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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 261760


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As the missile came within range, the base was alight with several AA missiles launched from parked vehicles around the perimeter.  It took only a few moments until the sky was ablaze with 'fireworks'.

"Air threat averted.  Commence ground support.  Ground units are engaged..."

The Eagle fighter wing turned again and were back on track to assist against the convoys.

The Thunderbolt squadron started to make their way to the ramp to prepare for takeoff.  Their destination, however, is Southport...


Azrael reached an underground hangar for a waiting helicopter, when he suddenly stopped.  Something was amiss...


Another Humvee with a TOW launches its missile for one of the escaping trucks...

As the gun-carrying vehicles were in sight of the escorts, their heavy armor-piercing machine guns volleyed steel death at the 'terrorists'...


The nearest police precinct with the message became a buzz as all available officers scrambled for everything they've got for a major emergency...


"This is taking too long..." General Sterm paced in his office.  Crimson and Ivory Squad are on standby, but no word from Dr Zanasiu yet.  If the attack on Lab 101 is going down, then both teams would be deployed.  If not, then Ivory will go to Southport while Crimson takes down the Idaho prison base.  However, this possible satellite threat could jeopardize all of their missions if it's not taken down soon...




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From a nearby treetop, a kunai knife flew down, striking the guard in the neck as he approached.  Kagetora dropped down, then quickly moved the bodies out of view.


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The TOW missile struck one of the trucks and destroyed it in a fiery blast.

The hail of armor piercing rounds disabled many of the trucks and escort vehicles but one of the trucks was almost on the freeway.

The surviving escort SUVs continued to shoot it out with the armored vehicles.


"Hey, James, shouldn't you contact Dr. Joe?" Zachary asked.

Dr. Zanasiu face palmed. "Damn it," he muttered. "I forgot."

He then pulled the communications pad from his pocket and used it to contact Dr. Joe


Sgt. Masters and Spc. Crota remained crouched behind the backup generator. Their low profile made them nearly impossible to see.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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<Good job! Now, to see if this card gets us anywhere!> Aydin wasted no time in trying to get the door open using the card on the electronic lock. Opening to door, he gestured for the others to run in as he held the door.


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Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters slithered as fast as possible through the open door.

They then entered what appeared to be a locker room. Several lockers with the names of various personnel were scattered about along with some uniforms hanging on various racks.

"Shelton, are there there any snake Dragonstorm personnel?" Spc. Crota asked, going through the uniforms.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Jayden followed not too far from the others, keeping his eye out for any other guards himself as he moved behind a tree and peered out to examine the area in front of him, yet, he couldn't see that much as it was getting darker by the moment.

Subject 16 walked up besides Jayden "Don't go ahead just yet, there are guards there, I can....I guess you could say, feel them....or see them.....however it is you wish to put them" he told Jayden a bit quietly as well as to not give away their position as he glanced over in the direction of the generator.

"Got any ideas on how to actually stop it?" Jayden asked Subject 16, whom in return, shook his head back.

"No, sorry, I'm no genius when it comes to things like generators, I only know so much, not enough on how to actually destroy it to stop them....especially since we have no explosives to destroy it" Subject 16 replied back as he looked to the others in the team as well, however, he then looked over to Aydin with what he was doing and motioned for Jayden to rush in first and was going to wait for everyone else to get in before he was to head in himself.


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General Sterm did not have long to wait, as he gets word that Dr Zanasiu's group has located and penetrated the Dragonstorm compound.  He presses his office intercom.  "Deploy Ivory and Crimson Squads!  And trace the pad to the current location!"


Vic, Snow, and the rest of team quickly suited up and armed themselves.  They were still short on manpower, so Ivory Squad were sent to back them up.  A convoy of helicopters, some transports and others gunships, were waiting...


"One of the trucks reached the freeway!" a commanding officer of the National Guard reported in.  Most of the ground forces remained preoccupied with the enemy escorts.

The Eagle wing had to get back into the field to scope out the escaped target on the freeway.  "See if you can get a hold of the highway patrol to clear out all these cars before we take the truck out..."

