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Ask Pangaea

Pangaea · 530 · 47414


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 15 2010 on  10:14 PM
Hey Pangaea, I just want to thank you again for the gift, it was awesome! ^^ And while some parts may not have been what I pictured her to look like, it was pretty accurate. :)

Anyhow, for the picture, did you use Petrie's mom as a reference?
You're very welcome. :^.^: I'm pleased to hear that you liked it.

Yes, Mama Flyer was my main reference for the character (mainly scenes from LBT XII, as well as some screenshots from the end of the first movie). I based her claws off of Pterano's, though (from memory :!), because I imagined such claws to be more suited for a flyer that blinded a sharptooth with them. :blink: You stated in your dinosona profile that your character had almond-shaped eyes and an hourglass-shaped body, so I tried my best to tweak the eyes and torso to fit that description. You also said that her crest was longer than a typical female Pteranodon's, so I attempted a design that was somewhere between a female's and a male's.

Quote from: Caustizer,Aug 16 2010 on  03:53 PM
Have you ever seen or heard of the Discovery Channel series Dinosaur Planet?
Yeah, I've seen it. I liked that many of the dinosaurs were designed more accurately than those in Walking With Dinosaurs, mainly in the raptors and other theropods having feathers. I wasn't too fond of some of the storylines, though, and I really didn't like the narrator. <_<

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

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Tenth time that question's been asked! :smile

He's doing okay. It's only been a few days since I last answered this question, so there's not a whole lot of news. Yesterday while my siblings and I were toasting s'mores over the grill after a cookout, I spotted him pouncing at something at the base of a nearby spruce tree. I rushed over and saw that he was trying to catch a vole. I probably saved that vole's life by pinning Sasquatch down with one hand (I was holding a chocolate bar in the other :p) long enough for it to escape into the tall grass a few feet away. After that I brought Sasquatch inside.

Today he apparently had a run-in with another neighborhood cat. We saw him outside at the door, and when we opened it, he dashed inside like he was scared of something. A moment later my sister saw a white and brown cat streak across the yard (I didn't see it myself). Sasquatch didn't have any injuries, but we think he might have been spooked by the other cat, which was probably older and larger. Fifteen minutes later, he wanted to go outside again. :rolleyes

EDIT: Hmm…2,222 posts. A schnappszahl post count! :smile

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How are you doing Pangaea? And I see you have an Alt black dragon! Congrats! ^^

The Chronicler

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"Walking with Dinosaurs"? I remember watching that! :smile  It was actually one of the first things I ever watched in the Discovery Channel, back in the year 2000. (but not THE first show/program I saw on that channel, if I remember correctly)

What other shows/programs have you watched on that channel? What was the first one you saw? (if you can remember)

"I have a right to collect anything I want. It's just junk anyway."
- Berix

My first fanfiction: Quest for the Energy Stones
My unfinished and canceled second fanfiction: Quest for the Mask of Life
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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 17 2010 on  11:49 AM
How are you doing Pangaea?
I'm doing okay. :) My sleep schedule is still messed up (I slept from around 6 AM to 5 PM today :wacko), and I'm feeling a little tired right now Nothing much exciting happened today, but my brother and I enjoyed watching the monitor lizard show I mentioned on Cyberlizard's star day thread, while having a rather tasty dinner of crab cakes. :smile Nothing to report on Sasquatch as far as I know. Tonight I'm hoping to get around to posting in some threads I've kept forgetting about, and maybe do some artwork.

And I see you have an Alt black dragon! Congrats! ^^
Thank you. :DD Yeah, it was a big surprise for me when that egg of mine hatched into an Alt. Black. :wow It also makes me happy because I now have a mate for the male Alt. Black that I already own :^.^: (He was an extremely lucky Abandoned Page hatchling grab).

Good luck on your own dragons maturing. Remember, if they look like they aren't going to make it, post them in those links I gave you. ;) "Eggs Around the World", "Silvi's Lair" and "Dragonnery" all have "emergency" sections that can give eggs and hatchlings an extra boost when their time is running low (Most of your dragons are already eligible).

