The Gang of Five
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Stab in the Dark

Raptor · 55 · 7823

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max had opted to sit in the back of the van with the dismembered pieces of the figure and she was currently putting them back together like a big puzzle, and she stopped for a moment as she asked a question.
"Hey guys, what do I do if I happen to find something 'bouncy' on the body?" Even in what little bit of mind she had, it still sounded kinda like a dumb question, but she felt the need to ask.


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"Don't do anything with it!" John growled, his nerves on the verge of snapping as he drove.

"Just put it with the rest of the... parts." Andrew said, in a much calmer voice.

From a nearby alleyway, a dark figure in a hoodie watched as they passed. It was rather eerie, the concentration and outright expressionless face the person displayed. He watched the van pull away, and retreated back into the dark.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max flinched at the tone John used, and with a sigh she proceded not to move anymore, but as they passed an alleyway she felt...uneasy, almost scared...but she couldn't figure out why. So she shrugged it off and while sitting crossed legged, she attempted to get some sleep.


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Darien looked over at Max, then took his coat and draped it over her.
"Here.  Don't want you catching cold, now."
He said quietly to her, smiling...

From behind Edgar and Ryan, a low, wolfish growl could be heard.  
"Now, now...They are not a threat to us, Daigoro."
Said a calm voice, as the speaker stepped into view.  He was a male, perhaps clad more out-of-place than even Ryan.  He wore a Japanese kimono, as well as shoulder armor, wooden sandals on his feet, and a crimson sash around his waist.  At his hip was a katana scabbard, and he wore a woven-straw hat low over his face to cover his eyes.
"My name is Yojinbo."
He said, quietly...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max smiled as she felt the coat placed over her shoulders. She continued to sleep but began to dream oddly about a raven and something dark and sinister, although she couldn't understand what it was.


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John pulled around a corner, and came to the police station. They pulled around to the garage, and a group of forensics came down to wheel the various body parts away to the lab. One of them looked to John.

"Welson, would you mind checking out the morgue? Been hearing some strange noises down there. Probably rats or something."

Andrew raised his eyebrows. "You're afraid of some rats?"

"Well, we have to take care of this."

"Won't have to cut 'im up, too much. He's already in pieces." John observed, before turning on his heel and heading down to the morgue.

OOC: Don't follow John. I haz plan.


"Yojinbo? 'Ello, the name's Ryan." Said Ryan, extending a gloved hand to shake. He shot a quick glance back at Edgar.

"That's Edgar."

Edgar said nothing, but fluffed his feathers up irritably.

"What brings you around these parts?" Continued Ryan, conversationally. "Don't often see your sort around here."

He awaited the samurai-like character's response. Or would have.

"Oh bugger!" He exclaimed. "Terribly sorry." He said hastily, leaping over the side of the building.

"... Ryan, where the hell are you going?!" Yelled Edgar.

Ryan seemed to ignore him. "Edgar, talk to him, but don't tell him anything until you know he's trustworthy." Ryan called back. "I have VERY urgent buisness to attend to."

Ryan got into a black, old-fashioned car which had been hidden in the shadows, and sped off.

Edgar blinked, looked back to Yojinbo, swallowed, and said "Well.. hello.. er... How's it going?"

OOC: What's in the morgue? Why did Ryan leap off a building and drive off in a black car? What is Ryan, anyway? Find out next time on Stab in the Dark!

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max woke up after having the back doors opened. She yawned and stretched her arms as she stepped out. She didn't see John, but figured he had stuff to do, and she needed a coffee break. She walked into the police station and after finding the commons room she quickly grabbed a cup of coffee and sipped on it.
"I wonder where John went?" she asked aloud.


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John strolled down the corridors, whistling to the tune of Sing'n in the Rain. It was good to get away from the tiny bits of that dead body. Of course, he was about to be near more body parts, but he wouldn't see them, so it wouldn't be as bad.

He came to the door of the morgue, and instantly noticed the door was ajar. "Damn, it's small wonder all the corpses aren't rotted messes by now." He muttered, pushing the door open, then shutting it behind him.

It was cold in the morgue. It had to be, because bodies didn't preserve themselves.

John's eyes scanned the shelves, until he looked down to ground level.

He froze.

