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Poor Bear

Saft · 14 · 1186


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Now I may realise that this will seem heartless and slightly contriversal since it's a bear and a human involved..and that it is believed that a human's life is worth more than a animals but still:

Bear Attack Switzerland

I am not sure if the news in your location has mentioned this but on Saturday a man jumped into the new bear enclosure that had been built for the bears.  As a result he was mauled by Finn, one of the bears.  The police had to shoot the bear.  Whilst Finn is said to be recovering..he is still in a critical condition.  

Now..whilst I do not wish that the man had that would be very cruel of me..I do feel sorry for the bear.  He is suffering because of a (selfish) human's non thought out actions and he is still in a critical condition whilst that man is not.  He's apparently recovering nicely and isn't seriously injured.  

Ironic really that the new bear pit has only been opened for a month.  A month..and some idiot has already jumped in it. Just hope if Finn survives he won't be put down for attacking a human.

(Apologises if this is in the wrong section)


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Sorry to say this, as many of you will probably find this offensive........but if you're stupid enough to jump into a bear pen, then you don't deserve to be helped.  You'd be doing the world a favor by dying.  Natural selection.  The dumb die off and their dumb genes stay out of the gene pool.  Now I don't know the whole story.  If he jumped in for a legitimate reason or because he didn't know there were bears, then I can accept it.  But if he's so stupid that he'd jump in just for fun, then I really don't think police and others should have to risk their lives to save him, nor should the bear have had to endure such horrible treatment and gotten injured so badly because of his stupidity. :anger

I'm not saying I want the man to die.  I just don't think his stupid a$$ is worth saving.  If he lives then so be it.  If not well.....I guess he didn't live long enough to learn anything.  A pity.


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There's no such thing as "dumb genes" far as I know.


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There was quite a large advertisement and building over this new bear pit being built.  It had been in construction since February 2008.

I know that is mentioned that the man has mental problems of some type..but still..if these problems were severe..then he should have been with a carer..and if the carer was around then she or he should have prevented the man from going near the bear pit.  

It isn't actually a pit anymore...where the previous bears like Urs (I loved him) and Pedro used to be..this new enclosure is spaceous..near the Aare and they actually feel's more like the zoo.  

It is also hard not to notice the bears as they are quite big.  

I just hope that IF Finn recovers he isn't euthanized over this..I also hope that the government do not allow themselves to be pressured into euthanizing Finn by the ''victim's'' family nor pay out money for compensation.  He should be sued..or arrested..

EDIT:Er about the bear being quite large..I should have quoted what you said LBTL about the man not noticing the bears:
because he didn't know there were bears

I'm sorry if that seemed otherwise..not very good with choosing words properly. :bang


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There's no such thing as "dumb genes" far as I know.

I've observed that stupid parents typically produce stupid offspring.  Of course two stupid parents can produce really smart offspring, but that's rare.  It all has to do with dominant and submissive traits.  You'd know this if you've ever studied biology.  Maybe there's no scientific gene for "stupid", but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. :D


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While intelligence does have a heredity factor to it it is also influenced by the environment and I am almost certain that intelligence is not a Mendelian trait. I am betting intelligence is probably the work of multiple genes.

Oh, it is dominant and recessive NOT dominant and submissive.


On a side note, if this man had such mental problems he should have been supervised.

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Paradise Bird

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Nov 27 2009 on  05:40 PM
Sorry to say this, as many of you will probably find this offensive........but if you're stupid enough to jump into a bear pen, then you don't deserve to be helped.  You'd be doing the world a favor by dying.  Natural selection.  The dumb die off and their dumb genes stay out of the gene pool.  Now I don't know the whole story.  If he jumped in for a legitimate reason or because he didn't know there were bears, then I can accept it.  But if he's so stupid that he'd jump in just for fun, then I really don't think police and others should have to risk their lives to save him, nor should the bear have had to endure such horrible treatment and gotten injured so badly because of his stupidity. :anger

I'm not saying I want the man to die.  I just don't think his stupid a$$ is worth saving.  If he lives then so be it.  If not well.....I guess he didn't live long enough to learn anything.  A pity.
I really think its foolish. In Singapore a group of zoo keepers got themselves killed on purpose by a lion and their families get donations combining to 500 K  :blink:

Cancerian Tiger

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It may sound mean, but Finn the bear was right in goin' after the guy.  Finn reacted the same way he would react if he was in the wild.  Animals tend to be territorial, and this guy invaded Finn's territory.  How else was the poor thing to react?  He's already in captivity, which is enough for a wild animal to deal with :(.  His territory is reduced to a manmade pen, and then a strange guy invites himself in.  Not knowing if the guy was a threat or not probably scared Finn.  If the guy is so bad off mentally, why did he not have someone with him, like a relative, caregiver, etc.?  This is just another fine example of other living things havin' to pay the price for humankind's stupidity :bang.


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The man is at fault not the bear.

Common sense tells you that you do not enter a Polar Bear's enclosure in the same way you do not point a weapon at a platoon of soldiers.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

Paradise Bird

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Finn attacked the man by instinct while the reason of the mans actions will never be understood by the bear.


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Paradise Bird

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I enjoy the talk going on here please continue.


  • Ducky
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I'm quite relived that my feelings over the matter aren't er..cruel and are generally shared.  So thanks.:)

One of the problems with this sort of topic of animals (vs) humans is that many people believe that humans are more superior to animals and that if an animal attacks the human (who is usually the one at fault) then the animal is to be destroyed and the human is met with sympathy.

I think people forget that these animals although in captivity are still wild animals.  They may look cute and cuddily like their childhood counter parts, for example: Winnie the Pooh but the are still animals.  They must be treated with respect, understanding and some caution.  

When animals attack it is always for a pretty good reason.  They aren't mindless killing machines that some people believe them to be  (For example with sharks).  They act as nature designed and intended them to do and just because they are in captivity doesn't mean that they forget their animal instincts to the extent that they are ''tame''...there is no such thing as tame.  

Yet, when animals attack's always the animal that suffers...unless in the attack the human dies..but still the animal suffers for doing what it's instincts tells it to do.

Well since the man survived the attack, I hope he learns a valuable lesson to not feed the bears.:p

Quote from: Paradisebird on  
In Singapore a group of zoo keepers got themselves killed on purpose by a lion

I'm afraid to ask but what happened to the lion?  

Paradise Bird

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Nothing people even took a video and cheered and place it on youtube before it was removed