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What movie genre do you like most?


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Will Smith is a wickid actor!  :D I really like him ever since he was in stuff like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  :lol I, robot is a great of those "kinda makes you think" films like would something like creating robots with sophisticated A.I. eventually turn out that way?

As for movie genres, I'm definitely an action flick kinda guy. Love the stunts and the explosions and the big guns LOL  :DD But I'm also a fan of comedies and Jim Carrey does it for me everytime. I can never frown watching him; he cracks me up every time :lol I like a few thrillers but not horrors. I don't mind stuff that makes you jump but I don't like films that create haunting images that you can't seem to forget and it starts making you really paranoid about everything :unsure:  :(

Apart from that, if a flick grabs my interest I'll go and see it, regardless of genre. I'm easy-going B)


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I like fantasy, sci-fi (which is a fantasy sub-genre, by the way, Cyber), comedy, and romance.

And Will Smith is hardly what I would call a wicked actor. he's fun and interesting, but hardly Shakespear.
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I should just say that I don't like anything with witchcraft, fictional creatures that don't exist, magic wands or flying broom sticks.  I actually learned in literature some time ago that there is no magic allowed in science fiction.  Only material based on science fact and material that could or could not happen in the future.  This involves hyperspace travel (Star Trek, Star Wars), super intelligent machinery (2001: A Space Odessy, Terminator, iRobot), Genetic engineering(Jurassic Park, The Sixth Day) and alien invasions (Independence Day, War of the Worlds).


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I often watch movies based on historical events. Some of those are really among my favorites. Some (by no means all) fantasy movies are quite my cup of tea and so are some science fiction movies. I also like many classical movies which were made without the possibilities of nowadays but are nevertheless really enjoyable (though I doubt many people ever talked the way people in those movies I'm refering to do  ;)). There are some tragic-comedies I really like (Forest Gump for example) or movies dealing with political or social issues. I'm also quite fond of some of the new animation movies along the lines of "Findin Nemo", "Ice Age", "Shrek" etc.
I have a certain dislike about everyday movies shown on TV every day here, namely whodunits and corny romances or family series. I absolutely abhor the kind of made up talk shows where the IQ of the participants doesn't seem to exceed the room temperature (in degree celsius).


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Quote from: Malte279,Mar 7 2006 on  02:47 PM
I have a certain dislike about everyday movies shown on TV every day here, namely whodunits and corny romances or family series. I absolutely abhor the kind of made up talk shows where the IQ of the participants doesn't seem to exceed the room temperature (in degree celsius).
Amen.  I only watch action and mystery shows on the Sci Fi channel, my favorites are Stargate SG-1, The X-Files, Surface, John Doe and Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Out of all the genres I DO like Science Fiction is at the very top.  :DD  :DD  :DD


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That's all America shows anymore....crap that makes people look like idiots.  yeah you got your 15 minutes of fame, but you looked like a jackass doing it.  :rolleyes:  This applies to anything like Survivor or Big Brother....those ones where you do nutsy things for money.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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My favorite movie genre? Easy. It has been for several years: romance. My reasons for liking this genre can be found in the Genre Poll in Attic Treasures if you really want to know why. Honestly though, I've grown very accustomed to being looked down on for liking it because my father has been expressing his distaste for me doing so for a while, always warning me to never tell anyone that I like romance, with things like, "You'll really weird people out of they knew a guy your age liked that" or "You'll make your friends uncomfortable if you told them," but I really have no desire to hide what I like and enjoy, nor do I even comprehend what is wrong about a male liking that genre anyway. Just because something isn't very common doesn't make it a bad thing. Yeah, I enjoy The Notebook, The Titanic, and the like, and I don't see any reason why I should pretend that I don't. It isn't even who I chose to be, it's who I am. It isn't like I woke up one day and decided to like it. My brain automatically gets enjoyment from things, and that is one of them. People can say whatever they wish to me; it is their right to be able to speak freely and opinions are only that, so they don't bother me. But while I feel that it is always important to hear other people's views, it is not always wise to take them to heart, especially ones they give about you.

