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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 47411


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Yup, Gwythaints are the Dragon Critters.. ^_^

Another question that is kinda out of the blue.. How did you stumble on Dragon Cave? :D


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I believe you can thank Rat_lady7 for that. :smile Last year she was raising a lot of dragons and displaying them in her signature. I thought the dragons were cute, and I became curious about how many the different kinds there were and what they all looked like. Eventually I began looking at other people’s scrolls on the site, and after much deliberation, I decided to join myself, officially becoming a member on October 19, 2009, 4:23 PM Central U.S. time. :p My early attempts to raise dragons were disastrous: my first four eggs died; my next four hatched, but later died (I didn’t think to freeze them :bang), and for the first three months, less than half of the dragons I raised received enough views to mature. Things improved immensely after mid–late January, when I discovered the Dragon Cave fansites that provide views for eggs and hatchlings. However, I’ve been frustrated lately by the limited variety of eggs that have been dropping in the cave, the spriters’ apathy for the suggestions and feedback I’ve attempted to give them on their dragon concepts (it made me all the more appreciative of all the courteous and responsive people on the GOF), and DC’s decision to retire the Frilled Dragons. <_<

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Have you ever had a desire to change your avatar?  If so, what were you considering changing it to?


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Getting sick of looking at my avatar, eh? :p

Yeah, I have thought about changing my avatar before, and I may very well do it eventually. There are a few reasons for which I have felt disinclined to do so, though. One is that I think of an avatar as being like an ID photo: it’s the first thing you see when you look at the card, even before you read the name attached to it, so it’s a good means of visual identification, especially when you’re scrolling through threads too quickly to read names. In my mind, changing an avatar frequently kind of defeats that purpose, and since I don’t any problem with the one I have now, I don’t really have any motivation to change it.

I’m also, admittedly, rather attached to it, as I made the drawing specificially for an avatar, and I feel like it’s a very appropriate one (as it features the most ubiquitous denizen of the supercontinent from which I take my screen name).

Still, I've had my avatar for over a year now; I can't think of any other consistently active member (apart from a few admins) who hasn't changed their avatar at least once in that time. Maybe I am due for a new one.

I have thought of a few ideas of a replacement picture for my avatar, if I ever were to change it. It would definitely be a piece of artwork I created, probably featuring a prehistoric animal drawn LBT-style like my current avatar.

One idea that I thought would look interesting would be a picture of my dinosona in flight (well, gliding flight :p). My two concerns are that it would be very difficult to draw, and the drawing would end up so large that not much detail would be visible once it was scaled down to avatar size.

Another option I’ve had in mind (almost as long as I’ve had my avatar, actually) is that I would draw a full-body picture of the Lystrosaurus in my current avatar. Or I could draw a different LBT-style creature that lived around the time Pangaea existed; perhaps an Estemmenosuchus, a gorgonopsid, even an early dinosaur like a Coelophysis or Herrerasaurus. For some reason, though, I’ve felt extremely reluctant to draw anything lately; I didn’t even start work on my submission to pokeplayer’s art contest until a couple of days before the deadline. :rolleyes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Of got a question..

What is your avatar of??  :neutral It kinda looks like Spike(Except looking a little different) with vampire teeth :p  :DD


  • Ducky
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Don't change your avatar, unless you want to.

-If you go away, what do you do with Sasquatch? (also how is he?)
-Do you like owls?:p
-Have you ever done anything spontaneous and out of character?  (Sorry if that one has been asked).

Thank you.:)


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Of course, results may vary, depending on how much you like cats and whether or not you are allergic to them  (though neither of those should be an issue to you, Rat_lady. ).

I remember you saying this back in the depression thread and I thought you were implying that you were allergic to cats, so I guess that's why I thought you were allergic.

Anyhow...on with a question, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, have you ever had a crush on anyone before?


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Just another question, are you a fan of Pokemon or any other animes?


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Sorry to heap questions on you Pangaea.
What sort of books do you read?  Do you have a favourite author?

How is the Sasquatch?


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I'm watching Osmosis Jones right now. It's an animated feature about the human body and how it can be infected. It's not a documentary or anything, but it IS about the human body. Have you seen this before?

And have you ever thought of being a pathologist?


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I love questions, and I’m thankful and glad for all of the ones that are posted in this thread and for the people who ask them. However, if you wouldn’t mind waiting to ask a new question until I had answered one you had posted earlier, so that I don’t get such a huge backlog of questions, that would be appreciated :) (That goes for everyone).

