The Gang of Five
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Pictures from the Cold Time


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I'm going to post the pictures I made for my second land before time story, "The Cold Time" here. Unlike the colored pencil drawings I made for "The Big Quarrel" these are all made with aquarelle pencils. Those colored pencils whose pigments are not waterresistant so they will dissolve in water which gives the possibility to use them for many soft effects if the finished picture is later worked over with a wet brush (which is the technique I use almost all the time). Alternatively harder but still blurred lines can ge created by using the pencils on a wet surface. The hardest lines can be achieved by wetening the lead of the aquarelle pencils and use them on a dry surface. Another way to create hard lines is to draw them like you would draw a hard line with a normal pencil and then wet it with a very thin pencil following exactly that line. This is what I did for all of the pictures for the basic outlines of at least the characters but almost always also for the outlines of the landscapes etc. Anyway, if you have any questions, or comments, or criticism or anything to say on the technique, the pictures, their content, the story excerpts going along with the pictures, my own comments to the pictures or anything please, please, please DO speak your mind there is nothing that makes you feel as stupid as getting no reaction at all. Even rotten tomatoes (in case they come with a reason) are preferable than death-silence. More of you have read this story I think (due to the fact that it is written in what comes much closer to English though there are still mistakes).


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I have not read the story but I'll comment on the pictures if you post them.  I always do and always have.


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Ducky jumped down from Spike’s back and ran in circles several times to get a little warmer. Suddenly she stopped abruptly and stared at the ice sheet furiously. And finally she broke the silence that had been between them for nearly the whole morning. “We can not even swim! Oh I hate this coldness!” And then she started as furiously as inconclusively to stamp on the ice sheet. Her friends exchanged a grinning. It was unusual that Ducky really got in a fury about something, but when she did, it seemed to be more comical than threatening. Ducky had noticed the exchange of grins between her friends. She stopped trampling and looked at them enraged. However after a few moments she sighed and bowed her head a bit. But already the very next instant she raised her head jerky and her angry look fell upon a collection of stones that lay on the ice sheet. Furiously she ran over to one of the biggest stones and kicked it as violently as she could. She cried out, “Ah!” danced around on one foot and held her other foot, she had bent painfully at the stone, with both hands. Littlefoot couldn’t watch it any longer. He paced some steps towards Ducky and said: “Hey Ducky cool down! You can’t change anything!” Ducky had stopped to dance around on one foot. She cast a furious look at Littlefoot. He was right and she knew that; but she didn’t want to know that. Instead of answering she whirled around and kicked a stone, which was much smaller than the one she had kicked before, with her unhurt foot. The stone skidded away and left a dimple behind at the spot where it had lain, that was darker than the ice around. Ducky ran to that spot and began to stamp about in the dimple. Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, and Petrie changed an affected look now. Their original malicious joy had receded for consternation and pity with Ducky. The situation had lost all its comic effect. Never before had Ducky been in such a rage about anything. She was quite beside herself with rage. Ducky didn’t stop to trample about on the sheet of ice. Suddenly Littlefoot believed to hear a portentous grating.
“Ducky, stop it!” he shouted to her.
But she didn’t seem to hear him at all while she stamped on the ice and had started to blast loudly. “I hate this coldness! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Yep, yep, ye....” Ducky never finished the last “yep”. A loud grating and cracking was audible, and then the ice of the dimple, in which Ducky stood, gave in! Ducky shrieked at the top of her voice when she felt the icy cold water like thousands stitches. The coldness paralyzed her nearly completely and she couldn’t breathe for a moment. Littlefoot jumped up and tried to reach the hole in the ice with one leap. But it was an awkward movement so Littlefoot slid on the smooth as mirror ice and skidded past the hole where he lost his balance after all and remained lying on the ice sprawling. Cera didn’t make a better figure. Although she ran as fast as she could, she didn’t get from the spot until she slid too and clapped on the hard sheet of ice painfully. Petrie had flown off as fast as he could and had reached Ducky now. She had stopped shrieking and tried to make swimming-movements, but the coldness stiffened her, so she immersed in the icy water. In the very last moment Petrie seized one of Ducky’s arms. Petrie was unable to pull Ducky out of the hole, but at least he could keep her head above the water for a while. In this moment Spike was alongside. He had learned from Littlefoot's and Cera’s mistakes and had, hard as it was for him, not tried to hurry as much as them to get to the waterhole, so he hadn’t slipped. He grasped Ducky’s arm on which Petrie pulled already as fierce as he could. Quickly he pulled Ducky out of the cold water and put her down carefully aside the hole.
This is the very first of all the Cold Time pictures both in the sucession of scenes in the story and time it was painted. The picture dates from July 4th (independence day ;)) 2002 and is titled (not very originally) "Ducky broken into the ice". Some of the characters are still suffering from the "long-leg disease" you already know from my Big Quarrel pictures. Cera's face looks a little fat, and her eyes are too small, but I like her expression which gives away that at the moment she is (unlike Littlefoot) more anoyed about slipping on the ice than worried about Ducky. The mountains in the background are not outlined the way I describend in the first post of this thread and it is hard to decide whether that is a good thing (showing that they are some distance away on a hazy morning) or a bad thing (just too blury. This is more of a problem in the scanned than in the original though). I reckon a clear outlining of the mountains might have looked better than the clear outlining of the frozen river banks (which would be hard to make out in reality I suppose). What annoys me most is that blur that is supposed to be a leafless forest in the background. It was the first time I tried the technique of using a dry aquarelle pencil on wet ground. The failure of the result frightened me from using it again very often I think.


