The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time: Rise of Storm Tide

Caustizer · 63 · 10349


  • Ducky
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I'm working on a new fan fiction for LBT, and this one is going to be more believable then the last one I did (you know the one where Ruby kills people  :confused).  Its format is going to be like a typical land before time movie - I mean an old land before time movie not the light and fluffy stuff that they are coming with now.  The basic plotline is this:

           It picks up around the end of the end of the first tv series season, where the gang is made of seven and not just five.

After an introduction that properly brings in Redclaw and his gang to the movie timeline and depicts Ruby hatching from an egg, another gang of wandering dinosaurs makes its way into the Great Valley, and brings news of a pair of sharptooth stalking them on their way.  Chomper hears this and thinks they are his parents coming back (a short flashback of him leaving the island comes in). Chomper then says hes going to look for them and Ducky, Spike, Littlefoot, Petrie, Ruby and Cera - all bored from nothing exciting happening - decide to go with him.

All the while off the coast air masses are converging to create one of the most powerful storms in the prehistoric world - fortuneately its nowhere near the Great Valley ... yet.

It fills some plot holes, like why Chomper's parents left him with a family of fast runners, why Ruby's parents sent her away, and as well as the return of some of the characters from the old movies such as Ozzy, who has changed his attitude a bit now that he has a family!

As soon as exams finish I'll have nothing to do for the summer so ill post it as I finish - that is if you all have room in your heads for another fan fic!

Caustizer   -  


  • Ducky
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<Reserved for Plot Summary>

Act 1:

- tramatic events at Ruby's hatching are revealed
- Chomper learns that his parents might be back and the gang decides to search for them
- the gang has an encounter with Redclaw
- the gang escapes, but then suffers a horrible tragedy
- Thudd serves a new master - himself.

Act 2:

- introduction to Rozzy, Ozzy's oldest son and an allusion to a grand egg robbery of epic proportions
- the gang returns to a warm, but dissapointed reception
- Chomper remembers meeting Ruby in the mysterious beyond
- Read the rest yourself! I gets good from here.

The idea for this is to give readers a quick glimpse as to what the story is all about so far without having to read the whole thing. I'll update this as I add sections of the story.


  • Ducky
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Act I: The Search

Part I:

Setting: Somewhere in the Mysterious Beyond. The land is arid and barren save for a few leafless trees and scattered bushes barely holding their own against the great circle’s onslaught.

<Lying alone on a rocky mound a single egg sits. Colourful and curved it suddenly stirs, spurring the rise of its parents, who had been resting nearby.  They were fast runners and they were very tired, as they had been on the move all day without food or water.>

Mother: <reaches for the egg>

Father: <stops her> Don’t! If it is to be then it will be.

Mother: <concerned> It’s so late…I’m worried.

<The egg shifts and rolls, then a crack appears, then another. The Mother and Father watch in awe as a small head pokes out, followed by a tail out the bottom, and then the whole shell breaks>

Mother: <picks up her newborn> Aw look at you… you look just like your father. <turns to him and smiles>

Father: <smiles back>

Mother: I think we’ll call you … Ruby! <rubbs Ruby under the chin with her unclawed finger, the newborn laughs and snaps back playfully> You must be hungry.

Father: I have just the thing <turns to a nearby bush and plucks a bunch of berries with the end of his mouth, and holds them over Ruby> Sweet bubbles!

Ruby: <laughs at the sight of her own reflection, before greedily gobbling the three bright red berries>

Mother: <holds Ruby closer as she falls asleep> Sleep well young one.

Father: <smiles and then looks to the dusk horizon where the sun is setting>


<A shrill roar rings out in the distance, piercing the cooling night air>

Father: <wakes up> Sharpteeth! No!

Mother: <still tired> What? Sharpteeth? Where?

Father: Come! We must run!

Ruby: <wakes up and cries out>

Mother: Shhh…its okay dear <holds Ruby closer, she calms down>

<Nearby two large Sharpteeth emerge from behind the rock face and with a roar they spot the two fast runners>

Father: Quick…I’ll take her! <takes Ruby from her mother> Run to safety!

Mother: <with a sad and concerned look on her face, runs off into the underbrush>

< A desperate chase ensues with Ruby’s Father running with her in his arms. Despite their size advantage the Sharpteeth fall behind as the run begins to take its toll – they weren’t built for chasing prey this far.  Unfortunately Ruby and her father’s luck runs out when they reach a dead end, trapped on all sides by tall rocks>

Father: <eyes wide with alarm> No, this can’t be! <turns to face the Sharpteeth>

<Both Sharpteeth roar and lick their lips, for their prey is trapped. Ruby cries out in fright>

Father: <dons a look of defiance> You won’t make a meal out of me, or my daughter!

<In an impressive aerobic feat, Ruby’s father dodges both of the snapping mouths and hops up the side of the cliff by jumping between vertical rocks, using his speed to propel of each one until he hit the top>

Father: <smiles> Hah!

< In anger, both the Sharpteeth rip down the rocks and manage to climb up to the top.  Ruby’s father in desperation runs along a large ledge, just wide enough to hold the Sharpteeth in pursuit>

Father: <gasps> Earthshake!

<The ledge shakes and rocks as the earthquake hits, and large rocks begin to fall. Ruby’s dad, who is used to running and is unphased, dodges the falling rocks as the ledge crumbles. One of the Sharpteeth isn’t so agile and is struck by a rock and goes tumbling off the edge into the ravine bellow, its companion looks back with a brief look of sorrow, then turns forward to his prey ahead>

Father: <holds Ruby tighter, as she is crying almost uncontrollably> It’s okay, It’s alright.

<A large boulder falls down and splits the ledge, separating the Sharptooth and the fast runner on opposite sides. The earth stops shaking>

Father: <in Sharptooth language> It’s over Monster, you’ve wasted your time!

<The Sharptooth stares at the prey in front of him, who unfortunately appeared to be unreachable. He was only slightly luckier then his late mate, but a rock shard had hit the side of his head and pierced his eye, turning it a deep red>

Sharptooth: <growls hatefully, turns and walks away from the direction he had came>

<Ruby’s Father turns to her in his arms, and holds her out. She is soaked with tears, and her big round eyes looked sadly at her father in confusion, hoping for the comfort and warmth of her mother’s embrace>

Father: <looks down at her sadly> It’s okay my daughter, its alright. <hugs her>

< Ruby closes her eyes, enjoying the safety of her father and pressing tight against him. For a second she opens them again, only to see something invoking shock and fear. The Sharptooth hadn’t given up, and it jumped the ledge gap, lunging forward with teeth bared, aiming straight for her father >

Ruby: Daddy! NOOOOO!  ….. <fades out>


Setting: A cave within the Great Valley. Outside the rain and the wind are making a ruckus, and penetrating this wall is the sporadic claps of thunder which seem to interrupt existence.

Ruby: <wakes up with a start> DADDY! <breaths heavily for a while before calming down>

Chomper: <gets up and rubs his eyes> Wow you were shouting pretty loud, I wasn’t getting any sleep!

<for a few moments nothing but the pattering sounds of the rain outside fills the cavern, as both Ruby and Chomper gather themselves>

Ruby: <looks down in shame> Sorry… it was just a scary sleep story.

Chomper: <sits up, a tired expression still on his face> You were talking in your sleep too, something about your daddy?

Ruby: It’s nothing…really. <another clap of thunder sounds outside, she turns away from Chomper and starts licking her arm>

Chomper: <looking at his toes> You ever think about your folks at all?

Ruby: <stops licking> Sometimes… but I find its better to not think about them because thinking about them just makes me miss them. <smiles> And besides things couldn’t be more great here in the great valley <laughs at her unintended pun>

Chomper: I know <weak smile back> I guess I just want to know they are okay… <looks at the rain dripping down the entrance of the cave> Ever since we came to the Great Valley it reminds me of when I first met my folks and they took me to the island.

Ruby: <light hearted laugh> But don’t you meet your folks when you hatch? <extends her arms to emphasize the statement>

Chomper: <still looking away> It’s a long story…

<Outside a great gust of wind blows into the cave, moving some rocks and causing the feathers on Ruby’s back and neck to ruffle>

Chomper: <shivers> Man its c-c-cold!

Ruby: Here…you can come sleep beside me if you want. <sweeps her tail aside to make room>

Chomper: <hops up on both his feet> Thanks! … <snuggles up> Goodnight Ruby.

