The Gang of Five
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In the land before time

Amaranthine · 2536 · 165048


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The Flyer and the creature called "Sparky" stared at Miles blankly. And he realized it was possible they didn't understand English.

"Guten Tag?"

German obviously wasn't working either. Perhaps Russian...


He still got no response. Maybe they really could understand him, and this was just one of those awkward moments where no one knew exactly what to say. Miles fidgeted and adjusted his uniform, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

"So... uh... this is the Great Valley, right?"


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((OOC: Sorry, Fyn, I didn't know the Flyer and other dinosaur was meant to be Danny and I. And also, be sure to allow time for us to reply, especially since I think we're limited to two posts per day! :D ))

Sparky smiled at Pangy, showing off the Flyer atop her head playfully. "Thank you. I picked him out myself." Giggling softly, she then regarded to newbie who had just joined the crowd, seeing he was human and wearing Air Force ABUs. Instantly she felt a spike of excitement and she couldn't help but pipe up.

"Hey! I was in the Air Force once! For a very short time, but I was in it nonetheless!" Realizing that she brought the topic out of nowhere, she looked a bit sheepish as she answered his question. "Yeah, you're in the Great Valley. Hiyaz! I'm Sparky, and my Flyer-hat's name is Daniel." She felt the need to introduce her newly refound friend herself, hyped up with energy and barely able to restrain herself in front of Mr. Threehorn.

She just couldn't WAIT to get moving! Although she did feel a great deal of relief when Pangy politely asked Mr. Threehorn to stay, and she anxiously waited for his answer, holding her breath in the hopes of hearing what she wanted outta the old and terrifying Threehorn.


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(OOC: Thanks, FBS, and sorry. I didn't know. I'll be more careful next time.)

"Well cool!" Miles said, starting to relax, then recognized the towering Threehorn nearby and almost instinctively snapped to attention, out of fear.

"H- h- hi, Mr. Threehorn." The dinosaur nodded and "humphed" in his general direction. Miles decided to hang with Sparky and Daniel instead. They seemed much more friendly.

"So it looked like you guys were planning on going somewhere. Mind if I tag along? I know a little bit about survival, I guess. I'm not really sure if I could hold my own against a Sharptooth, but my 'other me' might, if that makes any sense."


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OOC: Fyn, don’t forget that you can only RP as your own characters; you can’t describe other players’ characters doing things like looking at you strangely or making noises, unless the person playing the character in question has already made them do that.

Also, the group you are currently interacting with is far from the Great Wall, in a forest clearing more or less in the center of the valley, so if you choose to edit your earlier post(s), you might want to have your character walk some way before encountering the group.

By the way, FlipperBoidSkua’s dinosona is a Therizinosaurus; you can see what she looks like here and here (Guido and my dinosona also appear in the second pic).

At the moment, I do not have a written limit on how many times one may post in a day, but I do encourage everyone to limit their posting so that others can keep up.

Again, Fyn, feel free to ask me by PM me or on the discussion thread if you are unsure of anything regarding the RP and its characters.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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(OOC: Thank you, Pangaea. I'm working on getting the hang of this, as it's my first time, so I really appreciate the help you and FBS have given me so far. I'll continue to work on staying in the boundaries of what's acceptable here. Thank you for clarifying things for me! By the way, my dinosona can be found here. Thanks again, and sorry for any inconvenience I might have caused).


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At that moment. John took notice of Fyn's presence.

"So an Air Force pilot shows up right out of the blue. As if things couldn't get more interesting." He said calmly.



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Miles did a complete double-take and almost fell over in surprise when he saw John.

"Wait- there are more people here, too?" He walked over and extended his hand.

"Hi, I'm Miles. Uh, Miles Way, and sadly, I'm not an Air Force pilot. Yet. I plan on it, though. Pleased to meet you!"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Are you sure you don't want to have me along, Pangaea?" Von said. He had already been turned down by Chronicler for an adventure, and he'd hate to just be turned down again.

<Well, I smell some leaf eaters nearby, guys. They probably would just rather try they're luck with that than a couple of sharpteeth.> Chomper pointed out.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Daniel just stood there silently on Sparky's head, his brow raised as he listened to what was going on. Due to his rather long absence he didn't feel like it'd be a good idea to try and jump into the situation. He'd hold any and all questions until it was done.


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"Hey!" Miles said, overhearing Pangea and Von, "if we're gonna have an adventure here, you can count me in!"


