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Darwin's Soldiers 2: Survival of the Fittest

Serris · 1232 · 121957

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton cowered into a ball. "Well, I'm not a big fan of death..."

Suddenly a plethora of shots rang out, randomly hitting Delta Leader and most of the wall behind her.

Shelton slowly got up, finished emptying the clip, and stood over the fallen Delta Leader, hidden pistol clutched in both hands. "...but you left me no choice. And I am out of time."

Hearing the fire from the original room, Shelton took an alternate exit and raced towards Lab 101.


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Dr. Kerzach, crouched beside Hans and Werner, heard the gunshots. "Do you think Shelton..." A few bullets flew overhead.

Werner shook his head. "The guy can't shoot for [censored]." He was reloading his SMG.

Hans shot one of the troopers multiple times in the chest then ducked behind the crate. "You never know. Even someone who is relatively harmless can become extremely dangerous if their life are in danger. Remember that not less than an hour ago, Dr. Kerzach killed someone with a letter opener."

Alfred reloaded his shotgun from the safety of his lab and then shot a trooper square in the head. He ducked back into the lab before they could return fire.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lab 101 was in sight. Shelton increased the pace.

A survayor saw him coming. "What the hell's happening over there?" he demanded. "Where's Delta Force?"

"They've been ambushed," Shelton panted. "I barely got away!"

The man checked the roster. "And you are...?"

"Storke," Shelton panted.

"Jesus, man, you're like fifteen minutes late!" The surveyor cocked his head. "And I thought you were some kinda large bird..."

"Well, that happens with a name like Storke, you know?" Shelton grinned feebly. "But I'm here now, codeword's 'glorious'..."

"Um, Storke's not your name, it's your codename..." the man mentioned suspiciously.

"Oh, well, know what?" Shelton whipped him across the face with the pistol. He quickly looked around. Everything was so hectic; nobody seemed to have noticed him do that. Shelton grabbed the checklist and marked Storke present, then he finished his run to Lab 101.


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Clyco took apart the gun piece by piece using a screwdriver.  He intended to investigate a bit about how it worked, and the only way to do that when it wouldn't grant him clearance was the old fashioned way.

All around the control room was frantic, reacting to a developing situation that seemed to revolve around place marked "Lab 101".

If Clyco was obligated to, he would have gone down there to fight himself, but as it was he wasn't risking his life for a cause he didn't fully understand yet.  It was better to simply wait for word from his superiors back home, and act on the orders once they were given.

Unless of course things went to hell in the control room - but with the gun turrets guarding the doors it didn't look like that was going to happen anytime soon.


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As Alfred, Werner and Hans killed the last of the troopers, Dr. Kerzach bolted for Lab 101.

He entered the lab and a supervisor stopped him. "Who are you?"

"Dr. Ross. Codeword, glorious." Dr. Kerzach said.

The supervisor nodded and checked off Ross on his clipboard. He then radioed Dr. Branston. "The last scientists are loaded."


Dr. Branston who was inside the Dragonstorm base received the transmission. He grabbed a portable radio and took the secret elevator to Lab 101. He then radioed Ariol.

"Ariol, I am in Lab 101. The key scientists and experiments are in Lab 101. We are preparing for extraction." Dr. Branston said. He then sat down at a console and sealed the lab. The heavy steel doors slid shut and the click of the electronic locks engaging could be heard.

Alfred, Werner and Hans got up and looked for Shelton and Dr. Kerzach.

"Shelton, Kerzach? Where are you?" Alfred asked.

Hans entered the lab where he saw Shelton being taken into. All that was in there was the bullet riddled body of Delta Leader. "Shelton's alive but he's gone."

Alfred and Werner searched all the nearby labs.

"Kerzach's gone too." Alfred said, poking his head out of a lab.


At the same time, Zachary's group was searching the area.

Zachary noticed Alfred, Werner and Hans. He poked his head inside a lab where Dr. Zanasiu was searching. "Guys, Alfred, Werner and Hans are alive!"

