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LBT: Future Wars Repository

Caustizer · 169 · 28677


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The Valley Defense Alliance

The Valley Defense Alliance, or VDA has been commonly confused with the VDF, or Valley Defense Forces.  The VDA refers to the massive alliance that encovers many leaf-eater nations, such as Misty Haven, Great Haven, Verdant Haven, and Free Haven.  All of the 'Havens' are given a number of Councillors to represent their home in porportion to valley size.  So, for instance, the Great Haven is the largest Leaf-eater city [known in previous times as the Great Valley] and has 4 seperate councillors while the Free Haven only has 1 [due to it's relatively small population].

The VDF or Valley Defense Forces is the military arm of this alliance that has one task - to protect the leaf-eater colonies from both sharptooth and recently alien attacks.  Unlike the Claw military which can conscript at will, the VDF is solely based on volunteers and as such is stronger during times of need (such as an alien invasion) as opposed to times of relative peace.

The leaf-eaters of the VDA Havens have built a civilization on the intelligence of the longnecks, the strength of the spiketails, the tenacity of the threehorns, the adaptability of the fastrunners, and the loyal service of the swimmers.  The VDA is large and mighty, but is also substainially different from any human nation in it's laws and practises.

For instance, in leaf-eater society violence and blood in movies is intolerable and censorship of media deemed 'too unsatisfactorily friendly' for the masses is common.  This stems from the belief that such things are only for other brutal dinosaurs like sharpteeth, and beyond the advanced society of the modern day that is more about progress and compassion.  On the same note however, media involving love and mating is often given a blind eye by the censorship bureau, and things that might qualify in human eyes as 'utterly aborrant' might come off as simply indecent and impolite according to leaf-eater values.


The Military arm of the VDA, always refered to as the VDF or Valley Defense Forces, use a docterine of 'defense and safety' in their technology and implimentation that means they want to keep their soldiers safe in exchange for possibly high expenses and a reduction in offensive capabilities.

Key examples include the new Devestator Emplacement, and the older but improved Behemoth II.  Both have an immobile form that provides superior firepower, but obviously sacrifices mobility.


At the beginning of the Icestorm Crisis thirty five years after the end of the Twilight War, the VDA was facing serious problems in regards to climate change and food shortages.  The world was growing colder, and not only were country vegetable farms being abandoned but now cities were being covered in blankets of ice.  Haven cities had sun-shielding installed at massive cost to reflect precious light into the arboriums that sustained the population, but year after year the light grows dimmer and rationing grows tighter and tighter.  Soon, the leaf-eaters may face the impossible choice - starvation or migration to the south.

These are dark times, and even Councillor Littlefoot of the Great Haven agrees that a great change is on the horizon... all that matters now is will it be for better, or for worse?

-> Coming next:  The new VDF units and tech tree <-



  • Ducky
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Here is the new VDF Tech Tree for Future Wars II

Soon to come, descriptions of:

1) All new and returning units and their abilities

2) Upgrades and Technology fiction

3) Heroes and Background

4) Mission Descriptions and Music

As well as similar outlines for Claw and the new enemy faction 'Synchronus'


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Here is also the Claw Tech Tree, since I got it finished today too.

It may go through a few changes and such, since I am still debating the usefulness of the Rectifier and the Vulcannon Reborn.

Don't worry if it looks confusing and nondescript... once I finish with all the VDF units then I will cover all the Claw ones in detail and how they interact with the other units in the game.



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I think that the Reborn should be melee only units, equipped with nearly unbreakable claws and teeth as well as enough strength to take apart armored vehicles with their bare hands.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Quote from: Serris,Aug 24 2010 on  04:56 PM
I think that the Reborn should be melee only units, equipped with nearly unbreakable claws and teeth as well as enough strength to take apart armored vehicles with their bare hands.
Yeah, that was exactly how they worked in the first Future Wars.

For Future Wars II, Claw has a new (and unexplained, sorry for being so imprompt) air unit called the Skybreaker.

The Skybreaker is a 'Terror Gunship' that carries no weapons of it's own but has space for 2 packs of Claw Infantry to fire out of the holds with increased range.

An issue I noticed right away is that certain units would be absolutely useless inside a Skybreaker, such as the standard Reborn and Chameleon Spy.  To that end I divided both units into two seperate types to perform two different functions.


Chameleon Spies became Blade Assassins and Sniper Assassins... the former armed with Tungsten Blades and EMP (not as powerful as when used by Utah before his death) while the latter is armed with an anti-unit Volcano Cannon (not as effective as Manhatten's version).

This meant that both types now had a purpose within a Skybreaker as well as being more useful in general.


Reborn became Reaptor Reborn and Vulcannon Reborn.  The Reaptors (note the pun on Raptor :lol) are basically the exact same as the standard Reborn - diamond hard claws and lots of anti-army power in melee.  The Vulcannon Reborn fire plasma balls similar to the old NOD Cyborg Commando in Tiberian Sun which achieve the same basic thing but from a distance.

The end idea was that Vulcannon Reborn were THE UNIT you would tech up to if you were planning on using a Skybreaker-based strategy, while Reaptors were more for ground based tactics.



  • Ducky
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Valley Defense Forces - Military Units and Factional Profile

Icestorm Era

It is a new age, and with it comes new weapons and technology. Littlefoot has grown to a massive adult longneck, and at the death of his grandfather took over the mantle as head councillor of the Great Haven.  With his acension came a variety of changes in organization and structure based on his hard won combat experience during the Twilight War, as well as the Dirge Invasion and the Death Storm Operation.

The general staff of the VDF, previously only composed of longnecks who were thought to be most intelligent and well built for such positions, has been replaced by representitives of all the fighting races - the Fast Runner General, Spiketail Executive, Threehorn Pride Leader, Longneck Executor, Swimmer Praetor and Flyer Admiral all see to their own divisions and subordinate to Central Command which oversees all tactical movements and decisions made by the VDF.

Economy and Infastructure:


Cost: 5000 Credits
Requirements: None
Built By: Armour Facility

- Massive main construction unit of the VDF that pre-fabricates structures and deploys them within control radius

- The systems and drives of the old Construction Walkers have been redesigned and mounted on a Bronodon chasis, making these iconic production factories worthy of names as well

- Spiketails are in charge of all construction that is to be done, and the pilots of Constructodons tend to be enthusiastic and bombastic, rarely skipping an oppertunity to brag about the size and power of their machines

- Spiketails tend to be less formal about naming their vehicles, sticking to ones like "Crusher" "Big Friend" "Jag Along" and "Old Roller".

- Capable of building and placing structures while mobile, however in this state the Constructodon does not give any control radius (so without nearby buildings, you can't place them anyway)

Logistics Facility

Cost: 2000 credits
Requirements: Constructodon
Built By: Constructodon

- All resource management is carried out through a single building in the field, thanks to the newer more standardized system

- Comes with two empty tarmacs which are used to add various resource collecting nodes such as Mining Equipment, Fuel Storage, and Ion Reactors at cost.

- Adding two of the same type of node doubles the production (and depletion) of said resource, but forces you to build another Logistics Depot to handle any other types.

- The Protium Mine addition (called P-Mines by everyone but longnecks) is the only one avialable at the start without requirements, and as such gathering mineral rich Ore is the only way to fund your war efforts early on.  The actually mining work is done by Robots called Minosaurs, which dredge the deposits and return the valuables to be exchanged for credits.

- The Fuel Extractor addition requires a Tactical Command to build, but provides almost five times the income once you deploy the provided Rigosaur over a Fuel Well.  The downside is, each Fuel Extractor node only gives one Rigosaur so you gotta make more then one node if you find more Fuel Wells on the map.

- The Ion Harmonizer requires a Battle Centre, but provides twenty times the income of a P-Mine without the need for finding resource deposits to gather.  Wow talk about bang for the buck!  The downsides are of course the high tech requirements, but also the outragous expense of adding a node to a Logistics Depot.  Be prepared to pay and pay large.

Aboriums and Feeding Your Forces:

- All VDF units require Green Food in order to keep well fed, which translates into being happy, sharp, and loyal.  This green food is grown and maintained in the field by field structures called Arboriums.

- A single Arborium provides 10 Food, which means you can accomidate the upkeep of at least 2 of any single unit type (infantry are 1 or 2 each, Vehicles 2 or 3, Large Vehicles and Ships 4-5)

- The Greater Arborium upgrade expands the existing facilities, providing 25 food instead of the standard 10.  This upgrade is a must for any commander wanting to support a large army.

VDF Defenses:

- Under the new system the VDF no longer keeps any static defense emplacements.  To one familiar with the old Twilight Era VDF this is absolutely terrible!  How can it be the Valley DEFENSE Forces without static base defenses?  Read on to find out.