Ruby: Goodnight Chomper!

<both close their eyes and go to sleep while the rain continues to pour outside>



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Part II:

Setting: Ruby and Chomper’s cave within the Great Valley. Outside the rain and the wind have stopped, giving way to a cool and cloudy day.  A slight wetness lingers on the outside grasslands and trees, spawning dew-like drops on the surfaces of tree stars.

<both Ruby and Chomper exit the cave, looking tired>

Ruby: Ah,<yawns> What a nice day to be outside. <stretches>

Chomper: <also yawns> Hey, I have an idea!

Ruby: <turns to Chomper> What is it?

Chomper: Tag! Your it! <touches Ruby and runs off>

Ruby: Hey! You won’t get away from me! <runs after him>


< The opening credits run as Ruby and Chomper run off into the forest. What follows are panoramic shots of the Great Valley including vast seas of trees, the sheltering grass, rocky ledges, and the thundering falls>

Land Before Time:  The Rise of Storm Tide

Written by: Brett Thompson

Otherwise known as: Caustizer


Setting: A shaded rocky ledge near the edges of the Great Valley

<Tired from running, Chomper stops to catch his breath>

Chomper: <gasping> phew … I think I lost her <smirks>

Ruby: <dives in> Gotcha!

Chomper: Awe man, your too fast for me. <looks at her exhaustingly> And your not even worn out!

Ruby: <laughs> Oh its how I am, seeing as I am a fast runner and I spend a lot of time running fast. Come on lets go find the others.

<the two dinosaurs walk along towards the riverbank ahead>

Chomper: <looking up at Ruby> No wonder we Sharpteeth consider you friends rather then food…your too hard to catch!

Ruby: <looking discomforted> Umm… thanks Chomper.

<The little fast runner and Sharptooth soon beheld the river narrows, a place where the water moved fast but was fairly shallow, making floating on the surface from one end to the other an entertaining pastime for the children>

Chomper: <looks across the river> Hey look its Ducky!

<hopping across a few rocks, Ruby and Chomper walk up to the small swimmer Ducky who appears to be searching for something>

Chomper: Hey Ducky, what are you looking for?

Ducky: We are playing hide and go seek, but I can’t find the others, I can’t I can’t <looking sad>

Chomper: No problem, I can use my nose! <sniffs the air heartedly, and then walks off towards a group of bushes>

Ruby: I’ll help too … they can’t have gone that far, <looks around, and then proceeds to start looking>

<Ducky hops onto a stone in the river>

Ducky: Oh this is hopeless … I’m no good at this game, I’m not. <Stone shifts a bit> What? Hey! <looks closer at the stone> Spike! It’s you I found you!

Spike: Heeee! <grins>

<Ruby nuzzles through a group of bushes, then notices a big clump of tree sweets>

Ruby: Mmmm! <snaps at them with her mouth>

Petrie: Wooooa! <cowers> Don’t eat me, me too young!

Ruby: <surprised> Petrie?

Petrie: Oh its you Ruby! <brings a claw to his beak> Shhh! They never find me in here.

<Chomper sniffs the air while he walks, going in circles a few times before falling on his rear>

Chomper: Oww! <notices a tail wagging from behind a nearby rock> Hey, I see you over there!

<Chomper walks up to the tail and stares at it intensely, suppressing the urge to snap at it>

Cera: <hops out> Don’t even think about it!

Chomper: <grins> Cera! I found you!

Cera: Ya ya don’t rub it in…

< A minute or so later the gang gets together in a clearing beside the river>

Ducky: <does a quick count with her finger> That’s everybody but… where is Littlefoot?

Ruby: <turns to Petrie on Cera’s back> Hey Petrie I thought you were supposed to be hiding?

Petrie: <looks foolish under the looks of everyone else> Umm …. Oopsie…

<everyone but Cera laughs>

Cera: <snorts> Well what are we standing around here for? Let’s look for Littlefoot!

Ducky: I agree!

Spike: <nods>

Chomper: I can’t smell him…<looks around> He must be pretty far away.

< a while later the gang comes across Littlefoot standing on the edge of a ridge, looking down on somewhere else in the Valley>

Chomper: <excited> There he is!

<the gang walks up beside him and Littlefoot turns his head around to speak with them>

Littlefoot: Hey guys … <turns back to the edge> look down there, its another wandering herd!

Cera: <annoyed> Couldn’t you at least TRY and play the game with us for once…

<the gang looks over the edge too and there is indeed a large herd of dinosaurs of all types. Longnecks, three horns, club tails, and even some smaller ones>

Petrie: Wow this one a big one! <takes off to soar over them>

Ducky: They don’t look like they came from far either <points> there are big mouths in there too!

Littlefoot: <perturbed> I wonder why there are so many all of a sudden.

Ruby: Something must have happened in the mysterious beyond <concerned> maybe we should ask them?

Littlefoot: Good idea Ruby! <makes off in the direction of the way down> Come on Ducky, Spike, Cera, Petrie.

Chomper: <peeps up> What about me?

Littlefoot: <stops walking and turns around> Maybe its better you stay here… <sees Chomper’s expression> But don’t worry we’ll be back.

<All the others depart down the ridge except Ruby and Chomper>

Ruby: Sorry Chomper but if something is going wrong in my home I need to know what’s wrong. Stay here so you don’t get hurt! <runs off>

Chomper: <pouts and kicks a rock, then whispers> It’s my home too…


Setting: Bottom of the ravine in the Great Valley, the sounds of thundering footsteps fill the air as a larger then usual herd of wandering dinosaurs pass close by.

<Alone, his curiosity gets the better of him and Chomper slides down to the bottom of the ravine to get a closer look>

Chomper: <to himself> I’m a friendly Sharptooth, if I just let them know that then we will get along just like I do with the rest of the leaf eaters <gets up after sliding> Wow they look a lot bigger down here…maybe this isn’t such a good idea.

<suddenly two large spiketails break off from the herd and stop walking. They are talking rather loudly. Not wanting to attract their attention so soon, Chomper jumps into a nearby bush>

Spiketail #1: <concerned> this isn’t right, so many came with us how are we going to find enough food to feed ourselves?

Spiketail #2: <speaks quieter> Quiet! We don’t want the others to hear you complaining so much!

Spiketail #1: <angrily> they are just afraid that’s all…ever since those two Sharpteeth came back…

Chomper: <gasps>

Spiketail #2: Exactly! <looks around> Nobody is safe anymore, the fast biters and smaller ones we could drive away but the big ones… <sad look> we’ve lost two of our herd already..

Spiketail #1: So what if I’m uptight about this… I have a good reason!

Spiketail #2: Quick! The herd is moving on and we don’t want to get left behind.

<Two Spiketails depart to catch up with the herd>

Chomper: <thinking> They’re talking about my parents! <smiles excitedly> They’re back! I have got to tell the others!


Setting: The grassland of the Great Valley. Bright stars light up the night sky as the clouds of earlier in the day have departed.  The sounds of crickets and other insects can be heard all around providing a nice sense of calm.

< The day had passed without Chomper mentioning what he had heard.  The gang had played a game of toss the seed after having no luck talking to the herd that came in at the morning light, and then retired to eat.  Chomper found a hive of stinging buzzers but it was too high for any of them to reach. After some convincing Petrie knocked it down, since he was more scared of the idea of a hungry Sharptooth then a few bee stings. Petrie escaped getting stung by diving into the river and Ducky fished him out. Later that night Chomper waited until Ruby was asleep before sneaking out of the cave>

Chomper: <blazing his way through the grass> I’ve got to find Littlefoot… he will know what to do.

<Following the scent of longneck, Chomper tracks down Littlefoot to where he is sleeping next to his grandma>

Chomper: <jumping out of the grass and sneaking up to Littlefoot> Pssst! Littlefoot wake up!

Littlefoot: <wakes up> Huh? <opens his eyes and looks at Chomper> Chomper? What are you doing here?

Chomper: I heard something today from the passing herd… <looks at his feet> I was hoping you would know what to do.

Littlefoot: <questioningly> What did you hear?

Chomper: <pauses for a moment> My parents are back…they are in the mysterious beyond and they are the reason all the leafeaters are in the valley.  <Puts his finger to his lip> I think…

Littlefoot: Your parents!?! <perks up, then looks concerned> Chomper…you don’t want to go looking for them do you?

Chomper: Uhuh! <pleadingly> I really miss them!

