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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Universal, what is wrong with you?


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Okay guys, there is a little secret of mine I must reveal in order for you guys to get what is going on here.

Between the time of my YouTube Account getting disabled to the posting of my site, I had gotten in touch with a friend of mine.  I had told him about my site that I was building up and I talked with him about how I wished I could still post videos on YouTube just so I could advertise my site once I had it up.

He then decided to use his recently created account and post my videos of the Song Scenes, which were edited and so that they would show an advertisement for my site at the end of the videos.  The plan was an okay one, and we would do our best to hope for results, but there's a serious problem.

Yes, it has to do with the copyright, but it's worse than ever now.  Even though the videos are being allowed to be put up now, except for a select few, they are being blocked from being viewed worldwide.  So, even though they are on there, no one can view them.  WTF!?

I mean, seriously, what is going on here?  They are allowing the videos to be put up, but no one can view them anyways?  Why do that?

Seriously guys, even with copyright being put into the whole thing, this makes NO sense.  Why do something like this?  I really don't see a reason for it.


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Wrong. Videos being blocked worldwide only counts for certain countries. My lbt singalong vids are blocked worldwide and everyone in the netherlands can view them without any problem.


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Actually, two of my videos were blocked worldwide and I had to make them invisible because no one could view them. There was no list of what countries it was allowed to be played in.

Now, if the video was only blocked in certain countries, it would say that. It would say "blocked in some countries".


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Sep 19 2009 on  09:39 AM
Actually, two of my videos were blocked worldwide and I had to make them invisible because no one could view them. There was no list of what countries it was allowed to be played in.

Now, if the video was only blocked in certain countries, it would say that. It would say "blocked in some countries".
Exactly!  He showed me a "Print Screen" picture of it, and it said, "As a result, your video is blocked worldwide." No countries are listed, period.

So really, Universal, what is going on here?


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Sep 19 2009 on  05:39 PM
Actually, two of my videos were blocked worldwide and I had to make them invisible because no one could view them. There was no list of what countries it was allowed to be played in.

Now, if the video was only blocked in certain countries, it would say that. It would say "blocked in some countries".
That would make sense but I wonder why people can still view my videos..


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I'm not sure. The two videos of mine that were blocked were Sharptooth Attacks and You'll Be In My Heart, both blocked for visual content by NBC Universal, and even I couldn't view it unless I was logged into Counterinsurgency.

As for blocking worldwide, I dunno why Universal would do it, but it's probably better than removing the video entirely. My guess is when a video is removed entirely rather than blocked you get a strike against your account, and if you get 3 strikes the account is disabled. But it seems blocking doesn't have the same effect, since two of my vids were blocked worldwide and there is no strike against my account.


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It's their damned movies, they can do whatever they want with them. If it's their material, they own the rights to it, they can do what they want. I don't think you have the right to tell them "What's wrong with you".

If I had original material, and someone was trying to circumvent the copyright in first youtube videos, then a yahoo one, then that dailymotion thing, then a site, THEN youtube again, I would be a little mad too.


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^ I was thinking about how to word this more gently, but basically what Alex says :p


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Note: Excuse any spelling mistakes as the computer I'm "borrowing" has Internet Explorer only.

Alex, Malte, let me try to explain my point of view on all this, even though I'm sure you won't agree.


You see, that is the one small piece of detail right there that makes all of the things happening, not only hard to understand, but also makes them quite suspicious.  Universal really can't gang anything financally from LBT if it tried because of it's current state.  The only thing really keeping it going on the net are the fans right now, so why stop them from showing their support?  Why do this out of all things?

I understand they have the rights and that they can do what they like with it, but what I don't understand is why they would choose to do this out of all things.  In all seriousness, I don't see what they can gain by doing this sort of thing to a DEAD franchise.

The only thing it seems to lead to is a greater suspicion that they don't want it to exist anymore.

Makes you think, doesn't it? :)


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I don't think it matters if the franchise is "dead" or not; the copyright holder still has the right to remove their material. Even if LBT is no longer an active franchise, copyright contracts can last a long time. Or at least that's what I've heard. And the contract LBT has with Universal is obviously still active, and I expect it to stay that way for a long while.

The LBT franchise isn't even totally dead yet; there are still DVDs being sold. So long as there's still money going to Universal, they'll keep an eye on it.


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Nope, doesn't make a difference that it's dead. I know I always feel a bit used and offended when someone uses my video from my youtube channel.


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I do believe copyrights can last for at least 70 years. And considering that even "dead" things are still popular among a certain niche... they'd be wise to keep LBT.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Well, we're going to try to upload all of the ones we can.  There's no guarantee any of them will be able to be put up.  So far, only one isn't blocked, and that's the original version of If We Hold On Together that was sung by Diana Ross.

Hmm, I wonder why Universal allowed that one out of them all?  I'm guessing it's popularity, but who knows?