Several Humvees are also disabled, but the TOW launchers were reloaded to take out the escorts...

Soldiers moved in near some of the trucks knocked out further away from the armed SUVs...


As the first police units were on the road, they get word that they need to close down the freeways, which is easier said than done...


The Thunderbolt wing takes off into the air...


The satellite launches three guided massive ordinance bombs into the stratosphere towards the earth...


"Sir!  I have a launch confirmed!" called one of the U.S.S. Winchester officers in the control room.

"Where?" replied Captain Jack Barson.

"In orbit over Arctic air space."

"It must be the one.  What did it shoot this time...?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton slipped into the generator. "Sure," he said. "A few. I know of one in particular; we'll make sure to raid his tent for some spares."

He looked around. "Kagetora, have you disabled the generator yet?"


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Subject 16 looked back over to the generator as Shelton spoke up about it "I'll go sort it out, you guys go on me on it" he told the group as he turned in the direction of the generator and started to walk towards it.

Jayden looked over to Subject 16 to try and stop him, however, he had already gone off and groaned slightly as he too looked over to Shelton "Was this really part of the plan? Sending a blind old guy to sort it out?" he asked him, unsure on letting Subject 16 head off to sort out the generator himself, not knowing on what Subject 16 could actually do.


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"Considering by the humming sound, I would say he didn't! If you could disable it, I would appreciate it!"

Aydin's complaint had to do with the high-pitched sound the generator was making, though it was inaudible to human ears, his fox-descended sense of hearing could hear a horrible racket coming from the generator.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I thought you said you were no genius when it comes to things like generators?" asked Shelton, looking puzzled as Subject 16 headed off into the generator.

(OOC: Do you want the team to leave Subject 16 behind, MrDrake?)


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Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters had found some uniforms designed for snakes in the locker room.  

After shedding their previous clothing, they zipped up their new uniforms.

"A little on the loose side but it'll work," Spc. Crota said, slithering out of the locker room.


Zachary's ears swiveled around. "Guys, I hear something," he said. Faint footsteps were heard approaching them,

Alfred readied his shotgun. "So what exactly do you think is better versus a Dragonstorm experiment, a gun or my strength and whatever I can find?" he asked.

"Go with your gun," Dr. Zanasiu said, readying his shotgun.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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(OOC: Yeah, was going to have Subject 16 head off on his own for the time being, meet up with everyone else in time for the assult on Lab 101)

"One can always try" Subject 16 spoke back to Shelton as he had walked off.

He walked down the path, making his way to the generator still, yet, ducked away as he saw two guards approaching his direction.  Once they got close enough, he stepped out and pulled the sword out from his cane and stabbed one guard in the back, reaching the for the guard's gun and aimed it over at the second guard and fired, shooting him in the knee-cap.

He hadn't actually killed the second guard, only the first one as he removed his sword from the guard's back.

The second guard whom was now in much pain attempted to reach for his gun, only for Subject 16 to stabbed him in the hand and pinning the hand to the ground before crouching down "The generator you have around here, tell me on how to disable it"

The guard spat back in Subject 16's face before speaking "I shall tell you nothing!"

Subject 16 just sighed a little bit "I'm getting nowhere with these guards...." he moved the sword a little bit to injure the guard's hand some "Now, well you tell me how to disable it?"

The guard just spat back once again, glaring to Subject 16, to which he just sighed again and shot the guard in the shoulder before removing the sword from the hand of the guard and walked off, leaving the injured guard to just simply bleed to death.


Jayden had grabbed a normal human's outfit as slipped into it himself before checking his gun for ammo before nodding to the others, glancing over to Shelton "I guess with what's his face, that blind guy, that we can meet up with him later on or something along those lines....I mean, we still have a plan to stick to"


Aimee looked over to Alfred "I would've said either gun or your strength, whichever can damage it more really, especially if you have no clue on what a Dragonstorm experiment is capable of doing"

She had no gun herself, and she didn't really want to have to ask anyone for a gun, yet, she did have an idea....take a gun from a guard if need be, so that she could instead "borrow" their gun.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton sighed. "All right. Crota, stick with him and make sure he actually accomplishes his job. Help him out if he needs it. The rest of us, let's forward to the tents. This generator won't have enough uniforms for everyone; we need to grab enough for Teams B and C also." He started deeper into the forest, in the direction of the tents.

