and coughed. "I am not used to that kind of water!" She thought to herself. She walked into the jungle and bumped a tree..


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Another Chapter! When i did this the first time i forgot to save, Second time i did this the power went out. This is the third time and unfortunately the chapter is kinda short. Might try another fight scene in the next chapter. Any goof-ups, let me know :)

Chapter 25: Feeling guilty
"Ichy!" Both Pino and Chomper cried out when Pino lost her grip on Ichy's wing. Ozzy and Strut tried to look and see if they can see Ichy anywhere, but he was nowhere in sight..

Ichy tried hard to fly through the falling Sky Water, but it was to strong. Suddenly he rammed into a tree branch and held on tight, hoping the Sky Water will stop falling from the sky soon..

Ozzy, Strut, Pino and Chomper rested under a rocky hill. They searched for Ichy but could not find him. Soon the Falling Sky Water became to much for them and they had to seek shelter.. Pino sat with her hands on her chin. She felt guilty because of not holding onto Ichy's wing tightly enough and was worried that he might have been blown off the island or into a place with many sharpteeth.. Chomper felt the same way. He wanted to help, but he could not let go of Strut's tail otherwise everyone might have gotten lost..

Dil wandered through the jungle, ignoring the falling sky water. she tried to listen to see if there were any sharpteeth around but the loud booming sounds made it hard for her to hear anything. "I hope i dont have trouble hearing as well.." Dil thought to herself. Then she felt the ground shake. She looked around and saw a large sharptooth charging at her when a bright light flashed followed by the loud booming sound..


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Another Chappy! atleast it's longer then the last chapter :p Unfortunately the "Battle Scene" Isn't really a Battle Scene at all :( And Plus: I wanted Ichy and Dil to have a slight soft spot.. Any goof-ups let me know :)

Chapter 26: Back Together
Dil snarled at the charging sharptooth, which stopped at the sight of Dil. "Who are you?" Growled the Sharptooth. "Who are you?" Dil growled in reply. "Listen, Belly Dragger! You better get off this island or you'll be desert!" The sharptooth roared and charged at Dil. Dil snarled and bit the nose of the Sharptooth. The Sharptooth whacked Dil with his tail, and she released him from her death grip. The Sharptooth backed away and shook his head. "Your pretty tough for a Belly Dragger." The Sharptooth growled. Dil tried to look at the sharptooth, but glared at a tree instead. "What did you expect?" Dil snarled in reply. The Sharptooth roared again, but to other meat eaters it would sound like a laugh. "My eyes might be scared, but atleast i can see." growled the sharptooth. Dil jerked her head to look at the sharptooth but looked at another tree. "Oh yeah? Well..!" Dil began, but could not find the right words. "pathetic.." The Sharptooth growled silently to himself and turned around and walked away. He turned to look at Dil and roared.. "My name is Acro! And you better come back when your more then a match for me!"

Pino raised her head and looked around. The Sky Water seemed to be falling less harder then before. "Must have fallen asleep." Pino thought to herself. She looked around and saw the others were still asleep. She lowered her head again and closed her eyes..

Ichy still held onto the tree branch, shivering. He looked around to make sure nothing was going to sneak up and eat him, but he did not feel like moving. He felt like going to sleep when he heard a voice.. "Ichy!" The voice cried out. Ichy slowly raised his head and looked around to see where the voice was coming from.. "Ichy! Where are you?" The voice yelled out again. When he heard the voice again, he knew for sure it was not the two Egg-stealers or the two Sharpteeth kids. "Dil?" Ichy whispered to himself..

"Ichy!" Yelled Dil, looking around for Ichy. She had been looking for Ichy all night and her throat was beginning to hurt. She frowned when she did not hear a reply and began to search in a different place..

"Dil?" Ichy said again, looking around to see if he could find Dil anywhere down below. He spotted Dil and almost fell of the tree branch. "Dil!" Ichy yelped loudly..

"Ichy?" Dil said with an almost confused tone to her voice. She looked around to see where Ichy was but could not find him. Suddenly she heard a strange thump sound come from infront of her..

"Ow.." Ichy mumbled to himself. He sat up and looked around. Infront of him was Dil, she looked confused and almost worried. "Ichy?" Dil said with a tone of voice Ichy would never have thought she could have. "Ichy!" Dil said with a happy tone to her voice. She charged at Ichy and knocked him down with her nose. "Ow!" Yelped Ichy. "I cant believe i found you!" Dil said, smiling at Ichy. "I was worried!" Dil said, nuzzling Ichy with her nose. "Wait a minute.." Ichy thought to himself.. "You were worried?" Ichy said. Dil nodded and frowned. "You were right. I cant do anything without 'the eyes'" Dil said with a sad tone to her voice. Ichy began to feel slightly bad and put a wing on her nose. "Im sorry Dil.." Ichy said. Dil smiled happily and began to lick Ichy. "Dil! Stop it!" Ichy yelped..