- Instead of bothering the Constructodon designers with accomidating Defenses schematics, the responsibility was instead passed to new military units which are designed to deploy and create defenses on a moments notice.

- Key examples of new VDF defenses are the Devestator Teams, which are defenseless on the move but when deployed are extremely powerful anti-infantry and anti-air counters.  Even old units like the Behemoth (for those who don't remember it was a giant four legged walker with an artillery cannon on the back) are new and upgraded to deploy to defend VDF bases from attackers.  Woe betide the fools who attacks a couple of deployed Behemoth II's.

- Even a few new air units can deploy into ground based weapons platforms like the Instigator, which puts the old Exo-Cannons to shame for mobility and anti-vehicle firepower.


Overall the VDF is a very defensive faction, with the ability to move it's emplacements around and keep the leaf-eater populace defended from rogue sharptooth attacks and the occasional raids of Ice beasts still across the planet surface.



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Military Units - Foot Dinosaurs

[All Trained from the Infantry Barracks]

Runner Rangers - $350 [6 Runners per Group]

- The VDF depends on the brave and valourous fast runners as frontline soldiers still, and their intense training and excellant equipment standard allow them to go toe to toe with any and all foot threats, from vicious Sharptooth Elites to bloodthirsty Dirge Hordes
- Runners are also valued for their ability to eat both meat and leaf products, making rations easier to prepare and distribute amongst them
- In some cases Runners are also ideal when attacking or navigating areas heavy with sharptooth civilians (VDF officially defines a 'civilian' as any being without an obvious and threatening weapon, though the term is applied quite loosely) as they are familiar to both sides and unlikely to be attacked on sight
- Armed with the latest in protective duraplate armour, which is a much more advanced version of Thermic Armour that falls short of being a fully powered suit, but does its duty excellantly nonetheless be it enemy ammunition or toxic gases in the air
- Main weapon is an improved version of their old shotguns allowing for automatic fire, producing deadly results in close range fights.  Runners may be the smallest of the basic infantry units (compared to Sickleclaws and Raveners) but they certainly aren't the weakest
- Strongest versus other foot threats, but notablely unprepared to face heavy armour or structures.
- Can be upgraded in Bigmouth's Armoury with the newest Tetraplate Armour, full combat suits that add health points and provide total immunity to poison and radiation attacks, and Field Redoubt kits which allow the construction of small pillboxes for localized protection at a small cost.

Exo-Spiketails - $600 [4 Spiketails per group]

- Unlike the old heavy weapon groups where a duo of Spiketails carried a compact missile launcher and mortar into battle, the new and improved issue gear includes a more compact Exo-Laser that can be used by all four Spiketails to deadly effect.
- It is doubtful any other race could bear such a weapon without a specially designed Exo-suit (as demonstrated by the Longnecks during the Twilight War version) as the recoil and wieght can only be handled by the strong and conditioned body of a spiketail.
- Exo-lasers are light blue beams that sweep forward through the target like a aircraft strafing run, shredding them in half like a talon through flesh.  They produce a defeaning and distinctive whine when used, which is quite familiar to the VDF's enemies from their use on the old Brontodon and Exo-suits.
- Short ranged exo-lasers make these dinosaurs extremely effective against armour and buildings for a low teir unit, but the drawback is of course range and no AA capabilities which is a notable weakness.  They also don't tend to work well versus other foot soldiers as their arc of fire is so limited.
- Can be upgraded with Tetraplate Armour to convert to a full body suit, and can also be given Exo-boosters to increase range and rate of fire for further effectiveness.

Longneck Techmaster - $500 [A single Longneck in a very complicated armoured suit]

- In the Twilight War, casualties amongst the lightly armoured and unarmed Longneck Arcitects were unacceptably high enough though they weren't officially combat units.  In response to the urgent requests of the Arcitect Corps (as well as the record low volenteer rate - Longnecks refused to join when they found out how their intelligent bretheren were getting slaughtered) the VDF research division adopted new and improved exo-armour to both protect the pilot and to allow him the servicability to perform all needed battlefield tasks.
- Capable of repairing vehicles and buildings with the long robotic arms extending from the longneck's back, detecting stealthed units with advanced scanning hardware in the helmet, and reactivating the damaged husks of large combat vehicles thanks to good old longneck smarts
- Appearance wise, the Techmaster suit covers the entire body with the exception of the head, which is encased in a meticulously crafted helmet with two large flat toped eye-goggles clear enough to see the pilots real eyes.  Extending from the large control module on the back is a set of four robotic arms equiped with seperate tools such as welders, drills, program hookups, and chargers.  In quiet conditions, the jaw shield can be retracted allowing the pilot free mouth movement (which can be a plus or minus, depending on if you like hearing their ceasely mumbling and technical banter).
- Can be upgraded with Tetraplate Armour for further protection.

Railsniper Team - $1000  [A pair of Swimmers, preferably related]

- The swimmer railgun snipers used during the Twilight War were an extremely valuable asset to the VDF.  Their cheery attitude, loyalty and devotion, and ability to put a 20mm Rail Round right between the eyes of that big alien mother f**ker bearing down on them was a majorly good addition to leaf-eater foot regiments, since the Exo-necks couldn't be everywhere at once.
- The 20mm Rail Rifle has the ability when aimed correctly to eliminate whole columns of infantry in a line, while single vehicles can also prove to be ideal targets.  The main flaw of this weapon however is it's low rate of fire, and not to mention Swimmers are in general not very tough when it comes to vicious melee scrums that can occur every now and then.  The large size of the weapon has led to much debate in high command over whether the role should be handed over to spiketails instead, but docterine and tradition state that the superior hand-eye coordination of the swimmers is more worthy of the role.
- Appearence wise the two swimmers that operate the team have to obey the hieght requirement of at least 3' to volenteer, and when recruited are given the long barreled gun and spotter-scope in addition to the light field kit and ammo, which means that overall they are quite lowly equiped compared to other VDF troops, and don't stand up well to any kind of attack.
- Have no upgrades

Devestator Team - $800  [2 Spiketails and 1 Large Hovering gun]

- A relatively new addition to the VDF's arsenal, this heavy weapon emplacement can only fire when deployed and is vulnerable while moving, but can produce an absolute ton of firepower to act as both base defence and area denial.
- Primary weapon is a VX-16 Punisher Cannon, a gatling gun with a massive rate of fire ment for cutting down groups of enemies, especially the ones like the Dirge who come in overwhelming hordes.  Sustained fire can also deal quite effectively with Claw Elites like the Fusionhounds (replacement for Firehounds) making the area around a Devestator Emplacement an infantry-free zone.
- Vulnerable to an armoured assault however, as the Punisher Cannon has horrible penetration (the bullets simply bounce off) and air attacks can also prove quite bothersome.
- Can be upgraded to have a secondary mode, the Thumper Cannon...  The Devestator can switch between guns at a moments notice, and the TC fires underground light artillery shells that easily clear out fortified structures of garrisoned infantry, as well as dealing decent damage to light defenses like Claw Splitter Turrets and Dirge Resenders.
- Appearance wise the two Spiketail crew are lightly equiped and do little more then ensure the automatic gun is running smoothly in the field.  When the gun deploys, they enter the gunner's array inside.  The gun itself is about the size of a minivan, and floats around on directed hoverdrives when in motion.

Medicator Swimmer - $400 [1 Swimmer]

- Valuable field medics that maintain the health and well being of the VDF's infantry corps.  Swimmers have always been valued for their kindness and sympathy as well as their ability to look beyond racial barriers to help others, and this quality is regarded highly for trainees to be field Medicators.
- The duty of the Medicators used to be exclusively in the quarters of the Cardio Rigs, but the vehicles were declared to be too expensive to dino and maintain following the Twilight War and were decommissioned.
- Possess no weapons of their own, with the advanced medical gear taking up all the limited space they have on their suits.
- Training provides the means to seamlessly join other dinosaur groups to heal the wounded, and overall increase morale.  After all, with a walking hospital following you around you can't possibly die right?
- Appearance wise the swimmer has limited protection, since these brave medics tend to join other groups to rely on them to provide cover.  Only a white helmet, backed up by a green visor and two large pieces of medical kit on each arm and a rienforced chest plate provide protection and purpose to the one inside.

