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LBT: Future Wars Repository

Caustizer · 169 · 28678


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You are welcome!

Also, how did you like my description of the Cloud Island mission and Ed, Vio and Rytho and the so-called "Light Ducky"?

Note: "Light Ducky" comes from the fact that she is not wearing her trademark heavy weapons and armor.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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It is pretty good as a VDF mission. Ducky starts on the island and then works to free the others, while the VDF Construction Walker is brought in to assist right?  

Apart from this lining up really good with your Twilight Valley what is the tactical value of Ed, Rytho, and Vio to the VDF that they would be expected to take the time to extract them and require their survival?

I envisioned the Twilight War in Future Wars as having a completely different scale then the past war.  Soldiers and weapons fight and die in the thousands, and overall the value of life on both sides is pretty low compared to the value of victory.  Because of the lethality of the futuristic guns and cannons there is very little space for supremely skilled heroes on the battlefield beyond their role as weapons testers because they are so easily killed.

The few that do serve are either Rambo style pure-awesomeness heroes (Chomper, Utah & Manhatten only) or merely piloting a useful experimental weapon for testing purposes.  Nobody in Future Wars is immune to death, and the modern battlefield is a very dangerous place.


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Well, Ducky is sent on the island (along with a squad of Fast-Runners) for a recon mission but the Fast-Runners are killed and she is captured and stripped of her powered armor and railgun. She escapes (with the stolen sickleclaw armor and weapons). She then has to find Rytho, Ed and Vio (who had been previously captured during a botched spy mission but escaped by stealing some of the materials in the Cloud Island Research Facility) and retrieve her armor and railgun. Once they do so, they make their way to the beach and radio for evacuation. At this point, a VDF construction walker will arrive (via ship) and your goal is to destroy the base.

NOTE: Rytho, Vio, Ducky and Ed will still be present. You can use them to help destroy the facility but it is not recommended.


As for why the VDF would take the time to rescue them: Vio, Ed and Rytho stole classified data and prototypes from the Cloud Island Research Facility (Hence Vio's Stealth Armor). Obviously, such information is pretty useful to the VDF.

Ed's construction walker is stolen so it cannot actually build anything and he is holding a few prototypes in there.

Rytho's construction powered armor also carries some stolen plans.

Vio is wearing one of the stolen prototypes.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Also, In the Cloud Island mission do you see the VDF fighting solely with land forces or do you see them popping a Naval Yard to bombard the prison with Battleships?  Personally because they dropped the Navy in Tiberian Sun I've stayed away from it with Future Wars but both factions do have a 'form' of Naval force because it is required.


  • Ducky
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Here are the Concept art pieces I've produced.  They don't compare in quality to the Ducky helmet but I think they are good enough to post.

The Factional Symbols of Claw and the VDF:


VDF Longneck Exosuit Concept Art:


Claw Sickle Pack Concept Art:


There are a few things you should note about the Longneck one:

- I'm pretty terrible when it comes to legs, so I didn't complete the drawing
- The wierd thing on his mouth is the "Preplate" that contains the rebreather apparatus before the rest of the suit is latched on around them, and it is inserted kind of like a mouthguard
- the two Cones on his shoulders are the Exo-connectors that the Exo-Cannons attach to when the weapons are hooked up prior to entering combat.  They are interfaced directly with his/her body and hence are regarded a symbol of status amongst other soliders of the VDF and civilians too

Also, I had a runner drawing but it didn't turn out the way I would have liked so I need to redo it.



  • Ducky
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Wow I certainly know how to kill a thread don't I?  It's probably because my artwork sucks so bad  :lol


  • Spike
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Heheh... :lol Really, they're not that bad.

I'm about halfway through drawing Ducky's railgun. When I'm done I'll post it... I could also have a go at redoing the exosuit art if you like... once exams are over I'll hgave loads of free time. :yes


  • General of the Great Valley
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The VDF will in fact use offshore bombardment in the Cloud Island mission.

I have also played around with an adaptation of the Sky Hunters featured in TWV.

The Future Wars incarnation will probably use missiles instead of slings and javelins. However, like the TWV incarnation, they can attack both ground and air targets with their missiles.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Would you mind if the Sky Hunter was armed with rapid fire lasers instead?  I had a neat idea for something like this that I haven't revealed yet.

Currently the Claw Vehicle Arsenal looks like this:


Eviscerator - Light Anti-Infantry
Viper - Light Recon Vehicle
Dredge Transport - Burrowing Mobile Bunker


Sky Hunter - Laser Anti-air
Caustic Digger - Anti-surface Burrowing Tank
Executioner - Main Battle Walker

Tyrannotron - Super Heavy Battle Walker
Doom Maw Artillery - Volcanic Artillery shells
Resserection Sphere - already known


Shrieker - Anti Infantry
Screamer - Anti-Armour with Limited Ammo

Omega Sphere - Capital Warship

I'll post the profiles when I get the chance between classes


  • General of the Great Valley
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Yeah, you can arm the Sky Hunters with a rapid fire laser system but they can also attack ground units.

