The Gang of Five
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LBT videogame


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Oh dear, I seem to have missed a lot of interesting discussion during the night. I strongly suggest that we try to come together at MSN. WR, do you too have an MSN identity?
Why does everyone want Littlefoot and co. to do a ton of fighting? Look at their size! And look at the size of the sharpteeth, folks. Littlefoot and co. are not going to try to fight those. Keep in-character (that the gang wouldn't be stupid enough to try it), keep the way it is the films (Littlefoot and co. run and hide from most of their enemies, and then later, outsmart them), and I don't care if RPGs feature fighting. Having the gang fight the enemies everytime they meet them would just take the thing SO far from the premis that it'd be insulting to people who actually care about the context of the story.
I strongly agree with WR on this point. Fighting is not a major content of the LBT movies and I think that we can muster enough fantasy to create a story in which problems are solved through cunning and brainwork rather than the (partly hardly existend) muscles.
Structure: I would suggest a 'stage' set-up. A large level for you to explore extensively, with various objectives that you must complete in order to continue, and you can also have 'sidequests' that you can do by choice for extra points.
Objective: Well, we need to think of a story. I'd be happy to do some quick brain-storming to do it and I'll offer you some plot ideas, okay?
Jojo, think about it. An adventure wouldn't work.
Now this is something I don't quite understand WR. Is not an Adventure precisely the type of game you described in your first quote to say that it wouldn't work in the next quote? How do you define Adventure game?

The Maniac Mansion style is what I had basically in mind when I thought about it. I suppose it would be the easiest to programe (but I can't repeat often enough that I know next to nothing about programming). What I think may be a further point in favor of such a style is that we could use landscape screenshots from the LBT movies as backgrounds if we do it that way. I suppose with some editing (put the rock from the one landscape on the meadow of the other) we can create a large variety of landscapes.
I'm quite willing to give it a try. I would also be ready to draw and paint landscape backgrounds for the game. However, this would of course greatly vary from movie style. Landscapes might end up looking pretty much like they do in the pictures I posted here.

As for plotlines, here are three I have to offer (only very rough summaries in this message). As I mentioned before, they are all based on the assumption that one of the characters is lost and the others set out to bring him or her back.