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I have not read the story but I'll comment on the pictures if you post them. I always do and always have.
Oh well. Nine pictures in the Big Quarrel pictures thread produced eight reactions from the whole community altogether. Sometimes a single picture will get more than eight responses. If I was more of a paranoid I would suppose it got to do something with me. Do I maybe kill off any responses by posting large comments along with the pictures myself?


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Oh well. Nine pictures in the Big Quarrel pictures thread produced eight reactions from the whole community altogether. Sometimes a single picture will get more than eight responses. If I was more of a paranoid I would suppose it got to do something with me. Do I maybe kill off any responses by posting large comments along with the pictures myself?

I think I replied to every one of them, even though I had seen them before and probably gave you comments a long time ago when you first made them. I can't speak for everyone here as to why comments are few and far between.


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They didn’t know how long they had plodded through the snowdrift already. Not only had they lost their bearings but also the feeling for time. But for sure it was already in the midst of night, as it had become even darker in the meantime. They hadn’t spoken a single word since their meeting for they tried to save their strengths for walking on rather than trying to shout at each other over the din of the blizzard. Their feet, noses and ears were nearly unfeeling and they moved on almost mechanically as if somebody else would control their steps.
Both of them had nearly fallen asleep several times. Every time when their eyes closed involuntary they startled and cast them widely open, but the cold wind and the snowflakes forced them immediately to close their eyes to as narrow slits as possible without blocking their sight entirely which didn’t make their struggle against the desire to sleep any easier. Though they fought against it with all their willpower they always relapsed into the drowsy semi-conscious state, they had been in before the startle, within a few moments.
Littlefoot felt a slight push in the side; he nearly didn’t perceive it. A second push hit him so violently that he screamed out painfully and cast the eyes open startled. Apparently he had actually fallen asleep for some seconds. As if through a thin wall he heard Cera’s voice.
She spoke directly into his ear not to be forced to cry too loud.
“Littlefoot! Wake up! You mustn’t fall asleep! Wake up!”
“I’m already awake!” mumbled Littlefoot so quietly that Cera probably didn’t understand the sense of his words. Littlefoot stood up groaning and rubbed his hurting side whereby he cast an angry look on Cera’s horn. Cera put on a pardon mien, but it became grimly one a few  moments later.
“What else should I’ve done? Leave you behind? You would not get up any other way!”
Cera shouted angrily drowning out the blizzard’s howling. Littlefoot had to recognize that and cried back: “Sorry Cera. I know you meant no harm. Thanks!”
Cera nodded and her look became more conciliatory again.
I don't comment on the picture right now. Please give me your comments to respond to.


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The expressions on the characters' faces are very effective in this second picture, Malte.  Your use of shadow towards the background is very smooth, and this adds life to the image.   Good work with the texture in the sky.  The snow demonstrates a fairly consistant wind direction, which adds to the realism.
The only thing that comes to my attention is the rigidity of the moving leg of each of the characters.  On Cera, this front-left leg's angle seems somewhat squared off, like she's about to drive a nail into the ground with it, and Littlefoot looks a *little* bit like his leg is extending away from him just a touch too far horizontally.

