The Gang of Five
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Beyond Saurus Rock

Kit12 · 3 · 1134


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A/N: While Dinah and Dana aren't gone long in LBT VI, I figured there's enough there to make a story out of what their adventure could have been, and that's what this story is. Also, since the Prologue is so much just back story set up, I'll give you guys that and chapter 1 on first post


"That's it, that's it" Kit cheered. Watching her little infant brother, Pip, try to fly was just adorable, she decided. That and she couldn't think of a duty she felt better about helping out with.

Pip was just hatched blessed it seemed, and Kit didn't think his flying would be any different.

Her mother, Violet, had laid the egg within the safety of the Great Valley, yet during incubation swarming leaf gobblers had destroyed all the green food and her parents had been faced with the hard option of traveling the Mysterious Beyond while watching out for an egg!

Kit knew other herds had to have had to figure it out at some time, but it still worried everyone. still...they'd pulled it off perfectly. Her mom's brother, Trip's, situation just seemed that much sadder to Kit now since he'd been really good at catching Pip's egg if it almost fell and showed he was a really good father figure.

Trip's son, Twiz, adored him, Kit knew from the times she'd seen her other cousin; but the sharptoothed herd his mate lead didn't like him as much as she had. Kit couldn't imagine why, he was beyond cool.

Still, as much thanks to her Uncle Trip as to her parents, they'd made it to nest Pip's egg in their temporary home and then later introduced the hatched hatchling to their true home when they all returned to the Great Valley.

Kit came out of remembering this and smiled at her baby brother, "You, Mister, have survived starvation, like the rest of us, now let's try flapping once more!" she grinned.

Pip just giggled and baby talked happily once more, not really knowing what Kit just said, and flapped his little wings to try once more. He got off the nest ground a bit, Kit noticed happily.

She then heard a flapping behind her and turned to see her Uncle Trip land with an amused smile. "Uh, Mr. Threehorn's adorable grandchildren are at the bottom of the cliff and want to know if they can steal your brother for playtime" he told Kit.

The little flyer smiled, "Dinah and Dana said that?" she asked. Cera's niece and nephew were cute...or maybe with Pip to watch she now thought all baby dinosaurs were cute...

"Oh no, they said 'uppy down down Pip'" Trip said, "but I think I know what they meant".

Kit laughed, "Well it's ok with me? Pip, you wanna go play with Dinah and Dana?" she asked her brother. She took the excited hopping up and down for yes.


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A/N: Alright...infant point of view here we come, this should be interesting.

Chapter 1

There were two reasons hanging around Dinah and Dana was great, Pip decided. One, their aunt who was Kit's age, Cera, had to watch them so that gave Pip more chances to hang around his sister and her older friends too; any hatchling's dream!

Two...well, Dinah and Dana were just cool to be around to begin with! He knew the others didn't get what they or even he himself was saying when they babbled, but the threehorn twins were really great friends to have found.

Actually, Pip thought it was probably good Cera didn't know half of the stuff Dinah and Dana were really saying about her; the same went for their grandfather not knowing how many times they complained about his yelling too.

Still...with what Pip's baby logic had thought reason one was, where they currently were wasn't likely to help that out. Coming with the twins as they ran away from the bigger kids to see Saurus rock had sounded a whole lot better back at home.

"Jumpy Pip, Jumpy!" Dinah called.

"Nuh uh" the little flyer shook his head, staring down at the really long drop off of the cliff and set of rocks Dinah and Dana had already jumped over to reach the first set of rocks.

"Flyee" Dana said.

"Bwsh" Pip replied, pointing down and imitating a falling sound. He couldn't fly yet, what was Dana thinking!

Dinah giggled, "Pip no bwshy, jumpy". Well that was the only other option...

Pip closed his eyes and jumped, expecting to splat horribly on the rocks below and he'd make Kit cry all sad 'cause he didn't come home and then his parents would cry too and he'd feel horrible and...he wasn't falling.

Pip glanced up to notice Dinah (the nearest twin) holding one of his wings in her mouth, she flung him over to her back and then continued on, jumping after Dana and sparing her friend any more jumping; something Pip was grateful for.

As they made it across the rocks safely, Pip smiled, maybe they would be alright after all even without the bigger kids.

The trio continued on, Dinah and Dana starting up a game of Hopper, as Pip had heard it called a few times. Pip giggled, until Dana motioned him over.

"Hoppy, hoppy Pip".