Longneck Experimental Battlesuits - $1200 [4 Longnecks]
-> Chrono-suit Upgrade - $300
-> Vortex-suit Upgrade - $600

- As ever, the intelligent longnecks are used to test new and powerful technologies for use in deployment to other races in the VDF foot army.  The latest iteration of fully sealed combat suits consist of the time bending Chrono-suits and the seldom spoke of Vortex-suits developed by Topsy's secretive 'Section IV'.  Depending on the technology avialable [As in if a Chrono-metron or Vortex Reactor are present] secret codes can be sent to cause the suit itself to upgrade to power a new and unique weapon and platform in the field
- The main armament of Longneck Battlesuits is a set of 'Swarm Rocket Pods' that can attack a large variety of targets efficiantly.
- The Chrono-suits are extremely expensive, limited issue, and have waiting lists of volenteers hundreds of names long.  Applicants are tested in all matters mental, physical, and spiritual, to ensure that the few that do make it through are the best of the best.
- Chrono-suits can teleport across the map to anywhere within vision instantly, and apart from a short 'phase-in' period where the pilot makes his way through time and space the process is nearly flaw-proof.  Neuron Cannons in addition to the Swarm Rockets can erase objects and beings from time entirely, and can eliminate key enemies easily and without bloodshed (on some level).  Larger targets take longer to erase then smaller ones.
- Vortex-suits are a special additon developed and approved by Topsy as a means to 'get one up on those sharpteeth next time'.  The technology employed is generally regarded as evil and unncessesary, but undeniably effective.  Basically, the suit generates a localized blackhole that disintegrates and sucks away whole packs, vehicles, and buildings caught in the blast radius.  Worst of all, the black hole sustains itself and stacks with each consecutive shot until it becomes an unstoppable vortex of doom to everything around.
- No upgrades... though do they really need them?


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Unit Interactions section:

Rather then just post profiles and say X unit is good against Y unit but loses hard to Z unit, I'm going to do a detailed description of how each unit would actually work in the game by showing an instance where it would do well, and another instance of it being countered.

Runner Rangers -

<An unupgraded group of Runners and an unupgraded pack of Claw Sickle Hunters sit idle in an open field, just out of range of one another>

<You select the Runners>

"Runners ready."

<You order them to attack move into the Sickle Hunters>

"...Watch for sharpteeth"

<The SH's start firing first, shooting the runners with single shot spineguns.  One runner dies before they get in range, and then they engage with their automatic shotguns.  The battle lasts only a few seconds, with both sides causing big damage but the Runners ultimately come out on top, killing the Sickleclaws while only taking two casualties of their own>


<Runner Rangers vs. Claw Sentinel Drone in an open field>

<You select the RRs>

"Tell us where to go."

<Attack move order>

"Move fast..."

<The Senitnel Drone opens fire almost imediately, loosing two screeching heavy rockets that suceed in killing a single runner in a gory explosion.  Once the RRs get close enough they easily wreck the SD in a few seconds, just before it can shoot again>


<Runner Rangers vs. Claw Fusionhounds>

<You select the RRs>

"Runners ready."

<You tell them to attack move>

"Keep your eyes open..."

<The RRs open fire with their shotguns first, but the heavily armoured fastbiters overpower them easily without losing a single one, turning all six runners into piles of steaming orange soup>

Exo-Spiketails -

<a group of Exo-Spiketails and a single Claw Scythe Battle Walker sit apart from one another in an open field>

<You select the ExSs>

"We live for the heavy weapons!"

<You order them to attack move towards the walker>

"Strong and free baby."

<The Scythe Walker shoots with dual red armour piercing lasers, but fails to hit the Spiketails as they are too small a target.  Upon getting in range, the four spiketails sweep the target with their light blue exo-lasers as they emit a high pitched whine.  The two units exchange two more volleys before the ExSs slice the metal battle walker into shiny metal pieces, without taking any casualties of their own>


<4 groups of Exo-Spiketails versus a Tyrannotron Mech in an open field>

<You select the Spiketails>

"We got the big guns."

<You order them to attack move>

"Hah fresh chops coming up"

<A massive battle ensues as the ExSs strafe the massive mech with Exo-lasers, while taking punishing crimson Volcano blasts from it's dual cannons.  In the end 6 of the original 16 Spiketails remain and the large machine is destroyed>


<3 groups of ExSs and 2 packs of 3 Reaptor Reborn sit apart in an open field>

<You select the ExSs>

"Something need blowing up?"

<You order them to attack move>

"It's all on us."

<The Exo-spiketails open fire with their Exo-lasers, but the lancing beams fail to significantly harm the Reborn as they rampage into close quarters.  The ExSs are graphically torn limb from limb by the Undead Sharpteeth, until none remain.  The Reborn take no casualties, and quickly regenerate whatever limited damage was done>


Longneck Techmaster -

<A single LT sits in an open field, and a paritally burning Challenger Tank rolls up a short distance away>

<You select the Techmaster>


<You order him to repair the vehicle>

"No time for hibernation."

<The LT moves next to the tank, and four robotic arms pop out of the large module on his back.  Operating them with a small control device in his left foot (yes Longnecks have opposable thumbs in Future Wars) the vehicle is repaired and looking all new in a couple seconds>


<A Longneck Techmaster and 3 Groups of Runner Rangers sit in an open field, guarding a clanking Ore Drill>

<There is a vicious slashing sound, and one of the Runners sceams as blood shoots from his neck. There are no visible attackers>

<You select the Longneck Techmaster>

"Two times three plus square of... yes?"

<You order him to move towards the place where the runner was killed>

"If you say so."

<The Scanner on the back module of the LT pops up and pings, revealing a stealthed Claw Blade Assassin nearby.  The Runners immediately lock and load, gunning down the enemy runner with extreme prejudice>


<A Longneck Techmaster sits in an open field, next to the still burning metal corpse of a massive Brontodon Walker>

<You select the LT>

"Hey... is this thing on?"

<You order the longneck to reactivate the destroyed walker>

"No sharpteeth there right?"

<The LT moves toward the walker, and activates a small jet pack, jumping into the burned out cockpit of the vehicle.  After a few moments lights come back on and the fires go out, and the mighty walker rises again>

"Principle Reactors online... Brontodon active for combat."



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Military Units - Armoured Vehicles

[All Constructed from the Armour Facility]

Constructodon - $5000

- As mentioned above

Leaper - $800 [Light Raider]

- The Leaper is a hovering light vehicle that bears many similarities to the older Skyrunner, but is more nimble and comes with improved vector thrusters that smooth out the kinks in the less advanced design.
- Piloted by the fast runners of the light armour corps and armed with two Heavy Rocket Swarm batteries that fair well against aircraft and light vehicles, but fall short against heavier armour
- Fortunately these vehicles can fire on the move making them excellent raiders and support attackers
- Thanks to the newest design completed by the longnecks the Leaper can temporarily boost its bottom thrusters allowing it to catapult over ground based obstacles like a jumping cricket making it highly efficient in broken terrain

Interceptor - $800 [Fortress APC-Tank]

- The Interceptor is a medium ground vehicle that appears similar to a treaded battle tank, but is instead equipped with numerous fire ports that can be manned (or dinoed) by the infantry group inside
- Ingenious design by the longneck techmasters has included an upgrade that allows this semi-tank to deploy it’s armour and harden it’s outer shell at the cost of mobility.  This expanded form immobilizes the vehicle but doubles it’s hit points giving increased survivability to whomever is inside
- Has space for one group while mobile, and two groups while deployed
- Piloted by Spiketails who always enjoy operating heavy equipment, even if it means getting close to the front line
- Can carry one devastator emplacement while mobile, but unfortunately due to the mass of the gun it cannot fire out of the ports in transit

Scanner - $1000 [Bi-pedal Long Range Detection Walker]

- The Scanner serves the important role within the VDF military structure of detecting hidden enemies and warning of impending weapon strikes
- Crewed by Swimmers who see the Scanner as the ëavatar’ of themselves because it looks so similar to how they would have looked at full size
- Appearance wise, the scanner does indeed look like a giant mechanical swimmer with the exception of the large antenna sticking out of its back used for all operations.
- Deploying the Scanner greatly increases survivability at the expense of mobility, as well as widening the scan radius slightly
- Informs the Commander whenever Artillery fire, stealth units, special weapons or a commando comes within range potentially predicting a fatal attack

Challenger Tank - $1200 [Short Ranged Main Battle Tank]

[Requires: Tactical Command]

- Challenger Tanks are high tech armoured vehicles that rely on heavy armour and lots of short range ordnance to blow their way through opponents
- The Threehorns who pilot these impressive machines glory in their exclusive rights to the heavy armour divisions and often their stubbornness makes a difference when other races might have run in fear
- Armed with two Crusher Cannons, which are short-barrelled and hull mounted right next to one another but pack a good punch for their ease of access.  The idea behind designing them this way was to allow the Threehorn crew to clinch their racial desire to get up and personal to deal the damage
- Appearance-wise the Challenger actually looks something like a Threehorn as well, with a large crest serving as a front armour plate.