The first variant is a plot I have long been planning on for a fanfiction. As a slightly humorous beginning the LBT characters would eat some fermented fruits which fell from some trees (obviously it must be a fall setting in this story). Petrie developes a special taste for them and ends up quite "giddy" and in a funny, reckless mood.
As cruel fate has is a storm is brewing up from the west. Petrie, unable to pick up any reasonable advice of taking shelter is blown eastwards out of the Valley. Remember, eastwards means right towards the wastelands we know from the original movie. As flyers send out to find Petrie (while his mother may have been injured during an attempt to recover him during the storm) fail to do so the grownups presume him to be death.
Littlefoot and the others are neither willing nor ready to accept this and set out to find Petrie (this of course is something the grownups would anticipate, therefore it will take some trickery or sneaking or both for the gang to leave the Valley).
Meanwhile far out in the Mysterious Beyond Petrie is regaining his consciousness. Being hit on the head by a flying piece of debris in the storm he lost his whole memory. He doesn't remember his name, he doesn't remember how to fly, he only has some very, very vague images left far back in his mind. So he sets out walking rather aimlessly through the wastes not really knowing what to do. He might thereby meet a kind of "Mysterious Beyond" character, somebody hardned enough to survive in that land (if we want it to be a bit creepy it could be a scavenger); that character would be optional I suppose.
Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Spike are meanwhile walking through many significant places we know from the first movie (including such potentially dangerous places as the region of the Burning Mountains). While walking through the land they are always worried that the grownups are after them to bring them back before they could find Petrie (possibly with such a large flyer as the one we saw in LBT 7). Before long, they are indeed spotted by a flyer. Far from being a resident of the Great Valley that flyer turns out to be Pterano. Upon hearing about his nephews fate he insists (probably against the wishes of Cera) to accompany them and try to find Petrie. Having lived in the Mysterious Beyond for quite a while he may turn out quite a help to the kids.
Meanwhile Petrie too has run into two old aquintances namely (you guessed it) Rinkus and Sierra who, once they understood the situation, device a plan to take revenge on Pterano. They are certain that Pterano will before long hear about Petrie's fate and will try to find them. Rinkus and Sierra tell the completely unsuspecting and naive Petrie that they are his flock, his relatives or whatever and tell him a false name for his own. Moreover they do everything they can to inculcate Petrie with a horrible fear and hostility against "that evil flyer who is after you" and also of that "insidious little landwalkers" once a scouting flight of either Rinkus or Sierra turned out that Littlefoot and the others are after Petrie too. Rinkus and Sierra intentionaly don't teach Petrie how to fly in order to keep up his dependency on them.
Rinkus or Sierra (I opt for Sierra) contact Pterano and the others and lure them after him by indicating (as if unintentionally) that he knows more about Petrie but is not going to help.
The further journey through the rugged wastelands leads past several known places and finally to the great landbrake from the original movie. Further earthquakes have caused a large piece of land to sink down creating a large basin with the ground covered by a lake of bubbling lava. It is this point Rinkus and Sierra chose for their final revenge. Leading Pterano, Littlefoot and the others there by carefully laid out tracks of Petrie they are waiting in ambush above a thin rocky path on which Littlefoot and the others are going to come. Petrie is to cause a rockslide at a spot only he can reach due to his small size. That rockslide would push Littlefoot, Pterano and the others right into the lava lake.
Yet inspite of the huge fear and hostility Rinkus and Sierra have stirred up in Petrie through their lies Petrie realizes how harmless these dreadful enemies look. Feeling pity he flies to Rinkus and Sierra declaring desperately that he just can't do what they asked him to do. During the angry reaction of Rinkus and Sierra one of them addresses Petrie with his real name which, in combination with his seeing the others and their calling his name brings back all his memory. Fearing for their revenge Rinkus and Sierra attack Pterano of their own after throwing Petrie down towards the lava lake. In this desperate situation Petrie regains his ability to fly. The outcome of the fight is to be discussed (it need not be as horrible as may be pictured with the idea of the lava lake at the back of our mind), but I suppose that Pterano could come off with a complete "rehabilitation". Maybe grownup flyers (including the big one from LBT 7) turn up in time so Rinkus and Sierra make their escape. Otherwise the return to the Great Valley might be included in the game, but the main plot would probably end at that lava lake.

An advantage of this story is that there are many possible landscapes from the first movie that could be used in the background. The story could be elaborated much further (so there would be good room for your input too). The escape from the Great Valley, the toils of the Journey (need to find food, clim obstacles etc.), searching for tracks of Petrie, and attempts of Petrie to relearn flying could prove interesting elements to include Little games in the story.


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On the second and third plots I have not nearly thought as much as I did about that first one (as I had that one in mind for the longest time). This may be a good thing as it would give you more possibilities to include your own ideas.

The second variant would have Spike being removed from the Great Valley. I could imagine a spot in the Great Valley where several small creeks are running out of the Valley. It is a very moist spot of the Valley as it is a kind of hollow (low altitude) whenever the creeks water level is raised due to rainfall the whole place will be flooded (therefore it is known as the Wash). Because of this there are plants growin there which are not to be found anywhere else in the Valley. Maybe it is for the sheer taste of these plants that one day Spike doesn't manage to get out when a sudden downpour floods the Wash and washes him right out of the Valley (we know Spike is not a good swimmer). Again we have the kids going after Spike against their parents wishes. The river carried Spike, who naturally did not drown (maybe he clung to a floating piece of wood) to the rather uncommon end of the river. Beyond a waterfall the river ends in a deep lake in the middle of a desert. The lake is all salty (the water having washed its salt there for millenias) and the desert around is very hostile. With steep rock walls (from which the waterfall pours down) it seems to be a trap difficult to leave and naturally very hostile towards anyone who is there.
The others following Spike end up in the same trap...
Now I didn't think too much further on this one. They may meet new characters in the desert (a snake? Not necessarily evil, but very creepy to talk to). They may run right into a herd (Bron's? Ali's? Both of those combined?) and they must get home somehow. This one needs to be completed if we mean to use it.

