The Gang of Five
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Living With Mother


  • Ducky
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A/N: I couldn't resist...yeah that one idea in "what if" of Ozzy and Strutt living with their mother and it being a sitcom turned into...well my attempt at such stories! :DD So credit where due to Brekclub85.

I'm even going to try to give this fanfic in sitcom form...if I can get it long enough for a show. Timing for that will probably be off, too short at most, and I'll try to get these to you guys Scene by Scene so you don't have to wait an entire episode for them.

Hehe, I'm even gonna let my OC Misty be an observer of all this :DD

So, set up the special rock enabled to let the dinos have their peek into Ozzy and Strutt's torment in sitcom form! :lol


Scene I: *In a plain off in a location no one is quite sure of, except that most think it beyond the Mysterious Beyond, pan in on a quaint little Suburb of rock and cave formations built one next to each other and across so that a medium wide strip of land lay between them. The bright circle is just rising and out of a formation off to the right, the sounds of stirring are heard*

*Enter Misty, a young egg eater looking about the age of a ten year old human child*

Misty: *walks out of her cave where she lives with her young 'kid' Aunt Lyla as a guardian. She walks to the edge of the pathway of almost dead grass from all the wear and tear and peers down the strip of land as if looking for something. She looks like this for a while before looking confused and glancing to the bright circle, then down the path of land once more* Hmm...just a bit over the ridge...yep that's suppose to be the time...

*An elderly egg eater from across the path comes out of his cave and spots the youngster*

old egg eater: Well, young Misty, you're up early this fine morning...what are you waiting for the duds dino?

Misty: *turns to him* Oh hello sir, yes I am, the bright circle just passed the ridge *she points to indicate* he should have been here by now.

old egg eater: *chuckles* Well don't get your tail in a bunch there kid, I've been around long enough to notice that nothing, not even the duds delivery egg snatcher, can be counted on *he strolls to the edge of the worn pathway to pick the leaves from the above trees that usually drop a morning stash of leaves for the egg eaters who live around here to pad their nests with or store up until the other leaves wear out. There is an honor code of no one stealing what is clearly another's pile in this*

Misty: *sighs*

*From inside her own cave the voice of a young adult egg eater sounds, Misty's "kid aunt" Lyla, who is the only guardian left to take care of the orphaned egg snatcher*

Lyla (from within): Oh Misty, will you bring in the pile of morning leaves? Your nest pile in your corner of this cave's an absolute mess!

Misty: *sighs and turns* I was gonna get to that, but yeah, I'll bring the leaves *scoops to pick up the leaves deposited that morning*

*From the cave next door, an older female egg snatcher, Mrs. Snipper, rushes out, yelling even as she exits*

Mrs. Snipper: Hurry Hershal! I just know something awful happened to those boys, *sighs* oh I'll never forgive myself for letting them leave the nest, poor Strutt clung to my leg and all but begged that we not kick him out into the cold harsh world before Ozzy ripped him away and drug him off! And just like that, they were both gone *chokes up*

Hershal Snipper: *Reaches where his is wife in a calmer walk, he opens his mouth*

Mrs. Snipper: *frowning fiercely* It was your stupid idea about independence that made me abandon my boys! *picks up the morning pile of papers to hit her mate with them* I should never have listened to you! *hits him again*

Hershal Snipper: *flinches from each hit* M-Mabel!

Misty: *From across the street, turns to watch this with an amused smile on her face*

*Lyla peeks her own head out of their cave*

Lyla: Misty, dear, don't pry

Misty: *shakes her head without even looking at her aunt* I'm not prying...I'm just watching the morning drama, as Mr. Grumps calls it *continues to watch fascinated*

Lyla: *sighs and goes back into the cave*

Hershal Snipper: *grabbing the pile of leaves so his mate can't strike him again* Mabel! Strutt simply sent a sharpbeak by last night to ask if we could spare some eggs since Ozzy's not doing so well at hunting and he's getting tired of the complaining, they are not dying in a ditch!

Mabel Snipper: It was a cry for help, Hershal! and I intend to answer *turns once more to head down the dying patch of grass pathway and off in the direction to take her out of the neighborhood of caves*

Misty: *looks shocked and now begins to rush down the pathway after the elderly egg snatcher* Mrs. Snipper!'re not gonna walk all the way to where Ozzy and Strutt are alone are you?

Mabel: *turns to smile at the child next door* Don't be silly dear, I have already sent the messenger sharpbeak off to secure the first flyer he can track down and I shall pay him with these leaves from this morning to quickly fly me in the direction the messenger shall dictate

Misty: *looks shocked at this*

Hershal: *looks shocked as well* Mabel! You're gonna make a flyer carry your weight...uh you, for that long of a distance?!

Misty: *covers her mouth at the almost insult Mr. Snipper caught*

Mabel: *waving the leaves* He shall be well paid dear

Hershal: *rolls his eyes*

Misty: *watches in even more interest as the sharpbeak comes back prodding a very agitated yellow flyer, Cree* (I couldn't resist in my need of a victim! :lol)

sharp beak: *lands with the flyer* Well ma'am, I found this one flyer who seems to be a strong one

Cree: *turns to glare at both the sharpbeak and then the egg snatcher he figures she's talking to* Look! I don't know what you dumb sharptooth hybrids mean by this slave driving, but there is no way I am carrying an egg-napper anywhere! Especially not one of your...