Littlefoot: <disturbed> I don’t know… <smiles reassuringly> You know I’d go with you anywhere because if it was my father I know you would do the same!

Chomper: <smiles brightly>

Littlefoot: <confesses> but we have to bring the others, and you know what Cera is going to say…

Cera: <furious> ABSOULTELY NOT!!!

<Cera was stamping about, the only angry one of the bunch>

Littlefoot: <calmly> We’ve been to the mysterious beyond before, its not that dangerous.

Cera: <still angry> But we AVOIDED the Sharpteeth! <snorts, still stomping about>  Tell me again why I should leave the safety of our home to find a bunch of Sharpteeth who will probably eat me on SIGHT!

Ducky: But Cera they are nice Sharpteeth too … remember when we saved Chomper on the island?

Cera: Oooooo! <sits down hard and calms herself> But still … I know we have done a lot of things in the past but this just seems too over the top. <glances at Littlefoot> And besides, how do we even know where to look?

Chomper: <attempting to lighten the mood> We could use my sniffer! <points at his nose>

Littlefoot: <matter of factly> And I know if it was your father out there we would have left already <caring smile>

Cera: <relents> Fine … <looks at the night circle breaking the sky> I guess we should get going then…

Ducky: <laughs from Spike’s back> Yep yep yep!

<gang moves to depart, but Ruby doesn’t move>

Ruby: Wait guys! <they stop and look back> Shouldn’t we tell our parents where we are going?

<a moment of silence … suddenly everyone except Ruby and Chomper starts laughing>

Ruby: <dumbfounded> What?

<the gang departs without answering, and Ruby sighs in admission and follows>



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  • Ducky
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So far it is nice story. And interesting. ;)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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This is tougher then I thought :lol ... and there are still 2 and a half more acts left too go.  The entire storyline is planned out, so its all leading up to an end!

Thanks for the compliment though i've been feeling unbelievably sick for the past two weeks and even one response lightens my day    :smile


  • Ducky
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Part III:

Setting: At night in the mysterious beyond. Being on the outskirts of the Great Valley the land is still very much green, with the occasional tree full of tree stars and bushes of berries growing about. Dawn is beginning to break over the horizon, lighting up the sky with the brilliance of a partial sun mixed with partial night.

< the gang is on the move, but everyone is tired. Ducky has collapsed on Spikes back and is sleeping while Spike is barely keeping his eyes open. Petrie is gone, having flown ahead at Littlefoot’s insistance. Cera is tired but trying not to show it and Ruby and Chomper are both walking slowly, exhausted>

Littlefoot: <glances at the horizon> Hmm its getting pretty late… we should find someplace to rest.

Cera: <blinks a few times to phase out the sleepiness but fails> Ohh…so tired…

<the gang walks on in the night, and soon Petrie comes down and lands on Littlefoot’s back.>

Littlefoot: <turns to see him> Petrie, any luck looking for a place to stay?

Petrie: <eyes half shut> Oh me so exhausted… <yawns> It look like there is a cave ahead, but it so dark and me to scared to go any farther <shivers in fear>

Littlefoot: <groans in thought> Well I guess it will have to do… <stops and turns back to the others> This way! It’s only a bit farther!

< Upon entering the cave the group spends a little bit of time checking that the cave isn’t currently occupied before settling in. A quick sniff from Chomper confirms it’s deserted. Spike with Ducky asleep on his back finds a rock and settlings next to it before nodding off. Cera, unsatisfied with her spot, makes her own by ramming a few rocks out of the way before also laying down. Ruby, who is used to sleeping in caves, curls up on the spot with her head in her arm. Littlefoot, the last to settle, looks for a moment at Petrie who has fallen asleep on his back in amusement before going into slumber himself.>

Chomper: <still outside the cave, looking at the stars> Mommy, daddy, I know your out there somewhere… <looks at the dark outlines of cliffs in the distance and smiles> And we’re going to find you tomorrow!

<Chomper walks inside where the others are asleep. Just as he enters the cave a cold wind rushes across the plain and blows into the cave, displacing a few pebbles.>

Chomper: <shivers> Man, its so cold tonight. <looks at the others, all snoozing, and looks for someone to sleep next>

< Seeing as everyone is taken, and he doesn’t trust Cera, Chomper silently walks up to Ruby and lightly buffets her with his nose>

Ruby: <wakes up> Huh…what?

Chomper: <embarrassed> Umm… I feel kind of strange for asking this but, do you mind if I…

Ruby: <knows what hes going to say> Oh… <smiles> be my guest!

Chomper: <lays down next to her> Thanks Ruby… <yawns and then they both fall asleep>


Setting: The deep Mysterious Beyond.  The land is arid and sandy. High mesas and cliffs cover the landscape and on this a light wind is eroding them down once more. Where Littlefoot has taken the gang the ground is soft and sandy as on one side lies a cliff face and on the other lies open desert.

< On the gang walks, with Chomper and Littlefoot in front leading the way. Cera walks close behind, determined to not be seen as the weakest.  Ruby and Spike/Ducky bring up the rear while Petrie flies around above>

Littlefoot: <smiling broadly as he walks behind Chomper – clearly this is his zone> Chomper, have you sniffed anything yet?

Chomper: Nothing yet … but I keep getting sand in my nose. <rubs his nose with his clawed hand>

Ducky: <looks at the ground> Hey! Footprints, and lots of them!

Cera: <sarcastically> Hmm well these certainly look like they belong to a pair of vicious, hungry Sharpteeth…

Ruby: <stops> But they do! Look! <points at one of them>

<the gang turns at Ducky’s find, and Littlefoot with Chomper backtrack to look at it too. We see all of the gang of seven looking down from above in wonder>

Ducky: <observantly> This one is pretty big, it is, it is!

Littlefoot: <turns to Chomper> Hey Chomper this could belong to your mommy or daddy.

Chomper: Ya! <looks unsure> But only… my mommy or daddy don’t have four toes <counts his toes> They have five!

Littlefoot: <confused> Well if they aren’t your parents, they who do they belong to?

Ruby: I’ve seen these before! <points to the lines in the dirt> See there’s a crease on the left side, and a chip in the claw…

Petrie: What that mean? <claws over his eyes in fright>

Ruby: Why… they belong to Redclaw!

<As if on queue a hoarse, throaty roar blares out through the rocks and the nearby landscape.  Then the ground shakes with stomping footsteps, and Redclaw trudges out from behind a rock face with teeth bared with Screech and Thudd - his two henchmen like fast biters – stalking in front of him>

Everyone: REDCLAW!!! <they scream in fright>

Ducky: <gulps> And Screech and Thudd too!!!

Littlefoot: <yells> Quick, RUN!!!

<The gang runs as fast as they can in panic. Redclaw runs past the two lesser Sharpteeth and is soon right on their tails. He snaps first, barely missing Spike and Ducky and dredging up some unfortunate earth.>

Redclaw: <shaking his mouth clear> Rarrrr!

< Redclaw starts running, catches up, and snaps a second time barely missing Cera’s tale>

Cera: <screams> Ahhh! <turns to Littlefoot in mid-stride> Littlefoot, DO SOMETHING!!!

Littlefoot: <thinks for a moment and is about to respond before being interrupted>

Ruby: <stops on top of a large rock and then yells> OVER HERE!!! Come and get me you big bully!!!

Redclaw: <turns at the sound of a familiar voice and sniffs the air. He looks at her menacingly before licking his lips>

Ruby: <surprised her plan worked> Oh…ummm…

<Redclaw turns and proceeds to stalk towards his prey, knowing she has no escape. Screech and Thudd slow down and stop content to watch their master and hope he leaves some scraps>

Littlefoot: <stopping along with the rest of the gang> Ruby! Go up the cliff if you jump high enough he can’t get you!

Cera: <to Littlefoot> So what…he can just turn around and eat us?

Littlefoot: <in insult> Cera….

Cera: I’m just saying that’s all…

Ruby: <screams> Guys…HELP ME!!!

<Like Littlefoot said, Ruby jumped off the tall rock and hopped between a few protruding rocks, propelling herself high enough to grab a ledge with her hands. She hangs in the air, just out of Redclaw’s reach.  Redclaw takes advantage of the situation and jumps, snapping at the air and narrowly missing Ruby>

Ruby: <desperately> I can’t hold ON!!!

Petrie: <in alarm> We gotta do something!