+ Crusader Upgrade - $400 [Long Range Line Breaker Tank]

[Requires: Tactical Command, Challenger Tank]

- Converts a Challenger Tank into a Crusader Tank in the field via a warp-linked reconstruction system that teleports in and assembles on the turret covering the previous weapon system and changing it into a new one
- Armed with a single long barrelled Crusader Ion Cannon, which has superb range and performs well against Structures and Hardened Defences.  Also works well against small groups of infantry, but the single shot and low rate of fire prove to be significant drawbacks for this use.
- Also upgrades the frontal armour plate with a built in Arc-Shield, which is a golden force barrier that triggers when the Crusader is hit with a powerful frontal attack.  This means that this upgraded armoured vehicle is exceptional at assaulting lines of base defences as it can not only deal great damage to them, but it can also take a few punishing hits before failing.
- Unfortunately this upgrade greatly reduces anti-armour damage, so in Armour vs. Armour battles it is little more then a meat shield for other friendly vehicles.

Metal Storm Tank - $1000 [Medium Range Anti-Horde Tank]

[Requires: Tactical Command]

- The Metal Storm is a new device created by longnecks to quickly and efficiently take down aircraft, but it is equally deadly against infantry hordes
- Mounted on the same body as the Interceptor, the Metal Storm Cannon is composed of two separate guns each consisted of eight closely placed barrels.  When fired, they unleash a burst of rounds at over 1,000,000 RPM that is easily capable of turning a horde of rampaging monsters into a carpet of chopped meat
- The main drawback to the Metal Storm is that it goes through ammo very quickly and takes a while to reload between bursts, giving it very high spike damage but limited use on a spread out army.
- The Threehorn crews of these devices are the surplus from the now obsolete Punisher Tank Corps, and they take the change which mixed reactions (more traditional commanders question pressing such a new and at times temperamental device into service over the more dependable Punishers)
- Is capable of deploying into a fixed defensive position, limiting it’s role to only anti-aircraft but greatly increasing its survivability in combat.

Brontodon II - $3000 [Massive Heavy Assault Walker]

[Requires: Battle Centre]

- These iconic quadrupedal battle walkers are still the main symbol of the VDF over thirty years after they were originally introduced during the Twilight War.  Their towering form is the height of an office building and half the length of a Seedball field, and their presence on the battlefield is sometimes enough to end rebellions and solve military disputes.
- Despite the end of the Brontodon testing phase over fifteen years ago Longnecks still continue to pilot them exclusively causing a minor schism with the Threehorns who see heavy armour as their right and role.  In one of the unknown cases of racism within the VDF, VDF Research and to a lesser degree Bigmouth’s Armoury have continued to develop and test new additions to their hulking frames to provide and excuse to keep longneck pilots as the only operators.
- Replacing the old double Exo-Cannons with Ion Comet Batteries has been one of the most obvious changes, as internal testing has determined that the increased range and accuracy given by Ion Comets is far superior to the old weapons system.  It is also still armed with a basic rocket defence system for use against air targets.

Behemoth II - $2200 [Large Heavy Artillery Walker]

[Requires: Battle Centre]

- Of all the old weaponry still used by the VDF the Behemoth has seen its role changed the most from it’s original purpose of simply providing long range firepower.  Now the Behemoth Walkers are tooled to provide not only artillery support but also act as a powerful base defence when deployed.
- Appearance wise it looks similar to a giant flat-backed spiketail with a large concealed cannon assembly dominating most of the chassis.  When deployed the walker drops to the ground and the back of the Seismic Annialator gun rises up to point the weapon directly at the terrain below.  
- With a sound like a crack of thunder the cannon pile drives downwards firing a massive Seismic Shell that seeks out and explodes underneath the target at long range.  Should the effects not destroy it outright, then they are sure to knock it flying (during testing the impact of a seismic shell was enough to knock down a Skyscraper)
- Works optimally against almost all ground targets, and is especially effective at long range bombardment without giving its position away
- Crewed by Spiketails, who enjoy the chance to unleash such awesome firepower whole heartedly.

+ Vortex Tank Upgrade - $600 [Moderate Range Annialation Device]

[Requires: Battle Centre, Vortex Stabilizer, Challenger Tank]

- Another one of Section IVs deadly and unethical creations, the Vortex Tank is an upgrade based on the Challenger Tank similar to the Crusader one except it gives an evil black paintjob and a wide-bore Vortex Inducer Cannon at a much greater cost
- Use of the Vortex Tank currently is exclusive to Topsy’s private army for fears of the truth about the nature of the weapon spreading to the media and creating problems for VDA leadership
- The Vortex Inducer creates a localized rift similar to the ones made by the Vortex Suits, except this one is bigger and gets more powerful the more Vortex Tanks add to it.  Eventually the Rift will reach a maximum size at which point more fire will only sustain it.
- The Rift created by the Inducer sucks in everything from rocks, trees, enemies, air, and even light.  This obviously completely annialates anything that it is fired at given enough time, though larger vehicles are less vulnerable as their considerable mass takes time to break down.  Ultimately, this means the Rift is at greatest power against masses of Infantry and buildings as well as a means of sucking up enemy fire.

Mobile Armour Facility - $2000 [Mobile Production Centre]

[Requires: Battle Centre]

- Can create units on the move, stopping only to release finished creations before moving onward.
- Piloted by Longnecks as it is an experimental machine


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I've decided upon a couple of changes to the VDF as well as Claw and Chronus.

Build Systems:

VDF: Construction Rigs

The Constructodon manufactures smaller treaded vehicles that can be moved around and unpacked into base structures.  These 'Rigs' are built fairly quickly, but take a good amount of time to assemble when placed.

I feel that this system compliments the whole 'units-as-base defenses' idea that defines the Icestorm Era Valley Defense Forces and also places more emphasis on base management, since the faction is supposed to be more about defense than attack.

This also makes the parameters for the last mission in the Twilight War, Death Storm, make more sense as the Structure Rigs are dropped down from space once your Constructodon has reached the eye of the storm to basically give free buildings and make the mission actually winnable when faced with early and powerful Dirge attacks.

Claw: Place and Build

Claw structures are placed on the ground and build themselves up, making them more vulnerable to attack and more balanced compared to the VDF system. Since Claw as a faction has no unit limit, (essentially) the sharptooth base management process is much simpler than the VDF one to ensure more effort is put into properly managing attacking units.

For instance, a late game Claw Army can secure a postion just by placing a few Rapier Turrets and a Volcano Cannon and forgetting about them, while a VDF Army would need to build and set up a few Behemoth IIs and Metal Storms to be as safe.  On the upside however, a determined VDF defense is a lot tougher to break than a Claw one because of:

(A) Vulnerable Power Plants or
(B) Lack of Defense Range

Synchronus: Build and Teleport

I haven't talked about Synchronus much at all, but basically it is an army made up of every soul ever sucked into a Vortex, erased from time, or had their immortal energy stolen by a Soul Nuke.  These half-corporal dinosaur spirits hunger for revenge, and serve a basic instinctual purpose that is further rienforced by the will of their leader - Claw's former Commando Utah.  The forbidden weapons of the VDF and Claw have damaged the planet so much that boundaries between realities are weakening and Synchronus has siezed the chance to break through and correct the massive wrongs the dinosaurs have inflicted upon themselves.

The Synchronus build system is that all structures are pre-built inside their Dimensional Altar and teleported onto the map fully completed once the location has been selected.  This method of construction allows Chronus to build even while under attack in perfect safety, and use their base defenses in a far more aggressive fashion than Claw or the VDF.



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Future Wars II: VDF Campaign

The single player screen features two separate icons: The Crown & Leaf of the VDF and the Curled Talon of Claw.  You click on the VDF one and set the difficulty to ëThreehorn’ (aka Medium).

< The screen changes to a rotating silver VDF symbol >

ALI: Artificial Linguistic Intelligence unit online. Welcome back commander.

< A large monument the size of a skyscraper fills the screen, lined on one side by Claw flags and Firehound fast-biters with their noses in the air and on the other by VDF Flags followed by rows of Longneck Exosuits in a similar pose.  Along the middle is a set of golden stairs leading to the massive block bearing the words of the Peace Pact >

ALI: It has been thirty years since the end of the Twilight War, and the Nation of Claw and the Valley Defence Alliance are officially at peace.

< A view of the globe appears in a green outline, and begins to turn blue, followed by pictures of cold weather, suffering, and frozen machinery >

ALI: The planet has grown colder then any other time in recorded history, and the long vicious winters have brought the VDA into a state of decline.

< The picture changes to show a longneck so large he stands at least ten times taller then all the others around him, and the masses seem to be adoring of him >

ALI: The longneck known as Littlefoot inherited his grandfather’s position on the council as leader of the Great Haven, and subs sequentially rulership of the VDA itself.  Like his older relative, he rules justly and fairly and challenges to his power are non-existent. However, there are many outside challenges and he continually struggles to keep us together in the face of a slowly shrinking domain.

