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Tell a story

raga · 12 · 2159


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I want to hear any story you have about LBT in your life.  Something funny, or something meaningful, whichever.  This is mine:

Back in 1st or 2nd grade (can't remember when exactly) I had stayed home sick from school one day.  After waking up about an hour later than usual I went down stairs and popped the second land before time movie into VCR (it was my favorite back then) and watched it.  When it was over I rewinded it to the begining and played it again.  I did that again and again all day, the same movie, can't remember how many times I watched it that day.  That's one of my few memories from when I was that young, infact most of my memories from back then have LBT related to them in some way.  Don't know what ever possesed me to give up on it.... Oh well, I'm watching them again and I couldn't be happier!  :DD


  • Ducky
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I was interrupted while watching land before time 2 while I was up north in the wintertime when I was about 8.

Apparently the Snowmobiles had sunk into the lake cause the ice was thin and we had to pull them out.  As a credit to Bombardier snowmobiles - they still ran once we got them out.


  • The Circle
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At an early time during my students exchange I met my elder host-brother (who was not living at his parents place anymore). I think it may have been the first time I met him, but in any case it was not too long after I got there. I made no secret of my enthusiasm throughout my stay, but neither did I mean to go walking around with that figurative mark reading "I am a land before time fan in my hand". In any case that evening my elder (25 years) and my younger (13 years) host brother talked about something (don't remember what it was) and my younger host-brother must have said something that would usually draw and "awww" of sympathy from the audience. My elder host-brother however said not "awww" but "Poor, poor Petrie" in a fair imitation of Ducky's quote in the scene when she thinks he died in the original movie. You can imagine I pricked up my ears at this and asked about it. My elder host-brother told me it was a quote from a movie (apparently thinking that I had not understood the context) :lol
It was the perfect moment for me to say that, yes I knew the movie and really liked it ;)


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Great thread, Raga! I love it.

Well, back in sixth grade I transferred to a really small school and quickly earned my reputation as the tough girl that nobody messes with. It's something I'm not too proud of in retrospect... But it did give me the foothold and confidence I needed to introduce a love of LBT (and also Pokemon) to my group of friends. We would watch random installments weekly in the video room and always get really excited about new releases. When the tenth film was released, I still remember one of my friends saying 'Erika, Erika! You'll never guess what happens! Littlefoot finds his father!'
We've all gotten older and grown apart now, but I'll always look back on those days fondly.

A little more recently another crowd of people I'm fairly acquainted with asked to watch the seventh film with me. I was a bit skeptical, as the series is the butt of many common jokes, but my previously mentioned reputation is quite stubborn and still lingers in places. It allowed me to agree without fear of some underlying harassment. I'm quite glad I did. A lot of laughs were had, but they were all very good-natured, and I had almost forgotten how wonderful it is to watch LBT with friends :)
Really an awesome experience.

Cancerian Tiger

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Just last year, while on break between classes, I sat in the university cafeteria to have my lunch and, long behold, LBT IV was on the TV facing me :D!  Ali saved Cera, and the Gang started singing "It Takes All Sorts".  My morning had been rough, so this brought me a lot of joy.  But then, some jerk said to his friends loudly, "I'm turnin' this s*** off!" and changed it to, I believe, rap videos :rolleyes:.  There was a group of them so I did not do anything, and why folks would prefer watching thugs (not all are, though) grabbing themselves while flashing their bling and glamourizing sex, drugs, and violence over the positive messages of something like LBT is something I'll never understand <_<.  Oh, well.  It was still the best two minutes of my day so far :D  :D.


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I remember in my social studies class a few weeks ago at school we were talking about oil underground or something like that, and then someone asks a question about earthquakes. My teacher answers it but I forget what she said, then she says something that really catches me offgaurd. She said, "Has anyone seen the Land Before Time? You know, the one with Littlefoot?" And we all answered "yes" And I got really excited and said yes and smiled really widely. Thank goodness I was in the front row and no one could see me. But I remember my friend Brendon looking really happy that she mentioned it. Caught ya there dude.:lol: But we went back to the oil topic. Eventually.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Well, it was anniversary week of...well...I'll tell you when we get there. It's too personal to explain now. But that week was very emotional for me. Without the hugs and LBT, I probably would've ended up crying at night every night.  :)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Ruby
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Well, in Italy The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years (in Italy this cartoon released later). I saw it and I'll never end! My parents and my elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it. I remember all scenes and my family too!  :lol. When I was about six or seven years, my best friend came every day at my house and we always watched it! Now, my Boyfriend had to watch it with me! I love the strong friendship between this five dinosaur and I will always love it!

(If I did errors, please tell me. I want to learn english very well!)

