The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165790


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John had already walked 20 miles on his trek to the valley and  he never tired, the air was nice here and he was almost to his destination. It was then that John's thoughts were interrupted by a blood curdling roar, he  turned to see a reddish skinned Tyrannosaurus Rex heading right for him.

John cursed in the Latin language as he started running for dear life, but it seemed to be in vain as the carnivore was gaining ground, desperately, John dashed for all he was worth.

Soon John reached the great wall, the enterance was nowhere in sight and the Tyrannosaur was approaching at a frightening pace.

"Oh, for all that is sacred!" John said as he started climbing one handhold after the other. Soon he was at the T Rex's eye-level, the carnivore could just pull him off the Great Wall with no trouble at all,so John  climbed faster as the large dinosaur lunged at him before letting out another mighty roar.

"I do desire we may be better strangers." John taunted as the Tyrannosaurus gave up.

He soon continued climbing until he reached the top of the Great Wall, when John saw what awaited him on the other side, he was beyond stunned, he was standing before the Great Valley itself.



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Grandpa Longneck watched his mate walk off with his grandson and the others.  He turned to eat some from some nearby trees before heading over to get some water later.  No need to hurry to do anything, he thought, in most cases.


"Where go first?" Petrie asked.

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As Cera remained at home with her family, she could not help but glance up at the Bright Circle now and then.  She could not wait for her father to see how harmless Anna really was.


Meanwhile, at the Thundering Falls, Anna and Ducky were resting on the bank.  They had worn themselves out from swimming.

"I wonder where everyone else is, yep yep yep," Ducky finally spoke up.

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere.  Maybe there are others like myself," said Anna.  Ducky looked at her in excitement.

"You mean there could be others like you here?!" she asked.

"Yup, and they're most likely friends of mine."

"Oh, I hope so, yes I do!  I like friends, yep yep yep!" Ducky squealed as she jumped up.

"Would ya like to help me look for the others?" asked Anna as she got up and scooped Ducky up off the ground.

"I would like that, yep yep yep.  Come with us, Spike.  We are going to see what the others are up to," said Ducky as she sat on Anna's right shoulder.


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"I don't believe this" John whispered to himself gazed in awe about the lush,green valley.

John saw three apatosaurs, one he recognized as Grandpa Longneck eating some treestars, the others seemed to be Grandma Longneck and Littlefoot, who were walking away along with a Pterosaur that John didn't seem to recognize.

With that John began to search for a safe path of off the Great Wall.



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Flapper and Mim sat in a tree not far from the Thundering falls.  Sitting on separate branches the pulled off some tree sweets and began eating them.

"Great food here." Flapper said.

"Yes, it is very good.  Better then in some places I've been to before." Mim said nodding.  "It's a great place to live indeed."


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(OOC: Hey, thought I'd join, too.)

Markus slammed his foot down on the accelerator, grinning as he let his foot off the clutch, allowing the car to surge forth in a burst of speed. He knew he probably shouldn't have been driving quite so fast, not at 9 PM, but he'd already gone up and down the rural, Midwestern road twice to check for cops, and he craved the feeling of raging power putting the gas pedal to the floor provided him with. It was dangerous, of that he had no doubt, but something primal inside him urged him to do it, and tonight, Markus felt like taking the chance.

The angry roar of the BMW's in-line V6 grew suddenly louder, screaming as it propelled the vehicle forwards. Markus laughed for a moment at the sudden acceleration, noting the sedan was performing unusually well today. He sighed contently as the car hit a cool 60 miles per hour, his hi-beams lighting his way. After a long day at work, this was just what he needed. Just some time to himself, a car, and a deserted road.

Markus was so enthralled with the experience that he almost failed to notice a bright light coming towards him. The young man squinted, thinking it was another driver with his hi-beams on. Turning his own lights down, he tried to get a look at the object that was fast approaching. He felt a pang of horror as he realized that not only could he not identify the racing light, but that the object was also in his lane!

"What the hell!" he bit out over his own terror, attempting to move into the other lane. The light merely corrected it's collision course, seemingly intent on destoying him. Desparate and realizing there was no way out of a collision, Markus slammed on his own brakes, trying to at least reduce his momentum. He pulled his parking brake and looked up just as the light hit him head on, and he felt no more.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Thud finished his meal and stood up. His search for screech and red claw restarted.


"Is there any place where one can just relax,' sam asked.