< A vicious black-carapaced Dirge monster is shown, its ravenous maw screaming as it is blasted repeatedly by Exo-blasts from fully-suited Spiketails.  The image changes again to show a massive crimson sky vessel surrounded by a swarm of red fighter planes strafing the ground.  More images show unrest, burning hover vehicles and runners wearing black masks. >

ALI: The Valley Defence Forces, those few charged with protecting their kin, face numerous enemies including sharptooth pirates, radical separatist groups, and packs of Dirge Monsters stalking the wilderness.

< Several images flash of various VDF vehicles and weapons, including schematics for a Brontodon, Leaper, and Chrono-suit >

ALI: As a Commander you will be armed with the most powerful and advanced weaponry in the world. Your final test begins now…  Good luck.


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Act I: Infestation

Mission #1: Examination Operation

< The steel door slides open with a hiss, bringing some light into a pretty dark room.  In comes the fastrunner Grisson, carrying in one of his arms a collection of things he needs for his class.  He goes to sit down in a chair, only to find that it was built for one with four-legs so he couldn’t use it >

Instructor Iris: You’re late Grisson…

Grisson: I came at 26:30, just like you told me to instructor.

Instructor Iris: I’m not interested in your excuses runner… all my other students have learned to arrive on time, except for you.  It amazes me that you are still here being so tardy while fourteen others have failed.  Today, you get to stand.

< The other six longneck students in the room all laugh quietly to themselves >

Iris: Moving on, an opportunity has come up for one of you to take your examination.  High Command has passed down a mission of importance, and based on your qualifications the best one of you will be chosen to oversee this task.  ALI will elaborate.

< The screen behind Iris changes into a silver VDF symbol, and it quickly minimizes to go over the mission briefing >

ALI: At 21:00 hours, an emergency beacon was received from Excell Station on the outer most circle of the Great Haven.  The cause of the call is unknown, and there are only limited forces in the area available for reconnaissance and investigation.  Your objectives are to ascertain the status of the Station, and should the nice arise evacuate any dinosaurs in critical to sub-critical condition.  Advising and grading this mission will be Major General Longtail.

< At the sound of the legendary figure, many of the longnecks were jumping in their seats hoping for the chance to get to get picked to do it.  Instructor Iris smiled >

Iris: Very well, ALI which one of the students will be taking the test.

ALI: Based on qualifications in low casualty rates and efficiency of search and destroy, I have selected Grisson Rubyson for command.

< Several of the longnecks shot Grisson dirty looks, and Iris even growled slightly before turning towards the still standing up runner >

Iris: It looks like it’s your lucky day runner… or perhaps your unlucky one.

< One of the Command Nodes – small chambers where the Commanders act in isolation when overseeing a mission – whines mechanically as it slides open out of the wall >

ALI: Command Node 4.12 activated.  Good luck, Commander.

- Investigate Excell Station to determine the purpose of the distress call
- Protect and evacuate any survivors

Featured Units:
- Runner Rangers
- Railsniper Team

The mission begins with three groups of six Runner Rangers, all Centurion rank (i.e. a level above Veteran but below Savoir) walking in from the edge of the screen.

Runner: “Hey look the Com is one of us!”

Sergeant: “Keep it down soldier… it’s too quiet around here.”

Your first encounter is two buildings occupied each by a team of Swimmer Railsnipers.  They are continuously firing out, picking off black Dirge Raveners at range.  The aliens appear to be quite numerous, though the surviving ones are fleeing from the Rail gun fire.

Swimmer: “Are we glad to see you… this swarm just came from nowhere.  We have been pretty secure here, but there’s no telling what happened to the rest of the security teams.”

Continuing onward and killing a few packs of Dirge on the way, you reach the first mining post on the way to Excell Station.  There is smashed equipment and the dead bodies of leaf eaters everywhere.

Swimmer: “Look at this… they didn’t even stand a chance.”

Sergeant: “Commander we have reached the first node of the Station… what’s left of it anyway.  Looks like a Dirge attack, and a big one too.”

Further searching in the morbid killing ground reveals a collection of bodies, both leaf-eater and Dirge, scorched to death by flames.

Runner: “This looks bad.”

Suddenly, just off the screen, a Claw Transport closes up its back hatch and screams off into the air, passing over your group of Swimmers and Runners.

Runner: “Hey there are sharpteeth here… what the hell could they be up to?”

ALI: “Incoming communications received from a nearby worker hovel. They have indicated that they are under alien attack. Your new orders are to proceed there and hold out until an evac can arrive.”

After fighting your way through yet more groups of aliens you eventually come across the survivors barricaded at the main station. Two Runner Ranger squads at only half strength are set up in front of a dozen or so frightened spiketails and longnecks.

Runner: “We’re glad to see you sir.  The Dirge just came in from nowhere all of a sudden, and there were so many of them we couldn’t do a thing.  Right here is the last of us.”

ALI: “Stegodon Transport dispatched.  Hold out for five minutes until it arrives.”

Bigmouth: “Bigmouth here, I believe one of my Armoury nodes is located nearby.  You can use it to upgrade your weaponry and replenish depleted groups of infantry.”

Grisson: “Uh, thank you sir.”

Securing the Armoury grants a level of veterancy to all your groups (provided they aren’t Savoir already) and restores the depleted runners plus your own to full squad size.

Runner: “Incoming!”

Transport Pilot: “Stegodon E114 Inbound… here just on time to save your stems.”

ALI: “Evacuation successful, excellent work Commander.”

< A rotating VDF symbol appears >

ALI: “We are victorious”

VDF Victory Beat: “”


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Mission #2: Area Defence

Iris: I can’t say I agree with ALI’s calculation Major General… missions of this severity and calibre can only be handled by longnecks.  It was proven in the Twilight War and it continues to be proven today.

Longtail: I’m looking over his records Instructor, and ALI was quite correct.  Grisson did score higher then his classmates in both of the categories listed.  His performance today was quite exceptional as well… perhaps you are being too hasty.

Iris: Trusting a runner is a gamble sir… what’s to stop him from turning around and passing vital military information to Claw?

< Longtail removes the lit cigar from his mouth, and leans forward >

Longtail:  I have checked the boy’s background a hundred times over Iris, do you not think I would feel the need to do so since I personally signed his admission?  My ass is the one on the line Major… and I can assure you the runner has well exceeded my expectations.  This conversation is over.

Two Days Later…

< The ground thunders with the pounding of massive mechanical feet as a Constructodon trudges across the landscape tearing down any trees or brush that get in its path.  The screen cuts to on board the control deck, where a crew of Spiketails minds the array of beeping and whining computers.  On the top of the deck, Grisson sits along with his newly assigned command staff >

Officer: Wow my runner you must have really done well back there… I never dreamed lowly runners like us would be part of a Commander’s personal staff.

Grisson: To be honest, neither did I.

Female Comms Runner: I got a transmission coming in, looks like it’s from pretty high up.  ALI’s decrypting it now.

ALI: Com link established.

< Longtail’s face appears on the screen >

Longtail: Well Grisson, I’ve finished grading your exam.

Grisson: With all due respect sir, what did I pass by?

Longtail: What makes you think you passed boy?

Grisson: If I had failed sir, I wouldn’t have been assigned to this rig…uh…sir.

< Longtail smiles, and takes a puff from his cigar >

Longtail: “Heh, a pretty sharp one you are.  Alright, you passed… and you passed well.  You got your tri-treestars and your first command.  Congratulations, you’re the first fastrunner to ever achieve the rank… your mother would be proud.”

< Grisson salutes, beaming in triumph >

Longtail: And on that note… I have for you your next assignment.  ALI will fill you in on the details, good luck.

< The link closes >

ALI: The VDF base at Sunny Ridge is threatened by large Dirge forces gathering in the wilderness.  The praetor-mayor of the town has declared a state of emergency, and all the occupants have been evacuated into the confines of the base.  You will be assigned a Co-Commander, and one of you will be delegated to overseeing the defences, while the other is responsible for eliminating the Dirge Dens in the area.

Grisson: “Sounds easy enough… who is this Co-Commander?”

< The screen flickers, and a new portrait opens >

Melphon: “Well if it isn’t little Grisson, our little runner hero.”

< Grisson looks away and rubs his head >

Grisson: “This isn’t school anymore Mel, you and your buddies can’t push me around now that I got my treestars.”

Melphon: “Maybe not, but I can sure show you up.  This is my final exam, and if I’m lucky maybe I’ll beat you so bad that Iris will take away your stars and give them to me.”

