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Jungle Book

Kit12 · 442 · 29314


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Shere Khan smiled, "Knew I could..." he began to stalk out, "come on, and just keep alert for any scent of man really, the kids the only one who would stalk out this far".

"B-Baloo, that bear, and Ba-gheera", Khan had avoided saying names for a long time but did so since he knew Allison would immediately know who they were, "might also be helpful if you spotted or smelled them again...they've...been helping the child" Khan let out a small growl at the annoyance of it all.


"King Louie!" Mowgli exclaimed, quickly walking around to scoop up Ranjan incase Louie or his monkey's wanted him next, "what are you doing here?!".

Mowgli...didn't know how to feel about Louie all in all, but he was cautious now ever since the kidnapping.

Ranjan didn't know better though and wiggled a bit in Mowgli's grasp, answering the Ape. "I'm learnin' ta be a tiger and I pounced Miko good!" he giggled and pointed to the panther cub now standing and looking at Louie curiously too.

Namita stood up a bit on the branch she'd been laying on, not sure if Louie was trouble or not now, but the way Mowgli was acting she got the feeling there was something wrong.

Hathi would have most certainly chased the Orangutan off now, but was busy double checking his herd to notice what was going on with the kids anymore.


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"He's as laid-back as ever," Bagheera commented. "And that's what makes him a nuisance now," he admitted.


Allison sniffed the air. "I think I can smell something this way," she pointed.
"By the way, what became of Kaa, Haithi, and Louie?"

Dash The Longneck

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Kyano clapped as he saw Ranjan do such a good job. "Wow, that was amazing. Keep this up and you'll be more of a tiger then me." Kyano said. When Kyano saw Louie unware of his hyjinks he walked up to Louie with a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Kyano who are you"? Kyano said.


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Dash The Longneck

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"Well it's real nice to meet you King Louie I think my dad has told me a lot about you too" Kyano said.


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Namita nodded, "I see"

"Careful" Mowgli walked up to where Kyano was introducing himself with a frown, "he'll kidnap you for fire" he narrowed his eyes.

"but...we can't make fire..." Miko pointed out. "Hi, how ya doing? I'm Miko, her nephew" he pointed back to Namita.

Namita laughed, "How have you been Louie?".


"Not much to talk of really" was Khan's first answer, then he actually explained, "Oh Louie kept around the...old place, and turned it into his own Bander-log den" Shere Khans said, "though he disapeared from the jungle for some reason a short time ago. Hathi runs a herd though he has the blasted elephants marching at the most inopportune times!" the tiger sighed, "and Kaa...well, not much has changed there, he still just hangs around looking for his next meal. Probably the one of the whole lot I talk to the most these days".

As they followed the scent trail Allison had found, Khan paused, "Shh, we're getting close to something..." he sniffed, "definately elephants and...oh blast it too many smells to tell, but I believe I caught on something familair" Khan moved on, motioning for Allison to follow and sniffing again.


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Allison quietly followed her mate.


"Oh, perfectly fine," Louie replied.


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Shere Khan continued on following the smell and soon the pair reached the other side of a clearing, hidden in the tall grass.

"Well, isn't this a grand surprise" he said sarcastically seen how many old and even returned themselves friends were all in the clearing.

"See I told you they help that man-cub" he frowned, then turned and scanned, spotting Mowgli out.

"and, that's...him" Shere Khan, as well as keeping his voice down, kept in his growl as he saw Mowgli once more.

He flexed his claws, preparing, "Once he moves into position..." he watched the kids, hoping for an opportunity to grab Mowgli or pounce him so quick the others wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.


The longer Louie stayed there not trying to grab up anyone, the more at ease Mowgli became. He finally set Ranjan down, "Well...Baloo and some of the other animals have been using your palace as club, ya know" he informed the Ape.

He then cringed, "Oh wait, I wasn't suppose to tell you that, I mean, he said that everyone knew about it but that was just because everyone who's anyone knows about nothing...I mean...something like that" Mowgli shook his head, still confused by it.


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"What should I do?" Allison asked, wanting to help.


"Sounds like my kinda party," the King grinned.


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Khan thought, and also scanned his old...friends. "Hathi's not paying attention, thankfully...I'm not counting on Louie being competent at all...once again it looks like our fellow cats of Bagheera, RJ and Namita are going to be the problem...blast did they have to come back too!" he sighed about the latter two.

"Though..." Khan grinned, seeing a plan, "I'm gonna take a guess who the tiger and panther cub not seen around here belong too to...". He chuckled and turned to Allison, "We have to distract their interest, and I think I know who two of our three cat friends will go after to protect. Now, my dear, you don't have to hurt the little cubbies, got nothing against them, but if you were to leap out like you...might do something, and in the shock before they recognized you, I would be better abel to grab the man cub...s" he added, thinking he should take care of the toddler too.

"Such a...threatening start gonna be a problem for you?" Shere Khan next asked. Allison was meeting up with friends again too and Khan, while knowing she was loyal to him, didn't know where her other thoughts may lie.


Namita giggled at Louie's words, "I see what you mean" she told Bagheera. She next smiled, "Something tells me you're still the voice of reason for these guys" she said, still impressed like she had been when she met the mature cub.

"Well" Mowgli shrugged, "I guess...if Baloo agreed you were 'sombody' could come in too, some of your monkeys are even still there I think".

"Party, party!" Ranjan jumped up and down.


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"Not really," Allison replied. "But I don't have anything against them, I might hang out when this is all over."