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Petrie turned to look at Sam, "There mud pools Tria like.  There place we lay on back, look at sky puffies.  Some gather at a water place, drink & talk." Petrie said thinking of both some of the places he and his friends liked as well as where some adults liked to gather and relax and talk.


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Little Foot lead the way for Sam and Rick, with his grandmother and Petrie following.
They first stopped where the tree sweets were.

"Here is the tree sweets, they come around in the more warm times. We usually come here to just have a taste of them. They can get pretty addicting to eat."
Mr. Three Horn went to the thundering falls, thinking that maybe Anna was there, and sure enough, she was there with Spike and Ducky. He emereged out of the shadows of the trees and made himself visible.

"Kids! Stay away from that swimmer! You aren't going anywhere!" He was stern as he looked at Ducky and Spike.

"Because I want to speak with her and show her around the valley." He made a playful smile and motioned Anna to follow him.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Really well maybe later we can go to one of the mud pools,' sam said.


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Ducky's mother, after finishing her morning meal, went for a short walk around the Valley, relaxing and taking in another sunny, perfect day. She sighed contently at the balmy breeze, wondering briedly where Ducky and Spike had gone off to before shrugging the thought off, figuring that the young swimmer and spiketail were off playing with their friends. The mother swimmer continued her walk, deicding to head for the Thundering Falls for a quick swim.


Markus didn't quite know what to expect as the light collided with his car. He figured it'd be something like a standard head-on collision: his car would be totaled, he would either die on impact or be thrown far away from the car and die soon after.

He did not expect, however, to find himself suddenly falling, his car seemingly disappearing on impact. Markus wasn't even able to cry out before he hit something hard, landing on his back. He felt his spine crack at the hit, and he couldn't help but yell out in pain. He opened his eyes, his world still spinning from his sudden warping.

Even with his distorted vision, he was able to make out several things. He had landed near a small body of water, with a huge waterfall continually supplying it with fresh water. The area was jungle-like, with large trees and bushes and vines. There were a few creatures in the water, two of which he thought were Ducky and Spike from the Land Before Time, and another swimmer he could not easily identify. A gray threehorn, who Markus guessed might be Cera's dad, stood on the shore.

All of this was shocking enough, but Markus' final observation left him mindblown. Looking down at himself, he could see he was no longer a human, but a dinosaur, much like the swimmer he had seen in the water. He gasped as he beheld his own maroon coloration, noting subconsciously that the color seemed odd on a swimmer. The feeling of shock now completely overwhelmed him, preventing the strange combination of terror and intrigue from surfacing. Still dazed and on his back, he called out in the hopes someone would answer, "Oh, God...where am I?"


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After managing to find an inclined path that led him off the Great Wall John had  reached the Valley floor and recieved a few stares from passing dinosaurs but he shrugged it off, thinking of it as nothing more than "a typical reaction".

John originally planned to first look for a place where he could stay for the night  and where no one would find him but it was all soon forgotten as he approached the rock circle.

John caught sight of Mr.Threehorn,Ducky,Spike and another swimmer.but the odd part about it was that was Mr.Threehorn was acting kind of nice from the words John could make out seeing as he saw him from a distance.



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(OOC: Yeah, I think I gathered that. I prefer to refer to myself by my real name like CT and F-22. I'm playing as myself, so why not use my own name?)


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"I think I've eaten enough for a while." Mim said, not full but satisfied for now.

"I think I have also." Flapper said, also not full, but satisfied.

"Ok, let's get down and I'll show you around a bit, first at a place some gather at, and we can wash our hands along the way." Mim said smiling as she climbed down the tree she was in.  Flapper spread his wings out a bit and jumped, gliding down and landing a short distance away.  Mim then lead them towards the nearest water.


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Drew B. O'Connor, was meditating on his rooftop by himself. He was 17, had dark brown messy hair and brown light eyes. He had a lanky muscular build, as he drew some dinosaur pictures as he brushed a hand through his hair. Drawing a picture of a friendly T-Rex, which he called T-claw, he smiled.

"Heh, be cool to meet one" he remarked, as he was a pretty big dinosaur fan, which is why he joined GOF . As he got up, he did a backflip, as he kicked in the air, full of energy. Dusting off his sleevless black shirt, and dark grey open buttoned vest, he then removed some of the dirt from his green cameo jeans, and dark combat boots.

Wondering if anyone else posted, he quickly ran back inside, grabbing his katana from his shelf. Going to the comp, he siad "Huh, looks like no ones on today".