Dr. Zanasiu grinned. "Hey Aisha, Dr. Landon! They made it!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Ariol received Dr Branston's message and then radioed one of his groups to move to Lab 101...


Three of the assassins, one human, one Doberman, and one Cougar, got Ariol's call and started their way towards the lab...


Ariol watched the timer as it hit the single digit numbers before grabbing his gun and taking cover behind the console.

Feral waited with his rifle on the collapsing door.

The Cobra was nearly finished ripping the door out of the way, his human counterpart eager to jump inside for the kill.

The timer reaches the final seconds of the countdown:  5...4...3...2...1...

(OCC:  I'll leave the magic to Serris.)


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As the timer counted down, several explosions ripped through the reactor silo. The explosions shattered the fusion reactor's powerful magnets and scored its armor plating. Without a means to confine the plasma, it became too cool to sustain a fusion reaction. The backup diesel generators were also reduced to piles of scrap metal.


The lights in Lab 101 flickered for a moment, then completely died.

"Switching over to secondary fusion reactor!" Dr. Branston called. He flipped a clear plastic cover and pushed a button that allowed Lab 101 to connect to the Dragonstorm base's fusion reactor.


Dr. Bailey cursed as the lights died. He grabbed his radio and radioed Dr. Zanasiu. "Doc Z, the power's dead. Get back to the control room! We can't risk you getting caught off guard. Not to mention I need protecting! The autoturrets don't work!"


Dr. Zanasiu picked up the radio and listened to the transmission. He nodded and turned on a flashlight mounted at the muzzle of his weapon. Zachary followed.

"Should be ignore him?" Dr. Zanasiu asked, putting the radio away. He then turned to Aisha and Dr. Landon. "Do you wish to continue searching for a way to the passage in the freezer or head back to control?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Aiko and Feral escaped as the explosions ripped across the reactors, Aiko's tail barely singed as he was the last through the vents back to the sub-level holding cells...


The assassins ducked from the opening of the damaged door to escape the extreme heat of the explosions.  "Damn!  They meant to take out the base's power!" shouted the human.

"They wouldn't still be in there if they survived!" the Cobra growled.  "We must get back to the rendezvous!"


The lights in the holding cell finally died as the echoes of the explosion reached them.  Dr Joe and Vic set on their tactical lights, and Snow emits a blue flame from her hand.

The young experiment shuddered by the turn of events, afraid to even move...


The three assassins reached the lab's entrance when the lights died.  They had to turn on their tactical lights to keep watch...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Wayne took out his phone and started pressing buttons.

"What are you doing?" asked Bradley.

"Calling the other members of ADSA," replied Wayne. "It looks like things are boiling over, and it's time to come out of the shadows and play an active role in helping Dr. Zanasiu's team stop Dragonstorm."


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"Shelton, what are we going to do here? I can't seem to find any sort of engine room or drivetrain." Dr. Kerzach whispered.

He noticed that many of the scientists were looking at their watches.

"Any time now." A Black man in a lab coat said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I can't see anything," Shelton whispered back. "Between these sunglasses and the lights going out, I'm pretty worthless. But I don't want to chance taking them off."

He realized his hand was wet. Blood was dripping off the pistol. He quickly dropped it. "Kerzach," he whispered, "I killed Delta Leader. I didn't want to, but she didn't give me a choice. Even then, there wasn't much in that room I didn't hit."


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"Well, I didn't want to kill Dr. Gallo but it was either that or have my throat slit." Dr. Kerzach whispered back. "In times like that, either you or your opponent dies and I'm glad it's Delta leader who died."


Dr. Bailey looked at Wayne. "The other members of ADSA, how can they help us in this mess? The power's out, James and his group are missing, Dr. Kerzach and Shelton are missing, the only thing that could make things worse is a full scale invasion."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton nodded silently. "My instinct is to run from danger," he whispered. "I'm not the type to stand and fight like you or James. I didn't even think I could hit her. It took a whole clip." He flicked his flashlight on and shined it throughout the room.

