The Gang of Five
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One Long RP


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"Yeah well I..." Mr. Threehorn began, yet then he paused, "...heard something" he finished in a different tone, "hold on..." he walked about almost in a perimeter seeking circle, just glancing about for anything out of the ordinary.

The Great Valley Guardian

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The threehorn was far too close, and to move  now would be a major mistake, Bleeding Heart could only hope now that the shadows would mask his presence to the old threehorn. And wouldn't ya know he began to feel secure he had to sneeze!

"AH-CHOO!" roared the sharptooth, and realizing without a doubt that his cover was blown charged out into the open hoping to catch the two plant eaters off guard.


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Mr. Threehorn paused in shock at the sound, but didn't have much time before that became his last worry as a sharp a sharptooth (ooc: fast biter type right?) so big it had to be this Bleeding Heart they were all looking for, charged out. Mr. Thicknose froze, but Topsy was quicker on the recovery.

"You fool, move!" he yelled to the hollowhorn as he lowered his own head to face Bleeding Heart's charge. He rammed forward as Bleeding Heart reached him, unaware of if he hit straight on or down the side, but knowing he thought he got in one hit atleast.

"Go...let the others know we found him" Topsy roared to Mr. Thicknose, who had yet to move. The hollowhorn shook himself out of his stupor it seemed and turned tail to flee back, still feeling unsrue about just leaving Topsy...but then the threehorn had always told them himself he was tough.

The Great Valley Guardian

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(No...Bleeding Heart is like the original sharptooth...only...pure evil.)

Bleeding Heart knew the hollow horn was going for help, but he wanted out of the valley and the only way to do that was to fight the threehorn, so he opened his jaws wide and tired to bite down on Topsy's face hoping he'd move.


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By pure instinct that didn't care one whit about his pride, Topsy did rear back from the bite, yet he next ramed forward to jab Bleeding Heart in the leg before stepping back before he could be bitten behind the aid of his frill. "Hurry up ya old fool" he muttered in reference to Mr. Thicknose.

Meanwhile, Mr. Thicknose struggled to run as fast as he could, which wasn't fast enough for even himself to be satisfied with. He spotted a longneck soon though and praised every nightlight in the heavens.

"W-we found him! and Mr. Threehorn's holding him, Bleeding Heart I mean" he cried, reaching Grandpa Longneck and all but collapsing onto the floor of the Valley from sheer exhaustion of running so far and fast.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandpa Longneck was as shocked as he could be as he turned to face Mr.Thicknose and said, "Please lead the way, we need to help him as quickly as possible!"

Redclaw stepped back from Topsy's attack and he snapped at the old threehorn hoping to startle him enough to get away before the other elders showed up.


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Topsy did rear back, making sure though to keep his horns pointed, "You...are not going anywhere" he said, sounding as tough as he could, and only hoping he could hold the sharptooth.

Mr. Thicknose felt like sighing, but nonetheless forced himself to get up and turn to head the other way, it was an almost hobbling run now with his exhaustion, but he kept on, leading the way.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandpa Longneck could see the fatigue on Thicknose's face and he stopped for a moment. "Perhaps you should rest for a while old friend. You may need it." he said with a frown.

BH wanted to get away and in a final charge pushed past Threehorn and made a dash into the surrounding trees.


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"Well...I'm only agreeing...since I don't think I have much choice" Mr. Thicknose said, he pointed his nose though, "it's right through there anyway, so you all can find it now I think".


"Hey!" Topsy turned and began to attempt to rush after the sharptooth, "come back here!".

The Great Valley Guardian

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Bleeding Heart was glad to hear that the threehorn had given chase, and now he had a chance to either surprise the old leafeater, or trick him into making a mistake and securing his escape....but he had to think about which idea was better...


Grandpa Longneck nodded his head for a moment and replied.
"Thank you've more than earned your rest, I'll go ahead and help Mr.Threehorn." He then turned and began to walk down the way Thicknose pointed.


Longtail had gotten so bored at this point that he'd begun to bash his head against the wall of the cave everyone was in. For a moment he stopped and stumbled as his vision swam with spots and he muttered "....ow." And had to catch himself with his tail to stop from falling over.
"Geez I'm bored. Can we pleeze....get out of this cave....I don't care about should be a part of my name..." stated Longtail with a frown.


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Mr. Thicknose just nodded. He'd have followed if he could have.


