The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

About what's going on


  • Cera
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Hello you wonderful gang!

First of all, I don't claim myself to be having it worse than anyone esle; because that would be a lie.

I felt like writing a small piece of update about what's going on over here, if not for anyone to know, than atleast to let myself ease some weight upon me.  ;)
Just a short summary, you might not even be able to follow. Sorry if so.

I've been quite busy these days. Reason for that would be, as the case for many people here I belive, school.
Two weeks ago I sat my CAE exam, which some of you might have heard me jabber about. For those who wonder, CAE stands for Certificate.Advanced.English and is an international examination in advanced use of the English language.
Three years have I've been preparing and waiting for it.
The test result will be set in Cambridge, and I'll recieve by the 8th of May.
Reasons for taking the examination? It''d be a golden charm on my CV, recognized by Uni's worldwide. Providing that I pass.  :p
Then ofcourse, I have my personal reasons, such as a big interesst in the English language.

Enough said about that, and moving on to school in general.
I''ve finaly reached a position where I feel that I belong in the class, and it hasn't been easy to achive... :( As some of you might know, I had a real tough time moving from one school to another back in October.
Now, it feels... normal to be in school. I really enjoy it.  :)

Even so, it's an awfully lot of work, and shame on me; I haven't been using my calendar to make notes and such things.... which eventually lead to big issues...
Keeping me busy, I haven't been able to exercise, and by that feeling even worse.
Living in the north, sunlight during winter is limited. That makes you feel low, one way or the other.
Tests and homeworks have come in pack of dozens...
And my study motivation, that dissapeared one year ago when I got sick, has not to be spoken of.
All of these matters, plus other, more personal matters, have lead to me feeling... Not as happy as I'd want to be....

Enough said about that! I hate complains! :D

Everything's coming back to me now it seems.
Things have been solved gradually over the past two and a half weeks.
Having finished the CAE examination released a massive amount of weight on me!
Spring has come, and I love it! The sunlight I tell you, it does wonders!
Having given myself a kick in the butt, I've started to use my calendar, which have lead to structure, and muuuuch more motivation for studies!
I try to exercise as much as I can every week, good thing is they're opening a new gym down at the village, just beside my upper secondary. I tend to sign up.

So what does this have to do with the GoF then?
Well, because of all these matters, I feel that I've been keeping a much more short on speaking, not giving much to post, and generally been keeping a negative attitude.
That's how I feel anyway. Up to you weather you belive that's correct or not.
However; I want to apologize for that. I really don't like being that way.
Maybe I have no reason to apologize, but I just felt like doing it. I had to.

What I'm trying to say is, life have been tough, and tend to keep being so for some time.
However; I'm more prepared, and feel much more positive at my senses! :)
Spring is coming, and much good with it.
Things are looking brighter now! :lol:

Thank you for letting me get this of my chest. I needed it.

I still stand!

Your friend under the bright circle,

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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  • Littlefoot
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Oh do I know the spring feeling! Sunlight can indeed bring back happiness at once. It's just awesome.

I'm sure being done with that CAE thing is so much better, stress can make us feel miserable.

Hope you can stick around mate, I'm sure school will be a little nicer on your now this last period of the year. I'm happy for you that you finally feel good in your class :)


  • Hatchling
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Everyone goes through tough times.  I understand completely.  I haven't been around much to see this "negative attitude" you say exists.


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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We all have tough periods in our lives, the trick is getting through them. that is where friends and family comes in...our support systems..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Cera
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 That's correct, we need the support of our beloved ones, they can really help withstand and get pass all challenges. And there will be times in which we all fall, the thing is that we must learn to get up again, as quickly as we can, because that helps to become stronger.
 It is nice to hear from you again Lillefot.