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Ask The Computer Tech A Question


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Nope I'm not married and I never will be. :p Techs are oftentimes private people with little to no personal life.  But that's not why I'll never marry.  I have no interest in such a relationship and I can assure you that will never change.  It's by choice that I'm like this.  I've fallen in love before and I have the normal desires to find a mate.  I just don't choose to pursue those types of relationships.


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What do you enjoy doing aside from working around computers? Any other hobbies or interests besides gazing into a screen?


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What do you enjoy doing aside from working around computers? Any other hobbies or interests besides gazing into a screen? that I think about  I don't have any other hobbies besides working with computers.  My job is my life.  I suppose I like LBT. :p I used to like to write a lot but I don't seem to have time for that anymore.  I'm sure my writing skills have gotten a bit rusty.

I have a couple of real life friends, but they're all older than me (one is 37 and the other is 51) and all we do is fix computers together and trade parts and stuff.  I guess you could say I don't really have a "life". :p


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what method did you use to learn everything you know about computers? you obviously know a great deal, to the point of a high-level IT technician.

stuff like hacking, coding, C++ etc. did it come easy, or did you have to work at it for several years?


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Well everything takes time.  I didn't just wake up one day and become an expert at CSS by the time ma called me for dinner. :p Everything I know is self taught through experimentation.  I've only read like 3 computer books and they were more on computer concepts than actual practical applications.  When I was 7 years old I had to look up how to install that old type of memory because they had to be arranged in cascading sequence or something of that nature but to be honest I haven't had to look much up in my time.  The most recent thing I had to look up was how to set up RAID but that was years ago.

I used to be nothing but a hardware expert.  I could strip down ENTIRE computers and rebuild them from the ground up.....but I couldn't use Microsoft Word.  I'd like to think it's evened out a bit more by now. :p In fact it seems to be turning the other way.  Soon enough I'll know how to write drivers for a graphics card but have no clue how to install it. :lol I seriously need to study hardware more.  I'm well versed in every detailed workings of Pentium 4 computers and older.  Computers newer than I'd say 2004 I don't know everything about.  I know enough to fix any problem they may have, but as for concepts I don't have that down.  For all I know hard drives don't even work the same anymore.  I know they use perpendicular drive bits on 750gb and larger hard drives, but that's about all I know about the newer drives.  Of course I don't have to know how the newer hard drives work so long as I can install and replace them.  I'm just curious.


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Out of ALL of the computer related stuff you have done, (Hardware, software, internet related, etc.) what was THE hardest thing for you to accomplish?


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Out of ALL of the computer related stuff you have done, (Hardware, software, internet related, etc.) what was THE hardest thing for you to accomplish?

That is the question that prevents me from applying to Microsoft.  I can't really answer that question with absolute certainty.  Ya see, I've been doing this since I was 5 years old and things were most difficult for me back then.  Setting up dialup for the first time when I was 7 has to be the hardest thing I've ever done.  AOL 4.0. :p Of course it's not because it was something hard to do, but for a 7 year old who didn't even know how the phone system worked or what dialing was it was hard as hell. :p

Networking has never been my thing.  Hardware ethernet port switches and other crap just doesn't work out too well with me.  I'm very fortunate to have been able to program and successfully run and secure my own server.  That has to be the hardest thing I've done recently.  Running the LBT Server is no small matter.  Networking all my computers together isn't very easy for me either.  I have to work at it a lot.


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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Is there a way to save a picture in a Word document as a normal picture? You can't right click on it and save it, and moving it into Paint ruins the quality.


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Your opinion on Drupal?

(Found here in case you don't know what it is.)

If you don't know what this is, trust me, you'll be surprised at what it can do. :)


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Why do you hate macs so much?

I don't hate macs per say, but I don't use them on a regular basis because they're 3 times as much as a PC with the same power.  Also....there aren't many free mac programs.  You gotta pay for EVERYTHING!

Is there a way to save a picture in a Word document as a normal picture? You can't right click on it and save it, and moving it into Paint ruins the quality.

Not that I know of.  If I were you I'd upp the photo to photobucket and just include a link in the word document.

Your opinion on Drupal?

(Found here in case you don't know what it is.)

If you don't know what this is, trust me, you'll be surprised at what it can do.

