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Second Fantasy RP

Noname · 132 · 7873


  • The Gang of Five
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This in intended to be a lighter, less epic spin-off of my high fantasy RP. Set in the same universe in a different time period, it will be less plot driven, and will involve characters of all sorts living in a specific universe. I will add details in time. If anyone is interested, they may join.

A few details...

- It is set in a desert realm which is populated by a race called the Dracons. These people have their own society, rules, norms, customs, traditions, religion, laws, economy, etc.

- Any character of any race that isn't too powerful may be played, although certain things may conflict with the norms in the setting. This is perfectly allowed, and can make for some very interesting situations.

- There IS magic in the game, and it is vaguely based off of Dungeons and Dragons, but only distantly.

- Characters cannot just suddenly die and return to life.

- The plot is much more open than in the standard "fantasy RP"; this is more character based. Each player is encouraged to make a character with his/her own background and place in the world.


  • Banana Egg
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cool, i'm in

is it okay if i use my character Jake still? he has my name and personality......but not my background of course


  • Cera
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I was planning on joining another RP.  I had some characters I was actually thinking of using for D&D, but I never started because there aren't many D&D players in my home town.  Is this RP loosely based from D&D?


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Just a quick question or two (or a lot more);

If a character is killed by a vampire, can that character come back to life as a vampire?
What is this "Dracon" race? will you be developing that?
Can I join? If yes, can you inform me of how this is supposed to work?
Are you the Dungeon-master?


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I have my characters Minna and Ilsa in this one..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • The Gang of Five
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The time period is different... if you want it to be set before the RP we are currently in, we can say that... although that would make things hard if Jake were to have met Minna or Isla, because he meets them in the present RP.

This is loosely based on D&D. Clerics heal, mages cast spells, rogues are good with knives and throwing things, and although there is no level system, the characters are assumed to grow in power over time.

As for the vampires... funny you should mention that. The answer is an unambiguous YES. Vampires also play a role in the current RP (spoiler!)

You can all join, sure! Yes, I am the DM, but this RP is very loose compared to the last one; there is no overarching plot... just a setting I make and characters interacting in it. This works by posting what your characters do, while keeping in mind what other characters have done. This creates a story with many writers.

The Dracon race has already been developed... I give you a brief introduction to them.

- Dragon-like humanoids with ability to breathe weak acid. Roughly human-sized.

- Scales, fangs, tails, claws, and tyrannosaurus-like feet and eyes, but no wings.

- They live in a desert, in many city-states and as farmers and herders.

- The males are much stronger than females, and they look down on females as inferior.

- There is also a dress code among the Dracons, so if you play as one, you will need to note the following:

1. Dracons never use footwear at all.

2. Adult male Dracons can dress like humans do, except for the footwear. A Dracon is considered an adult for these purposes at age 14.

3. Adult female Dracons only wear a loincloth and a top, or something along those lines. They can wear jewelry, though.

4. Dracon children are a bit more complex. Children unable to walk don't wear anything. Children who can walk are given only a loincloth until age seven, when boys get a pair of pants to wear over it. The young males can wear more clothes, including a shirt, from age 14 onwards. Dracon Girls get a top whenever their breasts start to develop.

5. Dracons dress differently at home; they usually wear nothing but a loincloth no matter their age (except for very young children), although they usually wear what would be their full suit of clothes when guests come over.

And yes, for those of you who play the current RP, it will continue unimpeded. I have no plans to cancel or end it. This is a spin-off, not a sequel. The two stories will not likely overlap in any way except for very slight ones.


  • Cera
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I have several characters based from version 3 of D&D:  A warrior cleric of Pelor (sun god), a nimblewright (living construct that can switch between hands and rapiers built into his arms), an air gensai planetouched who fights like a monk with a quarterstaff, and a lupinal guardinal (a good-alignment werewolf-looking outsider)

Any of these work?


  • The Gang of Five
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All of those work, as long as they aren't very high-powered. There will be fighting in this, but the characters who aren't Dracons need to have a reason to be there... on a trading mission? An adventure? Member of a very rare minority community? A quest to find a lost artifact? You name it. The human character Jake, for example, was raised by Dracons, in part. Metadude would know more about it than me, as that is his character.

Here is a link to the race.

I made that part myself.


  • The Gang of Five
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If you have character ideas, you can post them now. I will be posting my characters for this RP in a day or two. Make sure to describe their name, appearance, abilities, clothes, place in life, and anything which you think is relevant.


  • Ducky
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  • The Gang of Five
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Cool. Take your time. My own characters aren't up yet either.  :lol:

Thanks for the interest!


  • Cera
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 This sounds interesting, at least is the very same basic concept and background than the first fantasy rpg.
 I apologize for my lack of activity lately, I'll try and recheck how much free time I'll be getting for the next week forward and I may join this rpg!. I think I should try and begin thinking in a character :DD .