Right now I'm in the middle of writing answers for my last eleven or twelve questions (from three different people, one of whom has posted twice and the other three times! :P:) They will be posted shortly, provided I don't get any more questions before I am finished.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: babidikrakenguard,Aug 11 2010 on  07:34 AM
What is your avatar of??  :neutral It kinda looks like Spike(Except looking a little different) with vampire teeth :p  :DD

It's actually a Lystrosaurus, a dicynodont from the late Permian and early Triassic. In English, :p it's a distant relative of mammals that lived before the dinosaurs, at the time the supercontinent Pangaea existed. It was by far the most common backboned land animal of its time (especially after roughly 70% of its fellow land-dwellers became extinct at the end of the Permian :blink:), with fossils known from every continent. Four to six species are currently recognized (my avatar is based on Lystrosaurus georgi). Its group name, dicynodont, translates as “two dog teeth”, and refers to the fact that all members of the infraorder were toothless except for a pair of tusks (which may have been possessed by only males or females in some species, and were absent altogether in others). Lystrosaurus's own name means “shovel reptile”, because it has long been suspected of being a digging animal.

Like all known dicynodonts, Lystrosaurus was a plant eater. Among its kind, it was medium-sized, being about as large as a pig, and probably resembling one too. Here&#39;s
Here's what the entire animal looked like (in fact, I used this same image as a reference while drawing my avatar).

As I'm sure you recognized, the Lystrosaurus is drawn in the style of a LBT dinosaur. The features of the head are based on those of the frogs and turtles in LBT IX, and I looked at Cera's horn to get an idea of how to draw the tusks. Light green and yellow just felt “right” for colors (even though real Lystrosaurus probably had more mammal-like hides, and possibly even hair), and I made the eyes brown because that's the color mine are. ;) I only drew the head because (1) I would have had to shrink down a full-body image to a point where details might not have been recognizable, and (2) I was too lazy to bother. :p As I said in my response to my last question, I thought that it was an appropriate creature to use as an avatar, given my screen name. (As I state in my signature, I'm represented by a Lystrosaurus; I hoped it would help people know what my avatar was. :p)

Did I answer this question before? It just occurred to me that I most likely did. :blink: Ah, no matter; I love answering this particular question. :p

Quote from: Saft,Aug 11 2010 on  01:41 PM
If you go away, what do you do with Sasquatch? (also how is he?)
So far we’ve never left the house for more than a couple of days at a time since we got Sasquatch, so I’m not entirely sure what we’d do if we had to leave for a week or something. Hoever, if we’re ever gone for more than a night, we usually have a friend of my sister’s come to the house to check on Sasquatch, refill his food and water, clean his litterbox, etc.

Do you like owls?:p
Oh, yeah. :yes I love owls. You can blame the Guardians of Ga’Hoole books for that. :p I’ve bought quite a few books on owls recently (nonfiction, not just novels), and incidentally we’ve also been hearing a lot of barred owls outside our house at night.

Have you ever done anything spontaneous and out of character?  (Sorry if that one has been asked).
Hmm…meaning have I ever done something out of the blue that was totally atypical for me? I almost certainly have, but I can’t think of any examples right now. :wacko

Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 11 2010 on  02:37 PM
Anyhow...on with a question, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, have you ever had a crush on anyone before?
No. In fact, I don't think I've ever experienced romantic feelings for anyone in my life. :blink:

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 12 2010 on  11:31 PM
Just another question, are you a fan of Pokemon or any other animes?
Nope. I don't care much for anime. There was a time several years ago when I watched some of the older PokÈmon episodes, and I saw the first three movies, but my only real interest in them was seeing the creatures (A lot of the human characters annoyed me).

Quote from: Saft,Aug 13 2010 on  05:54 PM
What sort of books do you read?  Do you have a favourite author?
I read a lot of nonfiction books, most of them science-and-nature-oriented. These include books on dinosaurs and other prehistoric life (surprise! :p), and any animal that I happen to be interested in at any given time. A few authors whose work I enjoy are Temple Grandin, Richard Conniff (a natural history writer for magazines like National Geographic), and Aldo Leopold (author of A Sand County Almanac).

Many of the novels I read are xenofiction: stories about non-human characters, like the Silverwing and Guardians of Ga’Hoole series, Tailchaser’s Song, and Raptor Red. Almost all of the fiction I read falls into the fantasy and science fiction genres. I like the Dinotopia books; both the illustrated one by James Gurney and the spin-off novels and novellas. A couple of other series I like are The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, and the “Ratha” series by Clare Bell (about a clan of sentient prehistoric cats) and Dinosaur Wars by Thomas P. Hopp. That’s all I can think of right now. :unsure:

Quote from: Saft,Aug 11 2010 on  01:41 PM
If you go away, what do you do with Sasquatch? (also how is he?)
Quote from: Saft,Aug 13 2010 on  05:54 PM
How is the Sasquatch?
Yo asked me the same question twice! :lol Those would also be the eighth and ninth times I've been asked that question. :wow Don't worry, I don't mind. :p

Sasquatch is okay right now (I’ve STILL got to post more pictures of him! :bang), though he can’t seem to stand being inside for long periods, and on a few occasions has spent all or most of the night outside. We worry about him when he does this (last night we think he had an encounter with a raccoon; he wasn’t injured in any way, but we heard a lot of noise). We also fear for the safety of our neighborhood wildlife. He’s caught a few more voles (one of which was lucky enough to be brought back to the house alive; I subsequently released it), and a few days ago my brother found him with half of a dead bird (We’re hoping that the bird was already dead or dying when Sasquatch got to it, having flown into a window or something. If Sasquatch has learned to stalk and catch birds, then we’ve got a problem). He’s also made a few attempts to climb trees. So we’re concerned about the potential trouble he could get himself into outside.

Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 13 2010 on  09:29 PM
I'm watching Osmosis Jones right now. It's an animated feature about the human body and how it can be infected. It's not a documentary or anything, but it IS about the human body. Have you seen this before?
I've heard about it, but nope, haven't seen it. :p

And have you ever thought of being a pathologist?
Microorganisms interest me, but I wouldn't want to work with the pathogenic ones. I'd be afraid of getting sick. Plus, I'm terribly clumsy in the lab. :P:


Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Wow, that's amazing Pangaea! :D All of those questions.

But I'll try to keep my questions to a minimum....sorry about that. :P: :oops


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^ No, no! Don't ask any fewer questions; just space them out a bit more. Wait for me to answer one before asking another. ;)

And it's all right; your questions in that big block I responded to just now were easy to answer. :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Okay, the picture of the Lystrosaurus looks familier. I think i might have seen it in 'Walking with Dinosaurs'. :p Unfortunately, being in a Black Cauldron mood, i miss-read the one part as Lystrosaurus Gurgi (Lystrosaurus georgi)

Um, i've got a question.. Who or what is Sasquatch?  :blink: I mean, i know what Sasquatch is, im just curious..  :blink:

And speaking of 'Walking With Dinosaurs' have you seen that on the Discovery Channel? or watched it?  :DD


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Yeah, I know that I asked you twice about Sasquatch but I asked on different days.:p

Are you good at organisation?


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Quote from: babidikrakenguard,Aug 14 2010 on  09:29 AM
Okay, the picture of the Lystrosaurus looks familier. I think i might have seen it in 'Walking with Dinosaurs'. :p Unfortunately, being in a Black Cauldron mood, i miss-read the one part as Lystrosaurus Gurgi (Lystrosaurus georgi)

Okay, admittedly it didn't get me as much as the “looks like Spike with vampire teeth” comment on my avatar, but it was still amusing. :lol

The creature you’re thinking of from Walking With Dinosaurs is probably Placerias from the first episode. It was a dicynodont like Lystrosaurus, and looked a quite a bit like it, but was much larger (around 10 feet long and 1 ton), and lived later, coexisting with early dinosaurs.

Um, i've got a question.. Who or what is Sasquatch?  :blink: I mean, i know what Sasquatch is, im just curious..  :blink:
Sasquatch is my cat. Well, technically, he belongs to my sister, but he’s a part of the family, really. He’s called Sasquatch (which as you know, is another name for Bigfoot) because he’s polydactyl; he has multiple toes: seven on each of his front paws, and six on each of the back (though one is so tiny that it’s concealed in his foot fur). As a result, he has very large feet. We adopted him from an animal shelter on August 27, 2009, so the Friday after next will be our one-year anniversary of owning him. (At the shelter, he had two brothers named Yeti and Wookiee who were also polydactyl, and a sister, Nessie, who wasn’t.) I’ve posted several pictures of him in the “Show Us Your Critters” thread (1, 2 3, 4, 5), though I haven’t updated in months, and really need to get around to posting more pictures. :bang

And speaking of 'Walking With Dinosaurs' have you seen that on the Discovery Channel? or watched it?  :DD
Yeah, I’ve seen the whole “Walking With” series, and own videos or DVDs of almost all of them: Walking With Dinosaurs, Walking With Prehistoric Beasts, Walking With Cavemen (I only saw this one on TV, and didn’t care for it much), Walking With Dinosaurs: Allosaurus, Chased By Sea Monsters, Land Of Giants, The Giant Claw, and Before The Dinosaurs: Walking With Monsters, which actually features Lystrosaurus in its last episode.

Last Sunday, I also got to see “Walking With Dinosaurs: The Arena Spectacular”, a live show with animatronic dinosaurs that move around an arena and effectively act out a stage version of Walking With Dinosaurs, assisted by a (rather melodramatic) narrator/host/actor and special effects that that areóto make an understatementónot on par with the series’. :p Still, it’s an impressive show. :wow

Quote from: Saft,Aug 14 2010 on  03:12 PM
Are you good at organisation?
Well, yes and no. I like to keep things organized if I can, so I try to put my files and belongings into safe places where they can be easy to find and access. To my knowledge I've never been diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), but I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out that I had it, from the way I sort and organize certain things. However, a lot of the time I get lazy and just put things wherever I can fit them. This is the reason my room is such a mess right now. :bang

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Hey Pangaea, I just want to thank you again for the gift, it was awesome! ^^ And while some parts may not have been what I pictured her to look like, it was pretty accurate. :)

Anyhow, for the picture, did you use Petrie's mom as a reference?


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Have you ever seen or heard of the Discovery Channel series Dinosaur Planet?