< With a sigh, the fastrunner closes the link >

Grisson: “And this is the hot head our finest trust their lives with…”

- Establish a perimeter and protect the citizens while Melphon takes care of the dens
- Eliminate all the Dirge Dens in the area

Units Featured:
- Runner Rangers
- Exo-Spiketails
- Devastator Teams

The mission begins as two separate Constructodon walkers enter the back entrance of a well established VDF base with Ion Fences, four Arboriums, and two Logistics Depots empty of any mining operations.  Without pause, the two of them position themselves and deploy on separate sides of the base, dividing all the structures in half.  Stegodon Transports continually fly in and out, dropping off loads of the town’s population into Habitation Huts.

Grisson: “So which one of us does which?”

ALI: “By order of Instructor Iris, authentication code 223452, you are to protect the base from incoming Dirge attacks until Melphon has completed his mission.

Grisson: “Iris… I’m starting to hate that bitch.”

Complete control of the base and its operations is passed to you, including two Runner Ranger groups guarding the entrance.

ALI: “A complete tutorial on base construction and management is available, would you like to proceed?”

< Being an experienced player, you select no and get to it >

Spending the credits at your disposal, you quickly add two Protium Mines onto the Logistics Depot to maximize income while building an Infantry Barracks Rig.  The IB Rig emerges from the deployed Constructodon after a time, and you select a location and deploy it as well.

Bigmouth: “If I may intercede, I have taken the liberty of transporting Devestator Teams to your location to aid in the defence. When deployed, their Punisher Cannons will cut down any aliens attempting to enter the perimeter.”

< A Stegodon Transport flies in from the rear, and drops off 3 Spiketail teams each armed with a Punisher (Gatling) cannon on treads the size of a small car >

Grisson: “Why are you helping me?”

Bigmouth: “My department’s responsibility includes ensuring all field equipment is up to date and available for use when needed, regardless of the Commander of the host.”

ALI: “Devestator Platforms will be most practical when placed in these optimal locations.”

< A few greenish outlines appear on the map, making there very little guesswork in placement locations >

Wasting no time, you order them to deploy in said locations and queue up a few Runner Ranger groups and a few Exo-Spiketail groups.  Once they are in position, a notification appears.

ALI: “In order to train more Devastators, you must construct and deploy a Tactical Command.”

You queue up a Tactical Command in the building menu, and then deploy the Rig when it emerges.  The base is attacked multiple times by the Dirge, but predictably they are torn to ribbons by Punisher fire.  The process is repeated many, many times.  Eventually, even Grisson gets bored.

Grisson: “Well this isn’t very exciting…  I wonder what Melphon is up to.”

< The screen pans to the bottom-most Dirge Den as it shows the Longneck Commander Melphon’s first attack.  It doesn’t go well, and the force of Runners and Exo-Spiketails is surrounded and massacred by voracious Raveners and Sappers. Undeterred, Melphon simply laughs >

Melphon: “Such weaklings.  If they can’t deal with a few bugs then they deserve to die.”

Officer: “That murdering bastard!  He sent them to their deaths!”

Grisson: “And I know just what to do to get him back.  Dinos, suit up we’re heading out to do the job right.”

ALI: “Objectives updated.”

You take your force of Runner Rangers and Exo-Spiketails and assault one of the Dirge Dens up top.  It goes well, with only minimal casualties.  You repeat the process, training more foot dinosaurs as needed until all the Dens (including the one Melphon failed to take) are all eliminated.

Grisson: “Excellent work… this will shut him up for a while.”

Melphon: “You just wait until she hears about this.  You’re gonna get pinned to the wall runner.”

Grisson: “And the hatchling runs to mommy for help,”

ALI: “Incoming transmission, stand by.”

Iris: “What is this, why are your troops outside Grisson instead of protecting the base as you were ordered?”

Grisson: “The defence is covered instructor; my Devestator Teams have contributed to make a powerful barrier for the populace.”

Iris: “Devestators?  Where did you get them?  I didn’t assign them to you.”

Grisson: “They were given to me… by Bigmouth.”

Iris: “Bigmouth would never give equipment that high powered to one such as you… I’m writing you up for stealing the weaponry, and disobeying my direct orders.”

< Before the fastrunner can attempt to argue, the link cuts out >

Officer: “Hah, so much for a medal.”

ALI: “We are victorious.”

VDF Victory Beat:


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Mission #3: The Source

< The scene opens inside the Runner General’s office, with him and Grisson in deep discussion >

Grisson: I tell you these accusations are false.  The instructor has been after me since the very beginning, always trying her best to plant obstacles in my way and have me punished.  This is madness, and it has to stop!

Runner General: Calm down Grisson. I know what is happening and I have expressed my concerns to High Command, but we have to wait until we know the outcome of their investigation... it is the best I can do.

< The communication screen comes to life with a rotating VDF symbol >

ALI: Receiving incoming transmission, opening uplink now.

Longtail: “I hate to tell you this boy, but until we can be sure as to exactly what occurred yesterday you have been temporarily suspended.”

Grisson: “Suspended!?! General the allegations are completely false… I acted how I thought right and saved a hundreds of lives from Mel’s incompetent command.”

Longtail: “Easy… I said you have been ëofficially’ suspended, but I have an under the table mission for you.  Seeing as your army group is the only one active in the area, I want you to hunt down and deal with the source of these monsters.  Reports are coming in from stations all over of Dirge sightings and my instincts tell me it’s only going to get worse.  Take care of this, and I’ll tell you it will make this business pass a lot sooner then it would otherwise.”

< Grisson salutes >

Grisson: “Yes sir”

As the mission begins, two groups of Runner Rangers come in from the edge of the screen.  The terrain is narrow and rough, and seems to be only covered in occasional spots of green.

Runner Sergeant: “We’re with you Grisson.”

Grisson: “I know, but if we are to pull this one off I’m gonna need a lot more then this to get the job done right.”

ALI: Incoming transmission, standby.

Bigmouth: “I have an interesting reinforcement for you Commander to aid you in finding the source of the Dirge Influx… he should be quite familiar…”

Grisson: “Oh no, I’m not taking your help this time.  I don’t want to get in anymore trouble from High Command.”

Bigmouth: “I must insist.  Without the skills of our best commando you would be unlikely to succeed.”

Runner General: “It’s alright Grisson; he is acting on my orders.”

Grisson: “Your orders sir? Does that mean the whole time it has been your…”

< A Longneck in a high tech black hyper suit comes abruptly on the screen, interrupting the discussion.  Her face is almost completely shielded apart from the nose and the blue visored eye panes >

X41 Pilot: “Hypersonic cargo inbound, you be careful down there.”

< Suddenly a Black Jet blasts across the screen so fast it is barely visible.  A small pod detaches from the body and is rapidly slowed with a combination of rocket boosters and protected parachutes.  Upon reaching the ground in front of your troops, a familiar figure pops out >

Chomper: “Ready to rock and roll.”

Bigmouth: “You have been given special clearance this time Grisson, you must certainly be held in high esteem.”

ALI: “Old Chomper is our most potent Commando.  His Time Flux Generator can erase groups of enemy units with ease, demolish enemy structures, and work effectively against all most all land targets.”

Old Chomper: “Hah, I’m not old… I’m just conditioned with a little time.”

Grisson: “It is certainly a privilege, you’re practically a living legend.”

Old Chomper: “Is that you Grisson… little Grisson? Wow it has been a while.”

Grisson: “You… know me?”

Old Chomper: “I was there when you hatched.  I had to get off ëwork’ a while of course.”

Grisson: “So you knew my mom?”

Old Chomper: “Love to stay and chat, but we got work to do junior.”

Grisson: “Yes, right I’m sorry.”

- Locate the Source of the Dirge Infestation
- If possible, eradicate all Spawning Sacs with extreme prejudice

Units Featured:
- Runner Rangers
- Old Chomper
- Leaper

You take control of the two Runner groups and Chomper first and order them onwards towards the Source at the bottom of the map.  Chomper gets many chances to demonstrate his masterful skills and exceptional equipment, obliterating all incoming Raveners, Sappers, and even a few of the more powerful Ravagers.  After clearing out three areas and covering almost half the map, a unit of Dirge Genitors is revealed in your way (the Heavy guys that can switch weapons on their bodies).

< One of the Genitors screeches, filling the air with the sickening sound of death >

Chomper: “Leave this to me… my new Reality Bender should guard against those poison spikes.”

Activating the Reality Orb ability, Old Chomper easily gets close and erases the squealing creatures from existence.

Chomper: “Bang on baby.”

Runner: “Malefors incoming!  Get down!”

< With the sound of a million buzzing bees, two packs of Dirge Malefors swoop in and start pelting your prone Runners with acidic green fireballs. A portrait opens showing a wild looking Runner pilot with only a pair of sunglasses and a comms assembly on his face >

Leaper Pilot: “I got a rocket storm just for you.”

< Three VDF Leapers bound down off a nearby cliff and land near your troops, pelting the Malefors with barrages of Swarm Rockets.  All of them are taken out with ease >

Leaper Pilot: “Came as fast as we could sir… those bugs are nasty.”