Pip frowned, still not sure about this plan but moved over to behind Dinah to...well more crawl than hop, over first her and then Dana. The twins giggled at the way Pip had to do it. Then the little flyer reached the first spot and smiled.

"Dinah turn!" the little threehorn jumped over first her brother and then landed with both feet to squish Pip, Dana followed, squishing Pip first and then jumping over Dinah, as the order went.

"Pip jumpy 'gain!" Dinah said, turning back to look at the little flyer.

Pip pulled his face from the dirt, "Pip can't, squishy" he said.

"Oh" Dana walked over to pluck the little flyer from the dirt, "Sowy".

The game now ended the trio noticed their surroundings and looking forward noticed someone up ahead (and not the sharptooth they had miraculously tumbled past a ways back).

"Oh, who-y you?" Dinah asked. Before the toddlers stood a very old looking threehorn, probably older than the twins grandfather, since he'd lost all but his nose horn.

The old threehorn smiled, "Well now, soon as I remember that I'll tell ya" he said. The kids were too little to notice he was kidding.

The threehorn went on, "But who I am aint so important as what...".

"How many times...!" a voice interrupted before a flyer looking about the same age as the threehorn walked into view, "...must I tell ya to brush your stinky half eaten tree stars out the cave!" said flyer waved a stack of chewed tree stars in the threehorn's face.

The threehorn just frowned and puffed, scattering the leaves, "None of your nonsense now" he said, "we have guests". He indicated the toddlers who were just staring.

The flyer glanced up, "Well where the sharpteeth did they come from?" he asked.

"If you'd let me say more than a few words, maybe I could figure it out" the threehorn said. Both turned back to the toddlers who figured they should try to explain.

"Cery say bye bye, so we bye bye" Dana said.

"Then jumpy jumpy hoppy" Dinah added.

"Then squishy and hoppy" Pip said.

The two old dinosaurs looked at eachother. "I think we need a translator" the flyer said.

"We go Saury rocky" Pip said and the twins nodded.

"Saurus rock?!" the threehorn somehow caught on to that being what the little flyer had meant. All three toddlers nodded.

"No, no, no, no, no" the flyer said, walking around holding his head.

"We no go Saury rocky?" Dinah asked.

"No, I mean no I didn't say that, I mean, I didn't mean you kids!" the flyer frustratedly tried to explain.

the 'kids' frowned.

"Now Puff, there's no reason to get huffy" the threehorn said. It was an inside joke with him calling Puff huffy, so he chuckled. Puff gave him a dirty look.

"You know for a fact what happened the last time a group of threehorn and flyer kids took the Lone Dinosaur story to mean those of their own kind!" Puff shot back.

"I mean the rock obviously looks like a longneck, but apparently that doesn't detour bias little kiddies, and with us being old as dirt, well...".

To the toddler's shock, the threehorn lightly tripped Puff and then stood on his beak to clam him up. "Are we better now?" he asked. There was a muttering response from the flyer but it had the word yes in it.

"Good" the threehorn let the flyer up, then turned to Dinah, Dana and Pip. "What my friend here means is, if you three think we're the Lone Dinosaur or Dinosaurs...".

All three toddlers shook their head.

"Oh no, big-longy-grr-grr" Dana said.

Dinah nodded, "Yeah, stompy stompy".

Pip nodded, "Kit fwnd say".

Puff frowned over at his threehorn friend, "Seriously, a baby translator would be so helpful right now!".

The threehorn smiled and turned back to the toddlers, "Well that's good that you don't think we're legendary, because I'm just Ram and this is the only friend I have left that will hang out with me, Puff" he indicated the flyer who's name he'd already said.

"and I still don't get why I do" Puff said with crossed arms, "your side of the cave looks like a giant nest pile!".

As the two adults turned to eachother, Dana turned to Dinah and Pip, "We goey Saury rocky now". the other two nodded.

"Now Puff, that's not mess, I need all of the tree stars and other leaves strewn about so I don't stub my old toes when moving to the back of the cave" Ram said.

"Well when it spills over to my side, it's not just your problem anymore!" Puff shot back. Meanwhile the three toddlers snuck past.

"We makey, and old grumpy no no" Dinah said. Pip understood perfectly that she was saying they made it and the old guys didn't notice. "Ya" he nodded.

"Saury rocky!" Dana still felt sure he knew the way and lead them out once more. Pip and Dinah followed.


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sounds good so far