Quote from: The Chronicler,Aug 17 2010 on  03:20 PM
What other shows/programs have you watched on that channel? What was the first one you saw? (if you can remember)
The first time I ever remember watching the Discovery Channel was years ago (I think during Shark Week) while I was visiting relatives in New Hampshire. We didn't have cable at our own house back then, so we barely ever had a chance to watch that channel. I remember staying up until 1 AM (a big achievement for me at the time; that just shows how long ago it was :lol) to watch a rerun of a program about the Loch Ness Monster (which I was fascinated by at the time), and then being really upset when I found out that it had actually aired at midnight. I also recall watching a show on giant squid (another interest of mine) and another on megalodon (a giant prehistoric shark), along with some other Shark Week programs. I might have seen one or more of the above on different years than the Loch Ness Monster one.

Other notable shows I've watched on Discovery (those that I can think of at the moment :P:) have included MythBusters (of course :p), Dirty Jobs, Planet Earth, Dinosaur Planet, I think Chased by Sea Monsters (one of the "Walking With" series I mentioned before), Alien Planet, and Wild Discovery, a great series of unrelated programs focusing on wildlife, which sadly they never seem to show anymore. :cry

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

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I've been trying to decide that lately. :confused It would be nice if I could do something that benefits animals, their habitats, and/or the environment in general; I've been thinking about a job involving working with animals and educating people about them. Another possibility is that I could become an editor or proofreader. Something involving writing would probably make sense, though I don't feel like a sufficiently versatile or dependable (as far as coming up with ideas for what to write and getting writing projects done on time) writer to make a living off my own work. :unsure:

Gaaaaahhh…I think there was something else, but I can't remember what it is right now! :bang

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Would you call yourself a night owl or an early bird? Or somewhere in between?


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Night owl, without question. :p I habitually stay up until stupid o'clock in the morning (heard Littlefoot1616 use that phrase somewhere, and thought it was hilarious :lol), sometimes going to bed after the sun has risen. :blink: Of course, when I have classes or other priorities that force me to get up early, I have to adjust my schedule to go to bed sooner. I guess I like staying up late because everyone else in the house is usually asleep by around midnight or 1 AM, so it's quiet and I can more easily concentrate on what I'm doing, without needing to worry about being interrupted. Still, I would like it if I could start going to sleep earlier so that I don't keep waking up in the middle of the afternoon. :rolleyes

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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^I'm more of a night owl myself. :yes

Are you interested in politics? And if not or if you are why?


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No, not really. I suppose I should be, but I just don't like politics. I vote, and try to find out about the candidates (what they stand for, what they support, etc.) beforehand, and sometimes a political news article (usually one concerning the environment) catches my eye, but that's about the extent of my involvement. It's hard for me to explain exactly why I don't try to follow politics, but I guess you could say that one reason is that it is confusing for me. Another thing is that I'm often not sure who to side with in most political debates; I'm not even entirely sure whether I would be considered liberal or conservative. The slander and scandal that seems to be rampant in the political world also puts me off.

EDIT: By the way, I completely forgot: You're old enough to vote now! Congratulations! :smile

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What's your opinion on religion as a whole? Or I guess to explain it a bit more, do you think religion is essential to human beings? Or is it something that you think doesn't necessarily needs to be around in life? It's just a security thing for human beings?


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Holy buckets, I just discovered this question from nearly a month back that I had somehow overlooked: :blink:
Quote from: Malte279,Jul 24 2010 on  04:39 AM
Are you going to try solving the troubles with MSN? What exactly is the problem that is so far making a chat impossible? It would sure be awesome to have a chat :yes
I'm so sorry for not noticing your question, Malte. :oops :bang Apparently you posted it while I was typing a response to the previous question, and after I posted that response, I didn't look above it. :slap

I have managed to install Microsoft Messenger on my computer and set up a working account, so theoretically I'm capable of chatting now. The trouble is, I don't know if the people I chat with need to have Microsoft Messenger themselves in order to chat with me. It's so confusing that there are several different chat programs out there, and different GOF members use different ones. :wacko

Admittedly, there are a couple of reasons I have been reluctant to put a lot of effort into setting up a chat program. One is that I have had a lot of things to worry about lately: building my independent living skills by taking a larger part in household tasks such as making dinner; looking at potential jobs and trying them out; keeping active on the GOF, and not falling behind in all the reviewing of members' work that I do; planning and working on the books that I've been thinking about writing for years but have still made barely any headway on; and still having quality time to spend with my family. I guess I'm afraid that if I start using chat programs a lot, I'll have even more difficulty finding time for all these other things.