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Pangaea suppressed a sigh. It looked like he would have to explain the situation one more time, as nervous as he was speaking in front of this crowd.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want you to come along,” he said to Von. “I just think that it would be best to keep this group as small as possible.” He motioned to Ozzy and Strut, both wearing leaf blindfolds and clinging to a vine held by Sparky like two members of a blind chain gang. “Keep in mind, you’ll be stuck with these guys for the entire trip, and despite current appearances, they aren’t our prisoners; they’re our traveling companions. In fact, they’re the whole reason we’re making this trip. They’ve agreed to a truce: They’re letting us take them to a new feeding ground near the Big Water so they won’t have to bother the Great Valley anymore.”

“Anyway,” Pangaea continued, “I know that not everyone is as tolerant of Ozzy and Strut as me and Sparky, so if you come with us and decide you can’t stand being around them, we’ll have a problem, because by then there’ll be no turning back. I mean, I don’t think walking back to the valley on your own through the Mysterious Beyond sounds very safe, do you?”

Pangaea took a quick head count of the individuals who had already affirmed and reaffirmed their interest in escorting the egg stealers to the Big Water. “Now, so far, this group includes me, Sparky, Nana, and Danieló”

“And me!” Guido interrupted. “I’m coming with, too!”

“óand Guido. I *guess* it would be okay if one or two others came along, but again, I think the smaller this group is, the better. Enough of us to keep each other safe, but not so many that we attract danger. So, basicallyó” he glanced from Von to Miles "óbe absolutely certain that this is a trip you want to come along on."

He turned once more to face Mr. Threehorn. “So what do you say, Mr. Threehorn? Does this arrangement work for you? You escort us as far as the edge of the valley, then we continue on alone?”

“And, uh, Littlefoot,” he asked the young longneck shyly, “is there a way you could lead us back to that river you followed to the Big Water the first time you and your friends met Mo? Or any other river that flows out of the valley in that direction?”

(OOC: LBTFan13, be sure Mr. Threehorn responds to my previous post as well as to this one. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles watched everyone talking, listening carefully to Pangaea's words and nodding. He realized he'd come here for some purpose, and looking at the two Egg Stealers, he realized the expeditionary party would need all the help they could get. Besides, perhaps he could offer a thing or two as an Amargasaurus, should he change back sometime. As a human, he certainly didn't have much to offer, and without any sort of weaponry, would be completely useless in an attack, but he still remembered his survival and land navigation training. And out in the Mysterious Beyond, such training might prove invaluable...

"I'm in," he blurted out, then blushed and stepped back, realizing that he was interrupting. "Sorry guys, carry on."


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Threehorn didn't want to admit it, but Pangaea was right. If there was another sharpteeth attack in the valley, he would have to be here to protect it. "I don't think this is a good idea, but you seem to have a grasp of the situation. If you're sure you can handle this, then I will take you that far and then I will stay behind"

"If you're gonna stay to keep the valley safe," Rob added, "then I guess I'll stay as well. You'll need my help."

"If you wish," Threehorn acknowledged.

"If you want me to, I can take you to that river," Littlefoot nodded.

"Then I think you should come right back," Rob added. Littlefoot turned to him.

"You don't want me to stay with them?" he asked in confusion.

"Look I know you want to help, but I don't trust Ozzy and Strut one bit. For all we know they may try and come after you again."

"But why can't you come with us to protect me then?" Littlefoot asked.

"Believe me, I would," Rob responded, "but Pangaea is right. The smaller the group the less to account for."

"I guess you're right," Littlefoot nodded.

"Then that's settled." Rob looked over at Pangaea. "I'll come with you only till we reach that river, and then I'll take Littlefoot back here with me. How does that sound?"


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“Sounds great. Thank you,” Pangaea replied, feeling hugely relieved that things were working out the way they were. He turned to the blindfolded Ozzy and Strut. “You guys ready to go?”

“As ready as we can be, given the circumstances,” Ozzy grumbled, tugging on the vine being held by Sparky.

“Wait a minute,” Strut said as he sniffed the air, suddenly appearing very alarmed. “Were you just talking to a fast biter? Is there a fast biter coming with us? A talking fast biter?”

“He got into a fight with some fast biters the other night, and at least one of them bit him. He probably has their scent all over him,” Pangaea said, hoping that the white lie would calm the gullible egg stealer. “He’s another friend of mine, and I promise he’s very nice…so long as you two behave.”

Strut still looked nervous, but he no longer seemed to be on the verge of panicking. Satisfied, Pangaea now addressed Littlefoot. “Thanks, Littlefoot,” he said. “Lead the way.”

(OOC: A note to all players participating in the Big Water subplot: it might be good for you all to post at least one more time before we actually leave the valley, but if you aren’t able to do so before Littlefoot leads us from our current location to the valley exit, we’ll just assume that your characters have followed along and simply remained silent. ;))

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles could barely contain his excitement.