Finally my most recent idea. We know that Ducky has many sibbilings (twelve according to LBT 6) who look almost identical to her. I could imagine one of her "clone" sisters (we could name her Dacky ;)) to be a bit jealous (not in a mean, but rather in an admiring manner) of Ducky who contributed to save the Valley inhabitants more than once. Also Dacky would like to get to know other dinosaur kinds better. In return Ducky sometimes feels that she is the one of thirteen twins to whom the other twelfe can least relate as they know each other almost superficially because Ducky spends most of her time with her non-swimmer friends. So Ducky and Dacky agree to switch roles for a day each one pretending to be the other. Spike might be the only one to notice this at all, but he is playing along.
Now something is going to happen to either Ducky or Dacky, or both. One thing I have in mind is a conic rocky mountain which is almost completely hollowed by many, many caves. When an earthquake causes most of the mountain to collapse while Ducky or Dacky are in the caves she or they would be burried in a far streched system of caverns. There could be an underground river to follow, dangerous diving trying to find an exit and possibly an exit in a dangerous part of the Mysterious Beyond.
The others would end up rather confused by the change of identities between Ducky and Dacky (possibly not knowing who of the two got lost in case nobody is there to ask) and Spike who is the only one to keep the overview is unable to tell.
This plot too is rather incomplete so if we picked this we need to work on it too complete it.
I have several more ideas in mind, but I fear that many of them deal with questions which are very difficult to deal with (even in a written story), or else are a bit too gloomy (while naturally they are true to LBT as we know it from the movie (no science fiction etc.)) so we might want to avoid them.


  • Chomper
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:lol Oh my! Can you sum that up for me? lol

And WR, when is an adventure game a fighting game???


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Oh my! Can you sum that up for me? lol
I did! Had I not summed it up it would be more than a 100 pages at least. We need a good and not too short story for a good game I reckon. I don't know you you (everyone included) will like any of my suggestions, but I'm looking forward to see your suggestions for a plot. I'm sure we can reasonably combine different ideas. I suppose that everyone would like to add something to the story. Hopefully these elements can be combined without a "fraction" between the elements.


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Should we try to meet at MSN today? I'll check it out time and again hoping to meet you there for a little "conference" on the game.
WR, do you have an MSN identity?


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Yesterday Action9000, Jojo, and I met at MSN. We did some basic discussing on the game. Apart from choosing Adventure Game Studio as the program that is probably going to be used for the game we agreed on several basic points. It was a pleasure (and you will be happy to hear this as well WR) to see that there was unanimous agreement that this is not going to be a fighting game and that we will do what we can too keep it the land before time the way we know it from the movies.
The main question that needs to be settled first is the one of a plot for the game. We plan to make a game in which decisions at various points can take a serious influence on the way the story goes, so in fact we need several plotlines, or a plotline with several "turning points" where one decision can greatly influence the further progress of things.
We also hope to create a plot that holds some surprises so the player won't know everything that is to be known about the plot after five minutes of playing (maybe we should therefore not post plot suggestions here in the GOF anymore but exchange such suggestions via MSN or email).
Do you have an MSN identity WR? We sure would like to have you with us here, both for your input on the game and just getting to know each other better  :yes


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In case we don't meet at MSN we may of course also continue the discussion here (with the drawback that if we come to plot details the game may not hold as many surprises to other GOF members as it could, which is why I suggest to send plot suggestions via email in the future). However, if we don't continue the discussion at all this project will be a stillbirth, we don't want that.