There was a man in a grey hoodie, with brown pants, standing over a corpse that had been pulled out of the racks.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing in here?! How did you get in?!" John called.

The figure didn't turn. It simply stood there, staring down at the corpse. As he came closer, John noticed the man was leaning forward.

"What the **** are you doing?!"

The figure slowly turned. John's eyes widened when he saw that the face of the cadaver had been completely ripped off, and the stomach had been torn open. To compound the horrors, one of the arms was missing.

The wounds were fresh.

The man came to face John. The man's entire front was stain in blood, especially around the mouth. He was gripping an intestine in one hand. He dropped it.

John unholstered his gun, and swung it up to aim at the figure. "Put your hands where I can see them, you freak!"

The man said nothing. He took a step forward.

"I said put your hands up, you ****er!"

The man took another step. John noticed a thin line, directly down the man's face. Another line ran from right to left, intersecting with the first line in the middle.

The man took one more step, and John fired a warning shot.

The figure responded by opening up his entire face.

The man's face split along the lines, splitting into four flaps, each lined with with razor-sharp teeth. There was a circular maw in the center, also lined with teeth.

John took a step back. "What the ****...?!"

The thing ran at him. John started to backpedal. He fired once, grazing the man's-no, it wasn't human at all-shoulder. It didn't even stop.

Just as John was about to back into a wall, an incredibly skinny figure stepped out in front of him.

"Terribly sorry." The figure said in an english accent. He pulled out an old-fashioned revolver, and shot the creature in the mouth. It was flung backwards from the force of the shot, and finally lay bleeding, and unmoving.

The skinny figure turned to John. "Now, I'll be going. Cheerio." He turned to leave, but John had, by now, recovered from the shock.

"Who the hell are you?!" He called to the retreating figure.

The skinny man was dressed in a coat and tails, and a tophat. He wore sunglasses and a thick scarf over his mouth and nose. He carried a cane, but did not use it. He turned back to John.

"Well, that's not a nice thing to say to your savior. A Thank you would've been nice." He said.

"Who are you, and how did you get in here?!"

"Oh, dear, not this again... I just saved your life, isn't that enough?"

"And what the hell was that thing?!!"

"Look, I'd rather not get into details, but suffice to say it was very nasty and wanted to kill you and devour your soul. I mean that literally."


"You heard me."

"... Take that scarf off. I need to confirm you identity."

"Err.... I'd rather not."

"Then I'll be forced to take you in."

"I just saved your bloody LIFE!"

"Yeah, and you broke into a police station and killed somebody."

"You were going to kill it too!"

"Take off the scarf."

The skinny figure sighed. "Alright, fine." He said, grudginly. "But first, you're not afraid of... movies about undead and stuff of that sort, right?"

"Zombie movies? No, what the hell does this have to do with anything?"


The skinny figure reached up, and pulled both the scarf, and the sunglasses, off.

He was very, very pale.

He was also missing eyes.

And skin.

And flesh.

He was missing everything except for the bone, in fact.

"'Ello, my name's Ryan. Good to meet you." Said the skeleton, with a perpetual grin.


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"Don't know, Max.  He didn't say where he was..."
Darien stopped when he heard gunshots fired.
"I think we should go check that out."
He said, standing up and drawing his handgun...

Yojinbo tipped his hat to Edgar.
"Your friend, Ryan.  He is not quite human, is he?  May I hazard the guess that he is in some way, some form of either undead, or ancient?  Skeletal, most likely?"
He said, looking back up calmly, then gesturing to a strange lion-dog that was seated next to him.
"Daigoro here noticed that first."
He said, affectionately patting the dog on the head, then froze.
"It seems there is a disturbance nearby.  Forgive me, but I must depart for the moment.  Daigoro, keep Edgar company.  Play nice, you two."
Yojinbo leapt away, forming a swirling portal that he stepped into, fading from sight...

Inside the morgue, the body behind Ryan and John slowly twitched, standing back up and moving towards the duo, face open and fangs bared. From behind the duo, Yojinbo phased into being, drawing his sword in a swift slash and cleaving the foe in two.  He then turned to Ryan and John.
"Accursed.  They never fall the first time they are slain."
He said simply, tipping his hat...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max giggled at the sounds.
"They sound like ballons popping! Yeah let's go see if John is having a party!" She turned on her heal and sprinted behind Darien unsheathing her duel machetes in the processes.