"Turn that off!" snapped the man. Shelton quickly did so.

"They're scientists, and they're currently scattered all over Pelvanida Base," responded Wayne. "And now they're on the lookout for anything suspicious, and if they spot any signs of Dragonstorm, they'll alert the rest of us and do everything in their power to hinder them."


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"Aisha, Dr. Landon, have you made your decisions yet?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

"James and I are heading back to control with Alfred, Werner and Hans. We'll tell Dr. Bailey about the situation, then we'll try and get in to the lab. Granted, since Pelvanida is basically empty, we may not be able to find a scientist to kidnap." Zachary said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Several squads of guards were sweeping Pelvanida for the escaped prisoners.

Two of the squads headed straight for the control room.


Dr. Bailey was looking around the room. Suddenly, he noticed several red dots heading towards the control room. "We've got company!" He then switched to the external camera. "Damn it! They're Pelvanida guards and they're after us."

Dr. Bailey immediately sealed the blast doors and activated the autoturrets. "Clyco, Stern. We've got hostiles!"


Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Nick's been through here a few times, and I don't think he's seen your request. When is Lab 101 going to start exiting?
Also, do you need an ASDA member to radio in the position of a Dragonstorm member?)

"Lemme at them, I wanna fight!" exclaimed Riley. "I'll defend us! You using that?" he asked Clyco, pointing at the weapon.


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(OOC - That will be great. Kenjiro's in control of the transports.)

"Those aren't scientists." Dr. Bailey said. "They're Pelvanida guards. I've scanned as many labs as I could, most of them are empty. The only lab I haven't scanned is the one that breaks the symmetry of the blast wall in the sublevels. For some reason, I can't get in there."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(OOC: Sorry for not posting more! I've been busy.)

"Do you need me to open the doors?" Coroporal Stern asked. "I am skilled with setting charges and blowing open barriers."


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(OOC - It's okay.)

Dr. Bailey shook his head. "I intentionally closed the doors to this control room to stave off the troopers invading. And I have no idea what's in that lab. For all I know, it could be hiding an entire enemy platoon."

Suddenly the sound of several .50 caliber machine guns firing ripped through the air.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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At a completely different lab, relatively close to James' team's position, head technician Martin Ng had recieved the call from Wayne. He was sneaking his way from the electrician's closet to a nearby lab.

The electrician's closet showed that many of the labs had shut down, but one lab curiously hadn't. That, coupled with Wayne's call, fueled Ng's suspicion.

It was Lab 23. The number glinted in the dim light being given off from the emergency lights.

Marty had managed to make it the entire way without encountering anybody. The base was practically abandoned. Something was going down.

The door was locked, but as head technician, he had keys to every lab in the base. fishing his giant key ring out of his pocket, he undid the lock and peered in.

Hicks was in the room, with a lemming scientist. Marty knew Hicks was working with Dragonstorm.

"Dammit, Jeston, we need these files erased!" Hicks snapped. "Everybody but us has made it to Lab 101!"

"I know!" snapped Jeston, "But something's different! A bunch of our files, the ones Shelton stole, their signal's coming from the kitchen computers! I need to hack into the kitchen network before I can delete the files!"

"Well, do it faster!" Hicks stormed in to an adjacent lab.

Marty realized he'd discovered something serious. If these were the last Dragonstorm scientists in the base, Wayne needed to know.

He slipped his radio out of his pocket, but a noise behind him caused him to keep it hidden, but on.

Hicks appeared behind him, leering in the dim hallway. "Think you could spy on us, eh?"

A sudden, exploding pain in Marty's abdomen. Hicks had stabbed him. Marty stumbled backwards, falling to the floor of the lab.

Hicks crossed his arms as Marty's vision faded. "Any last words?"

Marty rolled his head to the side, laying it on the radio under his coat. "Lab 23..." he murmured, and then grew still. . .


"James!" Wayne quickly radioed. "Something's up in Lab 23! And hurry, one of my men may be in danger!"