As he siad this, a vortext of green light appeared behind him. Whirling around in shock, he gasped as he siad "No waaaaaaaaaaaay".

He was sucked in, as well his sketch book, and katana...


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As John approched the four dinosaurs slowly, something in his mind told him "don't be a fool, leave them be".

John came to a halt and instead decided to head to the Valley enterance and couldn't help staring in awe at the dinosaurs once he got there.

John glimpsed a huge amount of sauropods but only for a split second before someone pulled his legs out from under him,John quickly rolled over onto his back and saw a young brachiosaurus standing before him, proud of his victory .

"You should watch your back more!" the young longneck taunted, laughing

"Prospice tibi - ut Gallia, tu quoque in tres partes dividaris(Watch out- you
might end up divided up into three parts, like Gual)." John responded, chuckling silently.

"What did you just say, freak" the brachiosaurus quickly responded.

 John then realized who he had been speaking to. T'was none other than Shorty,the adoptive brother of Littlefoot, still John decided to have some fun with him.

"Cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare, if you don't understand plain Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you" he explained.

"What's Latt-tinn, what are you anyway?" Shorty asked wittingly

"I'm a human and my name is John"

It was then  an Adult male longneck approached them both, John recognized him as well - Bron.

"Ow, he stepped on my tail" Shorty complained, attempting to fool his step-father.

"Balatro (fool)" John uttered silently before Bron lowered his head to John's eye level.

 "I see you've met Shorty, he can be rough at times. Who are you" Bron asked "John" John said calmly.



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A vortext of light shined high above the forest of fear, lighting lite up the skies!!! Passing dinosaurs stopped to view this spectacular sight. Moments later, a failing being came falling out of it screaming as he fell through the trees, hitting the branches all the way down.

"Whooooaaoaaaaaaa" screamed the figures, as he protected himself as he fell. Falling off a thick branch, he hit the ground groaning in pain. "Aggg....that hurt" he moaned in pain. Getting to his feet, he shook his head aching. " idea where I am...all alone".

Drew groaned, as he said "What hit me". Getting to his feet groggily, he shook his head. "Alright, weird vortext of light...thats normal" he commented.

Looking around, he said "Where the hell am I". As he stepped forward, he looked around as he raptors emerged from the bushes. All of them looked hungry as heck.

"Ah...heh heh...WHATS THAT OVER THERE" he shouted wide eyed. As they all turned, he quickly turned running laughing "Nah Nah".


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Drew ran as fast as he could through the trees, as the raptors came after him. Having his sword with him, as well as his backpack with the picture of a T-Rex, he thought "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go".

Tripping over a tree root, the picture of T-Claw came out, as he saw it. Turning around, he saw to his horror the raptors close in on him. Backing away, he thought "Oh man, If only I was like T-Claw then, I'd take care of them".

As if his mind was read, his body glowed a bright white. The raptors cringed, as they backed away from the light. As if faded, he suddenly felt bigger, and more heavier as he toward just abit over the group, not that much higher.

He went to yell, but instead a roar came out of his mouth. The raptors, afaird ran squealing. Shrugging, he thought "What was that all about". As he turned away, he tried to scracth his hair, but it felt kinda hard to. When he touched his scalp, he felt no hair at all!!

"WHAT THE" he gasped. Looking into a pond, he was horror struck. Staring back at him, was a tall, teenage looking T-Rex, with black scales, and red stripes going down his neck, and the middle of his head. Backing away, he studdered "Ah...Ah...AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

 His echoed throughout the forest of fear, as young Chomper perked up ."Huh, whats that noise" he asked curiosuly.


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Meanwhile at the entrance to the Great Valley,Bron had just introduced himself to
John who was a creature they nor any of the other of the Great Valley dinosaurs had seen before...

"I've never seen a dinosaur such as you before, John" Bron said

John was reluctant to answer at first but he soon found the words he needed.

 "To speak  the truth I'm not exactly a dinosaur,I'm what many call, a human" John explained as Bron and Shorty tried to take it in.

"I guess I'll be going now" John said nonchalantly and ,with that,he was gone.


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Rick smiled at the mention of the mud pools.
"Those sound nice." He then looked down at Littlefoot and asked, "may I taste one of the treesweets...I've heard a lot about them, but could never find any."

Grandma Longneck stopped to eat a few leaves from a nearby tree while Sam and Rick were asking their questions.


Spike nodded and smiled at Mr. Threehorn when his tone changed and it sounded like he was going to give Anna a chance.