"Wish me luck," she said, then kissed her mate. She entered ferocious mode, and leaped out of the bushes.


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As the tiger leapt out, Miko and Elliott at least gasped and backed up. From where he watched, Shere Khan noticed with glee that Mowgli and that younger man cub were parted on the other side of Allison.

Namita immediately sprang up on the branch and darted down to get between the kids and Allison, "Now hold up just one...Allison?!" she recognized the other female, "W-what are you doing here, and why...".

Khan chuckled as he came out to round and corner in Mowgli and Ranjan, "Well man cub, bet you didn't expect I'd find an allie to help me in finally putting you in your place!".

Mowgli kept his eyes on Khan and slowly moved Ranjan to around behind him.

"Allison, keep the others detained, this won't take long..." Khan crouched down to pounce...

Dash The Longneck

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Kyano being the brave(Yet sometimes stupid) cub he was got in front of Mowgli and Ranjan to try to protect them.

But RJ quickly picked him up . The last thing he wanted was to let Kyano get hurt. RJ backed away from Allison and Khan still with Kyano as if saying do what you want with the man cub's I won't interfere. The last thing RJ wanted to do was fight so he just stayed out of the way and let them do what they wanted too to the man cubs.


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Allison walked towards RJ and Ayano, making them step backwards. Khan now had a perfect opening.

Then she winked at the two other tigers and whispered "Don't worry..."


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At first Khan had leaned back a bit and just stared down with a neutral expression as the little tiger cub leapt out. He was about to say something about special loyalty when RJ plucked his cub up and stepped back.

Shere Khan smirked, "Ah very smart RJ" he commented, before preparing himself to pounce yet again, as Mowgli reached for a nearby branch to defend himself and Ranjan.

Namita heard what Allison said, and got that she meant no harm at least herself, but...

"A-Allison you can't let him do this!" she gasped, "the man-cub's just a boy!".

She leapt over and knocked Shere Khan aside, then standing infront of the two human boys.

The tiger gave a growl as he stood, "First off, actions like that are. not. smart." he said threateningly, "now stand aside!" he roared.

Namita frowned worriedly yet stood her ground, "No".

From where he stood next to Elliott, Miko gasped to see first his two new friends and now his aunt being threatened.

"Come on!" Elliott motioned, "We gotta go get my dad! He can make him stop" the calf rushed off. Miko hesitated then rushed after, not able to think of anything else as they rushed towards Hathi's herd.


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Allison didn't really want anyone hurt anyone, but to cause a distraction, she said the only thing she could think of.

"I"m pregnant with Shere Khan's cubs," she announced.


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Everyone, including Shere Khan, paused and turned to Allison.

Elliott and Miko's dart over to get Cornel Hathi was even paused as they came over.

"Why would you just spill that?" Shere Khan asked, yet then looked less bothered, "Although I suppose this jungle should know of it's coming heir" he smirked.

"Good thing the heir's gonna be a baby younger than us 'big kids'" Elliott whispered. Miko hid a laugh yet nodded in agreement.

Namita used this opportunity, digesting the shock of the news quickly, to grab up Mowgli and Ranjan, fling them to her back and take to the trees next to Bagheera with them.

(ooc: He is still there, right...can't recall)

"and two man-cubs still safe" she told him with a smile, letting them slide off behind her on the branch.

Shere Khan growled in annoyance, yet knew he'd lost his angle of before, "Fine, protect the future hunter!" he spat up at Namita, "but don't blame me when he comes back and shoots one of you" he added, not really giving up but more regrouping his plan, as he turned and began to stalk off, for now...

Mowgli frowned, offended, "I wouldn't do that!" he called after the departing tiger.

Dash The Longneck

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Kyano walked up beside Elliot and Miko trying his best to be brave but knowing deep down he was scared out of his mind of Shere Khan.


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"See ya around," Allison waved friendly to the other animals, following Khan.

"Sorry your plan didn't work."

(OOC: Yeah, he is.)

"That was some shocking news," Bagheera commented.


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Noticing how Kyano looked, Miko smiled reassuringly, "Don't worry, the grown-ups won't let Shere Khan do anything" he said. He was as scared as his new friend to find that those stories he'd heard from his aunt of how as a cub Khan was a bully were not only true but he was 100 times worse now, but tried to cheer himself up with his optimistic view as well.

"Yeah..." Namita agreed thoughtfully, "I didn't know Allison was back too, let alone...well...producing Khan's heirs".

Mowgli scowled as he swung down from the tree to the ground that was safe once more, "I don't think we need more evil little miniature Shere Khan's running around" he frowned as he helped Ranjan get down too.

Namita knew it was just the child's innocent talking, so she gave a small smile even if her next sentence might sound like a gently spoken lecture.

"Careful there, Mowgli, you're logic almost sounds like the kind Shere Khan uses against you".

The boy immediately ducked his head, ashamed, "Well...ok sorry" he said, "but you gotta admit, I have some kind of a point!".


"Well, I can tell you don't want any of our old friends hurt" Shere Khan admitted with a frown, "So...I'll have to try to get to the man-cub some other time when he's alone, though that rarely seems to happen". Shockingly, Shere Khan found himself becoming conflicted as well by the fact that as much as he still desired to take the man-cub's last breath from him, he also...cared if the means would upset Allison.

It was actually quite bothersome.

"Now, especially with our cubs on the way, we can't afford to have men running around the jungle so much". True, this was an added reason and the indignity he suffered was still the main driving force behind Khan's revenge, but...well the last bit was a point, he figured.