<Suddenly another deep roar echoes down the edge of the mountainous cliffs right from behind Screech and Thudd, who were still standing and drooling in anticipation. Startled and caught completely by surprise, both of them turn around to face two more massive Sharpteeth.  Their teeth were bared and their expressions were full of hunger and murderous intent.  Desperately, the two fast biters scrambled to avoid the new attacks and made for the desert but one of them wasn’t fast enough. Screech was caught in the jaws of the darker of the two newcomers and shaken in the air, screeching in pain like his name.>

<Redclaw, having been born and having lived as a fighter, challenged the newcomers immediately by ramming into the lighter one while the darker one was occupied with Screech and knocking it to the ground, both Sharpteeth roaring in rage.>

Chomper: <in glee> It’s my Mommy! And my Daddy!

Ruby: <lets go and flumps to the ground and says to herself> Wow that was close <rubs her head with her hand>

<The larger Sharptooth sees that Screech has stopped making a fuss and hurls him against a nearby rock. He smashes into it and doesn’t get up. Redclaw and the female continue to fight, and judging by the bruises and cuts Red Claw is winning.>

Chomper: <runs out and speaks in Sharptooth> Daddy, daddy its me!

<Chomper runs out in excitement and the larger Sharptooth snorts as he corrects his stance>

Cera: <turns to Littlefoot> Is it just me or does Chomper’s dad look different from the last time we saw him?

Littlefoot: <jaw drops in horror> That’s not Chomper’s dad…. <yells> Chomper! Chomper! Stop he’s not your daddy!!!

Chomper: <stops running> … Daddy?

<the larger Sharptooth looks down at the new prey in front of him. One of his kind he judges, but a meal is a meal. Snarling he lunges forward with his jaws.  Staring down the face of death, Chomper just stands there mesmerized as if his entire world just ended>

Ruby: <dives in just in time> Gotcha!

<the large Sharptooth roars in rage at being denied his meal, but his attention is quickly diverted by a call of help from his mate, clearly things are not going well in the fight.  Indeed Redclaw had beaten his adversary because she was now backing off, covered in cuts and bruises with some bleeding. Redclaw was a smart fighter and saw the blow coming from the male, ducking under and ramming upwards driving him off his feet. While the three Sharpteeth fight on the gang makes their getaway>

Littlefoot: This way! <runs up a place where the cliff is less steep> We can lose them up here! <looks down to where Ruby is picking herself up after grabbing Chomper> Ruby, Chomper come on!

Ruby: <picks herself up, and lets Chomper down>

Chomper: <dusts himself off> Ruby, you saved me!

Ruby: <looks back> We’re not out of danger yet … <glances at Littlefoot and the gang climbing up the cliff> Lets go!

Chomper: <in alarm> Right behind you, its Thudd!

<Thudd had watched the fight intently, waiting for his chance to feed. As soon as the opportunity came he made his move. By the time Chomper noticed him it was too late to run away because he had gathered so much speed>

Ruby: HIYAH!!! <kicks Thudd in the face, just as he gets within striking distance> Take that!

<Thudd flinches in surprise, while Chomper and Ruby take the opportunity to run away as fast as they can>

Chomper: <looks back while running> Wow you really got him good!

Ruby: <angrily> Well he deserved it!

Petrie: <flies in> This way quick! <points up the path> We hiding up there!

<they both run up the side of the cliff after Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Spike, getting away from the swirling Sharptooth melee down bellow. Thudd rubs his nose and gives them a dirty, vengeful look but does not follow>



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  • Ducky
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Nice chapter. Ruby is showing some fight spirit, but it is sad that Chomper won't have a chance to meet his parents. Unless you are planning on something in that matter in next part? :)
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Ducky
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This fan fic is not dead, but for a while I thought I was going to be. I have almost recovered now from a bad illness so i'll get to work on this by this weekend.


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Part IV:

Setting: The cliff tops in the Mysterious Beyond. There is a slight wind and the sky is lightly cloudy with patches of blue. Nearby, the cliff drops off suddenly and deeply into a canyon wherein a river winds its way through. The gang rests within the shelter of a large protruding rock pointing towards the sky as if to draw attention away from itself.

<The gang rests in various places.  Thinking ahead Littlefoot is on his feet surveying the canyon, which is the latest obstacle to their journey. Cera leans on one of her paws and draws in the sand with the other, looking bored. Ducky is also sitting down and looking concerned with something while Spike is sniffing around searching out some food for his empty stomach. At once, Ruby, Chomper and Petrie come running and flying in>

Ducky: <brightens up> Your all okay! <grabs Petrie and hugs him as he lands>

Petrie: <eyes bulging as Ducky hugs him so tight he chokes> Ducky! That enough, I glad to see you too.

Ruby: <smiles> I’m glad your glad we are okay, because if you weren’t glad its probably because we weren’t okay… <tightens her expression in thought> … Or is it you wouldn’t be glad because we aren’t glad because we aren’t okay? <confuses herself>

Petrie: <grips his head> Ruby make my head hurt!

<Chomper slowly walks up to a nearby flat rock and slumps down, not saying a word>

Littlefoot: <turns around from looking over the canyon> Well, it looks like we are going home. From what I can see we can either go back the way we came <peers back in that direction, and a Sharptooth roar is heard far in the distance>

Chomper: <thinking> What?  That’s Thudd …

Ducky: I do not think we can go back, no no no…

Littlefoot: <looking down the cliffside> … Or we can follow this ledge down to the bottom. <peers up again> Petrie, see where this goes and if it is safe.

Petrie: <excitedly> Okay I go check!

Cera: It doesn’t look too bad… <jumps down to the ledge and finds her footing> And it’s certainly better then going back!

Ducky: <to Littlefoot> I’m with Cera, Screetch and Thuddcould be here at any time, they could, they could!

Cera: Not to mention Redclaw.

Littlefoot: <debates with himself> Well… <thinking> I guess your right. Come on Chomper, Spike, Ruby!

Spike: <trots back from the rock carrying a mouthful of green food. As he prepares to jump down the ledge after Littlefoot he happily and greedily swallows it>

Ruby: <jumps down after Spike and then turns to Chomper, still a step up> What’s wrong Chomper? <concerned> …It’s about your parent’s isn’t it?

Chomper: No it’s about Thudd! <listens harder but there are no further sounds> He sounded like he was sad…

Ruby: Rather then worrying about him you should be worrying about you … come on! <ushers him down>

Ducky: <stumbles and almost falls down> It sure is slippery!

Littlefoot: Keep going guys it’s not too much farther.

Cera: hmph… <grumbles> he said that an hour ago…

Ruby: <on a positive note> At least the view up here is nice to see – the moving water is so small it’s almost too small to see! <looks back> Hurry up Chomper your falling behind!

<suddenly without warning the earth begins to quake and rumble>


<Cera jumps ahead just in time to dodge a falling rock>

Petrie: <flying by> It so dangerous, me scared!

Spike: <groans in alarm as he begins to slip on the slope>

Chomper: <scared> Littlefoot help me!! <struggles to keep his balance>

Littlefoot: <turns about wildly, trying to take in everything that is going on>

Ruby: I got you! <grabs Chomper, and then a shadow falls on both of them>

Chomper: Look out!

<A large rock breaks loose over top of them. Ruby tosses Chomper ahead and out of danger and at the last second jumps herself. She is a second too late and is clipped by the rock, throwing off her jump and rolling her off the cliff>

Chomper: <in shock> Ruby!!

<at the last moment Ruby grabs an outcrop, and is for the second time dangling before certain doom>

Ruby: <attempts to pull herself up> It’s too hard… <grunts in effort> I can’t!

Littlefoot: <jumps into action> Let’s pull her up! Cera, Spike lets make a chain and you can lower me down. Grab that rock with your tail!

<quickly Cera grabs Littlefoot’s tail with Spike behind, wrapping himself around the rock>

Ducky: <worried> I do not like this, I don’t, I don’t.

Petrie: <lands beside her> Me too, it so far down from up here!

Littlefoot: <reaches down> Grab my hand!

<Ruby reaches up but misses, and is now only hanging on by only one hand>

Littlefoot: <strains> A little more…almost…there!

<without warning the rock Ruby is hanging onto begins to crack>

Ruby: <sadly> Goodbye Littlefoot. <Ruby lets go just as the rock crumbles>

Littlefoot: Ruby!!

Chomper: Noooo!!!