  • The Gang of Five
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Take your time, Chiletrek. You have been a very good RP player in the past...  :)


  • Ducky
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Now to start a bit of a history file before officially introducing my character  :angel

As a primarily coastal and trading state Menosan was the very first nation to embrace the products of its eccitentric inventors and apply them to it's shipping industry in an attempt to produce a fleet that could out-pace, out-carry, and if necessary out-fight all others. The result was an outstanding failure. Tinkering was an art that was prone to failure and many of the iron steam powered vessels were simply too costly to produce and maintain compared to the economical wooden ships that were built and aided by magicians that the other powers employed. Eventually Menosan desended into a dead and chaotic state considered backward by all others for it's complete rejection of magic in all its forms.  

From this environment my RP character comes...

Harland Wolfe worked his way up from a deckhand to the captain of a vessel abord sailing ships, and he knows just about everything there is to know about the sea. When the time came he invested in a steamship, The Vermillion, but sadly competiton from nearby nations ruined his business and when his mighty ship sank in the harbour due to a poorly welded hatch, it was merely the final nail in the coffin. Left without any means of supporting himself, he withdrew the last remains of his family fortune and left the ruined place he called home.

Name: Harland Wolfe (people just call him Harly or Captain)

Appearance: Long brown hair and a small mustache cover his face. He shaves frequently because he hates beards.  His normal attire is a navy blue uniform with his title coupled with a cap for ceremonial occassions. His new attire however, consists of only a light black leather jacket and a pair of reemed hide pants (which is still pretty good considering how poor the place he came from is).

Abilities: Harland is skilled in the arts of both navigation and command, and anything to do with sailing is his specialty. He has no combat abilities whatsoever, save for the mandatory sword training he recieved to become captain. He has rudamentary knowledge of steam systems (though he never really looked into it) and has no idea there is such thing as magic.

What is he doing here?: Harland is on a quest to regain his family fortune and his title, so this adventure is a bit of a gamble for him. Ideally, he would be in the merchant fleet business again however a land based venture could be equally appealing. Above all else, Harland is a businessman and he looks for oppertunities everywhere. He can get along with just about anyone, provided it gets him to towards his end.


How is this for a good profile?


  • The Gang of Five
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It is good, although there is no gunpowder or steam technology in the setting. It is still very, VERY good in all other aspects.

And it is a good character in his own right too. This can work, as long as no modern technology comes in.


  • Ducky
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I would like to play as one female dracon. I love anything Dragony!! :p

I do have some questions though.

1. Is it safe to use the following colors: Blue scales with the chest, belly and palms of the hands a green color and the hair(Feathers?)a purple color or anything similer to hair/feather?

2. Is it okay for her to wear something similer to what Esmerelda wears in Disney's Hunchback of Notra Dame? :p

3. Will it be hard to Roleplay as a Dracon?

4. Is "Shal'thza" a good name for her? ^_^

Might not join into the RP-ing yet though because the time of sleep draws near. Tomorrow hopefully? :p


  • The Gang of Five
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1. There are no feathers on a Dracon's body. She can wear some as jewelry or ornamentation if you want. And the colors of Dracons are reddish-brown, red, gray, brown, or green. Females often have place white or yellow underbellies, soles, and palms. She can dye her scales, I guess, if you REALLY want her to look like what you wrote.

2. Dracon females wear a loincloth and a top. I know this is rather limited... maybe they could wear a bit more on special occasions, IF they can afford it.

3. It is not too hard to roleplay as a Dracon, as long as you remember the setting. The basic setting is already here. For finer details, ask me. One thing I can say is this... the Dracon females aren't treated very well by the males... and the dress code you see above in an earlier post of mine applies.

4. That is a good name.

The RP-ing probably won't start for days...


  • Cera
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Here's my fantasy character:

Name:  Halo

Species:  Air Gensai Planetouched

Gender:  Male

Occupation:  Fighter, traveler, adventurer

Weapons:  Ornate-crafted quarterstaff

Abilities:  Acrobatics, staff fighting, unarmed fighting

Description:  Light blue skin w/ darker shade tribal tattoos on face & upper body, white hair, sky blue eyes, 5'11", featherweight build, tan traveler's attire:  Loose shirt & pants, cloth boots, scarf, coat w/ hood

Personality:  Open-minded, observant, soft-spoken, cunning & relentless in battle

Anything else I need to add?


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  • Banana Egg
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here is my character :DD

Name: Jake
Appearance: Not very tall, dark long blonde hair, brown eyes, does NOT have a metal arm
Clothing: Black shirt, Black long pants, Red Jacket that goes down the the knees, boots
weapon: Longsword
Gender: Male
Abilities: alchemy (it won't be as powerful like it originally was at the start of your rp noname so don't worry)
Personality: Likes to make jokes, but also serious......on occasion...
Age: 16 (i want him to be older in this 1)
History: Jake is a 16 year old squire that is traveling through some of the dracon cities to get to a castle where he will become a knight. During his training he was trained never to associate with anything other than humans.

is that okay