The second reason is probably a more selfish one: I'm very shy about sharing my real name. A few GOF members already know it, but I'm not entirely comfortable with allowing it to be visible for anyone who visits the GOF to see. :unsure: I need to share my e-mail address in order for people to chat with me, right?

Additionally, I'm rather doubtful that I'm even well suited for chatting, mainly in that I take much longer than most people to respond to any conversational sentence, because I tend to write lengthy responses and mull over my choice of words. I would expect that a person chatting with me would experience long moments of boredom waiting for me to respond. I don't want this to prevent me from trying out chatting, but the combination of it and the other issues I mentioned, combined with my unfortunate penchant for procrastination, means that taking that first step into the chatroom is something that I'm not strongly inclined to do.

Quote from: Rat_lady7,Aug 20 2010 on  11:49 PM
What's your opinion on religion as a whole? Or I guess to explain it a bit more, do you think religion is essential to human beings? Or is it something that you think doesn't necessarily needs to be around in life? It's just a security thing for human beings?
I'm a little shy about sharing my views on religion (though I can talk with you about it by PM, if you like), but I will say that I don't believe it's a necessity for human life. I don't really have any problem with it, as long as the practitioners of any one religion don't impose it on everyone else, spread propaganda to promote it, start wars over it, etc.

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Wha! Questions out of clear blue skies..

Other then Estemmenosuchus, what other Dinosaur would the Horned King be? Same goes for Davy Jones..

Why am i asking that question? It will hopefully be for a future chapter of my Disney Villains Fanfic where the Disney Villains go to the world of Dinosaur(The Disney Movie) and in turn, they turn into Dinosaurs themselves.. Kinda leaning towards (Probably Horned)Suchomimus for the Horned King and Dilophosaurus for Davy Jones but there are still things that im a little iffy on.. Tips? (Carnivores if possible!) :p


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Do you mean true dinosaurs? Because Estemmenosuchus wasn't actually a dinosaur, but a therapsid, a relative of mammals, which lived before the dinosaurs, over 250 million years ago. If you aren’t concerned about scientific accuracy, you could still use it (after all, the even older, sail-backed synapsid Dimetrodon appeared in the first LBT), since it may have been at least partially carnivorous. By the way, here’s a restoration of the head of Estemmenosuchus mirabilis, and a full-body restoration of its smaller-horned relative, E. uralensis.)

As far as actual dinosaurs go, the Horned King reminds me the most of either Carnotaurus (which, to my knowledge, had the most prominent, most hornlike headgear of any carnivorous dinosaur) or some kind of ceratopsian (horned dinosaur). Ceratopsians may have eaten some meat as well as plants, and there were a lot of pretty frightful-looking ones. There’s the well-known Styracosaurus and its close relative Rubeosaurus, the splayed-horned Medusaceratops, the four-foot-long-horned Coahuilaceratops, Diabloceratops (whose name literally means “Devil Horned Face”), and the colossal-headed Pentaceratops, whose skull measured nearly ten feet from the tip of its beak to the top of its frill. If you had your heart set on a theropod, though, I’d go with Carnotaurus (or possibly Allosaurus, which had fairly large, hornlike crests over its eyes, and much more powerful and well-developed forelimbs than Carnotaurus).

I can’t say there are a lot of dinosaurs that remind me of Davy Jones. :blink: Looking at prehistoric animals in general, he’s a LITTLE bit like an ammonite, a swimming, spiral-shelled mollusk related to the modern squid, octopus, and nautilus. Some species had shells measuring over six feet in diameter, but seeing as all ammonites were confined to water, and most probably weren’t very fast swimmers, they probably wouldn’t be ideal for your story (unless Davy Jones can still only touch land once every ten years :p).