ALI: Leapers are light hovering raiders that excel at fast attacks and the elimination of light airborne targets.

Taking the Leapers with you along with what is left of your small army, you continue onwards towards the bottom of the map.  Eventually you come across something else interesting as well.  A few packs of Claw Fusionhounds desperately burn their way through a horde of aliens, taking casualties on both sides.  After crushing the Dirge between both your forces and Claw’s, Chomper and one of the sharpteeth engage in a talk in sharptooth language you can’t understand.  The remains of the Claw unit flee into their transport, and the Gorgon burrows into the ground and disappears.

Grisson: “They ran away…what did you tell them?”

Chomper: “Something best translated as: Piss off or die.”

Grisson: “Hmm, this is the second time I’ve come across Claw soldiers since we began to move against this infestation… could the sharpteeth have something to do with it?”

ALI: Receiving incoming transmission.

Runner General: “Listen Grisson, you have to move swiftly.  Instructor Iris is looking for you, no doubt to try and catch you in the act again.  I can try and keep her from your Command Node, but I can’t promise too long.”

Grisson: “Damn, she is such a thorn in the foot.”

Chomper: “Want me to plug her?”

Grisson: “No… that would probably just make things worse.”

A brief move brings you down to the Misty Valley Water Treatment Plant.  One of the Longneck Engineers comes forward and says that they have found evidence of Dirge breeding within the pipes.

Chomper: “Looks like I’m going to have to blow the seals and flood the sewer tunnels.”

Longneck Engineer: “No wait!  If you protect my fellows and I we can open the valves manually… save them from being destroyed.”

Grisson: “Well get to it then… we don’t have all day.”

Longneck Engineer: “Hey, your not a…”

Grisson: “Longneck? I know.  Like it or not though I’m in charge here.”

Longneck Engineer: “Absolutely… right away sir.”

The most challenging part of getting the pumps on is not getting the longnecks to them but holding back the tides of Dirge that emerge from the Sewers once you get close.  Even with Chomper doing his best, it proves difficult to do all three but once you are finished the entire Sewer is flooded and the squeals of the Dirge go silent.

Chomper: “Nothing quite like an ending with style.”

< A rotating VDF symbol appears on the screen >

ALI: We are victorious

VDF Victory Beat:


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Mission #4: Claw’s Intentions:

< The door of the Command Node slides open, and Grisson is dragged out by two fully suited runners and thrown to the floor.  He looks up, only to see a gun pointed right in his face.  Flanked by two more Command Guards, Instructor Iris struts in >

Iris: “We pass judgement on you Grisson, and yet here you are carrying on like it never occurred.  And you were such a promising student too…”

Grisson: “Come out and say it Iris, you’ve been after me since the beginning.”

Iris: “I’m not after you Grisson, I’m merely trying to preserve the order of things the way they should be.  Runners belong on the ground, fighting for us in whatever warzone we see fit.  They do not belong behind the seat of a Commanders Chair where speed and recklessness have no place.”

< Iris smiles with her victory, and nods to the guards on either side of her >

Iris: “Strip him off his treestars, and take him to the Command deck. Before the day is done he will be out the door and hopefully into a prison cell.”

< Grisson is aggressively thrown to the floor again, this time right in front of Longtail in his office. Leaning back in his stand (for longnecks can’t sit in normal chairs) the Major General waves away the guards >

Longtail: “You two are dismissed.  Now Instructor, will you kindly tell me why one of our best is being roughed up by the buildings protectors?”

Iris: “I caught him in a Commander’s node… likely using it to contact his Claw allies and marshal a force to undermine us.”

< Longtail levels his gaze at her >

Longtail: Were you not aware that Commander Grisson was cleared this morning? Our investigation found nothing worth less then commendation, even according to his rank and file.

Iris: “Wha…what?  Why was I not involved in this inquiry?”

Longtail: “Inquiries are always conducted by Intelligence Instructor… speaking of which I believe we have another matter to discuss.  Your pupil Melphon has received his final grade, and it was nothing short of disappointing.  I’m afraid he is simply too reckless with the lives of those under his command to be considered worthy of his treestars at this time.”

< Iris shifts from a look of rage, to one of embarrassment >

Iris: “Of course sir, I will speak to him right away.”

< Without another word Iris leaves >

Longtail: “Well boy that was some fine work… now that at least one source has been cut off we can proceed with the next phase of this operation to seek out the others.”

Grisson: “Sir, something has come up repeatedly in my assignments that I think you need to be aware of.  I have come across Claw forces operating within our borders more than once, and they appear to be engaged in either looting or instigating the attacks.”

Longtail: “Claw… <sighs> when will those sharpteeth ever learn.”

< With a buzz Longtail gets ALI to place a call into the quarters of the Claw Ambassador, and it goes through after the fourth ring >

Runner Attendant: “Claw Embassy receiver here… please state your business with the Ambassador now or risk being brutally torn to pieces… verbally that is.”

Longtail: “Get me Hasta and make it quick… this is official business.”

Attendant: “I’ll connect you now VDF Major General.”

< Longtail turns to Grisson >

Longtail: “Hah, sharpteeth are all about rank… at least they know some discipline.”

< Hasta comes on and speaks through a translator, so the mouth movements notably don’t match >

Hasta:  Hasta here… what do you want alpha leaf-eater?

Longtail: VDF Command has recently come across Claw military forces operating illegally within our borders.  The sightings have been confirmed and we are prepared to act so it is worthless to deny our intelligence.  Do you have any information you would like the VDF to know?

Hasta: There are no packs of the sort prowling with our blessing.  The Great Alpha is mighty, but he only has so much control over the will and acts of other Corporations, illegal or legal as they may be.

Longtail: Interesting, so are you saying these are mercenaries or independents and we are free to exterminate them as per military regulation?

< Hasta hesitates for a moment, and looks to the side briefly >

Hasta: You are may act as you see fit leaf-eater.

Longtail: Good.

< The link closes >

Longtail: Knowing the sharpteeth, it was likely done with at least Theta’s knowledge as a means to get a hold of our technology.

Grisson: “What would you suggest we do sir?”

Longtail: “Hmm… if the teeth are after our tech, then it’s a very good guess they will plan a raid at Tail Bay Harbour where all our Twilight War equipment salvage yards are.  You will be dispatched there in 0800 hours… ALI will fill you in on anything else you need to know.

< Grisson salutes, and grabs his treestars off Longtail’s desk before departing >

Longtail:  “I take care of my own runner… remember that.”

ALI: “Establishing battlefield control… standby.”

The mission begins as a VDF Submarine Battleship emerges from underwater.  Three large and heavily armoured boats emerge, and surrounded by combat swimmers they proceed towards the shore.

Longtail: “Welcome to Tail Bay Harbour Grisson.  Make sure you set up near the Protium mines away from the town centre, we don’t want to alarm the populace too much if the teeth never show up.”

The three boats hit the shore, and a Constructodon and 3 Rigs emerge along with a few starting forces.  The Arborium Rig, Logistics Rig, and Barracks Rig all unpack of their own accord, and three Runner Ranger squads with two Railsnipers and Exo-Spiketails assume defensive positions.

Civilian Spiketail: “VDF regulars! Lets get outta here… we gotta let the boss know.”

ALI: “Satellite auto-feed coming over now.  Observing standard combat noise above certain sectors of the city.”

< The screen pans to what is clearly an ill-equipped but deadly Claw force advancing through the city.  Suddenly a few groups of Spiketails with obsolete Rockets and Mortars emerge from the buildings and engage them resulting in a firefight.  As it escalates, more modern units like Interceptors and upgraded Thumper Cannons join the fray >

Spiketail: “This territory belongs to the Iron Tails Gang.  You sharpteeth are going to be mashed into chops for even thinking of coming in here.”

ALI: “The area appears to be dominated by Spiketail only Street Gang called the ëIron Tails.  Records show that the local police forces and government are suspected to under their sway.  Receiving incoming transmission.”

Scar Faced Spiketail: “Well well if it isn’t the so called Valley Defence Forces… you have a lot of nerve showing up now expecting our support.  We needed you during the Twilight War and you never came.  If you set foot in our city will put you down just like the teeth.”

ALI: “Battle control online.”

- Clear out the north, south, and east Salvage yards and deny them from Claw
- Destroy the Claw base to the north

Optional Objectives:
- Recruit or subjugate the Spiketails into your army

Units Available for Construction:
(Infantry Barracks)
- Runner Rangers
- Exo-Spiketails
- Devestator Teams
- Railsniper Teams
(Armour Facility)
- Leaper
- Interceptor (if acquired)
- Scanner

Available Upgrades:
(Tactical Command)
- Duraplate Armour (boosts Runner, Spiketail, and Swimmer health by 20%)
- Thumper Cannons (gives Devestator Teams a light artillery mode)
- Specialists: Medicator (allows you to buy Swimmer Medics individually for each squad @$300 that boost group health regeneration and lower ability cool down times)

You proceed to build up your base as per routine, upgrading the Logistics Centre to gather resources and deploying production structures and tech buildings.  After laying down your Tactical Command, Bigmouth comes up again.

