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Strength Ranking

Noname · 35 · 3233


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If you had to list the groups of characters from strongest to weakest per group, what would you order them as?

My idea of the seven main characters is this, from strongest to weakest: Spike, Littlefoot, Cera, Chomper, Ruby, Ducky, Petrie.

Other groups of characters could be things like... longnecks, adults, children, quadrupeds, bipeds, leafeaters, meateaters etc.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I'd flip Cera and Littlefoot, but otherwise I agree.


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Yeah I'd flip Cera and Littlefoot too. I've always viewed Cera as being stronger than Littlefoot, especially since she is strong enough to crack open boulders just by charging into them, and in 2 of of the 3 fights I remember them being in, she wins both of them (in the second fight, Littlefoot was thinking clearly, since Cera hadn't made him angry by bad mouthing his mother this time around). The third fight ended in a stall, with their other friends separating them.


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Perhaps... but by the time of the TV series, Littlefoot was clearly drawn to be much larger than Cera... although she might have been able to win earlier...

How about the adult Longnecks? I usually rank it: Mate that Sue found, Doc, Bron, Sue, Littlefoot's Grandfather, Pat, Littlefoot's mother, Littlefoot's grandmother, and the old one, going from strongest to weakest. I left out Doc's girlfriend, the mother longneck from movie 9, and Ali's mother, as we see so little of them, but I assume they were stronger than Pat, weaker than Littlefoot's grandfather.


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    • View Profile offense, but in that last ranking, I don't think you're giving Littlefoot's mother enough credit. If you recall, she single-handedly (tailededly? :p) sent THE Sharptooth airborne to imprint his cranium on the surrounding geology no less than three times in the span of a few minutes, managing to do so on the third occasion even with a mortal wound on her back. Neither Bron nor Littlefoot's grandfather managed anything like that on any of the occasions we've seen them fighting sharpteeth.

Also, I'm convinced that Cera's the strongest of the gang, even if she's not as large as Littlefoot (I haven't noticed much difference myself :p). Actually, Littlefoot looked bigger than Cera in the first movie, too, and yet he still lost the fight with her.

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It is worth noting that Littlefoot's mother failed to kill the first sharptooth, but he sure killed her!  :lol

I know, that isn't so funny.

Bron managed to knock a tyrannosaurus down a hill in one kick... I don't think any female weaker than Sue could have pulled that off.


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Noname, I really disagree with the whole "You're bigger and stronger, therefore you will win every fight." thing. I know you did not say it, but just seeing your responses on the combat game and looking at this, I KNOW that's where your mind set is right now, and don't tell me I'm wrong, we both know you would be lying.

Size and strength doesn't mean it's going to win every single physical fight all the time. And just because Little Foot looked bigger and he is male, it doesn't mean he would automatically win against Cera.

Can you prove that Little Foot was "distracted" in the fight between Cera and him? As you said in the combat game?

Anyway, as far as physical strength goes anyway, it would go like this for me:
Little Foot


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I don't disagree. Generally, that is how it works in nature. Generally. There are some exceptions.

No need to get all defensive (or offensive) about it, Rat Lady. I'm really quite surprised at you. You might want to edit that post.

"we both know you would be lying. " :blink:  Where did that one come from?

And since when did being male enter my calculations? I even estimated that Sue was stronger than most of the males there.

And yes, Littlefoot wasn't thinking straight when he attacked Cera after she had insulted his dead mother.


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Sep 14 2009 on  08:45 PM
Size and strength doesn't mean it's going to win every single physical fight all the time.
Yeah, I agree. Being bigger doesn't automatically win fights. Another key factor to winning a fight is experience. For instance, in this one show that pitted animal against animal (all CGI, but with as much fact into it as possible), they had a lion and a tiger fight against each other, and the lion won not because of size (the tiger is bigger) but because of fighting experience. And in the wild, a female bear can drive away a male bear if her cubs are in danger, and she is, what, half the size of the male?

The reason I think Littlefoot stands no chance against Cera is because, well, just how much fighting experience has he had? Cera had siblings and thus likely roughhoused with them and learned some fighting skills that way, and that experience may have helped her beat Littlefoot (it also helped she was likely more headstrong than Littlefoot). Littlefoot, however, has no siblings and thus likely never had anyone to roughhouse with, thus never learned much fighting.

Even if Littlefoot was physically stronger than Cera, that wouldn't do him much good if he has little experience in fighting. Cera likely has a lot more experience in fighting and experience can outweigh strength at times.

Quote offense, but in that last ranking, I don't think you're giving Littlefoot's mother enough credit. If you recall, she single-handedly (tailededly? ) sent THE Sharptooth airborne to imprint his cranium on the surrounding geology no less than three times in the span of a few minutes, managing to do so on the third occasion even with a mortal wound on her back. Neither Bron nor Littlefoot's grandfather managed anything like that on any of the occasions we've seen them fighting sharpteeth.

Yeah, Littlefoot's mother was one heck of a fighter. From what I understand, females can be more tenacious than males, especially when it comes to defending their young. They can have more fighting experience on their side since they have to defend not only themselves, but the lives of their young. I would say that females can often be even more dangerous than the males, even if the males of that species is bigger.


