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Axel, have you ever regretted joining this expedition?
Axel: Yeah. No... Ah, I don't know. I know I'd feel like crap if I just sat around and did nothing. I mean, if Kalis wins, we're all screwed. Not just me, but Lily, Soren, Marita... There's no way I can just hope it goes away - if there's a way I can help, I will. But... I guess it just feels like we're out of our depth here. Like, way out of our depth. We're-going-to-die-horribly-soon out of our depth.

Axel: How's the biproxytol been treating you? You all seem to have pretty much recovered
Axel: Are you kidding me? I still feel like crap... my stomach feels like somebody's using it as a trampoline, and my head feels like someone's using it to test out a set of hammers. I, ah, guess it could be worse though. I mean, the doctors at the infirmary probably gave us some treatment to keep the worst of it away for now. Once whatever they gave me wears off... ah, that'll be fun.


Lily - How are you feeling from the biproxytol?

Soren - Do you feel bad that you might have just killed a bunch of innocent workers by creating that explosion?


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Soren: Sort of. Those workers were trying to get by and they ended up working for a shitty company. But at the same time, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up to work for Voltaic Station.

Yeah, I knew what I did was a really dickish thing to do, but we needed some way to tie up the staff aboard the station.


Axel, if it came down to it, could you perform a potentially harmful act of sabotage like Soren did?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Serris,Sep 19 2014 on  02:27 AM
Lily, if you could become an Augment, would you do so?

Lily: In all honesty...probably not. All I've ever wanted to be is normal, and God has blessed me far more than I deserve giving me a fully-functioning human body. I don't feel any need to change what I already have. Plus I tend to focus more on enhancing my mind, what with the psionic powers and all.

Quote from: bushwacked,Sep 19 2014 on  07:37 PM
Lily - How are you feeling from the biproxytol?

Lily: I'm willing to bet I've had the easiest time of us all recovering from that, since I've got my passive health recovery. But it has definitely affected my judgment and cognitive abilities far more than I'd like...I've made some terrible decisions on Voltaic, jumped to ludicrous conclusions, and in one case it even led to me killing those guards. I'd like to believe that if I were fully in control of my cognitive functions, I would have found a way to cooperate with the guards and let us all go home alive...


Marie, if you had to sacrifice one member of the team  so the rest may live,who would you pick? (I really like this question!)

Soren, you consider Rio a member of the team? How did his brief interaction with all of you entitle him to such kinship?

Axel, if you could sleep with anyone consequence-free for one night, who would you pick? (Assume Lily knows and is okay with it)


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Axel, if it came down to it, could you perform a potentially harmful act of sabotage like Soren did?
Axel: Yeah. I mean, ah... I wouldn't like it. And I'd try to find another way of doing things before I... you know, set a bomb or screw something else up. I don't like the thought that other people died because of me, but if it's between them and the group... then the answer's obvious for me.

Axel, if you could sleep with anyone consequence-free for one night, who would you pick? (Assume Lily knows and is okay with it)
Axel: Well, of course the answer's going to be Soren! Nah, I just wanted to see the look on his face. Ah.. I dunno. It's hard to think of them as anything other than friends, but if I had to choose and there were no consequences... I guess I'd go with Rose. I mean, during the months I've known her, I get the idea that she knows some decent tricks in the bedroom. And she must've learned some things from her old job...


Lily - Is there anyone else in the group you'd sleep with, under the same conditions?

Soren - Do you have any regrets about agreeing to join Vergil on the mission?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily: I was also going to say Rose...if only these interviews were canon, then we'd both know this about each other and could ask her for a threesome. In this line of work you can't help but be aware of how likely you'll die any day...


Rose: So, how often did your stripping job involve...alternate ways of earning revenue, if you know what I mean?

Soren, Triste: Rate the members of the team on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is "would happily bang," and 1 is "would never willingly bang under any circumstances."


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Marie: Trieste. I dont think she trusts anyone in the group that much outside of maybe Vergil, and given that she hasn't really done anything to be friendly to any of us, if I was forced to pick someone to sacrifice, it would be her.  everyone else, but especially Rose or Marita, I'd have a hard time sacrificing.
 Rose; Quite often. Lets just say I've seen my fair share of female breasts and male 'pluggers'. The worst thing about all that degrading stuff was not just the bad pay and minimum tips but that I was drugged out 90% of the time. in that line of work you cant even ENJOY doing it, with the encounters being so brief. its 50 credits down, bounce around the room, and then they leave for the next ' customer'. so glad i dont do that anymore.
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Triste: Rate the members of the team on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is "would happily bang," and 1 is "would never willingly bang under any circumstances."
Triste: If it got me any closer to accomplishing part of my mission, I'd sleep with any of them. But let's say this was purely because I wanted to... bang them. Soren, I'd give a... 3 out of 5. He's shown he can be resourceful, which I've always appreciated in a man. And he looks like he works out, which just speak to the inner girl in me. Pity he's got the conversational skills of a dish cloth, but hey - we're just talking about screwing here, so that doesn't matter.