Bigmouth: “I have a few new options for you Commander.  You may now construct a Nano-hospital to replenish and heal your troops, and new upgrades are available on the Tactical Command… courtesy of Bigmouth’s Armoury of course.”

You continue to play the mission, setting up defences and building up a small force.  Facing only a small amount of resistance, you easily clear out the South Salvage Yard and kill the Claw Troops there.  Shortly after completing that particular objective, a portrait opens up and a new face appears.

Roughhide: “I’m Roughhide, the Spiketail High Commissioner.  I have some connections within the Iron Tails, and I believe with a small credit donation we can amend past wrongs and bring them over to our side.”

Longtail: “Fat chance.  Grisson we can just steamroll through and teach these spiketails to obstruct their protectors.  Being that you’re the officer in on the ground though, I’ll let you choose how to proceed.”

1)   Buy the Loyalty of the Iron Tails for $5000 Credits
2)   Roll through and teach the lawless Gang bangers to defy military justice.

Being a nice commander (you don’t have to be though) you choose the first option.

Bigmouth: “Commander if you intend to buy your way into their good graces, might I recommend taking advantage of the Fuel Deposits to the north.”

< The Screen pans upwards to a set of two empty looking clumps of black dirt >

Bigmouth: “I’m forwarding plans for a Fuel Extractor into your Logistics Centre… it should greatly speed up resource collection and make fulfilling the quota easier.”

Having filled both your slots on your current Logistics Centre with Protium Mines, you build another one, deploy it, and a single Rigosaur pops out. You command the vehicle to take over the Fuel Deposit, which it does providing a lot more credits to your bank.  Adding a second Fuel Extractor, you take over the second Fuel Deposit.  After a minute you reach $5000 credits and the Spiketails are bought into service.

Scarred Spiketail: “Wow that’s a lot of money… you keep us safe from the teeth and we will fight with you guys.”

ALI: “New Units acquired.  New technology acquired.”

Using the spiffy new units you carry on and conquer the north Salvage Yard, prompting a hateful transmission from the Claw Commander.

ALI: Receiving Incoming Transmission.

Warlord Ripfiend: “Vile dirt munchers… these machines don’t belong to you anymore and are ripe for our taking.  Move aside or we will cull you as with all our prey.”

Grisson: “Yeah, we’ll see about that sharptooth.”

Interceptors loaded with Railsnipers and Exo-spiketails prove to be your most powerful weapon, as they cut through the Claw infantry and armour with ease as you leap-frog them towards the base.  Ripfiend proves to be a crafty opponent however and attacks your base several times with stealthed Sky Hunter Tanks and Skybreaker Choppers in your vulnerable flanks.  Eventually you break through and take down the Claw base with a combination of upgraded Infantry and creeping defences.  Seeing the day is lost, Ripfiend sounds the retreat.

Grisson: “And don’t come back…”

ALI: “Warning… massive Dirge Assault Force detected and closing on your position.”

Suddenly a huge swarm of black carapaced beasts of all sides comes up from the south, totalling your defences at the Salvage Yard there and then proceeding towards your base.  Battle control goes off line, and a brief cutscene plays were a bloody battle takes place as Devestators and Garrisoned Interceptors rip masses of Dirge to pieces, but still they keep coming.

ALI: “Receiving incoming transmission.”

< A black-scaled figure appears on the screen.  He looks something like a giant black beetle with a face, and his yellow eyes are piercing yet distant. He speaks in an ethereal yet wispy voice that booms with eternal force. >

Icarus the Creator: “Ah. I smell the offspring of one of my greatest foes… the taste of your family’s blood still lingers upon my lips, and it is most delectable.”

Grisson: “Who are you alien?”

Icarus the Creator: “I am all who are, and all who will be.  I am the grand architect of an aspiring yet fatal design.  You indigenous mortals know me as Icarus the Creator.”

Grisson: “Icarus!  You are the one behind the original invasion, the Dirge who started the war and is responsible for countless lives lost.  I read that you were defeated and burned in the wreckage of your own ship.”

< The battle continues to rage into a stalemate >

Icarus: “Indeed such times come and pass, but to one such as I there is no death… only an eternity of creation. Now I am back, and I have the means to return your kin to their rightful place in the ground.”

Grisson: “Not on my watch monster! My mother gave her life to beat you and I will not have her sacrifice be in vain!”

Icarus: “Grr, you have killed many of my children, but the death you have wrought will soon be your own.”

ALI: “Warning, a Polymorpher has been activated.”

All of a sudden the mass of Dirge attacking your base morph into their combined forms, overpowering and destroying your defences with ease.

Runner: “They’ve broken through.. fall back, FALL BACK!”

< The Survivors and your Constructodon retreat onto the boats as the last of your base is raised to the ground >

Grisson: “This is not over.”

< A rotating silver VDF symbol appears on the screen >

ALI: “We are victorious.”

VDF Victory Beat:


  • General of the Great Valley
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  • The Gang of Five
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    • Posts: 11360
  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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Awesome use of Chopperhead as a victory theme! Granted, I imagined Claw to get that piece.

Also, "Battle control online" is like the key phrase of CnC. Nice use of it! And the AI unit ALI is my favorite (love the allusion to EVA of Tiberian Sun).

Also the last mission really reminds me of one of the missions in Firestorm.

I really, really, really want to help but I have no idea where to start because this is WAY where I am on TWV.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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Hmm, if you want to write some of it then I can work it out since it is based off your story.  How about doing the start of the Claw campaign? I'm sure you kind of have an idea how it begins from the Fanfiction, but I'll PM you about the rest.  :DD



  • General of the Great Valley
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    • Posts: 11360
  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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What about The Eye of the World from FAH? It can appear in here as something like the ion cannon from Tiberian Sun.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Ducky
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I'd like to try and keep Future Wars and Far Away Home as seperate stories as much as I can.  While that is a cool idea, I don't want any overlap so readers who aren't interested in Future Wars don't have to start referencing it for FAH plot points.

As far as the Wingtails go in Future Wars, they are still snobby birds that generally think they're superior to everybody else and some of their creations are pretty incrediable, but they become a victim to Claw pirates later in the story that causes them to cut a deal withe the VDF.

Superweapon wise, both the VDF and Claw have pretty new toys:

VDF Minotaur Uplink -

Developed as an improvement to the old Titan Uplink by Topsy's Section IV, this one instead uses targetted Tungsten Rods allowing it to deliver devestating results onto an area without endangering friendly troops.

Basically a Superweapon you have the option of firing near your own troops during an attack to kill the bad guys.  Of course, theres nothing stopping you from just using it on it's own to flatten things.

You can also upgrade it's Damage via an upgrade from the Vortex Stabilizer which causes the rods to generate small black holes.

Claw Tambora Cannon

A larger and improved version of the old Volcano Cannon, this monster gun fires a Tambora shell which has a set of six Volcanic Bomblets attached to the main shell that spread out before impact causing even more damage over a wide area.

An upgrade from the Armaggedon Synthesizer give the Tambora Cannon self-sustaining Volcanic Warheads, meaning they continue to explode repeatedly for a few seconds after detonation causing more damage in the blast radius.


  • Ducky
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Today I found what is probably one of the best 'main menu songs' I could possibly find for Future Wars II.  It's unique, far out, and captures the emotion that I feel needs to felt when selecting your game for the first time.

[The parts I envision being the best and most featured parts in the song start at 2:00 and 3:20]

The Menu screen is a vision of the Earth as it is during the Late Cretacious Era when this game/story takes place.  It rotates slowly next to the buttons, and every so often a scanner line sweeps over the surface changing the colour to one of the following tints:

1) Silver - Images of VDF dinosaurs and weapons are shown as silhouettes against the planet, including Runners, Chronosuits, Pulverizer Gunship schematics, and finally Littlefoot in his Councillor's dress with a wise look on his face.

2) Red - Images of Claw sharpteeth and weapons are shown in a similar manner, with Fusionhound Fastbiters shown in battle, Splitter Flyer schematics, the Tambora Cannon and Theta looking down in his Great Alpha Gown with menace.

3) Black - Images of Dirge beasts are shown in the background, with Ravagers, Bio-Monstrosities, and the Obliderator Orb shown with vivid art.  The beetle-like alien mastermind Icarus the Creator also appears, his glowing yellow eyes the most visible part of the shadow.