Overall, very nice job :yes   I'm not much of a visual artist, but I am impressed both of these pictures so far.  Keep it up! :D

Sorry for my lack of response on the earlier picture, Malte.  I tend to forget about this forum more than I probably should :rolleyes:


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Thank you very much for your reaction Tim! :)
Though I'm altogether happy with the picture there are a couple of points which I would definitely make different if I were to paint it again.
First of all the business about the legs you already pointed out. Cera is stomping and Littlefoot's right foreleg would appear better the way it is had I chosen a lower "camera" angle for this picture. Also at least Cera's legs (as so often) are too thin and too long.
If I were to paint the picture again you would altogether see not so much of the legs, for that's the next mistake. Cera and Littlefoot are supposed to struggle through a strong blizzard, at night in a landscape with deep snow. However, in this picture it looks like there were just one or two centimeters of snow at best! They ought to be sinking into snow up to their knees at least! They ought to be diging through it rather than walking! The snow is also too bright if one takes into account that this is a picture showing a nightly scene. The snow in the foreground ought to be as dark as the snow in the background is which the snow in the backgrond should gradually flow into the dark sky without a clear horizon line some more falling flakes wouldn't hurt either.
As for the faces I got some inspiration from LBT 6 on how Littlefoot and Cera are looking while struggling against strong wind. Other than that the picture is freehand as all my pictures.
I don't know exactly when I painted the picture (and I can't check out right now as I don't have it at hand), but it must have been in the last days of 2002 or in the early days of 2003 (making it one of the earlier pictures for the story).


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Here is the next one (I'm afraid I posted this one before too, so it is not too new to some of you):
Meanwhile Littlefoot had reached the end of the spur. For the first time since he had started to run Littlefoot looked back. None of his friends was in sight. He was alone. For a moment Littlefoot thought of the fact that his friends had lost him out of their sight during the blizzard too. Maybe it was better for him not to make running off without heeding the others a habit. Again he heard a long cry for help and he looked incited in the direction from where the cry had come. There was the edge of a leafless wood. At the base of the steep spur was a plain snowfield that had probably been a meadow in warmer days and far back he could recognize the silvery band of a frozen river he had already seen before by overlooking the valley from the slope of the crater wall. The cry for help had come from the wood and Littlefoot just wanted to jump down the spur and run over there when he caught sight of somebody who just broke forth from the leafless thicket of the wood. It was a young longneck and Littlefoot recognized it certainly couldn’t be much older than himself.
The longneck seemed to flee from something or somebody, for it ran as fast as it could across the snowfield, on a route that would lead it directly past the spur Littlefoot was standing on.
It was obvious the cries Littlefoot had heard before had been uttered by this longneck.
The next instant Littlefoot saw the reason for the longnecks panic, as another figure appeared out of the thicket.
It was a sharptooth. A very young sharptooth. Smaller than the longneck it pursued determinedly. Neither the longneck nor the sharptooth had noted Littlefoot. Just this moment the longneck ran past below the spur. Littlefoot had to help or the sharptooth would catch up soon. Littlefoot made ready for the jump and when the young sharptooth ran past below the spur he pounced upon it.
The force of the attack was so violent it tore both Littlefoot and the sharptooth from their feet. The sharptooth uttered a surprised snarl. Littlefoot and the sharptooth rolled firmly interlocked to each other through the snow. From the corner of his eyes Littlefoot saw, that the longneck remained in the midst of a step and looked back.
“Run away! Run!” cried Littlefoot while he evaded a claw slash of the sharptooth. Littlefoot wanted to jump up, but suddenly the sharptooth was over him and with a triumphing grin he lifted, his arm for another slash at Littlefoot’s neck which Littlefoot realized, he would not be able to evade anymore. The two terrible claws of the little sharptooth flashed up in the sunlight. Littlefoot closed his eyes firmly and gritted his teeth.
“Littlefoot!” cried a voice that was familiar to Littlefoot. But he couldn’t remember at the moment whose voice it was.
The claw slash Littlefoot waited for didn’t come. Instead he heard a second known voice, which asked incredulous and a bit frightened: “Littlefoot?”
He opened his eyes again and saw that the sharptooth had remained amidst his movement looking at him with a mixture of doubt and joy. His eyes flashed up in recognition.
And Littlefoot too recognized the sharptooth.
“Littlefoot!” cried Cera and in the very next moment she was there with a leap from the spur and pushed her horn into the sharptooth’s side so fiercely that he was hurled from Littlefoot and flung a respectable distance away. Cera fell back one step pawed with one of her hooves through the snow, lowered her head and rushed forth to attack the sharptooth again.
Littlefoot jumped up immediately and leaped into Cera’s way. The butt didn’t hit him with full force, as Cera tried to stop in the very last moment and hadn’t much swing yet, but still it was fierce enough to push Littlefoot from his feet again. He gritted his teeth and tried to imagine how painful the butt had been for the sharptooth.
“Littlefoot! Are you crazy?” Cera shouted furiously.
“Cera stop it! Don’t you recognize him?” Littlefoot shouted back. “It’s Chomper!”
Cera starred incredulously first at Littlefoot, who got back to his feet, and then at the sharptooth that lay in the snow some steps away.
“Chomper?” she asked disconcerted.
“Ali!” shouted Ducky down from Spike’s back. Spike had just appeared on the spur accompanied by Petrie.
Whirling around Littlefoot remembered wherefrom he knew the voice that had shouted his name first. The fleeing longneck had seemed familiar to him from the first moment.


