The Gang of Five
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Free-Form Fantasy

Noname · 944 · 40762


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Ophion continued walking down the street... he had had a long day... why, just earlier that day, he had a nasty run in with a very rude mage... he and the other mage were looking for the same scroll, only to get in a shouting match over it when they refused to share it... Ophion didn't like that guy... someone named "Arcantas"... who seemed very interested in an old piece of parchment which had an obscure reference to some lost ruins in the middle of nowhere...


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Jake decided it was best to rest for the night and then go get the ring when the sun rises. During his day he had to get some apples and some assortments of grains for his horse.


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Ophion finally made it home, to his wife and three children. His wife knew he was coming before she saw him or heard his footsteps... she could tell he was near by his scent, and the wind was blowing it in the direction of the open window in the house that she was sitting next to...

Ausrescia came over to greet him. She was quite a sight to see for her husband. Since the Dracons had very different ideas about modesty than those of humans, she was only dressed in enough to cover her private areas in the lower areas... same thing with the males... although this only applied at home... when they were around others in public, they were expected to cover up much more.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Sorry I did not respond I spent last night resting after a bout of sickness.

Harly found the inn he had been looking for, but the mage's advice hadn't been that helpful.  This city was large and thoroughly confusing and it had taken him nearly an hour to finally find the proper place to stay.

The Shady Inn certainly was shady as Harly pushed open the old saloon style doors, and found his way into a bar seat. Everywhere nobody spoke like it was some unwritten law, and only a few of the patrons actually had drinks.

"I'll take a port with wash of soy water and a portion of sea bass," Harly asked the barman.  The Dracon simply looked at him like he was an alien.

Man these people were wierd.


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"What is... soy?" The bartender, and old Dracon with reddish skin and few teeth, asked Harly. "We've got water alright... and I think we have some bass" said the cook, all the way in the back.

This was the dining room of the inn, in as far as it could be called that... the common room was next door... and, like most rooms of that sort in these lands, it was loud... and every now and then a female would exit the veiled common room and go through the dining area, looking tired... these were dancers, no doubt.

"You a human?" the bartender asked. "We don't get too many of you in these parts..."


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"I'm not surprised," stated Harly, "I'll take it then please."

The former sea captain pulled out a wooden box from his bag and withdrew a wooden pipe and an iron lighter.

Four flicks of the lighter and it still hadn't caught - Harly was getting annoyed.

"I don't suppose you have a light?" he asked the bartender.


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"What d'you expect? For me to breathe fire out of my mouth? Because I look like a dragon?" the bartender said. "We breathe acid, and not very strong acid at that... unless a Dracon is a powerful warrior, of course..."

"Don't be rude to the man" a female Dracon, obviously a waitress, said. "Here you go" she told Harly, giving him a light from a firebrand lit by a torch.


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Meanwhile A nessage arrived for Minna from her father  It directed her to go out into the city and wait for an entourage sent by a fellow noble. Minna was expected to welcome them, and guide them to the castle..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Later that day, Ophion sat at his study, reviewing his notes. Dinner had been great, and his wife and three children were as well-mannered as usual... which was a refreshing change from many Dracons in his neighborhood, especially the ones who played loud music until far into the morning...

As he was working, Ophion's youngest child entered the room. He was a six-year old son named Kosjurac, or "Kos" for short. By human standards, one would be unable to tell his age, as Kos was already as tall as a human twelve year old male, and almost as mentally and emotionally developed.

Ophion and Ausrescia had known that he had sorcerous powers since he was a hatchling, but these powers were undeveloped, and would remain so until puberty, which was still years and years away for him. Even so, the magical arts held a great interest for him, and he would often check up on his father to see what he was doing.

"Hi dad! What are you writing?"

"Just... reviewing some notes from earlier... mostly some stuff about how to harness the element of fire."

"Oh! I can do that! Watch me!" Kos said, as he tried to summon his magical powers , but only succeeded in producing a small spark.

"... Well, I can sorta do it..."

"You shouldn't try to use magic yet, son. You aren't old enough, and the last time you tried to cast a serious spell..."

"... I hurt myself." Kos said. He simply needed to grow older and stronger before he could use magic...

