The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Land Before Time WD is here!!


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Some of you probably knew that I've been busy creating a Land Before Time Website.  Some of you probably knew my slow and painful progress on it, and some of you probably thought I gave up on it, but I assure you I have not.

Here's the big thing, I finally finished all I wanted to before publishing it on the web.  After finding a free hosting provider that would allow it all and building it up, I got it done and then I added in a few other ideas that popped up, but now I feel is the time to show you guys.

Now, I will admit the banner is still a turn off, which is a problem.  I'm hoping someone here can come up with something better for me to use because I'm obviously no artist.  Anyways, I hope you like at least something in it.  It's been a lot of work. (Especially with the fact I created it from scratch.)

It's a nice mix of HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Finally, I still remember promising you guys that I would let others post their own LBT material on there, but I have yet to finish the PHP coding on that. (It's more complex than I expected.) So please wait on that.  Until then, I have a temporary alternative for at least the Photo Gallery area. (Basically, you give it to me and I'll put it up myself.  Don't worry, I'll give credit where it's due.)

So, without further ado, here it is...

Land Before Time WD


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Pretty cool.. You really have to edit that top banner though, I don't think it looks very... professional :p


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I'm still totally lost as to what WD stands for. :p


  • Petrie
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Winn-Dixie..Walt Disney..Wind Direction..Word Document..Western Digital..War Department..WD-40..Weekday..Well done..Whipple's Disease..Wheel Drive..White Dwarf..Wednesday...

I have no idea.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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D is next to S on a qwerty keyboard. . . as in WebSite.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Sep 13 2009 on  04:49 PM
D is next to S on a qwerty keyboard. . . as in WebSite.'re saying he did a typo like 4 times? Or..people are supposed to figure that out?

I still have no idea.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Oh, you're right. It's even in the URL. Maybe 'Web Domain'?


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WD stands for Watch and Download.

Now, before any of you freak out on that title, I want to take a moment to tell you that this piece of information isn't completely to the movies.  I do end up giving information as to when one can watch it on TV, but other than that, nothing else, really. (Even a link to eBay if you're REALLY having trouble getting the movies.  Seriously, there's plenty of people willing to give up their LBT movies for a little cash.)

The only things you end up watching on the website are the different scenes where the songs are. (So much more than YouTube is willing to give. (Near the end of my account, they stopped all of LBT 10's songs from being uploaded and now I hear that some of the songs are allowed to be put up, but they'll be blocked from being viewed worldwide.)) On top of this, in the future, anyone who becomes a member there will be able to post their own fanmade video. (YouTube had been removing them before my account got disabled.  I wouldn't be surprised if they ruined more.) So everyone will be able to view those as well.  There's also a Photo Gallery to view there, and it only plans to get bigger. (What's put up there already is only a fraction of what I really have.  Plus I'm allowing others, so it helps.)

As for downloading, this too doesn't pertain to the movies themselves.  You can download the many different scenes of the songs from the movies, as well as the .mp3 versions of the songs. (I've also got plans to add PSP and iPod downloads when this gets more popular.) Also, when the member area is finished, members will have a choice to have their stuff be allowed for download.

So yeah, this thing plans to be big in the end.  It's going to take a lot of work, but I will have it done eventually.

I hope that helps clear up everything.  See ya later!


  • Hatchling
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Certainly not too bad for your first site. :)  Gotta work with the banner just doesn't work with what you got.


  • Petrie
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Are those your ads at the bottom of your page, or are they forced by your hosting service?


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Quote from: Alex,Sep 15 2009 on  08:23 PM
Are those your ads at the bottom of your page, or are they forced by your hosting service?
They are unfortunately forced by the hosting service.  If you look down at the bottom of the pages on my site, you'll see the name "".  That's who is allowing me to make this website.  However, allowing people to make websites costs money.  So the ads you see are their way of making money.

The only way to get rid of them?  I have to start paying for the site.  Though in all seriousness guys, it's pretty dang cheap.


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Hey guys!  I'm here with an update!

Now, I've been busy and have added a new page.  After a lot of searching, I was able to find ALL of the Official LBT Movie Trailers.  I used a special tool to download them.  I then put them up onto LBTlover's Server so I could allow them to be watched and downloaded.

So yeah, they are officially on the site.  All 15 of them. (The original LBT and LBT 12 has 2 Trailers each.)

So go ahead and check them out if you like.  The link is now in my signature.

On a side note, I've also been somewhat depressed lately.  I don't trust my job anymore.  YouTube's going down the crapper in a number of areas. (Some of which have been indicated by my friend who's been "assisting" me.) Finally, I'm feeling less interest in my fanfiction work.  It's making me depressed and it's effecting the PHP coding in my site getting done.

I'm sorry for such an inconvenience.  I'll try my best to get things going, but with so many things getting me down lately, I can't make any promises.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you enjoy the new page at the site.

See ya later!


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If you guys have noticed, there's a new comment box installed at my website.  This particular comment box is called "echo", and it comes from the great people at JS-Kit.  This is a different way of receiving comments on your website.

Here's the biggest thing, if you have one of the following accounts, you can log-in and use it as your account for this site.

Here's the list:

Open ID

So, if you have one of those, you can log in and comment to your heart's content. (Note: I'll have to set up a few things with my Facebook account to get that one going, but as for everything else, it works.)

Most people have at least one of these accounts.  With so many sources, it's a big thing in the end.

Now, if it looks bland to you, well, there's a reason on that.  I have yet to customize it.  What you see currently is the default look for this special box.  It's design works with CSS coding, so there's quite a bit of functionality to work with.  I'll see what I can do to make it look better, but I can't make any guarantees on this.  If all else fails, I'll stick with the default.

Well, that's all for now.

See ya later!