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It was one of the earlier pictures I made for this story and if it comes to the proportions of characters it is probably (in spite of Ali's long legs one of the better images among the early ones). It comes across perhaps a little to stiff considering the amount of rapid motion that is depicted.


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At last we come to the pictures most of you haven't seen yet:

“Petrie get away from there!” said Chomper suddenly to Petrie who stood closer than anybody to the edge of the rock. “It is not safe!”
“Why? What do you mean Chom...”, Petrie didn’t finish his sentence, for the very next instant he noticed himself what Chomper meant to be dangerous. A strong gust swept across, tore Petrie from his feet and over the edge of the rock. “Petrie!” Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Ali and Chomper cried like out of one mouth. Spike jumped to the edge of the rock and all apart from Chomper did the same.
“Careful!” shouted the little sharptooth, but his friends seemed to have eyes and ears only for Petrie who fell into the deep shrieking.
“Do fly Petrie!” shouted Ducky and only now Petrie seemed to remember that he was a flyer. He flapped fiercely with his wings caught himself and flew back to his friends. He trembled all over when he landed beside Chomper far, far from the edge of the rock.
“Are you alright Petrie?” asked Ali concerned.
Petrie shook his head but nodded the next moment. He had gotten away with the fright. “Whew, what a luck you’re a flyer Petrie!” said Ducky and Petrie nodded.
“Dear me! Just imagine he wouldn’t be a flyer!” said Cera. Littlefoot shook his head and answered: “I prefer not to imagine that!”
“If the river wouldn’t be frozen...” “...I still wouldn’t jump down here!” Ali finished the sentence Ducky had begun. “You don’t have to”, said Chomper smiling calmingly with, but Ali ignored him. Chomper stopped to smile. He wasn’t in the mood for it anymore.
Again a nipping cold wind howled around the rock.
“I’m cold! Let’s go down! It is nearly dark”, said Cera and went towards the ramp.
“Yes, we should rest now. Who knows what will have to go through tomorrow.”


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In all truth, I kinda like Petrie's forgetfullness of such a thing that should be easy to remember. :lol:  :lol

 :rolleyes: I swear, sometimes I think Petrie prefers not to be a flyer once in a while.

Anyways, good pic.  However, I think a few charcters are missing from the scene as I only see 5 and there are obviously 7 that should be present.


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Thank you for your reaction :)
I swear, sometimes I think Petrie prefers not to be a flyer once in a while.
This may be true in a few cases when the weather is too windy for flying or walking for a character as small as Petrie (LBT 3, and 6), or in another scene in LBT (okay me walk too).
Nevertheless I think Petrie is in fact very proud of being a flyer. The beginning of LBT 7 makes it most obvious, but there is also that look on his face in LBT 6 when he mentions Littlefoot being not a flyer unlike himself.
Anyways, good pic. However, I think a few charcters are missing from the scene as I only see 5 and there are obviously 7 that should be present.
Actually there are six characters (Ducky is sitting on Spike's back). I suppose Chomper would stay far from the edge of the rock when he is the one warning everyone from doing so. The rock would block the sight on him from this angle even if he would stand only a few steps behind.
It must have been a strong gust of wind indeed (:birthday) as Petrie is relatively far from the rocky wall though he must have ended up in the lee of the rock the moment he dropped below the level of the edge.