Crota waited a minute. "Why would I want to go with the blind guy?" he said to himself, and followed the others after Shelton.


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We have guns " aisha said to Aimee " So we've got that covered.  I'm a pretty decent shot, and Dr Landon is decent. Hopefully, it won't come to that.. but if we have no choice, well, we'll empty our chambers.'
All we need is for Alfred o hold it off long enough for us to get a couple good dhots" Dr Landon said ' unless the experiment is completely mechinical, thn bullets won't do much..' He muttered.
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Several police cars had blockaded one of the freeways that the truck and its two escorts were heading down.

"We've got company!" the driver, a black haired woman, yelled into the radio.

Her passenger, a drowsy looking Fruit Bat, retrieved his rifle from under the seat, rolled down the window and started shooting.

The two escort SUVs deployed their gatling guns and also started shooting.


Spc. Crota continued following the others at a slight distance.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Two of the Humvees had chased the escaped vehicles onto the freeway, one with a heavy machine gun and the other a TOW.  The machine gunner halted his attack to avoid hitting the police, but the TOW aims and fires its missile for one of the SUVs...

Just then, a deafening roar came above the freeway as the Eagles buzzed over the chase for assessment...


Even in the firefight, the National Guard moved from truck to truck, clearing out cabs either by apprehension or gunfire.  The armored vehicles focused all their gunfire towards the SUVs...


The base was again on high alert by the new threat, which they recieved word that it was coming for the base.  Personnel scrambled for shelter if they didn't have the time to escape...


Tracking the orbital threat coming to earth, the USS Winchester launches a series of missiles into the sky...


Crimson Squad loaded into one Blackhawk and Ivory Squad, a 12-man A-team, loaded into two Blackhawks.  The convoy lifted off the ground for the north...


Dr Joe watched as the tests continued.  She still doubts the weapon's effectiveness to target only Dragonstorm experiments, but she's got tabs on a possible remedy for that...


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Kagetora zipped into a suit of his own, undoing his mask.
"Bah...this is not my favorite thing to do...I feel so exposed without the mask...'
he muttered quietly...

Hawkeye grinned a little, looking around the area.  
"If there are Dragonstorms around...I'd love to see what they can do...


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Jayden readied his guns as he muttered a little to himself "Hurry up Subject 16....disable that damn generator...." he spoke as he followed after everyone else, keeping his eyes out for any other guards in the vicinity.


Subject 16 on the other hand, had made his to the generator room, slipping inside to look at it, examining it a little bit on how to disable it with what he had on him, a sword and a gun.

He walked around it, noting down mentally what was part of the generator before he swung a sword and sliced one of the cables attached to it in one swift swing before grabbing onto the part that was attached to said generator before placing a leg against the generator and pulled to try and detach it some more.

However, that was not working as he gave up seconds later, knowing that he was on a tight schedule and instead, swung his sword and sliced the rest of the cables attached the generator off.

After having shut off the generator like that, he walked around to the front of it and fired his gun at its control panel to damage it some more.  Problem was, he had no way of actually destroying it, to which he took another look around the room before walking back to the door and stepping out.

As he had temporarily disabled the generator, his next move was going to be finding some explosives to disable it for good, but the question still remained on where he was to find some explosives.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The tents were in sight. Shelton ducked down, and scanned the area. There were Dragonstorm personnel walking around.

"All right," Shelton whispered. "We're going for the second tent on the far right, that's mine and Kerzach's. Come to think of it, I should contact Kerzach."

He switched to the thought channel. <Kerzach. Do you read me? This is Shelton. Where are you?>

(OOC: What's Kerzach's code name?)