  • Chomper
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Nooooo! We don't want a stillbirth. :cry2

There seems to be a lack of activity. I'll just have to wait for people to give plot suggestions.


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To answer the earlier question: I have yet to play an adventure where lots and lots of fighting wasn't involved, and its easy to fall into that catagoryin Adventure Games. Designing RPGs demands creativity, on the other hand.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Jojo posted a picture on the second page of this thread which demonstrates quite well what we are talking about when we refer to Role Play Game, Action Game, or Adventure game. The latter appeared to be the "fightless" variant according to that picture. Maybe you are confusing Adventure game and Role Play Game (at least that is what I did before Jojo came up with that picture). Anyway, we all already agreed that it will NOT be a fighting game. So the question is settled and needs not to bother us anymore. There is unanimous agreement in this matter already, so we should focus on plots for the game to have something to begin with now. We are now collecting as many suggestions as possible. I suggest that we send plot suggestions via email rather than publicly in the Forum (as I have done regretably; sorry about that  :() not to spoil later surprises for members of this forum. Most of all I suggest that now we DO send our plot suggestions (a suggestion to make suggestions  ;)) to get things going!


  • Chomper
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I think you could have an RPG with each character in the team having a different strength or use. For example, Petrie could scout and reach regions and artifacts the other characters couldn't and Cera could fight the most effectively, (or maybe move the fastest).

As for plot...perhaps the dinosaurs could move out of the Great Valley in search of a new home after eating the Valley's vegetation? Perhaps some disaster such as an earthquake or else could separate Littlefoot et al. for the rest of the herd, and they would have to reach their destination via a completely different, more dangerous route.

I'll come up with more ideas later.


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Who is a good artist with a wacom pen tablet? This software is good for drawing LBT-like backgrounds.


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For example, Petrie could scout and reach regions and artifacts the other characters couldn't and Cera could fight the most effectively, (or maybe move the fastest).
Just a thought I had:

In LBT 2, we can clearly see that Littlefoot is the most abled jumper among the Gang (when jumping over the chasm while chasing the Egg Thieves).  He started his jump from a ways back from the chasm, and landed cleanly on the other side (without a running start, too, I might add).  Cera and Spike both had to grab onto the edge after jumping, and barely made it.  Ducky, mainly due to her size, has a shorter jumping distance, though her jumping power is probably very strong in proportion to her body.

If we're talking characteristics of the various characters, here is how I picture it roughly to be, where 1 = low skill and 10 = high skill

Running Ability: 9
Jumping ability: 9
Strength: 7
Swimming Ability: 6

Special Abilities:
- Can Push rocks (slower than Spike and Cera, and limited to smaller rocks than Spike or Cera)
- Can reach higher than the other walking dinosaurs.

Running Ability: 8
Jumping Ability: 8
Strength: 9
Swimming Ability: 6

Special Abilities:
- Can push large rocks
- Can destroy smaller rocks and obstacles

Running Ability: 5
Jumping Ability: 4
Strength: 3
Swimming Ability: 9

Special Abilities:
- Can swim for large distances and hold breath for long periods
- Can hide and fit in small spaces

Running Ability: 4
Flight Speed: 7 (relative to ground movement speed)
Jumping Ability: 3
Strength: 2
Swimming Ability:2

Special Abilities:
- Can fly to scout or evade threats
- Can hide and fit in small places

Running Ability: 7
Jumping Ability: 7
Strength: 8
Swimming Ability: 5

Special Abilities:
- Can push rocks
- Keen sense of smell; can locate food or other scented items by scent

What do you think so far?


As for plots, I'm content with combining any thoughts we had for a storyline. I read Malte's plot suggestions, and they all seem reasonable.  I'm no expert when it comes to writing stories, and I shall likely leave that primarily in the capable hands of our more veteran storytellers :yes
This is the same reason I'm not very active on the RPG topics, nor have I attempted to write an LBT Fanfic.