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, in Italy The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years (in Italy this cartoon released later). I saw it and I'll never end! My parents and my elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it. I remember all scenes and my family too! . When I was about six or seven years, my best friend came every day at my house and we always watched it! Now, my Boyfriend had to watch it with me! I love the strong friendship between this five dinosaur and I will always love it!

That’s an awesome story. I was about that age when I first saw it, though getting my family to watch it proved to be much harder than trying to take out that sharptooth from the first movie, hehheh. The friendship between them was very touching to me as well. It was a long time before I started making friends, so when I was much younger, I used to spend my free hours imagining I lived in the Great Valley as a longneck, and I did a lot of things with the characters. It was my escape from loneliness. I guess, in a way, the members of the gang were my first “real” friends. I’ll always have a place in my heart for this franchise.

(If I did errors, please tell me. I want to learn english very well!)

Sure thing, my pleasure.

In Italy The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years (in Italy this cartoon released later).

“Well” is not a proper word for starting a sentence in English writing, but informally, you’ll see it a lot. There should be a comma after “in Italy” because it’s an introductory clause. Those set the stage of the sentence and must be followed by an independent clause (a complete sentence.) In formal writing, movie titles are italicized. After stating the number of years one has of life, there should also be the word “old” afterwards. If something in quotation marks is a complete sentence, it stands alone, not ends another complete sentence.

I saw it and I'll never end!

Those are two independent clauses, so a comma belongs at the end of “it.” Secondly, in English, it’s not formal to make one independent clause’s meaning entirely dependent on another. Each should be clear alone. If someone just read, “I’ll never end,” it would be taken as you claiming to be immortal.

My parents and my elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it.

"My" does not need to be repeated. It’s established for both automaticallyin this case.

I remember all scenes and my family too!

There should be a “the” before “scenes,” and the second part has two meanings like that, so it should be reworded. It could mean that you remember all the scenes and your family remembers the scenes as well or that you remember the scenes and you remember your family as well. Also, we only use one form of punctuation at the end of sentences here. An exclamatory question (!?) is pretty common, but it’s informal outside of dialogue.

When I was about six or seven years, my best friend came every day at my house and we always watched it!

Be sure to add an “old” at the end of describing an age. Next of all, the ending is too infinitely defined. It should be refined to portray your meaning which would be that you and your friend watch it each time your friend came over. Thirdly, the “and” separates two independent clauses, so there should be a comma at the end of “house.”

Now, my Boyfriend had to watch it with me!

“Boyfriend” is not capitalized here. (I only did so since it began my sentence.) This sentence contradicts itself. You have “now” which is present and then “had” which is past. If you want to keep the “Now,” change the “had” to a “has.”

I love the strong friendship between this five dinosaur and I will always love it!

“Between this five dinosaur” is not proper here, needing to be plural, and the “and” does separate two independent clauses, so there should be one after “dinosaur.”

(If I did errors, please tell me. I want to learn english very well!)

Here, we call it “making” errors, not “doing” them. Last of all, we capitalize the word English.

Putting all of that together, here is how someone would write your post in a university essay:

In Italy, The Land Before Time isn't very famous, but my father gave it to me when I was three or four years old. (In Italy, this cartoon was released later). I saw it then, and I'll never stop watching it! My parents and elder sister had to watch it every day because of my incredible love for it. I remember all the scenes, and my family does too!  When I was about six or seven years old, my best friend came every day to my house, and we watched it each time! Now, my boyfriend has to watch it with me! I love the strong friendship between the five dinosaurs, and I will always love it!

(If I made any errors, please tell me. I want to learn English very well!)

Please bear in mind, though, this forum is for people to relax and have fun. You actually will see improper grammar a lot here, and no one really minds that I’m aware of. We’re not graded or judged by how we word things in a grammatical sense. Even I don’t italicize movie titles most of the time on a forum, actually often using quotation marks by mistake instead. So if you’re wanting to improve your English, many people here are more than happy to help, including myself, but it’s not a requirement to post here, and besides, we understand you perfectly. I only said all of this because you asked. Still, your English grammar is good, better than many Americans I know, actually.


  • Petrie
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I remember when I was about 7, my mother started going into stroke.  I was so worried and scared and any other emotion you would feel if you mom was in the hospital for weeks.  Anyway, when I saw her, she wanted me to sing a song for her.  The song I sang was "Always There" from the 5th LBT.  That song not only cheered her up, but me up as well.  She sang it again.  It was probably the most emotional time for me.

Littlefoot Fan

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A long long time ago, when I was a kid, I had a dream that Littlefoot died, and I actually woke up in tears. Needless to say, it's a good thing nobody else was in the room :blink:

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I moved my story to the "tell your story about LBT" section.