The Gang of Five
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Journey to the Island


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Looks good so far, I just hope someone comes to save Chomper!


  • Ducky
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Thanks :) I have done another chapter again and Chomper is rescued. Unfortunately he will end up being kidnapped again soon, but not now..

Ozzy and Strut have left the cave leaving Ichy in charge of guarding Chomper, which fortunately doesn't go to well..

Chapter 6: Rescued
Ichy paced back and forth, watching Chomper. Ozzy and Strut went out to look for eggs and left him in charge of watching Chomper. Chomper eyed Ichy pacing back and forth, He wondered where he came from and why he was there. Chomper then heard Ichy's stomach growl and saw Ichy look at him with a sinister look. "He's to big to eat.." Ichy thought to himself, looking away.. Chomper began to scoot back a couple, which alerted Ichy.. "Think your going somewhere?" Ichy said with a sinister tone. Chomper quickly shook his head and said. "No." Ichy laughed. "You know.." Ichy began, walking twords Chomper who scooted back even more.. "I haven't been able to eat for many night circles now.." Those words that Ichy said made Chomper shudder. Ichy grinned evilly until him and Chomper heard a loud roar coming from outside..

Ozzy and Strut returned back to the cave without any eggs. Ozzy growled in annoyence as his stomach growled, however he found it slightly odd that Strut's stomach wasn't growling.. "Strut, why is your stomach not growling?" Ozzy said, looking at Strut. Strut looked back at Ozzy with a confused look and said.. "What do you mean?" Strut jumped slightly when Ozzy walked over to him. "You were eating green food!" Ozzy growled at Strut. "No." Strut replied. "Then why is your stomach not growling?" Ozzy replied. "Well.." Strut began, but was stopped when Ichy came flying over a little too fast and slammed right into Strut's face.. "The Sharptooth! He's gone!" Ichy said, looking down at Strut. Ozzy came over and picked Ichy up off of Strut's face and said.. "Not now, Sharpbeak! We.." Ozzy stopped for a moment. He looked back at Ichy and grabbed him and held him infront of his face and said.. "The Sharptooth is gone!?"

"I haven't been able to eat for many night circles now.." Ichy said, walking over twords Chomper. Ichy then turned around quickly when he heard a roar coming from outside the cave. Chomper then ran over Ichy and out the cave too his mom and dad..


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Cool! I wonder who made the roar though....

Edit: Glad his parents came to the rescue


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Another Chapter! Chomper is back with his Mom and Dad (Decided to give Mom and Dad a name if thats okay. Tyra and Rano, Tyrano!) Ozzy is planning on getting Chomper back, but why? Next Chapter, someone might get hurt(I'll give you a heads up: It wont be Chomper.) Any Goof-ups let me know :)

Chapter 7: Back with Mom and Dad
Chomper ran out of the cave to his Mom and Dad. They nuzzled him gently when they knew he was okay. "What happened?" Chompers mom growled. To flatteeth, the growl would have sounded more like a threat but to Chomper, he knew that both his Mom and Dad were worried.. "Egg-stealers Kidnapped me!" Chomper chirped. "We remember them!" Chompers Dad growled in response. Chompers Mom nealed down to let Chomper climb up ontop of her head, which he did.. "It looks like we're in for some hard times, Rano." Chompers Mom growled. then the two Sharpteeth, along with Chomper, went back to their place of residents..

Ozzy paced back and forth, planning on how to get Chomper back. Strut sat silently, watching his brother pacing when Ichy walked up to him and said. "Come out, i want to talk to you for a minute.."

Ichy and Strut went outside of the cave to talk. "What's so importent about the Sharptooth anyways?" Ichy said, Folding his wings and tapping his foot on the ground. Strut shrugged and said.. "Your questions as good as mine." Strut looked back at the cave entrence. Why was Chomper so importent?

Ichy and Strut went back into the cave to see how Ozzy was doing. "I have a plan.." Ozzy said, grinning evilly..