If you did choose an actual dinosaur for Davy Jones’s dinosona, you might actually want to make HIM a Suchomimus or Spinosaurus. Both were carnivores (and very large ones; roughly the same length as Tyrannosaurus, or even longer), but probably ate mainly fish and other aquatic animals, possibly spending much of their time literally up to their noses in water (Their nostrils were located higher on their snouts than most dinosaurs, allowing them to breathe while holding their jaws underwater, poised to snap at prey like monster-sized herons). Another interesting fact about them: the tips of their snouts were dotted with tiny pits or pores, which probably detected vibrations in the water, allowing them to sense approaching prey. Among carnivorous dinosaurs, they were the kings of the water, their only enemies being giant crocodiles. Neither dinosaur really had horns anyway; just a single small, pointed crest along the midline of the skull. But tie an octopus around one’s neck and it wouldn’t make a bad Davy Jones. :p

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I'm so sorry for not noticing your question, Malte. dino_oops.gif in-frustrated.gif  Apparently you posted it while I was typing a response to the previous question, and after I posted that response, I didn't look above it. doh1.gif
I did much worse I'm afraid as it took me until now to respond to your feedback on my last LBT picture in spite of the fact that I really appreciate your feedback a lot and dam very grateful for it. Not responding until now was a very bad way for me to show that :oops
Sorry for that one.
I have managed to install Microsoft Messenger on my computer and set up a working account, so theoretically I'm capable of chatting now. The trouble is, I don't know if the people I chat with need to have Microsoft Messenger themselves in order to chat with me. It's so confusing that there are several different chat programs out there, and different GOF members use different ones.
That's right. There are several programs which can make contact with the MSN messenger. In fact I might want to consider getting another program as of lately my MSN messenger has been kind of faulty (sometimes logging me out in the middle of a chat). But no matter which programs others are using, it doesn't have any influence on the working of the chat as such (none that I'm aware of).
Of course I won't keep pestering you about it if you don't want to use a chat program. But rest assured that chat program or no chat program I wouldn't want to know your name if you don't want me to know it (nor would I pass it on to anyone if you told it to me). There is nothing selfish about trying to keep ones name secret in the internet. While I don't make my first name a secret I do try to keep my last name out of public messages as it is the combination of first and last name that allows for others to identify you or find more information etc. I would be happy to chat with you and think that it would be really interesting, but having now pestered you after telling that I wouldn't pester you about it I will do my best at least not to continue this pestering :lol


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Quote from: Malte279,Aug 26 2010 on  12:19 PM
I'm so sorry for not noticing your question, Malte. :oops :bang Apparently you posted it while I was typing a response to the previous question, and after I posted that response, I didn't look above it. :slap
I did much worse I'm afraid as it took me until now to respond to your feedback on my last LBT picture in spite of the fact that I really appreciate your feedback a lot and dam very grateful for it. Not responding until now was a very bad way for me to show that :oops
Sorry for that one.
That's different. As the host of an "ask me" thread, I'm obligated to answer (or at least address) any question that's posted in it, while no one's expected to leave feedback on other people's feedback. :p I certainly appreciate getting responses from the members whose work I review, but I don't hold them to it. :)

Of course I won't keep pestering you about it if you don't want to use a chat program. But rest assured that chat program or no chat program I wouldn't want to know your name if you don't want me to know it (nor would I pass it on to anyone if you told it to me). There is nothing selfish about trying to keep ones name secret in the internet. While I don't make my first name a secret I do try to keep my last name out of public messages as it is the combination of first and last name that allows for others to identify you or find more information etc. I would be happy to chat with you and think that it would be really interesting, but having now pestered you after telling that I wouldn't pester you about it I will do my best at least not to continue this pestering :lol
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to chat with you. Seeing as you don't like PMs, and our e-mail discussions have generally been very slow, a chat program sounds like the best way to have a conversation with you. I'm just stuck on how to set up a chat program account that will allow me to communicate with you. :confused

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Journey Into Blacksun will feature the kids of the gang, instead of the gang of seven themselves.

What is your opinion of this? Do you think that the new characters give oppertunity for more development, or that it is too much of a deviation from the spirit of the Land Before Time?


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