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Here comes the next one:

She just wanted to say something when suddenly a slight vibration of the ground could be felt, that grew stronger very quickly.
“What’s that?” Cera asked frightened.
“An earthshake!” cried Ducky, but Ali shook her head. “That’s not an ordinary earthshake.” “What is it then?” asked Littlefoot drowning out a booming and rumbling that became louder and louder. “Run! Run as fast as you can! Get away from the hill!” cried Ali.
She whirled around and rushed away. Littlefoot ran after her immediately. With one leap Chomper was on his feet again and had to fight against the vertigo that set in immediately. Cera ran off with an outcry. She too had understood what was about to happen. She ran into the forest, but in another direction than Ali and Littlefoot.
Ducky jumped onto Spike’s back. “Go! Run!” But Spike looked helpless first in the one direction where Ali and Littlefoot ran and then in the other direction into which Cera ran.
He couldn’t decide for one direction. Suddenly a terrible stench like rotten eggs was in the air. “Hurry little brother!” shouted Ducky desperately from Spike’s back.
Like most of the others she recognized the danger that came from this hill.
But Spike was still unsure in which direction he should turn. Finally it was Petrie who took the decision for Spike. “Follow Petrie!” he shouted and flew off. He flew neither after Cera nor after Littlefoot and Ali, but between the directions in which they ran to keep the distance to all of them as small as possible. Chomper followed Petrie as fast as he could.
He understood that it was high time to get away from this hill. But Spike set in motion only very slowly in spite of everything. This changed however when a deafening detonation could be heard behind him and a big boulder from the top of the newly born volcano struck on the ground very close behind him. Now Spike ran at such a tempo that he outran Chomper even before they had reached the edge of the forest. Glowing boulders whizzed through the sky like comets, and the sky itself seemed to darken more and more from the dense smoke. Just when Chomper reached the edge of the wood the first torrent of lava welled out of the burst top of the hill.


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Wow! (Not even this: :wow , describes what I'm feeling here.)

I can see that you even captured Cera screaming, which is one thing I believe to be quite an accomplishment in art.  Brilliant use of color, though your sketching of the charcters does need work.  Quite a piece of work and captured the scene nicely.

Tell me Malte, how long have you been working on art anyways?


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Thank you pokeplayer :)
I can see that you even captured Cera screaming, which is one thing I believe to be quite an accomplishment in art. Brilliant use of color, though your sketching of the charcters does need work.
Cera is very far in the background what looks like an open jaw in the small can is actually one of her legs I think. Altogether this is a picture I'm quite happy with. The main exception are Littlefoot's legs, the left (from Littlefoot's point of view) foreleg in particular. You can see making kind of a leap from the fright that boulder right behind him gave him. This is one of many pictures I made in summer 2002 (July 17th to be precise).
Tell me Malte, how long have you been working on art anyways?
If it comes to LBT pictures I drew scetches from December 1998 (when I rediscovered LBT) on. I practiced by scetching characters right from the screen into a scetchbook (sometimes there are characters very similar to characters from movie scenes in my pictures, but not in this one). I may well have been drawing LBT stuff when I was still a member of the main target audience (six or seven years) but I don't quite remember.
As for painting and drawing in general I have drawn and painted occassionally ever since I remember.


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Here is the next one:

