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My Saw VI review


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I just got back from seeing Saw VI with one of my friends, and I have to say, I was pretty much blown away.

This. Sequel. ROCKED!!!!!!!!!

I'll admit, last year I let myself get spoilers for Saw V, but V wasn't that twist-filled, so it didn't bother me that much. But this year, I kept myself from getting spoilers, and I am so glad I did.

(Warning, their will be spoilers)

The traps in this film were amazing, from the opening "Pound of Flesh" trap to the Oxygen Crusher (Which was a neat scene because of the silence instead of the usual yelling), to the return of the Reverse Bear Trap (Who it's used on and how he/she escapes I'll leave unspoiled), were all amazing and creative.

The twist of Agent Perez still being alive after what happened in Saw IV caught me off guard, though I hated to see both her and Erickson get killed off (Though the scene where Hoffman murders them is visually awesome).  

William's game was also a good plot. I appreciate how this time the police characters were not the main focus of the plot. This was definitely the most emotional and dark Saw film since Part III.  The twist about his family being Pamela and not the mother and son surprised me as well.

Amanda's return was enjoyable, and the contents of her letter from Saw III are finally revealed! Another twist I didn't see coming.

As for the ending, even though Hoffman's still alive, he's basically screwed at the ending, and I'll bet Saw VII will involve him on the run from the law.

I didn't like how there was no mention of Brit and Mallick, however, they did explain a bit more how the 5-Becomes-1 game was important to the plot.

Even though I'm looking forward to Part 7, had this truly been the final chapter in the Saw Saga, I would've been satisfied.

I give Saw VI a 9/10.

Cancerian Tiger

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I just saw it tonight too, and I agree: This latest installment kicked a** :exactly!


  • Jedi Knight
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Was it really that good? Well, I might go see it after all then!


  • Cera
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Well I just got back from seeing it and I will also give my review of it since I do not wish to make a separate topic. I'll kind of do a traditional review, and if you haven't seen the movie then don't read this because there will be major spoilers.

Story: The plot of Saw VI pretty much continued directly from where Saw V left off. After having killed Strahm, Hoffman exits the building having believed he is in the clear in terms of keeping his identity a secret. However, what he didn't intend on was Detective Erickson to become further involved with the Jigsaw case. Even more unsettling is that Strahm's partner, Agent Parez, is in fact alive and has been in hiding after her sustained injuries from Saw IV. The two cops join together to discover the truth as to whether or not Strahm was really the accomplice to Jigsaw. Meanwhile, a health insurance company manager named William has been abducted because the health policy he created denies more people coverage than it does accept. In a way, Jigsaw believes William chooses between who lives and who dies, so he also abducts all of his associates and forces William to choose which of them live and which of them die. Overall the story was indeed very interesting and it didn't stray from the previous movies. I really like Saw IV, V, and VI are heavily related to each other like Saw I, II, and III were. Finally, I absolutely loved how Jill Tuck was factored into everything, and the return of Amanda is always a plus. I give the Story of Saw VI a 9 out of 10

Characters/Acting: The character development throughout Saw VI is pretty interesting. Hoffman is kind of straying away from Jigsaw's principles, much like Amanda did, and has become arrogant that he is in control. Jill Tuck also seems to be going through a change where she is more in control rather than back in Saw IV. Erickson is kind of an added character who didn't really have anything truly amazing, and Parez kind of stayed the same way as in Saw IV, except now she's torn as to why her partner would become a maniac. The acting is definitely really good. Tobin Bell continues to provide a truly exceptional performance as he has in every movie. The other characters, Hoffman, Jill, etc... also showed pretty good acting. My only gripe with acting lies the associates of William. While the majority of them are well done, some of them are kind of not up to par. I will say congratulations for Tanedra, the winner of Scream Queens, who showed great acting for her first major role in a motion picture. Overall, I give the Characters/Acting of Saw VI an 8 out of 10.

