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I plan on leaving YouTube


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Personally, I'm wary of YouTube these days myself. I'm just going to comply with their claims or whatever, and if I make an mv that they're gonna take down, I just won't upload it to YouTube... There's one or two that I'm planning to make that I won't be able to upload there. Oh well, in my case. That one's a tribute of sorts. While I am wary of YouTube, I've decided to stick around. Best wishes to you and your site, Pokeplayer. ;)
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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I've eaten the cost over time as I earn money.  I don't stop buying Disney films because I've probably given the Mouse hundreds and hundreds of dollars of business.  Same should apply for any video series one likes to view.


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I've eaten the cost over time as I earn money. I don't stop buying Disney films because I've probably given the Mouse hundreds and hundreds of dollars of business. Same should apply for any video series one likes to view.

There is a difference here.  A lot of members aren't even on their own yet and don't have the money to spend on the videos.  Even if their parents would buy them for them, there are many here who would never ask such a thing of their parents.  Your case and mine are quite different Petrie.  You're on your own and I make more than enough money to invest it in some quality videos.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,May 23 2009 on  04:27 PM
Walmart for example.  All they do is take take take and they give NOTHING in return.  They support shipping our jobs to other countries and even though the owner has more money than he can ever spend in his lifetime.....more money than even his great great great great great great great great grandson/daughter can spend in their lifetime....he'll still screw his customers right and left for a single penny.
Don't even get me started on Wal Mart, as many horror stories as I've heard :anger.  Not only are they capitalists who wipe out small businesses and practice mass production, but they bring in almost all their goods from China (Lord knows if sweatshops are being used <_<) 'cuz they'd rather be cheapskates than use American goods (which would provide more jobs for Americans in these times).  On top of that, they think they're the government or some other high power!  Where do I get that impression?  Just the other day, one of my favorite groups, Green Day, spoke out against Wal Mart's censorship policy.  Basically, if a recording artist does not provide a censored version of their album, Wal Mart will not sell it.  Funny enough, this album focuses on the loss of American society's innocence.  Is capitalism somewhere in there?  Should be.  BTW, the album is still selling like hotcakes despites Wal Mart's noninvolvement.  Guess products can still thrive without Wal Mart :rolleyes:.  Anyhoo, it's just wrong that Corporate Embezzlement Offenders even have so much power and money.  Sheesh, when they start thinking they're President or something, then it's really going too far :anger!  I totally understand and agree with your argument, Landbeforetimelover.


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I like going to Walmart, to be honest, because it's cheap to get stuff there. Everyone in my family likes to go there.


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I go there most of the time for shopping purposes, but I do get electronics and DvDs there once in a while.


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I work there, and believe me, that's worse then you think.

I think I'll set up a topic so we can talk about it.


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I don't understand this...

Sure there are the laws of copyright, but what's the big deal about fan-made materials?
In all fairness one cannot exactly claim LBT music-videos to be fan-made materials. It is a new assembling of movie scenes the fan did not create with music which the fan did not create. It is like cutting out the face of da Vinci's Mona Lisa, gluing it onto Rembrandt's Man in a golden Helmet, than taping the whole thing into Picasso's Guernica and then claiming it as all your own work.


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That¥s right. It are still scenes out of the original movies. So it¥s right. But honestly... if everyone would agree to the copyrights, then there wouldn¥t be very much movies in youtube.


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I don't think when youtube was founded, the creators intended on hosting full length movies so people could watch them for free.  It sort of morphed into that.


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I got two accounts removed on Youtube, but I'm staying because there's more things to do than on Google Vid.


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Okay, YouTube is doing things that make me want to stay, but also want to leave.

On the STAY part, they are putting in Anime videos.  Nice!  Although I could just hunt down a torrent and watch it then. (Of course, I'll have to be ready to clean my machine if I do that, since a virus will most likely come.)

As for the LEAVE, I was actually watching Playthrough videos.  Now, this basically means watching someone play and talk during it. (Possibly laughing at them with how they often react to difficult games. (Especially the un-fun ones.)) Sometimes they play great music for whatever reason, and you guessed it, the guy had music that isn't allowed.  As a result, I can only watch the silent video and hardly find it enjoyable without the guy swearing at how bad the game is. :(

I mean, no audio made it lose it's appeal.

I'm sorry, I've had enough. :cry2


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No audio in Playthrough games, eh? I don't see that as a reason to leave. No offense or anything.


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Quote from: Petrie,May 25 2009 on  08:02 AM
I don't think when youtube was founded, the creators intended on hosting full length movies so people could watch them for free.  It sort of morphed into that.
Or sticking entire movie/videogame soundtracks on there.

Seriously, someone put up the ENTIRE soundtrack of the Matrix Trilogy (Yes, the soundtracks to all 3 movies) got deleted. So now I am left with the complete Matrix Revolutions OST and pieces of the other OSTs.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Okay, I gave it a bit more thought, and I might actually stay, but my videos won't.  All of my videos will be moved when the website is created.

I could actually start creating the site right now if I wanted to, but with a new change in my scheduling coming up, I'll have to plan everything carefully.

So, maybe I will stay a member.  YouTube still has a lot to offer.  After all, I probably wouldn't have found some of the best videos that I enjoy without it.

So yeah, I might still be a member, but my videos won't be there anymore.  So I might not completely leave in the end. :D

Or will I? ;)


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I think you should just keep your videos on there for popularity, it's not like that people will find you any sooner if you're going to host em somewhere else.


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Instead of uploading the ACTUAL videos and TV episodes, just title a small video "the land before time - things change" and have the video just be of a blank screen with text of the URL to the place to watch the actual video.  That way you'll just be using Youtube's popularity while the actual videos will be hosted somewhere else.  I'm thinking of doing that with the LBT TV episodes.


  • Hatchling
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Shhh...I actually put up an OST but put it under a picture slideshow. :p  The darn thing is rare as ever and a rerelease is very unlikely.  Its been quite a few months now....still there.  I guess they don't go after everything.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,May 26 2009 on  11:59 AM
Instead of uploading the ACTUAL videos and TV episodes, just title a small video "the land before time - things change" and have the video just be of a blank screen with text of the URL to the place to watch the actual video.  That way you'll just be using Youtube's popularity while the actual videos will be hosted somewhere else.  I'm thinking of doing that with the LBT TV episodes.
That's a good idea :)

Cancerian Tiger

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The thing I don't understand is why Universal would have these guys deleting LBT FANMADE projects anyway.  It's not like the films are being illegally distributed if only random film clips are used in a music vid.  But, instead of considering the popularity such a series can gain by positive things about it being on Youtube, those rich capitalists are only worried about profits <_<.