Right in front of her was the river, but many thin and thick cracks were running through the sheet of ice that lay over the water.
The ice broke to floes everywhere and began to drift downstream faster and faster. But Cera saw something more. On the other bank were Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Chomper looking very grievous. Cera was relieved about Chomper’s presence and shouted to the others:
“Ducky! Spike! Petrie! Chomper! I’m here!” They all looked up jerky. Spike saw her first, uttered a shout of joy and cut a joyful caper.
The next moment Ducky saw her too and shouted loud: “Cera!” She pointed at her with one hand. “There she is! It is her! Do you see her? It is her!” she shouted and hopped around fiercely with dither. Petrie and Chomper had seen her too now and Petrie flew towards her while Chomper shouted: “Hurry up! The river will soon be as it has been before. Then you can’t come across anymore!”
Cera agreed with him, for it was already perceptible that the stream of the river had to be very strong, and the ice grew less and less. One could see it melting. Close to the bank the ice had already thawed out. Cera sized up the distance to the next floe shortly and jumped. When she landed on the floe she cried out frightened for it inclined sideward immediately below her weight and only because she managed to shift her weight to the other side immediately she could prevent the floe from turning over and dropping her into the water.
Cera felt how the staggering floe set in motion below her feet and began to float downstream. She didn’t waste time, but jumped to the next floe nearby immediately.
Again Cera lost her balance and almost fell into the water. The next leap brought her on a bigger ice field, that didn’t stagger as much. But it grated loudly and for a moment Cera feared to break through the ice like Ducky had back then in the Great Valley. Cera didn’t brake in, but after a few moments the part of the ice she had landed on broke loose from the remaining ice field and Cera had to jump off again, before she was floated too far away.
She landed safety on the big ice field, but slipped and clapped down so heavily that stars seemed to dance in front of her eyes.
“Cera you alright?” Cera looked up to Petrie who flapped in the air directly in front of her. She nodded and stood up slowly. “You hurry up Cera. Not much time is left.” Petrie was right; Cera felt how the ice melted away behind her. She ran over to the other end of the ice field hasty. Just the moment she arrived there a single floe floated past on the river that was apart from that nearly free of ice in the meantime.
Cera hesitated shortly and then she jumped. This time she didn’t land on the floe exactly but only near its edge. Because of her swing the floe drifted towards the bank, but it was even harder for Cera not to overturn back into the water. She tried to come closer to the center of the floe with one leap, but she miscalculated this time. Cera landed at the opposite edge. The floe inclined forward and this time Cera couldn’t hold on to the smooth as mirror ice; with a short shriek she tumbled forward into the water. It was as if innumerable small pointed needles would prick at her when she dipped in the icy cold water. Strangely it didn’t even seem to be so unpleasant to Cera after the heat in the burning forest. A strong vortex pulled her into the deep, no matter how much she struggled against it, while the current pulled her downstream. Cera struggled as fierce as she could and suddenly she felt sandy ground below her feet. With all her might she pushed of and for her big surprise she broke through the water surface immediately. She swam towards the bank and then she felt the sandy ground again while her head was still above the water. She clawed firmly to the ground and leaned against the stream. She made to find save foothold and to approach the bank slowly step by step while the undertow still pulled on her legs. Completely out of breath Cera reached the bank where she was welcomed jubilantly by Chomper, Ducky, Spike and Petrie, who had stayed close to Cera while she had been in the water. Cera lay down and closed her eyes for a moment.


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The picture I posted last is one of those I'm quite happy with. There are no characters copied from the movie, they are all freehand. The only thing I'm not quite happy with is the "smoke" of the fire. It is really a very thin haze, not giving enough "credit" to the huge fire that is going on in the background. Maybe melting snow turned a lot of that smoke into steam, but that would be a sorry excuse as I definitely didn't have it in mind when I painted the picture (July 20th 2002). I probably just wanted to have some background elements such as the new volcano and the edge of the walls of the Valley in which all this is happening.


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“How could they possibly escape?” asked Littlefoot with a hopeless mien. “Nobody can survive in this”, said Littlefoot and pointed at the burning treetops again.
Ali just wanted to reply something when they heard a loud cracking from the ramp.
They looked in the direction surprised. Where the rocky ramp disappeared into the primeval forest the treetops quivered as if something big made its way up the ramp. Ali’s face lightened up, her inspiration seemed to prove right, and Littlefoot too stood up and looked down at the ramp expectantly. A big silhouette that was not exactly recognizable in front of the dazzling fire and the flickering air broke out between the treetops and stormed up the ramp. Littlefoot and Ali strained their eyes, but when they could recognize the stooped figure it had almost reached the top of Chomper’s rock already. Littlefoot and Ali cried out in the same moment, for it was a sharptooth, a huge grownup sharptooth. Only because of their horrified yells the sharptooth noted Ali and Littlefoot. It looked up, spotted them and began to run faster.
Its eyes flashed.
Ali had the presence of mind to jerk around, while Littlefoot stood there paralyzed with fear and starred at the sharptooth. Ali pushed him fiercely and cried: “Come on Littlefoot!”
Then she ran off. It was as if Littlefoot would awake from a dream. Nearly another second passed before he followed Ali, but he caught up with her soon. “Where shall we go Ali?” called Littlefoot drowning out the roaring of the sharptooth behind them.
“I don’t know!” Ali cried back after she had made sure with a hasty look around that here was no shelter, nor any safe place. Suddenly Ali skidded to a halt with an outcry. Littlefoot jumped aside not to run into Ali’s back. In the very last moment he too came to a standstill. In front of them was the abyss and far down the river meandered along. They both cast a look back over their shoulders. For a short moment Littlefoot’s look met the sharptooth’s. The sharptooth seemed to be surprised, but the next moment it continued to ran towards them with far reaching steps. Littlefoot and Ali exchanged a short look. And it was as if they would speak. They could see what the other one thought. They couldn’t run away anymore and they both had the same idea. They jumped down the cliff in the very same instant yelling as loud as they could. The sharptooth was only few steps behind them.