Littlefoot Fan

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Man I wish I had some programming knowledge :/ It's just so hard teaching yourself those kind of things :bang The only one I really know is some DM language for BYOND (Which is basically 2d like Earthbound, or rather the old breath of fire games since they walk on a grid) but obviously that's useless for this project.

I'd love to help with the art though :)


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Action, those stats really are unnecessary for what we are doing. If we need a character to do something specific, we'll add it to the plot. Thanks for the contribution though. :^.^:

I think it should be where you can select which of the 5 characters you control. Say, if you select Petrie and choose to go underwater, he won't  go very far or say something like "That crazy! I'm not going down there." If you choose Ducky, she would actually accomplish the task.


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I think it should be where you can select which of the 5 characters you control. Say, if you select Petrie and choose to go underwater, he won't go very far or say something like "That crazy! I'm not going down there." If you choose Ducky, she would actually accomplish the task.
I think you have the right idea here, Jojo.  This sounds very effective for an adventure game.

Hmm, I wish I had more to contribute at this point, but not much is coming to mind, hence why I haven't posted on here for some time...

Our first step is to create the story that the game will revolve around.  We won't be able to accomplish anything beyond this point without an idea of where this game will be going.  We agree that it will take the adventure-style suggested some time ago.  Personally, I am rather intrigued by Malte's original idea for a plot (the first one he posted up) and this story is the one I "vote" for as the basis of the game.  Of course, combining elements from other stories and writers is completely open. :wow

I honestly think the members of this project need to have another live conference to discuss matters in detail.  Malte, Jojo, myself, and anyone else interested.


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I have returned! I have some ideas on possible enemies and locations for our characters to explore:


Velociraptor ("desert clawfoot"): Desert-dwelling social predator

Utahraptor ("jungle clawfoot"): Social predator closely related to Velociraptor, but larger and living in greener environments

Spinosaurus ("swamp snipper"): Large wetland theropod that preys on small creatures

Alligator/crocodile ("crawlbelly/snapper"): Semi-aquatic reptilian predator residing in rivers and wetlands

Shark ("swimming sharptooth/sea monster"): Monstrous fish partial to dinosaurs and other creatures

Anaconda/Python ("strangler"): Large snake that chokes its prey to death with its coils

Dragon ("poison breather"): Cave-dwelling reptile that exhales venomous breath

Giant Spider: Eight-legged arachnid with a venomous bite; dwells in caves and ravines

Allosaurus (plains sharptooth):  Large predator native to savannahs and parklands

Carnotaurus (horned sharptooth): Ferocious-looking predator found in all biomes

Tyrannosaurus rex ("tyrant sharptooth"): Top predator of the LBT ecosystem, feared by all for its strength and ferocious courage; native to woodlands and jungles


Badlands: Scantly vegetated maze of ravines and chasms.
Desert: Barren, desolate landscape with scarce food except by oases patrolled by Velociraptors; sandstorms and dust devils common
Savannah: Grassland with occasional trees and lots of vicious predators, especially allosaurs
Swamp: Lots of water, mist, and monsters
Lagoon: Islands lay dotted around this tropical lagoon, which has a large shark population
Forest: Humid forest with abundant food, but also home to Utahraptors
Caverns: Spiders and dragons infest these lightless, eerie grottos
Jungle: Sultry rainforest, the realm of the ferocious Tyrannosaurus rex
Paradise: Your new home, but besieged by a great volcanic eruption


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I think it is not necessary to think of names while we don't have a plot ready yet. There still haven't been any suggestions on that. Also I doubt LBT dinosaurs would make that much of a difference between sharpteeth kinds (considering the fact that so far any meateater has simply been named a (swimming) sharptooth.
Ruins: Crumbling remains of an ancient city built by a mysterious, now-extinct sentient species; T. rexes, Utahraptors, and spiders now call this decaying collection of ruins their homes
Veto! No non-LBT elements.


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No non-LBT elements.
Agreed B)