<Chomper’s cry fades as Ruby plummets a hundred feet to the water bellow. A look of sadness and surrender crosses her face a moment before she hits the water, and then she is gone>

Cera: <ignorantly> Littlefoot, hurry up your not exactly light you know!

Ducky: Cera… <lost for words> … Ruby … <turns away>

Cera: Littlefoot, what’s going on?

Littlefoot: <does not respond>

<As Cera realized what had happened, everyone was speetchless. Only the sound of the wind and the distant flowing river fall bellow can be heard, carrying on despite the tragedy that had just occurred. They had faced many dangers and braved many obstacles before, but always somehow beat the odds and came through. All at once the weight of the world came crashing down on their heads harder then any rock, and none so much as Littlefoot – the leader of the herd>


Setting: Back on the mountainside where the gang encountered Redclaw

<Like so many times before, their lunch had evaded Thudd and his master. Redclaw stomped about roaring his defiance to the two Sharpteeth he had just driven off. He was injured, but not as severely as the other two who sported slashes to both the face and body. The fighting skill of Redclaw, especially with members of his own kind, was one that kept Thudd and his brother Screech loyal to their master. This was because it nearly always filled their stomachs after Redclaw had taken his fill.  In turn the large Sharptooth favored them for their mobility and their ability to sniff out prey he couldn’t reach>

Thudd: <snorts in frustration and walks over to his brother Screech, who was still lying on the ground where he had been thrown earlier> Get up!

Screech: <opens his eyes a slit and attempts to get up but fails. He lays down and whimpers in pain>

Thudd: Get up! <kicks his brother>

Screech: <does not move>

Thudd: <eyes his brother in confusion, for his kick was intended more as an insult rather then an attack. Screech must be really hurt>

<Redclaw strutted over, the blood on his mouth and teeth showing his satisfaction of another set of rivals defeated. Thudd didn’t expect him to care about his brother’s current state, but instead his master actually seemed interested>

Thudd: <reluctantly> He’s not getting up.

Redclaw: <eyes Screech with his good eye, then suddenly rushes forward and snatches him up swallowing him whole>

<Screech does not make a sound as he dies for the life had nearly left him to begin with. As his master turns away licking his lips Thudd lets out a cry of hate and rage. Redclaw simply ignores him and moves on, stopping only to motion for him to follow>

Thudd: <for a moment he thinks to obey, but his anger wins through.  He bears his teeth and hisses>

Redclaw: <snorts in disappointment before continuing on his way>

<As a Sharptooth in a world where only survival matters, Thudd had lost most of his family through starvation and tragedy. Screech was the last one he had, and now his brother too had become of victim of the struggle for survival.  For Thudd, the only thing left to do was to find a meal on his own.  Life had rarely been kind to him, and despair was something he had learned to deal with long ago.  To give into it when survival depended on being out and killing was a one way ticket to the boneyard>

Thudd: <growls to the air> So be it… <sniffs the air to begin his search for more prey>



  • Ducky
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Part V:

Setting: Inside a dark cavern in the mysterious beyond at the bottom of the canyon. The river flows out in a rush as if it has somewhere to go and nothing can get in its way. Where the gang treads the river bank is rough and rocky with many stones lacking proper footing. Inside the cave the walls and ceiling have clearly been shaped by the river’s passage both past and present and there are many open areas where the brook decided it didn’t want to flow anymore.

<With Littlefoot leading the way the gang navigates the rocky banks and then stops briefly to rest within the cave. The entire area is dimly lit by unknown lights bienieth the water, probably sparkling stones. Apart from the vibrance around them the gang is in a notably grim mood>

Littlefoot: <after looking around> This place looks pretty safe … we will stay here tonight.

<Everyone is relieved but Chomper who simply gazes into the water, not saying a word>

Ducky: <notices Spike’s stomach growling> Spike’s tummy is all rumbly, <pauses as her own stomach growls> and mine is rumbly too, yep, yep yep!

Cera: Second that one…

Littlefoot: Well let’s get looking for something to eat then… <the others hop to it> … And what about you Chomper?

Chomper: <suddenly dives into the river, and emerges with a fish in his mouth> I can take care of myself… <dryly, which is unlike him>

Littlefoot: <concerned> Chomper… <walks up beside him> About what happened to Ruby… I’m sorry.

Chomper: Leave me alone. <turns away>

<The rest of the afternoon went smoothly as Ducky found some weeds undernieth the water so they all found enough food to eat>

<later that night, just before they all went to sleep, Ducky approached Littlefoot and tapped him lightly to catch his attention>

Littlefoot: <lifts his head> Ducky? <yawns> …What is it?

Ducky: <looks back in concern> You should talk to Chomper… he is really upset, He is.

Littlefoot: <sighs> I know, we all miss her but I can’t change what happened.

Ducky: <desperately> You must say something, you must, you must! He really looks up to you!

<a few minutes later Littlefoot approaches Chomper, who is still sitting on his own>

Littlefoot: <timidly> Chomper…

Chomper: Go away … I don’t wanna talk. <gets up and walks away for a bit and then sits down a little farther along the river bank>

Littlefoot: <remains silent for a moment out of respect, before continuing> When my mother died … do you know the last thing she told me?

Chomper: <doesn’t respond>

Littlefoot: She told me that she would never leave me, that I could find her everywhere. <pauses for a moment> … It hurt because I didn’t know what it meant – I couldn’t see her anywhere and I was alone.

Chomper: <rubs his nose and sniffs>

Littlefoot: But now I realize that she is with me always <looks up at the cave roof where the moonlight is shining in and the night sky is partially visible> guiding me from above the sky and even the stars.  Ruby is there too Chomper, she’s watching over–

Chomper: <interrupts> –but it’s my fault she’s up there in the first place!!! <turns to face Littlefoot, angry with himself> … It’s not fair, she died saving ME!!! <goes into a tantrum, intent on destroying anything in reach>

Littlefoot: Chomper, STOP! <holds him down>

Chomper: Get off me! Get off ME!!! <struggling>

<Chomper squirms free and snaps at Littlefoot with his jaws.  He misses but the effect of it is immediate – Littlefoot jumps back, horrified>

Chomper: <bears his teeth for a moment, but soon realizes what he’s done and turns away once more, crying>

<As Chomper cries alone Littlefoot looks back towards the rest of the gang., unsure what to do. He sees they are all staring at both him and Chomper>

Littlefoot: <sensing his duty comes forward and comforts Chomper> … You know it wasn’t your fault. <kindly>

Chomper: I know … <through the tears> But she’s not coming back…

Littlefoot: It’s okay Chomper <hugs him> It’s okay…

Ducky: <silently to Cera> Littlefoot is very brave, he is. I could never do something like that, I couldn’t.

Cera: I suppose so … <guarding her emotions>

<Although she would never admit it, Cera found herself feeling a deep admiration for Littlefoot. She knew she wouldn’t have had the courage to do what he just did – and it hurt her pride just thinking it. Cera turned over so they wouldn’t see the tears on her face too>


Setting: Deeper in the river cavern the next day. In this section of the cave the ground is flat and slightly rocky. Sunlight leaks in through the ceiling illuminating the floor now that the gang has left the underground river behind.

Ducky: <riding on Spike’s back> This place looks familiar…it does!

Petrie: Hey…me seen it before too!

Cera: <smirking> Remember Littlefoot? We chased you through here when you ran off with that Ali.

Littlefoot: <admits> I remember… <thinking> I wonder if I will ever see her again…

Chomper: <looking better then the day before> Oh…when did this happen?

Littlefoot: It was about a cold time before we came to your island… <pauses but doesn’t continue>

Chomper: And? <smiles showing his teeth> What happened?

Littlefoot: I don’t wanna talk about it.

Chomper: <frowns>

<the gang walks along the smooth floor of the cave. The roof no longer has holes in it hinting that they are probably deeper underground then before.  Cera leads the way along with Petrie revealing that they both are eager to get out of this place. Littlefoot for once is near the back of the group and looks more disturbed then usual>

Ducky: What is wrong Littlefoot? I know when you have a rock in your head, I do.

Littlefoot: Your right Ducky…<sounding miserable> What’s bothering me is – what are our parents going to say when they find out what happened?

<the entire gang stops to listen>

Littlefoot: <worried> We might not be allowed to play together anymore…

Petrie: <horrified> Oh No! It not fair, you all my bestest friends! <lands on the nose the nearest one who happens to be Spike and hugs him>

Ducky: We will be in deep deep trouble, we will, we will.