The women in the team - Lily, Marita and the others - I'd have to give a 1 to. Like I said, if it was to get something done, I would. But normally, I don't go that way.

Axel's a 2. Maybe in a really dark room... but he's built like an overly tall matchstick, he looks like he'd break in half if things got too rough, and his eyes are too close together. And, on another point, why does he take so long to get to the point when he talks? Like... ah... you know... just say what you want to say, we don't have all day.

Vergil... he's a 4, and I'm not proud of saying it. Feeling that way about him - it's wrong. It's dangerous. But when I look at him, when I look into his eyes, I just get this feeling deep inside. It's sickening... and not just because he needs to get over his damn emotional problems.


Marita - Same question to you. How would you rate the members of the team, from 1 = No way to 5 = Let's get it on

Lily - Do you blame Vergil for almost getting you and Axel tortured to death?


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Marita: Well I'd be willing to sleep with most of the members of the team if i was given the opportunity to. Starting with 5 (the top spot) and Going Downward, I'd have to Say Rose, Marie Lily are 5s the first two for obvious reasons because I'm in active relationships with them, and I think Lily would be very good in bed.
4s Axel Vergil and Soren  while I prefer girls I wouldnt mind trying out the guys. Like I said, if given the choice I'd try just about anybody.
 The only 1 I would give is Trieste. Truthfully I dont think she has given me much reason to respect her and I dont think she respects me. If i'm going to take someone into my bed there's needs to be a certain level of respect and desire on my part and their part. i could stomach her if this was necessary to complete a mission, but frankly it would have to be the 'proverbial' do it or the world ends' kinda thing.
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Soren: Not like that! Rio's not a part of the team like everyone else is. He's just an...asset.

About joining the team? I didn't expect all this insanity to occur. Okay, I kind of regret joining because Vergil and Triste have been treating me like shit. But hey, life ain't fucking fair.

About who would I bone? Let's see...

Axel...Uh no! My polarity ain't set up for that! Same goes for Vergil applies but more. Because he's prick.

Triste, 1 out of 5. She's the kind of woman who'll slice your cock off if you fail to satisify her. Besides, she's a total fuckwad.

Anne, 2 out of 5. She's got this exotic beauty with her unicorn horn and she's toned and muscular and she's really sweet. But I'm afraid she'll accidentally break my spine or stab me with her horn when we go at it in the sack.

Lily, 0 out of 5. Really, sleeping with my best friend's wife!? Dick move.

Marie and  Marita, 3 out of 5. They're my roommates and I like them a lot but I don't think I'm ready to take it to the next level.

Rose, 2 out of 5. She's really nice and I'm sure she's completely wild in bed...but at the same time, knowing her past of severe biproxytol use, I'm kind of reluctant to sleep with her...that shit stays in your body for decades.


Lily, do you prefer seafood or seal meat?

Axel, same question.

Marie, Marita and Rose, again, same question.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel, do you prefer seafood or seal meat?
Axel: Ah... I'm gonna have to go with seafood. I think it tastes a little better, and... well, seals have those cute little faces. Whenever I eat any, I just picture them looking at me with those eyes, and their little voice going "Why?! Look how happy my face is!" I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets that... anyone? No? Ah... just me then.


Soren - If you were going to be executed, and you had one last chance to have any meal you wanted, what would it be?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: bushwacked,Sep 29 2014 on  05:47 PM
Lily - Do you blame Vergil for almost getting you and Axel tortured to death?

Lily: Well, I don't like to pass blame around, but…kinda. I guess it depends on what the explanation is when we finally get the chance to talk to him again and he tells us where he and Trsite were the whole time. I thought he was imprisoned, but he somehow reached the Voltaic waypoint so...

Quote from: Serris,Oct 3 2014 on  12:52 AM
Lily, do you prefer seafood or seal meat?

Lily: I'm a vegetarian. I don't know if i was a vegetarian before the Lanthae incident, but it just seems simpler to live life with fewer but healthier options for your diet. I can get all the nutrition I need through beans and roots, and then I don't have to feel responsible for the animals who die.


Marita, Rose, and Triste: Given the choice, would you rather sleep with a male or an "endowed" female like Flora?

Soren: Would you prefer seafood, seal meat, or a large Philly Cheesesteak?

Axel: What would your absolute dream job be?


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Marita; Seafood, by far over seal meat.. as for whether I'd sleep with a male or someone like Flora. I'd go with Flora. You'd get the best of both worlds from an endowed female, and I prefer females anyway.
Rose; I like Seafood, never had seal meat. as for males or "endowed females. I've "had both' as part of my former job as a stripper, and on balance the endowed females were nicer and tipped better, the guys just wanted a quick I'd lean female
 Marie; i like seafood better than seal meat. as for whether I'd rather bang a male or an endowed female, well assuming they were both nice, i'd go with the girl.
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Soren: Last time I had seal meat, I shat out my guts. It's like eating a block of grease! I'll stick to seafood for now.

As for my last meal, I'd say caviar.


Axel, do you bear any ill will towards Vergil or Triste?

Hania, why do you have a hatred of meat-eaters? You're a Jaguar.