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Just because something HAS happened before doesn't mean it will happen every time. On average, if two animals want the same piece of meat, the larger one will likely get it. I am going by probability and most common occurrences here, not certainty. I don't have to PROVE anything.

Can we get back on topic here? If you have an issue with something, you can bring it up in a PM or on a thread of its own.


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On average, if two animals want the same piece of meat, the larger one will likely get it.

Hmm, not necessarily true. You are leaving cunning out of the equation. Cunning, even(or, more likely, 'especially') in the animal kingdom, plays a monumental role in survival and competition.


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It does, but not to the extent it does with humans. Few of the characters have a lot of "cunning" in the films anyway.

I see now that this isn't really about animals anymore; Rat Lady is upset because she thinks I am equating female with weaker, when this is not automatically the case.

Can we please get back on topic?


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From what I understand, females can be more tenacious than males, especially when it comes to defending their young. They can have more fighting experience on their side since they have to defend not only themselves, but the lives of their young. I would say that females can often be even more dangerous than the males, even if the males of that species is bigger.

Ah, Kacie, your sentiment reminded me of a Rudyard Kipling poem that my grandmother read to me quite some time ago.

It touches on iffy subjects, and has an air of sexism about it, but nonetheless it's quite fun to read.


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I'm just going on with the topic. I welcome you to do the same.

I will say one thing first: with the exception of hyenas and some lizards, terrestrial vertebrate males are usually larger than the female of the same species, and are more dangerous. I didn't make this to be a thread for vain rationalizations of how female animals can match males, because most cannot.

Now, back on the issue at hand.

How about the Sharpteeth?


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Quote from: Noname,Sep 14 2009 on  07:26 PM
Bron managed to knock a tyrannosaurus down a hill in one kick... I don't think any female weaker than Sue could have pulled that off.
They were on an incline, and the sharpteeth in that movie demonstrated questionable equilibrium, slipping on pebbles and tripping over a juvenile Brachiosaurus. :p Besides, I don't think strength had much to do with it. I would expect a kick from any adult longneck to be enough to topple just about anything.

Also, just something I was curious about (I'm not challenging anyone here; it's just a question): why does Spike keep getting rated as being stronger than Cera? :confused To my knowledge, we have yet to see him shatter rocks with his skull, or defoliate a tree by ramming into it just once. Granted, he's shown himself to be very capable at pushing and lifting large objects, but no more so than Cera, from what I can recall. I'd just like to hear people's reasons for placing Spike before Cera.

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I apologize for that outburst. I was simply having one of my supreme feminist moments.

I am a feminist, so this thread and with other threads that have content such as males being better and whatnot it really gets on my nerves. It's the same old story over and over.

I just want to make it clear with you Noname that everything you said about women, I 1000 and infinity% disagree with you.

And that's all I will say on this topic.


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Quote from: Pangaea,Sep 14 2009 on  10:36 PM
Quote from: Noname,Sep 14 2009 on  07:26 PM
Bron managed to knock a tyrannosaurus down a hill in one kick... I don't think any female weaker than Sue could have pulled that off.
They were on an incline, and the sharpteeth in that movie demonstrated questionable equilibrium, slipping on pebbles and tripping over a juvenile Brachiosaurus. :p Besides, I don't think strength had much to do with it. I would expect a kick from any adult longneck to be enough to topple just about anything.
Makes sense, yeah. The only reason Bron could knock the sharptooth down the hill was because of the incline. Gravity did most of the work. Any adult longneck, female or male, could have performed such a stunt.


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First, whoever is trying to hijack this thread and turn it into a sort of "dinosaur feminism" thread... just stop. That line of thought is ruining the thread, taking it WAY off course.

Spike was mentioned to be strongest on the TV series. A kind of a "word-of-god" sort of thing.

I never said anything about women... or females. All I did was to rank them according to my estimation. You are free to disagree. This is about a group of characters on a children's movie series (where half of the females are colored pink.) If you feel moved to discuss this further, please do it on another thread. I don't really care about this ism or that ism, I will post what I have reason to believe to be true. How one reacts to it is one's own business. I don't let "isms" cloud my judgment.

And, given how larger a sauropod is, that incline is probably not needed to kick down a tyrannosaurs. As you said. It was also not the most realistic of fights, especially that Shorty part.

I would rank the large, bipedal sharpteeth:

Original one
Red Claw
Third one from fifth movie
Chomper's father
Chomper's mother
That allosaurus from movie six.


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If there are any more outbursts, I may have to make a new thread about this.


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Quote from: Noname,Sep 14 2009 on  09:46 PM
Spike was mentioned to be strongest on the TV series. A kind of a "word-of-god" sort of thing.
Which episode was that? (I apologize; I haven't seen many of them in a while, so I have forgotten many details.) Littlefoot indicated in "The Bright Circle Celebration" that Spike was stronger than him, but I don't remember when Spike was described as being the strongest of the whole gang.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.