"I dont understand Tyra, how did they come here?" Chompers Dad growled. "The same way the flatteeth kids did.." Chompers Mom growled. Chompers Dad looked back at Chomper, who was sleeping soundly. "Why are they here?" Chompers Dad growled, looking back at Chompers Mom. "I do not know.." Chompers Mom growled, she looked back at the jungle and growled. "But if they come back, they will wish they never came to this island.."


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  • Ducky
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Awesome, yet again :)
And the plot thickens... :lol


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Intesrsting, Chomper's folks have always been some of my favorite characters!  :DD


  • Ducky
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Thanks again :) Might try doing next chapter today, but if it is not posted today it will be posted tomorrow. Might actually put this up on but i would need your okay first! :p Thanks again :)


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Its ok by me too. :)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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Oky Dokes :)

Did another chapter, this one is pretty long and i hope it isn't to confusing. Never did a battle scene before, hopefully it turns out okay. Also i have a couple refrences: Jurassic Park 3 (Ozzy uses a quote, Also a dinosuar appears..) and Lion King (Strut uses a quote.)
P.S: I hope there isn't already a Spinosuar in the movies or TV series..

Chapter 8: The Spined Sharpteeth
Chomper woke up when his Mom gently nudged him. Chomper rubbed his eyes and looked up at his mother with a confused look.. "We have to go." Chompers Mom growled silently. Chomper tipped his head to the side and chirped in reply. "Why?" Chompers Mom looked in the direction where they heard a strange sounding growl. "Mommy? Where's Dad?" Chomper chirped, worried..

Ozzy and Strut walked through the jungles, searching for Chomper. Ichy stood on Struts head (Ozzy told him he was tired of having a sharpbeak on his back and head.) Watching for any signs of movements. Finally Ozzy and Strut came to a stop, they must have found Chomper. "So, are they Aslee.." Ichy began, but was cut off when he saw a dead longneck infront of them.. "It's okay, it's dead.." Ozzy spoke a little bit to loud. A strange looking sharptooth raised its head and looked at the three. It had long arms with three big claws, a head that looked like a belly
dragger and a large spine on its back. "Nobody move a muscle." Ozzy whispered. Then the sharptooth roared at the three. Ichy quickly flew off and Strut ran away, leaving Ozzy alone. Ozzy made a run for it when the sharptooth began to move away from the dead longneck and twords him..

"Strut!!" Ozzy cried out, running as fast as he could. He could hear the sharptooth with the spine coming after him. Ozzy then saw another sharptooth infront of him and he knew who that sharptooth was..

Chompers dad roared in anger as he saw Ozzy. Ozzy ignored the angry roar of the sharptooth and ran past between its legs.. Chompers Dad looked up when he heard another roar and the Sharptooth with the spine ran straight into him, making him fall to the ground causing the whole area to shake.. Chompers Dad stood up and roared at the Sharptooth with the Spine. The Spined Sharptooth
roared and charged at him, slashing at Chompers Dad with its claws. Chompers Dad bit the Spined Sharptooth's hand and flung the sharptooth into a tree..

Ozzy ran as fast as he could but stopped when the tree the Spined Sharptooth was flung into fell, blocking his path..

Chompers Dad charged at the Spined Sharptooth, readying his jaws to inflict the finishing blow, but the Spined Sharptooth quickly recovered and slashed Chompers Dad acrost the chest. The Spined Sharptooth then slammed its tail into Chompers Dad's face, causing him to fall. The Spined Sharptooth readied its claws again to finish Chompers Dad off, but Chompers Mom rammed into the Spined Sharptooth and bit its spine. The Spined Sharptooth roared in pain and Slashed its claws again, slashing the tail of Chompers Mom. Still she held on..

Chomper watched as his Mom battled the Spined Sharptooth. He never thought that his Mom could be so strong, but his heart soon began to beat faster when another Spined Sharptooth charged in and bit his moms neck.. "Chomper! Run!" Chomper heard his Mom roar, Still he watched.. Chompers Dad soon got up again and slammed his tail into the Spined Sharptooths side causing it to let go of the mothers neck and fall down.. "Chomper! Run!" Chompers Mom roared again, louder this time. Chomper closed his eyes tight and ran away as fast as he could..

