I've been in a very deep RPG craving lately, and lately I've completed games such as Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG for the SNES
Now I've decided to play some of the classic Playstation RPG's
Current game of choice: Final Fantasy IX(9)
Though it was not the most popular of the series, its one of the most visually stunning games in my opinion. Check out these screenshots:
[ More Screenshots Here ]And now some video (some FMV seq and trailers):
A Trailer (seemingly fan made)Another trailer. Definately Fan MadeFMV Scene: Airship ChaseThe art style of this game inspires my own style. But not only is it all eye candy, it also has some awesome storytelling. The gameplay is challenging enough (you gotta build up your levels for certain boss fights.) and everything else is perfect. It takes the 32 bit power of the PS1 and uses it to its full advantage!
The only minor complaint I have is that the game seems to be 75% storytelling. I need more gameplay to build up my levels and gain power ups and so on (this is a fault that Square Enix has had since Final Fantasy VII)
Post your thoughts on this game. But please try to avoid spoilers. I'm on disk 2 at the moment (the game is four disks long) And I'm enjoying every bit of it