Mabel: *seeming unaffected, waves the leaves* My boys are in danger, my good flyer, and you shall be well paid

Cree: I don't care if 'your boys' are dying in a pool of fire water! I aint takin' ya anywhere!

Hershal: *frowns* I understand that my mate is out of line, sir, but there's no cause to...

Mabel: Why if my boys were not in dire trouble right now, I would not put up with a flyer of your attitude and horrid ideas! But we are in a hurry, so if you would... *begins to attempt to turn Cree about*

Cree: *struggles and then boxes the female egg napper one on the chin* For the last time, ya crazy biddy, no!

Misty & Hershal: *stare wide eyed*

Cree: *turns to flap off*

Mabel: *stunned, but then recovers enough to cry out from the ground* Why he...Hershal! Make that flyer pay immediately! *points even as she remains on the ground*

Hershal: *sighs* If I must... *walks off to try and stop the flyer*

Mabel: *waving to Misty* Deary, be a sweetie and help me up here, oh I'm afraid I'm all but lame from that dastardly flyer!

Misty: Yes ma'am *moves over to attempt to help Mrs. Snipper up*

*the old egg-napper across the street, Mr. Grumps, laughs*

Mr. Grumps: What's the matter, Mabel, can't take a hit! Why I'd expect you to deck that flyer one back!

Mabel: *sighing* Oh the things these neighbors think, no, a lady would never!

Misty: *giggles* It would be funny to see if you did Mrs. Snipper

Mabel: Oh Misty dear, watch your words, that's no way for a young lady to talk *sighs as she's finally righted onto her feet* Oh, thank you ever so much. *turns forward* Hershal! Have you caught that delinquent yet?!

*Hershal is show to have hold of Cree's feet and be fighting to not have the flyer fly off with him*

Hershal: I'm...working on it dear...

Cree: *frowns down at the male egg-napper* Alright buddy, you want it rough? *kicks him away, causing the egg-napper to roll across the ground*

Misty: *winces as she watches*

Mabel: *catches Cree's wing before he notices she's on that side of him though and yanks him down to the ground* Alright sir...after all this trouble, I'm afraid I shall be forced to cut your pay.

Cree: *stares at the egg-napper* Cut my...lady I think you've seriously lost it, now...

*a longneck comes into view of the neighborhood bearing two egg eaters, one younger than the other, and the older one carrying a handmade carrying nest of eggs*

Second Egg-Napper with eggs: *looks shocked as he slides down off of the longneck along with his guest. He turns back to the longneck though* Um, thank you once again for the ride over here to deliver my dud eggs that didn't form to the local egg eaters

Longneck: Hey, it keeps you and them away from nests where young are trying to grow for a bit, I'm happy to do it

Second Egg Napper: *turns to the first egg napper* So...this is your neighborhood aye Strutt?

Strutt: *staring forward as his mother yells at a flyer* Uh...yeah...yeah this is home...

Misty: *is the first to notice the two and she smiles, pointing* Hey look, the dud's dino finally came! and he brought Strutt too! *she laughs*

Mabel: *all but flings Cree to the side as she turns and looks* Strutt?...oh my baby, you're home! *rushes forward and immediately engulfs Strutt in a hug* Oh, don't you worry, mommy heard all about the trouble you and Ozzy were having and I am going to make it all better

Strutt: *struggling to wiggle from his mother's hug as it's crushing his lungs a bit* M-mom, can't...breath...

Cree: *takes advantage of being let go* I am getting out of here before these crazy egg-nappers kill me! *quickly wastes no time in flapping high up to safe sky space and off*

Misty: *laughs once more and walks up to the egg dud's delivering egg-napper to help him distribute out the morning duds*

Hershal: *sighs and walks up* Mabel, let the poor boy go, my gosh he can hardly breath!

Mabel: *does release Strutt to hold him out in front of her and look at him* Now where's Ozzy, don't tell me you've lost your brother

Strutt: *gives a nervous laugh* Uh, no, no, nothing like, he was too scared to...come...right now

Mabel: *looks confused* Scared...why whatever does that boy have to be scared of... *turns to signals the sharp beak once more* You, sharp beak, fly straight off and inform my oldest son that he should be here for this reunion as well, won't you?

Sharp beak: *nods, looking only a bit exasperated* Right away ma'am *flaps up and off*

Mabel: *starts ushuring Strutt back towards her cave* Meanwhile, we shall get you set up with a lovely leaf bowl of the freshly delivered yoke, why I even think I remember where we left your bibe *turns to call to her mate* Hershal, be a dear and bring in some of those leaves so we can make Strutt a nice warm drink.

Strutt: *still trying drag his feet and stop his mother pushing him into the cave* M-mom, I've been away so long maybe you've forgotten, I don't like...

Mabel: Nonsense dear, you've always liked my cooking *enters the cave with the struggling Strutt*

Hershal: *gets one dud egg from Misty as she helps the delivery egg-napper make his rounds and then tucking the leaves under his arm, follows his family inside*

Misty: *watches him go and then shakes her head. She skips over to her cave calling* Hey Aunt Lyla, you'll never guess, Strutt's back home and I think him mother's gonna keep him captive...



I'm sure you guys got them, but of course (1) the leaves are suppose to be the morning paper (2) and the dud's delivery egg-napper is the neighborhood milk man


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  • Ducky
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Haha, wow. This is definitely different :lol
I had a lot of fun reading it, good job!


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