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"Oh dear. Never seen one do that before." Ryan said casually. He strode over to the corpse, and flipped the upper half over.

"AHA!" He said, pulling a small shard of metal from the dead creature's back.

"Somebody gave this Soul Eater a bit of a boost, making it one of the 'Accursed', as you call it. Normally, my friend here," Ryan raised the revolver. "Kills anything. And I mean anything."

John was simply too shocked to speak.

Ryan looked up to the shelves. "Oh, come out. You're lousy hiders, all of you."

A Soul Eater lept down from an open shelf. Ryan shot it in mid leap. It landed nearby.

"This one doesn't appear to have the shard. I wonder if it's a form of hierachy?" He mused, kicking the corpse, who was wearing a blue sweater.

"The better your are, the more ressurects you get, eh?" He said, casting his permenant grin to the frozen cop.

John was still recovering.

"Oh. It appears to have been a little much for him." Ryan said, walking over to the shuddering figure.

"If it's any consolation, one of those was probably your killer. Although it's very bold for them to attack a populated area like this, even if it is such a small number."

John blinked, the first movement he had made in a while.

OOC: So, what did you think of Ryan's skeletal nature? Also, be prepared for more strange monsters. Not here, those were the only two Soul Eaters in the morgue. But there will be more of them later, and some other odd creatures.

Also included: An Immortal Serial Killer.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max stepped into the mourge room and for a moment didn't or couldn't say anything....she was just too shocked. She then stepped forward and poked John on the back as she said,
"Whats up...are ya makin popcorn down here?! Cause I could use some!" She then looked down and squealed...
"YAY!!!! More bodies....but wait...ohhhh are they like zombies....I LOVE ZOMBIE!!!

OOC: Contrary to Max's claim of undead affection I personally HATE the undead....evil walking, brain eating monsters! :DD  And as for Ryans official 'appearance' that was a pretty big shock for me! Great work!


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John finally spoke.

"You... you can't be a skeleton..."

"Can't I?" Replied Ryan, amused.

"You... You're just some freak in a costume. I'm taking you in."

Ryan sighed. "Could a freak in a costume do this?"

He rolled his sleave up, showing the white bone of his arm.

Ryan proceeded to tear his arm off.

"Well, I suppose they could if they had an extremely high threshold for pain, but they definantly couldn't do this."

Ryan popped his arm back on, and rolled his sleeve back down. He worked his arm around, cracked his neck, and said "Good as new."

John's jaw dropped.

Ryan at last noticed Max's appearance.

"Oh, hello. I noticed your acrobatic prowess in retrieving the man's head. My compliments to you."

"Now, as I was saying, those were Soul Eaters. One of them was apparently 'Accursed' and had the ability to rise again. They are monsters. They kill and eat humans. Do you understand?"

John nodded vaguely.

"Good. Now, I don't understand what made them choose to attack a city, but they didn't come off very well from it. Still, somebody gave one of them that shard."

John wasn't truely paying attention to what the skeleton was saying. He was still trying to figure out what he had eaten to have such a strange dream.

He finally communicated this in words.

"This is a dream, right?" John laughed, smiling. "Sure is a weird one."

Ryan wasn't amused. "I'm certainly real. Tell me, would a dream be able to do this?"

Ryan picked up his cane, and gripped the top. He pulled, and there was the sound of metal grating on metal as a gleaming rapier came free from the rest of the cane.

Ryan held it forward, and gentally pocked John in the arm with it.

John recoiled in pain, and grasped his arm where the blade had touched him. It had made a shallow, yet painful hole.

"What the HELL was that for?" He exclaimed, as a small trickle of blood came from the wound.

Ryan looked satisfied, insofar as a skeleton can look satisfied. "If this were a dream, that wouldn't have hurt. Also, there'd probably be some sort of odd shape pinwheeling through the background."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max who'd seen the whole event transpire giggled and then hugged Ryan as she exclaimed, "HI DEATH!!! Are you going to give me my puppy dog back?! Cause I miss him!"


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Darien poked his head into the room, looking at the scene for a moment.
"Am I interrupting anything?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow...

Yojinbo looked up, revealing a mask over his face, then removed said mask, revealing his face, which appeared to be spectral, fading in and out faintly as he "breathed."