Chomper ran through the jungle, not even daring to turn around to see if anything was behind him. Chomper could still hear the roars and growls of the battling sharpteeth and it worried him. His heart beated faster and faster as he thought of what was happening to his Mom and Dad and he was getting tired of running. Then he ran into something.. Chomper fell back onto the ground as he bumped into whatever it was he bumped into. Chompers heart fell when he heard that same voice.. "Well.. What have.. We here?" Ozzy said, glaring at Chomper.. Chomper looked up at Ozzy with tears in his eyes. "Yes.. Be afraid..! Be very.." Ozzy said, but stopped when Chomper began to sob. Ozzy growled at Chomper and said.. "Stop crying! Your supposed to quiver in fear!" "Just go away." Chomper said in reply, rubbing his eyes. Ozzy looked down at Chomper and stepped closer. Chomper got up and ran over to a nearby bush and hid inside. Ozzy walked over to the bush and looked inside. Chomper looked back at Ozzy and sniffled. "What do you want with me?" Chomper said. Ozzy looked at Chomper with a sinister glare and said.. "I want revenge!" Ozzy said. Chomper looked at Ozzy with a sad look which made Ozzy feel a bit awkward. "Dont you look at me with that face!" Ozzy said, trying to scare Chomper, but it didn't work..

"Ozzy!" Cried Strut as he ran over to his Brother, panting.. "I've lost Ichy! And.." Strut began, but stopped when he saw what Ozzy was looking at. "Aww." Strut said, looking at Chomper. Ozzy looked at Strut with a glare and said.. "Dont you fall for this sharptooth's trick!" "But Ozzy." Strut said, looking back at Chomper.. "Dont worry, we wont hurt you." Strut said. Chomper scooted over twords Strut and stood up.. "How do i know your not lying?" Chomper said with a sniffle. "We wont." Strut said, smiling at Chomper. "Do you remember the trouble this sharptooth caused!?" Ozzy growled in annoyence.. "Yes i remember, but look at him!" Strut said, looking at Chomper. "He's so cute and all alone! Can we keep him?" Strut said, looking back at Ozzy who put his hand on his face.. "What am i going to do with you?" Ozzy mumbled..


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  • Ducky
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Heheh, nice. Awww, poor Chomper. And such a cliffhanger! Can't wait to read what happens next, especially about his parents :blink:
There was a Spinosaurus in LBT 12, but that doesn't change things any I don't think :)


  • Ducky
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Aww rats, oh well. Im glad you liked the Chappy :) We shall find out what happened to Chompers parents in the next chapter and we might even check up on how things are doing in the land of mists.. Also, why were there two spino's?


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I hope Chomper's parents are ok, good chapter though!


  • Ducky
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Thanks :) Next chapter will show us what happened to Chompers parents and we might check up on how one of the main characters will be doing.. She hasn't been in the fanfic much!  :blink:


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Gosh, another chapter. My fingers are starting to like doing this. I am actually surprised at how the story is turning out :p got kinda confused with the first part with the Spino's though..
Shows us what happened to Chompers parents and why there are two Spino's. Also tells us how Dil is doing and introduces a new character.. Enjoy! and if there are any goof-ups let me know! :)

