"Well eggs are like a delicious desert really, you don't get them all the time but when you do you feast like bloody sharpteeth on a fresh carcass. Most of the days we got whatever we could find... you know bugs, juicy bubbles, green-slop (green-food) and all that. Me dad had to feed like twenty of us before we made it out of the nest - and hated every bloody minute of it. The bloke wanted nothing to do with us when we got out on our own, so the smartest of us learned to get our feed right away."
"I never had an egg myself, since my colour didn't blend in too well with the other lads. Me Uncle got it good more then a few times... him and that 'Rozzy' fellow seemed to get more then their share of eggs most of the time. I met him once, but I don't think we would have got along too dandy. Didn't like me being all white and all... and to be quite honest I don't like it all too much either. Those snobby fish-flyers caught me because of it, though they wouldn't have taken a liking to me if I wasn't so good at singing."