"Agreed.  And I see no such shapes, so, this is not likely a dream."
He stated, examining the metal shard closer.
"Wait...This's part of a fayth.  That would explain the boost to the Soul Eater's power, at least.  But...who has access to the fayths?  They were all supposedly sealed..."
He said quietly, then looked over at Max and Darien.
"Oh, hello there.  It is nice to meet you both.  My name is Yojinbo."
He added...


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Ryan looked down at the girl, displaying suprise, insofar as a skeleton can display shock.

"I'm... not death, sorry to say. I have met her before, and she's really not much like me." He said. "Now... if you'll excuse me.." He gently pulled away from the girl, and walked over to Yojinbo.

"A Fayth, you say? I haven't see one in over 100 years!" Ryan exclaimed, examining the shard closer.

John shook his head. "You're all insane! This is crazy!

Ryan shook his head. "Speak for yourself."

Andrew happened to follow.

"I heard gunshots-what the....?"

Ryan sighed. "Look, I'm Ryan, I'm a skeleton. This fellow here's Yojyn-Yoja-whatever his name is, and those are the bodies of soul-stealing monsters." Normally, he ouldn't have been so fast to explain, but there were quiet a few people and he wanted to make sure the all heard him.


David Wills crunched against the hard asphalt. He groaned in pain, but his assaliant picked him up again.

"Why are you doing this?!" He coughed, blood dripping from his mouth.

The figure did not respond. Instead, he stabbed David through the back, and ripped the knife up through his body. He threw the dying man to the ground, and made to walk away, but then stopped. He walked back, grabbed David's hand, and cut a finger off.

"Remember, as you lay there bleeding," Said the figure, in a voice that would make Frankestein cringe. "Your killer's name is Kane." He walked away.

David saw flashing lights go off before his eyes. He felt his warm blood trickle onto the Asphalt.

Then, he felt nothing.

He stood up, quiet perplexed, and looked down.

No blood. He had his finger back, everything was normal.

David looked down a little further, and saw his bloodied, mutilated corpse lieing there.

Naturally, he was rather shocked. In fact, he screamed.

"Don't be frightened." A new voice said.

David suddenly was not frightened in the slightest.

"This is- this isn't your time." The voice was smooth and feminine.

David turned to see who was speaking.

It was a young women, in her early twenties. She was thin, attractive, and damn near perfect.

Too perfect to be human.

She was silver. The irises of her eyes were silver, her hair was silver, and the dress she wore, a very plain one, was silver. She was also extremely pale.

David's jaw dropped. In life, he wouldn't have even talked to a girl like this, for fear of rejection.

She walked towards him, a faint frown playing across her lips.

"You aren't suppost to die... not yet." She sighed. She sounded very sad.

David made a move to comfort her, but then realized that he had just passed through her.

She smiled. "You're a spirit, a soul now. You can't touch the living world. Or my world. Would you like to come with me?"

David nodded.

Death smiled as she took his hand, and they both vanished.

OOC: This post has seen all the main characters finding out about Ryan, the introduction of Kane, the serial killer, and the introduction of Death herself.


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Darien nodded.
"Right...That sense whatever.  But okay.  Is there some way we can help with the soul-stealing things?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow...

Yojinbo nodded.
"I must agree.  There is something strange here..."
He said to Ryan...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max clapped her hands together, as she spoke. "Oh Soul stealers..are those anything like a sugarcane tree? Cause those are AWESOME!!! Can I have one...can I can I?" she begged.

Then forgetting about her question for the moment she poked at the remains of the creatures with her index finger and giggled as she said, "Ohhh..the gooey stuff!"


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OOC: Sorry about the abscence, guys. Things came up.

IC: Ryan gazed at the girl as she poked the bloodied remains.

"....Okay, then." Ryan said, looking away.

"Now, you can't tell anyone about this, or Yogi here and I will be very, very upset. I'm not trying to threaten you, far from it. But I'd rather not have a stake driven through my chest." Ryan explained. "It ruins my suit, and takes weeks to get the bone repaired."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Max giggled like a school girl and smiled as she stood up. "I promise! Besides, i'll probably forget in a few....ohhh....will this blood melt steel? That would be the best thing like ever!!!!"