Spike: <sighs>

Cera: <stomps and gets everyone’s attention> Well then I say we don’t go back! <mad> … Ever!

Ducky: <scared> Never ever? You can’t mean it Cera.

Cera: Of course I mean it! If my daddy and Tria ever found out that one of us didn’t come back, I’d never get out of their sight again! <sad> And I don’t really want that…

Littlefoot: Guys … listen: We have to go back. <resolute, but then admits> It was my fault what happened…I’ll tell our folks.

Ducky: But it was the Earthshake…we all saw it!

Littlefoot: I know…but somebody has to take responsibility. <looks at his feet in shame> And I shouldn’t have led us down that ledge…

<The cave opens up at the bottom of a waterfall. Having walked this path before Cera and Petrie led the way until eventually, they were home>


<Redclaw looked out over the Great Valley. He had only been in there once before and then it had been full of prey ripe for the taking. The leaf eaters here had managed to hide themselves from his eyes, but not for much longer –  The only problem was getting inside of course. From his vantage point he could see there was clearly no way in, but then there was something his father used to say…he barely remembered it. Ah yes…>

“The diligent are always rewarded” –or was it the hungry?

---  End of Act I ---



  • Ducky
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Parts IV and V were posted simultaniously because of how emotionally heavy they both are. To leave it in the middle would not have been right.


  • Member+
  • Cera
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Wow...those were some sad chapters... :( I actually felt really sorry for Thud there, having to watch his brother get eaten by the sharptooth he's "worked" for for so long...

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Act II will be done by this weekend - I'm doing them all in a group to establish some continuity in the storyline.  Hopefully it also appeals to readers who don't like to be left hanging.

Thank you all for commenting on my story! Its a script style so it's different then a typical fan fiction.  What do you all think of this writing style, and heck what do you think of Act 1 in general? Rest assured there will be a happy ending.  :yes


  • Ducky
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Act II:

Part I:

Setting: The place known as the Dawn Valley has always been a haven for wandering herds displaced by either hunger or sharpteeth. It begins in the mountains and carries leeward into the ocean, forming a long and narrow mat of green nourishment on a coastline of both desert and grassland.  This place is perhaps most famous for when the Great Valley dinosaurs came after their valley had been devoured by the leaf gobblers, but certainly a lot had happened here since their sudden arrival and subsequent departure. Even some notable characters were born here – such as Redclaw – though it is doubtful he remembers it.  Apart from this however, today is a normal day for the valley’s inhabitants as the great circle shines down and provides it’s warmth for all.  There are a few spotty clouds around that speak of no rain, save for the ones in the distance over the sea which are dark and threatening and seem to cast their hate of the clear day.  A storm was coming, but to everyone up and about things were as normal as they could be – after all it was too far away to waste the day over.

< The grasslands to the west of the valley blow lightly in the wind as a large herd of wandering dinosaurs makes its path through the fields. Many different kinds of dinosaur are travellers in this bunch, likely having been displaced by some distant calamity.  At the herd’s head was it’s leaders – a mated pair of longnecks that urged them on into better lands. Near the middle of the herd a pair of spiketails conversed >

Spiketail #1: <tired and frustrated> This is ridiculous … we should have stayed in the Great Valley like everyone else wanted!

Spiketail #2: <admits between breaths> It was nice but you know how it is. We never stay in one place very long – it’s the key to survival in these times.

Spiketail #1: <angry> Well maybe I don’t want to wander anymore… back in the Great Valley we had plenty of green food, water, and above all else we were safe from those cursed sharpteeth!

Spiketail #2: <shushing him> Be quiet! You don’t want to get us in trouble again.

<looks around and sees that it’s too late – the nearby dinosaurs were all staring at them>

Spiketail #2: … If it’s any consolidation we’ll be stopping here to have our young. You’ll have plenty of time to rest.

Spiketail #1: <questioningly> “Our” young?

Spiketail #2: <smiles as realisation dawns on her partner’s face>

Spiketail #1: <smiles back grumpily. Maybe it wasn’t all bad news today>

<Nearby, perched on a rock a small grey dinosaur sits and watches.  He listens to the conversation going on and observes the hustle and bustle of the moving herd.  His eyes widen at the mention of the young the couple was expecting.  He rises and stands on the rock, and is revealed to be a struthiomimus – or an egg-stealer as the other dinosaurs called them.  With a bit of hesitation, he calls down to his friend who was scrounging about in the brush>

Thor: Hey Rozzy, come up here and get a load of this!

Rozzy: <does not answer, clearly he is quite busy>

Thor: <slightly curious> Hey… what are you up to down there?

Rozzy: <stands up straight and replies coldy> None of your matters. You will find out soon enough.

<Unlike the dull grey of his companion Rozzy is a clear contrast in both colour and visage. He is also an egg-stealer, but his scaled hide is a stark desert red and his eyes are a piercing golden hue demonstrating his pension towards absolute concentration.  This isn’t surprising as he inherited them from Ozzy – his father>

Thor: <proceeds to explain himself> You know what I heard mate? It’s another herd coming in and it’s a lot larger then the last one … <licks his lips> I reckon we can snatch an egg or so if we’re fast.

Rozzy: Speed? That doesn’t matter now… if we wait we can get as many as we want…

Thor: <surprised> What do you mean?

Rozzy: <smiles> See this? <holds up a small silver pebble he had dug up out of the dirt> We can use it to get the help we need to rob more then just a single nest.

<Thor opened his mouth to ask what his friend meant, but he knew it was futile. Rozzy always explained himself when he felt the time was right – and that was if his plan didn’t make itself clear along the way>

Thor: <bewildered> So what is that you’ve got there?

Rozzy: <admits> I don’t know… <casually tosses it up and catches it again> But I do know of a certain bug-eating flyer who would help us out just to have it.

Thor: Ah … you mean Syndra?

Rozzy: <smiles slyly> Precisely. In ten suns these wanderers will begin to lay their eggs and within fourteen they will let down their guard… <a savage glint in his eye> And by that time we will be ready.

Thor: <hops down from the rock and lands next to Rozzy, showing how small he actually is in comparison> Where you learn this stuff I could only guess…

Rozzy: <spitefully> From my father… one of the only things he ever taught me.

<Thor grimaced. One of the only things Rozzy didn’t want to talk about was his father – whom he hated with a passion. He would never explain why, but Thor figured they had issues that went far beyond disagreement>

Rozzy: <changing the subject> We had best be off then … if we get there too late she won’t be pleased to see us.

Thor: <matter of factly> I don’t think she’s ever pleased to see us…

<The two egg-stealers depart on that note and sprint off into the long grass, disappearing just as a shadow descends from the skies above.  A rumble of thunder can be heard from the darkened sky over the ocean>


New Character Info:

Rozzy, or otherwise known by his full name Roznald is an egg-stealer and is the second child to Ozzy and Shira. He is one of ten siblings, though he never bonded too much with any of them as they were nothing more then competition for his ambitions.  Unlike his father he is an accomplished thief and possesses a charisma and leadership comparable to Littlefoot, albight directed towards darker passions. He inherited his mother’s intelligence and meticulous attention for details, which not only lends him a fair amount of success in his endevours but also a lot of friends of other species who see him as a way for personal gain. This doesn’t matter to Rozzy however, as long as he gets what he wants.

Thor is one of four brothers and he is the runt of his hatching. Since his birth he has been the last to eat and is frequently picked on by his older siblings. This doesn’t darken his friendly but stern nature however and he is Rozzy’s best friend and greatest ally.  Thor is self aware and has good insight even if hes not as smart as his friend and he doesn’t object to questionable ventures such as stealing or lying if it means he gets to eat.

Setting: The heavy rain coming down from above is partially blocked out by the vast canopies of the tall trees that surround them. The forest floor is covered in assorted brush and ferns but is otherwise deserted, as the creatures of the day have retired to their holes and the nocturnal ones are hiding from the rain. One exception to this however is the fliers occupying the trees above who are as active as ever.  They chatter and call and dart back and forth between the trees either playing games or moving themselves free of the falling water.

<Rozzy and Thor rustle quickly through the ferns, with Rozzy pushing ahead as if he knows the way and Thor following behind trying to avoid being wacked by the straightening bushes.  Annoyed with their lack of progress, Thor stops first and looks around at all the nearby trees>

Thor: <glancing about> Which one is she in? They all look the same.