I may decide to assist by creating profiles as well.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Spike
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Yay, new stuff. :lol

I've finished Ducky's fusion reactor backpack... or rather, its inner workings. This is what I picture if the backpack's armour were removed:

The lines coming from the reactor casing and grouping together are the "streams" that channel the reactor's power to the rest of the suit (ie. the railgun, the HUD inside the helmet, the main power for the armour, etc.).

I hope you guys don't mind, but I've come up with a theory as to how Ducky's amorphous armour works. The main idea lies with the power of the reactor and magnetism.

The VDF's newest defence mechanism makes its debut with the Singularity series powered armour; AMD, or Amorphous Magnetic Deflection. The Singularity ceramic armour plating, and various parts of the user's body, are covered in this soup-like substance, which contains millions upon millions of microscopic metal ball bearings suspended in a thick glue-like liquid, to a thickness of around 1.5cm (two thirds of an inch).
"Power" for this substance comes from the Singularity series onboard fusion reactor, which magnetises the bearings, sticking the "soup" to the user and making it magnetised. The powerful reactor also provides energy for a small, but intelligent, onboard computer which controls the state of the magnetic ball bearings.
When in its normal state (see Fig. 1 in the diagram below), the ball bearings are partially liquidised and disorderly, allowing a very gentle touch to pass through them. However, in the heat of battle, the armour and its computer are called into action.
The computer detects an approaching projectile (eg. a small bullet), and within a thousandth of a second, manipulates the magnetic state of the metal soup; the ball bearings now stand in magnetised columns, with enough magnetic force that they are virtually indestructible (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 in the diagram below). This reaction "hardens" the area of armour the projectile is heading for, and deflects it easily.
This armour system, while vulnerable to large projectiles, is advantageous against small arms fire, as it allows secure protection without the need for heavy, cumbersome armour plating, thus providing the occupant with free movement.


Please let me know your thoughts, people... :yes


  • General of the Great Valley
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Cool! Love Ducky's fusion reactor. You got how I imagined it dead on, a miniature Tokamak style fusion reactor. Of course, I have no idea how the energy from the neutrons will be converted to electricity but I can deal with that because this is not supposed to be 100% realistic. You can imagine that the fuel tank and the air filtration system are mounted below the fusion reactor.

I think everyone seems to have misinterpreted the amorphous metal bit. Amorphous metals actually exist. But in this case, amorphous simply means that the metal has no orderly crystalline structure. The reason I had Ducky's armor made of amorphous metal is because these metals are extremely tough and elastic but light...perfect for use in armor.

However, the magnetorheological fluid armor is pretty cool too (and even cooler is it is really being worked on).

But I can rework the armor to incorporate ideas from SouthPawRacer and myself. I will elaborate later.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Just as an FYI, Frank Klepacki (the guy who did all the early CnC music) has just released his new solo CD, Viratia, and you can listen to samples of this awesome music on his website now:

Frank's Music
Frank's Music


  • Ducky
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Forbidden Projects of the Valley Defense Forces:

Following the spark of brilliance that accompanied their reduced size, the leaf eating dinosaurs and more predominantly the longnecks expanded their minds and are responsible for many of the beneficial inventions that VDA cities use to date.  

War is not a concept that most longnecks play into, with many of them wanting their creations to be used for good and show off their greatness.  A few of the greatest longneck inventors can be termed as "eccentric", persuing avenues of science that others wouldn't dare to approach in their quest for greatness in the eyes of their peers and for the mutual benefit of all the leaf-eaters.  Over the years that technology has advanced itself considerably within the world it became necessary for the ruling council of the VDA to impose 'sanctions' on what research is appropriate and what research/weaponry violated the unspoken moral code of their charges.

Occassionally there is hot public debate over these decisions, and where this is the case it is noted:

Titan Orbital Network:

Following a brief respite in the tensions between the sharpteeth and the leaf-eaters the VDA council determined the 'Titan Tactical Weapon Project' to be too brutal and unnecessary, where it was no longer needed and could be used by field commanders during peacetime to indimidate outside factions into joining the VDA fold which went against Grandpa Longneck's approach of "Mutual Benefit Pacts" which was more diplomatic.

How the Titan works is an orbiting satellite in a geostationary position carries a cartrage of 24 long Tungsten Rods, which when activated would be dropped into the atmosphere.  The rods don't need an expensive warhead, because the Earth's gravity pulling down propells them to speeds in excess of Mach 6.  When they strike the surface, the white hot impact obliderates anything within a hundred yards.  

When dropped traditionally as a group of six over a grid pattern, the result is nothing short of total devestation.  Because the rods are so small, a warning of there incoming is nearly impossible.

The councillors, after witnessing via video feed the weapon wiping a suspected Claw Den off the face of the earth, there was a 6-1 vote to terminate the project on moral grounds.

The only voter in favour of keeping it was Councillor Topsy, who secretly arranged for it to remain operational should the time come that it is needed.