Marie, do you hate Triste?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Do you prefer seafood or seal meat?

Emilena: Seals are delicious. Plus they're easy enough that even I can cook them; you screw up with seafood and you've got salmonella. I briefly earned my rent by clubbing seals for a slaughterhouse before completing my police officer training and qualifying for government quarters.

Hania, why do you have a hatred of meat-eaters? You're a Jaguar.

Hania: Don't you pull that on me! It's not my fault I was born into this atrocious perpetual slaughter machine! I eat only artificial meat and I'm proud of it! They grow my meat in large vats containing nothing but brainless flesh and a circulatory system. It's bland, chewy and depressing, but I can eat it knowing I'm not the horrible monster the rest of you sick animals are! My body is clean and all-natural, no murder flesh or cyborg implants sully its perfect form. Even the Purifiers were unworthy and could not handle my fervent enlightenment! So it's no surprise you cannot either.


Soren, how does it feel to be part of an atrocious perpetual slaughter machine?

Axel, what's the main thing you miss of your life from your Lanthae apartment?

Marie, do you remember Zula?


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Soren: Like I said, I'm not good with philosophy. But I don't really care; remember that I eat mostly seafood.


Axel, what's your favorite genre of music?

Emilena, what's the scariest situation you've ever been in?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hania: Oh, just because you only eat seafood you think that you're not part of the problem, huh? Are sea creatures not animals in your mind or something? Who cares that fish are stabbed through the face with hooks, dragged into non-breathable atmosphere, suffocated, beheaded, and stripped into bite-sized morsels for assholes like you to not feel hungry for an hour. That callous murdering of one of God's creatures sure was worth you getting some munchies on your lunch break, huh?

Emilena: I'd never admit this in anything but a non-canon interview but... the incident that got me evicted from the orphanage when I was seven. That was what compelled me to train with the police and hone my body to the best of my abilities, because I never wanted to feel that frightened and helpless again. However, I'm not interested in recounting the specifics.
(OOC: These events are chronicled in a short story I wrote exploring Emilena's early years. If you wish to read it, PM me.)


Axel, Soren, any opinions on Hania's stance on animal rights? Is 'animal rights' considered a derogatory term in this universe?

Marita, when you get mozarella sticks, do you like the kind that get really stringy when you bite part of them off, or the more chewy ones that stick together and don't make a mess?


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Soren: Believe whatever the fuck you want to believe. When you try beating up my friends because they're Augments, you're out of line!

Hania's stance is obnoxious but as long as he doesn't start causing trouble, I don't care.

(OOC - Animal rights here applies only to non-anthros.)


Lily, do you worry that someone might kidnap you and force you to abuse your psychic powers?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel, what's the main thing you miss of your life from your Lanthae apartment?
Axel: Uh... this might sound weird, but probably it's that smell of pollution that came through my bedroom window, the one that couldn't close properly. You never got used to it, exactly, but it... it sort of grew on you. It was like this mix of old dustbin and oil that's gone off by like a hundred years. Almost makes me wish Corona was polluted up to its ass.

You know what I don't miss though? Mrs Leibetz. I couldn't open the fridge without her banging on her ceiling and complaining about the noise... I hope she got out of Lanthae okay.

Axel, what's your favorite genre of music?
Axel: I'd have to say... hardcore rock. Gangster rap. All the tough, manly kinds of music... Oh, alright! Fine! My favourite genre is Bubblegum Pop. There's nothing like leaning back after a hard day working and letting the happy vibes take you away. But don't tell anyone. Soren once walked in on me doing a little dance to some of my BGP, and... things were kind of, ah, awkward for a bit after that.

Axel, any opinions on Hania's stance on animal rights? Is 'animal rights' considered a derogatory term in this universe?
Axel: Who're you calling an animal?! And who was Hania, that guy that attacked us in the alley? That guy was crazy as ass, his stance on anything can go suck it.


Emilena - Are you not the slightest bit flattered that Stryker seems to have something for you? Maybe he's just shy to ask you out on a date.

Soren - Have you ever been tempted to join in with Anne's drug habits? Has she ever tried to persuade you?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily: All the time. That's something of a constant fear considering that my earliest memories are being stalked by the government so they could strap me up to a pulse bomb that wiped out an entire city... the wort part is that it's yet another reason to encourage me to develop more combat-oriented powers. Voltaic has proved that I can utilize these healing powers in truly frightful ways...but I don't want to think about it. If I can help it, I'll remain passive and use my powers for good.

Emilena: Heh. His buttons were particularly fun to push; that thing where you pretend to not remember them always pisses off his type who fancy themselves so memorable and important. I'm getting a similar sense from Vergil, I should invite him out for drinks after this, he seems the sort that would loosen up with some alcohol. Or maybe a roofie.


Soren, Marita, Flora and Axel: If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be?


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Marie: I remember Zula a little bit. I think she was at the unlicensed clinic we were at last year. Havent heard from her in a long time. not sure if she made it out of lanthae alive, not many did.
marie: hate is a strong word. i havent really had enough 1on 1 contact to determine if my feelings towards her are merely strong dislike or out and out hatred.
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