Chapter 9: Ichy and the Pino
Tyra watched as her son ran away from the battle, she hoped for her son to be safe and that the Egg-stealers would not find him but she would not risk Chomper being crushed by either of the sharpteeth. She then returned her attention back twords the Spined Sharpteeth.. "What do you want?" Rano growled at the Spined Sharpteeth. "Meat!" One of the Spined Sharpteeth roared in annoyence. "We haven't been able to find food since you showed up!" The other Spined Sharptooth growled. "This was our island, this was our home and you ruined it!" The other Spined Sharptooth growled. Tyra and Rano looked at eachother then back at the Spined Sharpteeth. "Well what do you sugest we do? Starve?" Tyra roared angrilly. One of the Spined Sharpteeth roared in reply. "You eat everything you see! You even tried to eat one of our hatchlings!" Rano roared angrilly. "We never went near your hatchlings!" One of the Spined Sharpteeth snorted at Rano's roar. "If you have any.." Rano growled, which made one of the Spined Sharpteeth take one step twords Rano but was stopped by the other Spined Sharptooth.. "Dont bother with them." The Spined Sharptooth growled. "Why? Their half dead already! If we finish them off.." The other Spined Sharptooth roared angrilly.. "Let this be a message to them, that this is our island.." The Spined Sharptooth growled, and looked back at Tyra and Rano and roared. "Dont you forget it!" Then the Spined Sharpteeth turned around and went back into the jungle.. Rano looked down at the ground and growled. "Why are they so cranky?" Rano growled, now trying to look at the scar on his chest.. "Spine and Spino weren't always like this.." Tyra growled, looking in the direction where the Spined Sharpteeth went.. "We never went near their hatchling.." Tyra thought to herself..

Ichy flew as fast as he could, looking in all directions. Unfortunately he wasn't paying attention to where he was flying and flew into a tree and landed on the ground..

Ichy woke up a couple minutes later to see something looking down at him, it looked like a belly dragger.. "Im okay, Dil.." Ichy said. The one that looked like a belly dragger chuckled slightly and replied. "Im not Dil, whoever that is. My names Pino!" Pino said. Ichy sat up and looked more closely at Pino. By the sound of the voice, it was a girl. She had the head of a belly dragger, but she had long arms and a spine on her back. "Your one of those Spined Sharpteeth!" Ichy said, folding his wings. Pino nodded and smiled at Ichy. "Yep! My Mom and Dad went over to tell my friends parents hello." Pino said. Ichy thought for a moment at what Pino said.. "Is your friend by any chanse named Chomper?" Ichy asked. Pino nodded happilly and replied.. "Yep! Thats him alright! I haven't seen him for a while, i hope he's doing okay.." Pino said, looking down at her feet. Ichy stood up quickly and pointed at Pino angrilly and said.. "Your parents almost ate me!" Pino looked at Ichy and shook her head. "My parents aren't like that." Ichy folded his wings again and began to tap his foot on the ground. "Their Sharpteeth! They eat meat!" Pino tipped her head to the side and looked at Ichy's mouth. "You also eat meat to, I can tell with how your teeth look." Pino said. Ichy was going to say something but didn't find the words. Pino tipped her head again. "What's wrong?" Pino asked.. "Can you help me find two Egg-stealers? One has this obssession with eggs and the other one enjoys eating plants." Ichy said, changing the Subject. Pino nodded and said. "I saw one screaming 'Ozzy! Where are you!' a couple minutes ago. You can follow me, i know where that one was heading." Pino said, running in the direction where the Egg-stealer went..

Dil wandered through the misty jungle, bumping into tree's once in a while. She was starting to get annoyed by that and decided to stop for a while.. She layed her head down and listened for any food, she could hear squeeks coming from above and different kind of sounds coming from almost all directions. "Where's Ichy when i need him?" Dil thought to herself. Then she growled at the thought and raised her head again. "Who needs him?" She said to herself, moving forward and bumping another tree. She sighed in defeat and said to herself. "Who am i kidding? I guess i really do need him.." Dil said, flopping down making the area shake slightly. "My nose hurts.." Dil said to herself. She began to close her eyes when she heard a rumble. She looked around but could not see anything, then she felt the feet of Egg-stealers on her back. "Hey! Watch it! Im trying to sleep here!" Dil said in annoyence at the herd of Egg-stealers. Dil flomped back down and thought to herself.. "Im tired of eating Egg-stealers.."


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Haha, I loved that last part with Dil. Great chapter, still loving the story :D


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Cool, glad to see Dil back in the story.

Please update soon!   :DD


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Couldnt agree more. :)

We want updates and preferably fast, please! :p
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.