I've used Drupal many a time.  I just can't seem to keep one running!  I've toyed with the idea of setting it up on my server, but the server I wrote (the LBT Server) isn't sophisticated enough to have PHP or MySQL.......both of which are required to run Drupal.


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Okay, here's a nice question.

Let's say I have a REALLY popular website and then I suddenly get hacked and said hacker takes over and changes the content to make it less popular.  What should I do?


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Let's say I have a REALLY popular website and then I suddenly get hacked and said hacker takes over and changes the content to make it less popular. What should I do?

That's simple.  If you own the server, check out what the hacker did and how they gained access to your system.  Then patch the security vulnerabilities.  If you don't own the server your website is hosted on, contact your host and let them know that you have been hacked.  They'll help ya, trust me.  They want to know EXACTLY how someone penetrated their system so they can prevent it in the future and protect their investment.


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Okay, I hope you can answer this one, because I am STUCK with it.

I've been searching Google on how to embed multiple videos into a single player. (Much like what you did with the TV Series Episodes on your site.  Seriously, that's a nice feature. :yes ) Results haven't turned up many helpful places and places I do find don't support my videos. (One place had Yahoo! Video compatibility, but that went south somehow. :( )

So, as a last ditch effort, I'm turning to the one on the forum who pulled it off.  How do you embed multiple videos into a single player?

I want to do this for my own site in the hopes of making it look better.

I am seriously stuck here! :(


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You have to make a dynamic player using Flash.  Combining a flash player with xml files will allow you to create an index that will play the individual flash files in a single player.  This requires advanced knowledge of Action Script; the encoding language that's used in Adobe Flash as well as advanced Photoshop skills.  You lack both of these, so I suggest you turn to another method.


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You wrote in another thread that you hate Minnesota (but still consider it a good thing that you moved there this year). What is it about Minnesota that you dislike Austin?
Are there any US states you are particularly fond of?
Which states have you seen so far?


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What is it about Minnesota that you dislike Austin?

EVERYTHING except for the lack of competition when it comes to the computer area.  That's the only thing I like about this place.  Comparing Minnesota to Washington is like comparing a K-Mart to a Nordstrom's (and I am NOT talking about Nordstrom rack.  I'm talking about a real high-class Nordstrom's that sells $5,000 dresses and $350 pajamas).  I know that comparison doesn't do much to those who aren't in the US, but...

Anyways, yeah.  The entire "feel" of Minnesota is cheesiness.  Everything's cheap and cheesy.  There's no selection when it comes to stores.  There's the same store on EVERY frickin' corner!  Everything's just one big mess of houses and/or city.  It reminds me of the dump behind McDonalds.  The people here think they're owned everything.  They have some sort of superiority complex when they're NOBODY!  They think they're so freaking important and all they do is sit behind a desk and tell people to "go through that door" or "it's right around the corner."  It's like dealing with snobby people that act like they're rich and famous when they scrape gum off the side of the road for a living!

People here think they know everything and they're so ignorant!  99% of the people who I've talked to have never even left Minnesota.  It's like a child that's lived in a corner his whole life and refuses to do anything or go anywhere because he's "seen everything there is to see and done everything there is to do."  People are whacked here!  In Washington, everyone was a snob.  But at least they didn't think that they were so important when they're no more important than an insect that just got squashed on the car window!  People here have no idea what life is like and they all think they've got it so great.  I tell ya, when someone moves from Minnesota...they NEVER come back!

Are there any US states you are particularly fond of?

Washington was my favorite....though the steep competition might have given me some trouble if I hadn't moved from there.  There aren't many other states that I'm particularly "fond" of.  They've all pretty much been the same except for Washington, which was beyond fantastic and Minnesota, which sucks nuts worse than getting stuck in the elevator and having to smell a$$ all the way up to floor 35.

Which states have you seen so far?

In the US I've seen a lot of states.  Montana had to have been the worst.  I swear, if a terrorist bombed the entire state of Montana, 3 people and 91 cows would be the only casualties.  

I've been miserable in almost every state I've gone to because of the heat.  I for one can't stand natural heat above 60 degrees F.  If it gets hotter than that, I start b******g. :smile Washington was so great because it rarely got below 40 degrees F or above 60 degrees F.  That's probably why I can't stand the heat.  Oddly enough though, the cold doesn't bother me one bit.  -40 degrees F is child's play.


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Okay, now for the ultimate question...

Have YOU ever been hacked and if so, what was it like the first time you were hacked?