"Yyyyyeees!" He said, punching his fist in the air. He was living the dream now, traveling across an unfamiliar prehistoric land, populated by hostile creatures and adverse conditions... come to think of it, things were starting to sound like Basic Training.

"Sorry for the outburst," he said. "I guess what I wanted to convey is that if you need someone to navigate out there, should we get lost, I can help with that. Also-" he reached into his cargo pockets and pulled out three CLIF Bars- "I've got these. I was saving them for a midnight study snack before I ended up here. Looks like they may just come in handy." He suddenly took a second look at the bars, then looked around at everyone who was a dinosaur.

"Er... you guys like mint chocolate, right?"


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Sparky certainly was feeling very excited (and relieved that Topps was agreeing to stay) and it took every bit of will power she had to stay in one place and not spazz out, not only because of Mr. Threehorn's presence, but because of her Flyer friend atop her head. Holding in a 'squee', she looked up at Danny with enthusiasm. "Ready to go, buddy?"

As she waited for an answer, her imaginary kitty ears shot up at the word chocolate and she looked straight at the bars Miles was holding, the scent of minty chocolate made stronger by her sharper sense of smell. She was probably drooling, her eyes never leaving that sacred bar.

"Did...did you just say chocolate...?" She looked like a zombie about ready to eat his brains....if that brain was a mint chocolate bar!!!


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Miles looked at one of the bars he was clutching, then at everyone around him. He knew the treats were technically for rationing later, if need be, but he felt it couldn't hurt to set a good first impression.

"Aw heck," he said, smiling at Sparky's excited state, "we don't need all of these. If you're hungry, help yourself."

He held out the mint chocolate bar towards Sparky's claws. "It's yours if you want it."


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Rob laughed as Miles handed out a chocolate bar to Sparky. "I always wondered how dinosaurs would taste chocolate."

"What's......." Littlefoot asked, struggling to pronounce the word.

"Well, it's kind of like tree sweets," Rob explained. "It's something you normally don't eat all the time, but it's really good when you have it."

"Why don't you have it all time?" Littlefoot asked. "If it tastes good, I would want it all the time."

"Because it's it's not healthy for you," Rob answered. "It's kind of complicated to explain."

"Oh, well okay," Littlefoot laughed. "Okay guys. Follow me. I'll take you to the river. You'll be able to reach the Big Water from there."

"Everyone stay together!" Threehorn ordered. "Don't stray away from the group, and keep your eyes on those two!" Everyone could tell he was referring to Ozzy and Strut. He then turned to Rob. "Are you sure you don't want to stay with them? They could use you to help protect them from danger."

"As much as I would like to help, I'd much rather be helping you protect the valley," Rob explained.


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“Wait a minute, chocolate?” Guido piped up, recognizing one of the words in his mental checklist of concepts he had made Pangaea promise to explain to him. “So that’s the stuff you were talking about that…’fools your system’ or something?” he asked Sparky.

“ëFuels’,” Pangaea corrected. “Basically it’s what gives her her energy, or so she says,” he chuckled. “I think it’s her favorite food.”

“Do you think I could try some?”

“Well…uh…I’m not quite sure if that would be such a good idea,” Pangaea said unsurely. “Back where we come from, most creatures other than humans can’t eat chocolate. It…makes them sick. It can even kill them.”

“But it’s okay for her to eat it?”

“Well, don’t forget, she and all of the other newcomers used to be human themselves, so I’m guessing they should be able to eat it safely. Plus, Sparky’s a lot bigger than us, so a little bit of chocolate probably won’t hurt her even if it does turn out to be bad for her.” There’s also the fact that, on the scale of advisable actions, trying to keep Sparky from her chocolate is probably rated at about the same level as getting between a starving sharptooth and its dinner, he thought.

“Well, okay,” Guido said, with what sounded like the slightest hint of disappointment in his voice.

“Come on,” Pangaea called to the others assembled. “Everyone else who has their heart set on coming with us, follow Littlefoot.”

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Miles buttoned down the rest of his cargo pockets and prepared to move out, after handing Sparky the chocolate. He pulled out his copy of contrails, the book issued to all USAFA cadets containing general Air Force knowledge.

"Well," he said, as the group began to move, "at least I'll have something to read. I wonder if any of the dinosaurs here'd be interested in learning about aircraft?"

He shrugged and pocketed the little blue book. Time to embrace prehistory. He only hoped that if he was going to transform again, it wouldn't be at an extremely inconvenient time.