"But, there is no harm in learning about it, as long as you remember not to actually try it until you are a bit older..."

"I hate being so young..." Kos said, sitting down, wrapping his tail around his legs. "Why do we even have these stupid rules anyway? I'm almost as large as mom and all I can wear is this stupid piece of cloth until I'm seven..."


  • Ducky
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These people were so tempermental, at least thats what Harly thought as he sighed and took the light from a torch.  It wasn't easy to do either - if only his lighter had been working.

Suddenly there was a loud and thunderous roar as a massive fireball burned through the wall and entered the inn, ingulfing it in flames. The event was followed by a thunderous BOOM!!! That knocked Harly out of his chair.  

A figure came in through the gap in the wall.  He was a tall and vicious looking Dracon with black skin robed in fine red silk.  His eyes looked with a burning hatred at Harly and he juggled a small ball of flame in his nimble fingers.

"You wanted a light?" he called out in comtempt. "We have them on special today." And he lobbed the fireball across the room towards Harly.


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As the flame closed in on Harly, a black wall formed in front of her.
"Sorry, my friend.  But I see no reason for you to hurt her.  Therefore, I won't let you"
Canas said, robe swirling around him...


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(OOC: Isn't Harly a guy?)

Ophion heard the explosion all the way from his house.

"Ophie?! What was that?!" Ausrescia exclaimed.

"I don't know! I'm going to investigate. Stay in the house! The wards will protect you." This was true; he had placed some enchantments on the walls of the house in order to protect his family.

The only problem was, Ophion didn't notice that Kos was following him, curious to see what the explosion was...


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Valeron was walking home from the temple. That ceremony took all day. I'm glad that I'm on my way home.

Just then, Valeron heard a large explosion. Should I investigate? I am now a paladin, and my duties compel me to end disturbances, but I'm unarmed. Curiosity got the best of him, and Valeron began running towards the source of the explosion.


  • Ducky
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Harly had experienced battle before... cannon fire had blistered his cabbin at one point during his tour as a first mate on a sailing vessel, but this was far different.

How were these strange people doing things with their minds?

After the black shield broke the flame he hit the deck - literally. He hopped up over the bar counter and hid behind it, taking him out of the fight.

Through all this the unfortunate bartender came out to see what was going on...


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Within a minute, Ophion was about a third of the way to the scene of the blast. Several city guards were heading there as well, and a crowd of Dracon civilians were moving away from the scene.

Kos managed to avoid the crowd by climbing up the side of a wall and running from roof to roof... being careful to avoid a sleeping female who was sunning herself on the top of one of them...


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Valeron was almost to the scene. His smelled burning wood, old wood. Blast, he thought to himself, a fire might be brewing. As Valeron turned the corner, he saw smoke coming out of an inn.

He ran as fast as he could towards the inn to see the robed Dracon throwing a fireball at a human at the bar.


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As he ran towards the blast site, Ophion prepared a spell to increase his resistance to fire... not that his robes weren't already enchanted to be resistant to flames, but he was hardly immune to them...

Kos continued running as well, climbing off of the rooftop and hiding behind a well not far from where the burning inn was...


  • Yet another wordsmith
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(OOC:is Kos a guy) coming down Kos saw an image of two shadowy figures one appeared to be a adult Dracon who was being slain by the other which lookws like a teenage human boy with a broadsword, the boy looked at Kos and said "if you value your life then leave now!" Kos backed away and fired one question at the boy "who are you?" while the boy answered "my name is of no importance,now leave if you want to live" this kid sounded like he was insane but he knew what he was doing.

So Kos left the burning inn but he hoped to reveal who the mysterious figure at the inn was.




  • Yet another wordsmith
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(OOC:is Kos a guy)
coming down Kos saw an image of two shadowy figures one appeared to be a adult Dracon who was being slain by the other which lookws like a teenage human boy with a broadsword, the boy looked at Kos and said "if you value your life then leave now!" Kos backed away and fired one question at the boy "who are you?" while the boy answered "my name is of no importance,now leave if you want to live" this kid sounded like he was insane but he knew what he was doing.

So Kos left the burning inn but he hoped to reveal who the mysterious figure at the inn was.