On another note, in second place for me comes fantasy, preferrably medievil ones with those flying reptiles we've come to know and love. I love knights, swords, kings, castles, and all that, but even more so the mystical things like wizards, enchanters, magic staves, and of course- maginificent dragons! My favorite two types of them are water and light, but I like light a bit more since their attacks specialize in taking down evil, those full of darkness and ill intent. Most dark age films that I have seen are awesome, but my favorite ones have skies blazing with dragon fire, or chilled with dragon ice, or flashing with dragon lightning, or, well, you get the idea. The Inheritance series, the Dragon Heart series, The Flight of Dragons, and many others like them thrill me the most.

Basically, I love films with dragons, and medievil fantasies just seem the most abundant source of them. Although when it comes to dragons, I am the exact same way as brekclub85 is with sharpteeth. I hate it when dragons seem like they are just wild, vicious creatures that only want to tear you apart whether they're hungry or not. Some films that do this seem to do well, like the Dungeons and Dragons films which have captivating stories, but my favorite ones have some dragons that have learned to get along with humans, even though their kind has fought before. Dragons that have feelings and care for others, start friendships and risk their lives for others' sakes, those films give me the most enjoyment besides romance. That is why in the What Dream Do You Want To Have? topic I said how I wanted to be a kind, caring, and heroic dragon who draws power from light to heal and take care of those in trouble. If anyone here has seen the anime Dragon Drive, Chibisuke (Chibi), the ultimate dragon of light that risks everything for others, not worrying about what will happen to him in the end, well, I feel that more films need dragons like that. Well, those are the answers to my favorite and second favorite film genres. I hope I explained my reasons for liking them well enough.

As for what genre I like the least, after reading just how many other people really like it a lot so far, I think it would be best for me to keep that information to myself.  Later!

A combination of my two favorite movie themes would be wonderful for me. Does anybody know of a romantic film focusing on dragons? (Besides Dragon Half though. That one seemed to be more about a crush than true love to me.)

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: The Friendly Sharptooth,Jan 28 2009 on  02:29 AM
My favorite movie genre? Easy. It has been for several years: romance. My reasons for liking this genre can be found in the Genre Poll in Attic Treasures if you really want to know why. Honestly though, I've grown very accustomed to being looked down on for liking it because my father has been expressing his distaste for me doing so for a while, always warning me to never tell anyone that I like romance, with things like, "You'll really weird people out of they knew a guy your age liked that" or "You'll make your friends uncomfortable if you told them," but I really have no desire to hide what I like and enjoy, nor do I even comprehend what is wrong about a male liking that genre anyway. Just because something isn't very common doesn't make it a bad thing. Yeah, I enjoy The Notebook, The Titanic, and the like, and I don't see any reason why I should pretend that I don't. It isn't even who I chose to be, it's who I am. It isn't like I woke up one day and decided to like it. My brain automatically gets enjoyment from things, and that is one of them. People can say whatever they wish to me; it is their right to be able to speak freely and opinions are only that, so they don't bother me. But while I feel that it is always important to hear other people's views, it is not always wise to take them to heart, especially ones they give about you.

On another note, in second place for me comes fantasy, preferrably medievil ones with those flying reptiles we've come to know and love. I love knights, swords, kings, castles, and all that, but even more so the mystical things like wizards, enchanters, magic staves, and of course- maginificent dragons! My favorite two types of them are water and light, but I like light a bit more since their attacks specialize in taking down evil, those full of darkness and ill intent. Most dark age films that I have seen are awesome, but my favorite ones have skies blazing with dragon fire, or chilled with dragon ice, or flashing with dragon lightning, or, well, you get the idea. The Inheritance series, the Dragon Heart series, The Flight of Dragons, and many others like them thrill me the most.