The Chronometron:

Only one Chronometron prototype was made, and right from the moment it's existance was revealed to the public opposition was enormous.  This was the first project to be terminated by the VDA council, with another vote ringing in as 6-1 (Topsy insisted on it's military value).

The Chronometron, or CM works via creating a ball of anti-matter with the help of a particle collider, and then annhiliating a portion of it's essence with a sub-atomic piece of matter creating a Time Vortex.  The resultant vortex energy is unleashed on a portion of land a few hundred meters across, slowing down the passage of time to a crawl temporarily.  Later it was found that VDF military personel could be tuned using special frequencies to be immune to the time warping effects.

This essentially meant that enemy forces could be slowed to a near standstill, and in this state be easily defeated by the VDF.  Later it was found that all living beings that enter the Chrono-metric field while it's active suffer accelerated aging upon their escape, so in this manner it is predicted that every minute spent in the CM field reduces your lifespan by approximately 5 years.  

Obviously you can tell why they banned it's use!

The Atmospheric Reactor (Officially designated the "Drawler Device):

The Drawler Device was actually in use for nearly a decade, before it's negative effects were observed by scientific watchdogs and it was shut down almost immediately.

The DD drew in atmospheric energy by creating a strong electric field over an expanse of area (similar to Tesla's research, which is off limits to the public) essentially creating an unlimited energy source at minimal costs.

The horrible things it did though were evident... the Climate shifted and monstrous storms began to strike the coasts as the Earth lashed out at having it's energy stolen.  The DD was an absolute Anethema to living things, and no non-intelligent creature could bear to remain within a kilometer of it's towering gatherer.  Even the engineers on the project sensed the wrongness of it's effects, and were often in a fowl and agitated state for no apparent reason.

After a lengthy report to the VDA council, they voted 5-4 to ban it's existance and shut it down.  Public reprisal was enormous as their electricity bill went through the roof under the new sources.  Saving the planet was a cost footed by the good citizens of the VDA, and they weren't the least bit happy about it.

Mere weeks after the Drawler was decommisioned, the weather returned to normal on the coasts and animals came back to the nearby forests.  Strangely, the engineers who worked on it were glad that they lost their jobs though none of them could describe quite why.


Well what do you guys think?



  • Spike
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I love those ideas... they show a bit of the darker side of the VDF (particularly Topsy).

I drew up Ducky's arm armour last night. This is how I imagine it to look like (comm-links and all):

Stupid scanner cut off the lower part of her thumb... <_<


  • Spike
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Well, it took me till 11:30 last night, but I've finally finished it. Power Ducky, sans her backpack and railgun:

(click to view in full size)

Please let me know what you guys think, or whether you'd change anything... :yes


  • Ducky
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It is an awesome picture far above what I could do.  Thank you for taking the time to do this for me and Serris Southpaw Racer.  It was wise of you to plan the whole thing out piece by piece before you did the whole drawing, as it made the final picture look more appealing.

With all the above taken into account, I would like to offer some suggestions as to how you could improve it.

The suit looks to be very thin and more of an 'underdress' prior to the installation of the Powered Armour around her.  I say this because there are points on the drawing where Ducyk appears to be quite exposed, namely on the shoulders and the chest.

1) Add a chest plate to validate the fact that it is powered armour, because I can't see advanced curcuitry being concealed in such a small space.

2) Give Ducky some shoulder-plates to protect her shoulders from incoming projectiles, because that is where she is most likely to be struck in combat

3) Add some VDF symbology to show her affiliation. Keep in mind Ducky is not an independant soldier and is heavily funded by the VDF Technology Division to develop a next generation battlesuit.  You can use my drawing as reference, or create your own symbol!  I would recommend applying the symbol to her chest plate and shoulderpads, and possibly to the front of her helmet.

Other then the above keep up the good work... I look forward to seeing your addition of the Railgun and Backpack.



  • Spike
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Thank you Caustizer... :D

I'll answer to your suggestions.

Ducky has very slight shoulders and a small chest... I must have drawn the picture such that the armour plating in those areas appears thinner than it actually is.

1) I assumed, when designing the armour, that due to technological advancements the circuitry would be able to be concealed in tiny spaces, to allow freedom of movement for the wearer - also, I figured that most of the circuitry would be located somewhere in the helmet; seeing as it protects the head, therefore is the strongest part, that would be the most logical place to put the essential circuitry. A chestplate could be a great addition, though... :yes

2) From how Serris describes the armour, the image entered my mind of armour that is thin and light, yet incredibly strong. I felt that Ducky's armour would be light and flexible enough to allow her ease of movement. Of course that means that the armour is very complex, thus facilitates the difficult repair process Serris describes.

3) Dang... I knew I'd forgotten something. :lol


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I mentioned that the helmet is actually vulnerable to high caliber rifle (.50 caliber) fire but the body armor is totally immune to small arms fire and even small autocannon (23 mm max).

Her arms and legs are perfectly rendered but I agree with Caustizer that a chest plate would be a great addition. Also,  I pictured the armor on the tail as being articulated plate armor.


As for the VDF's "black tech". I like it! It shows that both sides are not above using WMDs if they have to.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.