Traps: Anybody who watches a Saw movie watches it for probably two reasons. The first is the traps. Saw VI was credited by its producers as the most violent of the series, and boy they were not kidding. These are some of the best traps I've seen in the entire franchise, and not all of them aren't even that bloody. My personal favorite trap of the movie would have to be the Breathing Clamp trap because like brekclub said this trap used silence to display the horror rather than frantic screaming and music. The other traps are done beautifully as well, especially the Steam Room maze. The Acid trap at the end is so amazing it caught me off guard. I half expected it to simply spray the acid onto him, but instead the hoses are jammed into his body and the acid is sprayed from the inside of his body. Simply amazing. Overall, I give the Traps of Saw VI a well deserved 10 out of 10.

Ending/Twists: This is most likely the other reason why the Saw movies are so successful. Being iconic for it's twists and endings, the Saw franchise has always been good at catching people off guard........................ until now. Now don't get me wrong. There are quite a few twists in the movie, and most are really good. I never expected Agent Parez to be alive, and I wouldn't have guessed that the family was not William's. However, the one twist that I was very disappointed with was at the very end for one reason. Jill Tuck has pretty much had the finger pointed at her all throughout Saw IV and Saw V, so it is to no surprise that she is the one to end up testing Hoffman at the end. I saw this coming maybe twenty minutes into the movie when I first see the envelopes she pulled out of the black box, which I will get to in a bit. Now this may not have been obvious to most people, but to somebody who really picks apart at the movies like I do, I felt it was kind of a let down. I am not saying this because Dr. Gordon was not in the movie. I am saying this because I truly believe that out of all of the Saw movies, this one had the weakest ending twist. However, to make up for it, the revealing of what Jill Tuck received in the black box, being the envelopes and a certain familiar trap from Saw I, was indeed interesting. Even more so was the revealing of what Amanda received in her envelope at the end of Saw III. Also, whether or not Hoffman will live to be in Saw VII is questionable, because although he does manage to get the trap off him, he is left pretty injured, and correct me if I'm wrong but Jill locked him in the room. Overall, the ending twist for me was pretty disappointing, but all the other twists throughout the movie made kind of made up for it. To me, it kind of seems like the producers guessed that the fans might not have liked the ending twist as much, so they decided to explain a bunch of other things which still worked out. I give the Ending/Twists of Saw VI a 7.5 out of 10

Questions Unanswered: This doesn't get a rating because it really can't, but after watching Saw VI there are still a couple questions I would like to see answered. If Jill Tuck was not revealed to be the person who placed Strahm in his trap at the beginning of Saw V, and Hoffman had left the building and after going to save Jeff's daughter, who was that other masked assailant? Also, if Hoffman burned all the evidence after Agent Parez and Erickson discovered his identity, then what was the point of forging Strahm's fingerprints all over the scene? Wouldn't they be destroyed along with everything else? If somebody could help me with that I would really appreciate it.

Overall Score: So overall what did I think of the movie? The plot was well thought of and the traps were absolutely amazing. The acting and the character development throughout the film was also very good. However, the ending twist was not as strong as the previous movies, and a couple of the actors didn't really seem too good. Fortunately, the numerous twists throughout the movie help reinforce it. If you are a fan of the Saw franchise, I definitely recommend you see this movie. It ties up quite a bit, but not everything. If you have never seen any of the Saw movies, watch from Saw III through to Saw V. Those three movies provide the most backbone information to really understand what is happening in Saw VI. My final verdict, this movie may not be the best sequel, I believe that right goes to Saw II or III, but it is definitely much better than Saw IV and V.

Saw VI gets an 8.5 out of 10

Now this my personal review, so please nobody get offended by this. Also, once again, do not read this if you have not seen it yet because there are quite a few spoilers in it.


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While looking up info on the differences between the theatrical and director's cut versions, I found this clip that will only be in the DC:

It's likely to be missed...because of where it's found in the movie.

This extra scene is interesting. Maybe Perez wasn't bluffing when she said "everyone" knew about Hoffman. I read an interview saying that pretty much every character who's still alive will have some role in Saw VII (I'm hoping Daniel from II will return.)


  • Littlefoot
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Well, when this movie comes out on DVD, I am so watching it, I am a fan of the Saw series and have seen up to and including number 5, especially since I missed this one at the movies.

Not to mention, I can't wait till Saw VII comes out.  Yes, you heard me, a 7th installment to the series is to be released this year after filming and all that's been done ^^