Basically, I love films with dragons, and medievil fantasies just seem the most abundant source of them. Although when it comes to dragons, I am the exact same way as brekclub85 is with sharpteeth. I hate it when dragons seem like they are just wild, vicious creatures that only want to tear you apart whether they're hungry or not. Some films that do this seem to do well, like the Dungeons and Dragons films which have captivating stories, but my favorite ones have some dragons that have learned to get along with humans, even though their kind has fought before. Dragons that have feelings and care for others, start friendships and risk their lives for others' sakes, those films give me the most enjoyment besides romance. That is why in the What Dream Do You Want To Have? topic I said how I wanted to be a kind, caring, and heroic dragon who draws power from light to heal and take care of those in trouble. If anyone here has seen the anime Dragon Drive, Chibisuke (Chibi), the ultimate dragon of light that risks everything for others, not worrying about what will happen to him in the end, well, I feel that more films need dragons like that. Well, those are the answers to my favorite and second favorite film genres. I hope I explained my reasons for liking them well enough.

As for what genre I like the least, after reading just how many other people really like it a lot so far, I think it would be best for me to keep that information to myself. Later!

A combination of my two favorite movie themes would be wonderful for me. Does anybody know of a romantic film focusing on dragons? (Besides Dragon Half though. That one seemed to be more about a crush than true love to me.)

Are you sure your dad hasn't been getting together and hanging out with my dad? :lol:   That's almost exactly what he says/feels about my love for animation. I could still hear him quoting that in my head.  I just love animation and it upsets my dad a lot.He's always telling me that I shouldn't tell anyone because it will prevent me from having a girlfriend, people getting weirded out, etc.etc.etc.. And this is the time It really killed me I haven't felt the same since. One day last year my father said (This is an exact quote by the way) that he was "Embarrassed to have me as a son because of it" . That was the thing that stayed in my head that I can never seem to forget.

My second favorite Genre is : Comedy!

And then third: Horror.


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My favorite movie genre? Hard choice.  I'd guess fantasy sorts & certain family   & kid's movies.

Cancerian Tiger

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One day last year my father said (This is an exact quote by the way) that he was "Embarrassed to have me as a son because of it" . That was the thing that stayed in my head that I can never seem to forget.

I'm sorry to hear that such a jackass statement like that was made to ya by your own father, Dash the Longneck :anger.  I've never been told something like that, but other things regarding my love of animation had been said to me.  If you're not doing this already, here's my advice: Don't give a crap what anyone else thinks of your interests, for if they're not endangering or hurting anyone, then there's no reason ya need to change.  It must hurt to have a parent say that, but if ya go by the mentality I just described, it makes it less painful to deal with.  You're how old?  Twenty-six?  Yeah, it's about time ya look out for yourself and embrace your love of animation, along with your other interests ;).  

I have a certain dislike about everyday movies shown on TV every day here, namely whodunits and corny romances or family series. I absolutely abhor the kind of made up talk shows where the IQ of the participants doesn't seem to exceed the room temperature (in degree celsius).

Malte has a point.  Does Jerry Springer come to mind, or Maury?

Maury talk show guest: "You mah bay bay daddy!" :p

That's sad if ya don't know who your baby came from, but it's really sad when ya go on national television to have a paternal test done, let alone five or six tests.  Somebody's been busy :x.

I don't mind stuff that makes you jump but I don't like films that create haunting images that you can't seem to forget and it starts making you really paranoid about everything

I disagree with Littlefoot1616.  Horror is my favorite genre, and blood and gore only make it better :p.  Gotta love the "Saw" series.  I also like suspense, comedy, animation, some westerns (can never remember the titles :rolleyes), some sci-fi, some martial arts, and documentaries.

The genres I watch the least are romance and war.


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I truly don't have a favorite genre actually. I pretty much like all of them...except horror. But I do like a few choice horror movies.