Rozzy: Just follow me… <Continues unabashed along the path. Clearly he knows the way>

<Rozzy suddenly stops on a rocky outcropping, nearly causing Thor to run into him>

Thor: Whoa! <stops barely in time> You gotta warn me before you right do that!

Rozzy: <ignores him and sniffs the air. He tilts towards a nearby tree and calls out with dignity> You can come out now … I know your there.

<The tree he had been looking at shuffles as its leaves are parted to reveal a moderately sized and sinuous flier. She is a microraptor gui, the same species as Guido, but from both her authoritative stance and arrogant smirk one might not find out of place on a sharptooth eyeing a small trapped morsel, it is clear that the two characters are worlds apart. Her feathers and entire body are a light scarlet with a whitish tint in the less exposed areas of her body, including the bushy tip of her tail. She addresses the two egg-stealers bellow her with an edge of power, as if they were lesser beings>

Syndra: Well you certainly are sharp aren’t you? <notices a caterpillar on a nearby branch and casually snaps it up, with a dexterity Thor could compare to a lightning bolt> So… <chewing> might I ask how you knew I was following you?

Rozzy: <smugly, as if he enjoyed showing his intelligence> Two things…first one is the lack of other fliers around here.

Syndra: <hisses annoyingly at being reminded she was an outcast. The other fliers had found her eating habits distasteful and chose to avoid her. That and of course she wasn’t the nicest hatchling out of the nest>

Rozzy: And secondly you were expecting us … you saw the herd pass by here and you knew that we would be planning something including you.

Syndra: <glides down and lands right in front of the two egg-stealers causing Thor to jump. Here on the ground it was obvious that even as an adolescent she was bigger then both of them> … Clever little landwalker aren’t you? <Threateningly> My mother eats your kind for breakfast!

Rozzy: <quickly matches wits> But I bet mommy doesn’t feed you eggs for breakfast now does she? <opens his clawed hand to reveal the silver pebble he dug up earlier> … or give you shiny stones just for the privilege.

Syndra: <eyes both the stone and it’s holder for a moment and then quickly looks around to make sure nobody is watching. Satisfied, she drops her act> You certainly haven’t changed… <laughs> … It’s nice to see you two again. It’s been a long and boring rainy season.

Rozzy: <returns the smile> So your with us again this year?

Syndra: Of course! <swats away a fly with her wing…clearly just by buzzing around her it wanted to die> … You have my eyes, my ears, and my appetite. <snaps at the air catching the fly and devouring it mid wing> So, when are we going?

Rozzy: Fourteen suns.

Syndra: <disappointed> Hmph … there’s no rushing you is there? <begins to flap her wings and then takes off into the air> See you soon.  <then adds to shine on Thor> Keep your eyes open shrimp.

Thor: <insulted> Well I say… <watches her go> Wish she would get off me about that.

Rozzy: <thinking out loud> It isn’t enough. We need another…

Thor: Who else is there? <counts on his fingers> Cyllis was eaten by a sea swimmer, Avery has moved down the coast, and Kepsla –

Rozzy: <interrupts> Hasn’t spoken to us yet. He might want in again.

Thor: <commenting> Remember what his parents think of us though… Shell swimmers can be pretty vicious when they are angry.

Rozzy: He is protected by his parents, which is exactly what we need. <sees Thor’s confused look and proceeds to explain> … You see in order for my plan to work we need someone innocent and trustworthy… someone nobody will suspect of ill motive.

Thor: <admitting> Well he certainly has a kind heart…

Rozzy: And a craving for landwalker food which he can’t satisfy on his own. <smiles diabolically> Which we will generously provide… <motions for Thor to follow him once more> We will need to gather some sweet bubbles though – you up for it?

Thor: <excitedly> As always mate!



  • Member+
  • Cera
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  • Contemplator of Deep Time
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I don't usually care for stories written in script format, but this one is really good. :yes The OCs you introduced in the last chapter are very interesting.

How old are Thor and Rozzy, by the way? They must be pretty small, if they're outsized by Syndra (Microraptor was only about three feet long). Or is your LBT version of Microraptor gui larger than the real thing?

By the way, if you're looking for a LBT name for Syndra/Guido's species, might I suggest "glider" or "fourwing"? (Just trying to be helpful. :))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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I forget to mention their ages ... Rozzy is 8 and Thor is 14.  Syndra is not exactly the same species as Guido, but shes very close so I wanted to make an accurate comparason that you could relate to.  On top of that she also knows how to be intimidating and bossy so from Thor's account (he is a runt after all) she would appear a lot larger then she actually was.

Rozzy is about 1'4" tall, Thor is about 1'5" tall and Syndra is about 1'6" tall.

Rozzy is similar to Artemis Fowl... hes a gifted genious of his kind but hes also very self serving - because of how neglected he was as a child.  His mother didn't have time for him amoungst his siblings and his father never wanted him so he's had learn to take care of himself.


  • Ducky
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Part II:

Setting: The windless atmosphere reflects the current feeling of the occupants of the Great Valley, as the air seems to hang heavy and arid as if foreshadowing the meeting that is about to take place. The clearing is covered with rock rises, conveniently shaped by time into what could be compared to a coliseum – a perfect place for an important gathering.  It hadn’t changed much since Pterano was condemned here, or even the numerous other meetings since then in keeping face with the enduring spirit of justice.

<Today a much more important topic was being discussed by the parents of the Great Valley. Since the gang of Cera, Spike, Littlefoot, Chomper, Ducky, and Petrie had come home things had gone from bad to worse.  They had arrived to face the disappointed faces of their parents only to have Grandpa Longneck ask the question it hurt to answer to even themselves>

Grandpa: <wisely> It is a blessing that you have returned safely once more children… we were all worried about you.  <counts the number of children in front of him as he found he had to do more and more these days> But, wasn’t there another who left with you?

<The others, including pretty much all the parents present to greet them, looked to Littlefoot at his moment of responsibility>

Littlefoot: Oh Ruby? She…umm…ah… <for a moment debates on telling them she had gone home safely to her family, but it wasn’t in his heart to lie about something so important> …. She didn’t make it back.

<Littlefoot looks to the ground in shame, so he couldn’t see the faces that had fallen on him. All around their parents gasp, coming to grips with what had occurred>

Grandma Longneck: <looks at Grandpa> Oh dear…

<Hence the important meeting today between all the parents of the valley, even the ones who didn’t have a child in the gang of six, took place to discuss the future of their children.  Only Tria did not attend the meeting because she volunteered to watch the young dinosaurs, but as usual Topsy was verbal enough to cover for the both of them>

Topsy: … And as I was saying, your Littlefoot is to blame for the loss of a young one longneck. It is his irresponsibility and carelessness that is a bad influence on the others and especially my Cera.

Grandpa: <prepares his usual defence> Mr. Tree horn you must understand–

Petrie’s Mom: <interrupts> Have you learned nothing since we came here? He may have little respect for authority but he has done a lot more good for this valley then you have and you know it!

<After keeping silent for so long Petrie’s Mom decided to finally tell off Mr. Threehorn in favour of the longnecks, something that Grandpa had resisted doing because of his age and his wisdom. It also helped that she was up high, free from any retaliation he might send>

Topsy: <growls but keeps himself in check> He’s been lucky a few times I’ll give him that … <stomps in preparation of his next statement> But you all know as good as I do that something like this was bound to happen sometime. For all the times he leads our children to the ends of the world and back again!

<Murmurs of agreement in the crowd>

Ducky’s Mom: I agree with Terra, Littlefoot can’t be blamed for an accident he couldn’t prevent! Not to mention he saved my Ducky…

Topsy: But it was he who led them into a place we always tell them is too dangerous for young ones! <turns to Grandpa to attack him again> Wasn’t it you longneck who bragged about your grandson passing your “Longneck Test”…hmm?

Grandma: <parries his attack> Might I remind you all that this discussion isn’t about our Littlefoot it’s about the safety of our children and the young one who perished!

<The crowd seems to agree>

Grandpa: <adds> Grandma is right … our first concern should be to keep an eye on them so they don’t go on any more adventures without us knowing.