"Well first we have to find a safe spot to move to, even if I know such has never worried you, Longtail" Tylr gave a side smirk. "Hang on a minute, he flapped out to see if he could find a better spot for them all to stay.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail watched for a moment as Tylr flapped out of the cave and he sighed. He turned to Deimos and asked, "Well...what would you do? We're stuck here in a cave, and I'm going nuts with boredom...come to think of can any of you guys sit here, and just about this?!" he cried as he looked around to Littlefoot and the others surrounding him in the cave.


In the end Bleeding Heart had settled for escape knowing that an attack could get him in more trouble. He came to a fork in the path and thinking quickly turned to the left and up the winding slope hoping the old threehorn would get tired, and back off.


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Kit frowned a bit, "Shh, Longtail, I'm actually trying to not think about stuff and not get Petrie to panic" she indicated where Petrie was next to her looking...less than comfortable but not freaking out yet.

"We can't exactly sneak out past the adults very noses" Littlefoot indicated Cyrix still about, "even we're not that good".

"Maybe some of you aren't, but Longtail's right, we should try something!" Cera said. The young threehorn then began crawling over to try and sneak past. Littlefoot sighed, "Now you've done it" he said not really in complaining to Longtail.


Mr. Threehorn kept on until he reached a spot where he no longer knew what to do. He glanced about then turned back.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail smiled at Cera as he responded, "Now she has the right idea!" the flyer then flapped his wings and elevated himself to the ceiling and clinging to it with his claws he began to crawl across it being careful and as quiet as possible so as not to alert the adults.

Cyrix was still standing guard outside the cave just admiring the beauty of the world around him. He took a deep breath and sighed as he closed his eyes and decided to take a quick nap....after all, the children weren't just going to sneak away...


Grandpa Longneck had just reached the pass and could see Topsy coming down. The elderly longneck immediately frowned as he knew his old friend had not stopped Bleeding Heart from escaping.
"Do not worry Mr.Threehorn, we'll be sure to stop him the next time he's in the valley." said Grandpa Longneck with a smile, hoping it would cheer up the old threehorn


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Littlefoot understood a need to act, but they couldn't very well sneak past Mr. Cyrix could they...yet then he watched as Longtail and Cera did just that.

He sighed, "Well come on, it looks like the coast is clear".

"Come on Petrie" Kit grabbed his wing and gently pulled him along as she followed Littlefoot. "But...cave so safe..." Petrie said. Kit smiled back at him, "Trust me, wherever Longtail and Littlefoot are is the safest spot to be really, so we just gotta follow if you look at it that way" she walked behind him and pushed him.

Petrie frowned, trying to figure out that logic yet in the end was left with no choice but to follow, since he didn't want to be alone and then explaining where everyone went when Cyrix did find out.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail had to admit he was surprised that his friends could be so quiet...and that his uncle could sleep through all this. He then turned and jumped from the outside of the cave and landed on a nearby tree and smiled as he slid down without making a sound.


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"Ok, now I'm starting to think you're just showing off" Cera frowned at Longtail.

"Come on" Littlefoot urged them "we're still where Mr. Cyrix could see us".

"Yeah" Cory, who was also with them, said to himself, "and if they start fighting that's gonna just kill all hope".

The Great Valley Guardian

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(Figured it was time to bump this!)

Bleeding Heart stepped outside the valley and sighed. It had been a harder climb than he remembered...but he had indeed done it and escaped that cursed valley. "Time to meet up with the rest of my group." commented the sharptooth with a wicked grin.


Longtail walked a few more paces before stopping and noticing something.
"We're missing Deimos, and Ovius....I thought they were supposed to be guarding me?"

Cyrix however continued to sleep unaware that the children had just snuck right under his nose.


Grandpa Longneck looked at Topsy with a concerned look as it seemed the threehorn was wounded. "My old friend are you alright? Perhaps we should get you some help." he said with sympathy.


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(OOC - Oh, I get to jump in here after a massively long hiatus!)

Deimos and Ovius were indeed looking for Longtail. They had been searching for him after they noticed that he had crawled out of the cave.

"Longtail, where are you?" Ovius called.

Deimos repeatedly sniffed the air. "I can smell him but it's kind of faint." He then sniffed again and pointed in a certain direction. "He's over that way and he's with Cera."

Deimos and Ovius immediately rushed towards the scent and found Longtail.

"Longtail, what are you doing here?" Deimos asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail turned and smiled.
"We thought sitting around in a cave was a waste of our time. So we snuck away."