In relation to that, I hate anything that has peoples heads chopped off for fun *coughSAWcough* and blood and guts galore.  :x  But, if it's an educational war movie, I can tolerate it. I don't mind the stuff that makes you jump,  vut if something just pops out of nowhere, you've got a very loud scream on your hands. :p


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Quote from: LBTDiclonius,Feb 19 2011 on  03:19 PM
In relation to that, I hate anything that has peoples heads chopped off for fun *coughSAWcough* and blood and guts galore.  :x  But, if it's an educational war movie, I can tolerate it.
While I can handle any amount of gore, saw pushes it, even for me. And I've seen movies where people get their heads ripped off before (Land of the Dead), didn't bother me, but saw... :bang


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^ I've actually never seen saw, but when ever I go to my local video store, I always go straight to the horror section and read the back of video covers. But I'll never get any of them. Too scary for me. :p


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My favorite genres:

 - Science Fiction (Mysterious Planet, 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Night Skies)
 - Cartoon (LBT, The Ugly Duckling (Series), Dink - The Little Dinosaur)
 - (Teen) Splatter (Swimming Pool - Der Tod Feiert Mit, Insanitarium)
 - Gore (Guinea Pig (all 6 movies), Visitor Q, ReGOREgitated Sacrifice, Men Behind The Sun)
 - Trash (Alien Arsenal, Plain Dead (Flight Of The Living Dead))
 - Experimental / Amateur (Psychotica)

I also like classic adventure movies involving stop motion animation.

Littlefoot Fan

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Since it's been about 5 years, I'd say my movie genre preferences have been narrowed down quite a bit. Out of all the movies I have seen, I have to say that my favorites are:

Science Fiction
Psychological Thrillers

Science fiction is a big one for me, I love movies where they explore things that are out of the bounds of real life but not so far-fetched that they could easily be disregarded. One such movie which I absolutely adored was a short, low-budget animated film called "Flatland: The Movie". I have not read the novel which it is based off of, but the movie is basically about 2-dimensional creatures living on a 2-dimensional plane known as "Flatland", whom eventually come to find out about a 3rd dimension. It was such a rare gem for me, just reading the description of the movie made me want to see it so badly. The movie explains the concepts of the spacial dimensions so well, while remaining fun to watch at the same time. It came out in 2007, but I only just found out about it a couple of weeks ago. After seeing it, I find myself thinking about this movie every day. I used to never quite understand what exactly people meant when they said the fourth dimension, but now I understand it completely, and even though we as 3rd dimensional beings are not capable of fully perceiving it, it is an awesome thing to think about.

For anybody interested, I highly recommend watching the 35 minute short called "Flatland: The Movie". There is another version of this movie just called "Flatland" that is about 90 minutes long, but it is dreadfully boring and plain. The 35 minute short is much more interesting and visually appealing.


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This is one of those questions that provoke much thought.  I don't think it's about liking the movie genres that I'm about to mention, it's jus that I generally watch them much more than others and I think that is how it's always been as it's a form of comfort.  If a new genre is added to the mix then it's a bit hard for me to enjoy the type of movie.  Which makes me sound like I'm awkward!:P

Anway Movie genres:

Despite some :rolleye: moments, I do like some historically based films.  Although sometimes the films are clearly quite bad in the sense that the director and producers weren't aiming for any historically based (ie: some accurate aspects) *cough10,000 BCcough*, some films i can sit through which surpisingly some people hated because it was TOO historically accurate.  But the thing is, with the ancient world being conveyed in a way in popular culture (ie: media in this case) it's not about factual aspects but it's about entertainment value which somehow retains enough 'factual' aspects of that particular time period for it to be automatically viewed by the viewer that it's a historical film.  If that makes sense. It is something that i'm learning.:p

Also I like animated films.  I used to and still do get a lot of 'stick' (ridicule) for liking animated films.  I think the one that may be an example was when I got asked here at the uni what sort of films I had brought with me and I said that I had brought The Lion King and she found it hard to accept in her feeble mind that I had brought a movie that she dubbed 'babyish' because it was animated.  Plus because I'm almost 21, they for some reason think that I'm some sort of immature loser for liking animated films but you know what...the world would be highly boring if the world liked the same things.

I also like comedy films...but they vary depending on the humour involved.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Genres I like are war movies, sci fi, movies based on historical events. I Hate movies that ruin historical events by turning them into romace movies and barely focus on the historical event until the 3rd act of the film. Just like this movie! :anger  :anger  :anger  :anger

Salvatore Blackheart

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My Favorite :smile

Science Fiction

my least :anger