<The majority of the crowd agrees for once again Grandpa Longneck is right as he usually is.  Even Topsy bowed his head slightly, though evidently he was hoping to discredit the longnecks a little more>


<Hoping to lighten up the situation a bit, Tria had taken the gang to her favourite place – the mudpools. Of course this time none of them had a choice in the matter as they didn’t really feel like playing anyway.  While the children hung around the pools she took a bit of time to introduce her latest offspring – Trisha – to her favourite pastime>

Ducky: <dips a toe in the mud. Ewwe… <wipes it off> I cannot swim in this… I can’t.

Cera: <laying in the mud> Your not supposed to swim in it silly! Your supposed to… <relaxes> … lay in it.

Petrie: <sitting on a nearby branch> I not going in there… flyers not made to swim. <flaps his wings in emphasis>

Cera: Suit yourselves then … <scoffs> babies…

Spike: <laughs as he too relaxes in the mud>

Tria: <turns away from Tricia for a moment, who is splashing mud and laughing, and speaks to Littlefoot> Why don’t you try it Littlefoot, you might like it. <smiles>

Littlefoot: <reluctantly> Well… I guess I could. <crawls slowly into the mud> Hey, this isn’t bad. Chomper come on in it’s pretty warm!

Chomper: In a minute… <but then he looks at the mud bubbling and Trica who is completely covered in it> Umm…. Maybe later.

<returning to the mud pools brought back unpleasant memories for Chomper. It was here that he had panicked after losing a tooth, but he found Ruby and she told him that it was perfectly normal which made things better. Now she was gone, and everything seemed to remind him of her>

Littlefoot: Hey Chomper, is everything okay?

Chomper: <tilting his head away> Yeah… I’m fine.

Littlefoot: <slight smile> You know you can tell me if there’s something wrong.

<Littlefoot felt more like a parent to Chomper then he ever had, seeing as he had hatched him in a time long past. Now that Chomper was hurting inside it was his duty to do anything to make him feel better – just as his grandma and grandpa do for him>

Chomper: Well… <briefly thinks about what to say, but stumbles upon another thought> Hey! I never told you how Ruby and me became friends!  But… <corrects himself> … it doesn’t matter now I guess…

Littlefoot: <puts a paw on Chomper’s shoulder that unfortunately is covered in mud and leans closer> If it makes you feel better.

Chomper: Okay! <hops up, and then starts> It was during the hot time. Me and my mommy and daddy had just left the island. We hadn’t eaten for a while and I was hungry…

Chomper: <walking along on the dry ground and looking tired, he calls up to his massive mother> Mommy I’m hungry, and thirsty … <flops to the ground> … and tired.

Chomper’s Mom: <looks with concern at her son, but says nothing>

<suddenly Chomper’s dad stops and sniffs the air. He then turns his head to a nearby pile of stones>

Chomper’s Dad: Now that is something I haven’t smelt that in a long time…

<sensing danger, a creature hiding in the rocks flees. Rather then chasing his prey, like he usually would have done, Chomper’s dad calls out to the creature>

Dad: <yells> Fast runner!

<the creature stops and turns, not used to being addressed by sharpteeth. Satisfied that he was understood, Chomper’s father then continues>

Dad: I call on you to honour the ancient pact and aid me and my own.

<The words were dignified and official has if there was a bond behind them that Chomper was unaware of. Apart from the time his parents spared his friends for rescuing him he had never seen them act this way towards another dinosaur ever>

Fast Runner: <somewhat nervously> I accept … but it seems that most of your kind doesn’t remember it anymore.

<The fast runner spoke with a voice that was weathered and mature, like what Chomper would expect from an adult.  He didn’t seem bothered by the family of Sharpteeth too much, even a glint of happiness and being addressed rather then chased.  Unknowingly, this was the first time that Chomper met Ruby’s father>

Dad: <snorts> Ignorant children … this land is full of orphans without guidance. Now can you show us where leaf eaters gather?

Chomper: <confused> What’s going on, why aren’t we eating him?

Mom: <moves to follow her mate and their new guide> Keep up dear you don’t want to fall behind … <Chomper and his mom get moving again> It’s because long ago our fathers made a pact with the fast runners. One of the laws of our kind is not to intrude on another’s territory and that the small give way to the large.

<Chomper’s Mom bares her teeth to show dominance, a force of habit>

Mom: But fast runners at both meat and leaf, so naturally our fathers hunted them as prey.  Unlike us however they never had to move around as much, so they always knew the lay of the land better then any sharptooth.

Chomper: <stomach grumbles> Oh… <his thoughts still on food> But why didn’t we just eat them too and look for other food using our sniffers?

Mom: <chuckles as her son thinks like a sharptooth> Because they are impossible to catch!

<The fast runner took Chomper and his family to an oasis nearby. Smelling the water, both of his parents charged in through the trees to get the element of surprise on their prey, like they usually did. Unfortunately this approach left Chomper running behind to catch up. He didn’t mind it this way, as watching his parents kill bothered him a little bit.  Running along as fast as he could he surprised came across the fast runner guide, who had stopped and was looking through the gap in the trees where his parents passed>

Ruby’s Father: <to himself in leaf eater> What have I done this day…

Chomper: It’s not so bad… we sharpteeth have to eat too!

<Ruby’s dad whistled around to confirm what he had just heard came from the little sharptooth>

Dad: <shocked> You can … speak?

Chomper: Of course I can!

<speaking in leaf eater was so much more specific then sharptooth…and Chomper liked to express himself that way as opposed to a chain of different toned growls. Just as Chomper thought this, the fast runner turned and bolted into brush – a lot faster then he could ever hope to go>

Chomper: <yells> Hey wait, WAIT!

<despite his hunger, Chomper chased after his new friend. He wanted to ask him about the pact and just use the chance to talk in leaf eater without getting chastised by his parents. He followed him for a while, but soon the brush closed in and he had no idea where he was>

Chomper: <realizing he’s lost> Uh oh… <looks around nervously at the large, dark trees all around> Mommy?… Daddy?

<Chomper wandered aimlessly for a while before sitting down beside a small pool of water>

Chomper: <to himself> This is just great – I’m tired, hungry, alone, and lost. <seeing nothing else to do, he slumps his head down in his hands>

< a creature in the water had been watching him silently, and at that moment decided it was time to reveal herself>

Ruby: <rises up out of the water where she had been swimming> Oh… hello there!

Chomper: Huh? <looks up and then growls instinctively>

Ruby: <laughs at his tiny growl> That’s pretty good, but you gotta grow up a bit more before it gets really good!

Chomper: <surprised at first, decides to go the sharptooth way and bares his teeth> I’m a Sharptooth, I can eat you!

Ruby: <not the least bit threatened at all, sweeps back her arms and splashes him>

Chomper: <yells> Stop it!

Ruby: You don’t have to be so mean you know, I’m just being friendly.

Chomper: <relents> I’m just hungry that’s all…

<Without speaking, Ruby dives under the water>

Chomper: I guess she’s gone… <sighs and puts his head in his hands again>

<Suddenly out of nowhere a fish flies through the air at him and smacks him in the face>

Chomper: <surprised> Hey…what!?!

Ruby: <pops back up out of the water> For you! It’s a water swimmer. They are really good when they are red with brown spots…

Chomper: <ravenous, grabs the fish with his jaws and starts eating it>

Ruby: <confuses herself> … Or was it brown with red spots? <puzzles>

Chomper: <licks his lips> That’s the best I’ve ever tasted, thank you! <realizes he hasn’t introduced himself> Umm…. My name’s Chomper.

Ruby: <walks up on shore and shakes off> Mine’s Ruby… <smiles at him> You want to be friends?

Chomper: <smiles back> Sure! … <notices her species> Hey you’re a fast runner… just like the one I was following…

Ruby: <suddenly animated> You were following someone like me?

Chomper: Yeah … it was…

Ruby’s Dad: <jumps in through the bushes> Ruby! What are you doing!?!

Ruby: <smiles> Oh hey daddy! I was talking with this nice sharptooth.

Chomper: <to Littlefoot> Her dad didn’t like me much for a while…only when me and Ruby became friends did he actually talk to me.

Littlefoot: Wow I didn’t know that.

Chomper: She didn’t even know me and yet she was always looking out for me. Most leaf eaters just ran away when I talked to them…

Littlefoot: <brightening up the situation> You know you might feel better if you come lie in the mud with us. <settles in> It’s very relaxing.

Chomper: <stands up> Okay I guess I could… <deciding he wants to make as big of an entrance as possible, he climbs to the top of the high rock overlooking the mud pools> Here I come… Geronimo! <jumps in, splashing Cera and spike with mud>
