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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 248031

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"R-r-recently reprogrammed android!" Shelton responded shakily, setting his robotic eye to transmit the signal of an android that was recently wiped and rebooted. "Was attempting to contact New Peenemunde Harbor and request new orders!"


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(OOC:  It's up to you if that last part is well-founded.  I was just being funny.)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Congrats on 4,000 posts!)

"My energy core is..... uh, OK! I mean, affirmative! Proceeding!" Shelton began walking stiffly out of the room, like an android.

As he headed to maintenance, he thought quickly, trying to come up with a way to avoid getting his "energy core" inspected.

When he was almost there, inspiration struck when he saw a different android come marching out of the section. Doubling back a hallway, Shelton ducked into a closet and grabbed a broom, slipping some rubber gloves on. When the android walked by, Shelton kicked it open and smashed the broom into it's side, bypassing the plated armor on either side and hitting the electronics within. As it sparked and stumbled, Shelton dragged it back into the closet.

After a few minutes, he'd damaged the energy core and disconnected the broadcaster, so it couldn't give off it's personal ID. That way maintenance would only read the ID broadcasting from his eye. He then dragged it to maintenance.

"LAY ON THE CONVEYOR BELT," a voice ordered, once he'd reached maintenance with the android.

Shelton dumped it and walked alongside until the android reached the part where it was switched off completely. He then high-tailed it out of maintenance.


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Gustave smashed his way through an exterior wall. And was treated to the sight of a large battleship bombarding the base. "F---!"

Dr. Zanasiu and Sharon were soon behind him. He then spotted the small boat that Dr. Landon, Aisha and Roux were on

He loped over to the boat and gently passed Sharon to Dr. Landon. "Doc, Sharon's been electrocuted. I think she may have some brain damage from the way she slurs her words," he panted as climbed down the ladder into the small motorboat.

Gustave stomped over and frowned as he looked at the ladder. "F--- this! I'm not getting in one of these flimsy things!"


Zachary and the Mongoose Cobalt soldier were sprinting through the deserted halls of the building. Deep thuds resounded through the halls as the bombardment continued.

The duo soon found and emergency exit door. Zachary gave it a quick push but swore as he found it was jammed. "F---!"

The Mongoose Cobalt soldier gestured for him to go another way, which they did.

After narrowly dodging a collapsing ceiling, the duo found themselves back in the reception area. They then made a hasty exit as a railgun shell collapsed the hallway they had just come from.

"Well, now what?" Zachary asked as took off his helmet and wiped off a bead of sweat from his forehead.

The Mongoose Cobalt soldier said nothing as he scanned the parking lot and surrounding areas. He then spotted the entrance to the facility's docks. He could see his allies boarding the motorboats moored to the docks.

"There!" he shouted, pointing to the docks.

Zachary scowled as he saw the battleship looming over the docks. "You're f---ing kidding me!"


The robots inside the water processing room had fled. A railgun slug had torn away the rear half of the room with broken pipes gushing water everywhere.

Alfred slung his stolen shotgun over his shoulder. "Well, now what?" he asked.

Neville tried his best to see through the water mist from the broken pipes. He then spotted several motorboats moored to a dock - and a large battleship currently bombarding the base. "Get to one of those boats!" he barked.

Alfred picked up Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters in each arm and sprinted out the hole, his booted feet sloshing through puddles as he did so. Dr. Bailey and Neville followed.

"Hey! We're not packages!" Spc. Crota shouted as his tail rattled in irritation.

Alfred ignored the angry Rattlesnake and continued sprinting just as another railgun projectile demolished the room they were in.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I'll tend tol her once we get on the boat :andon said " I have some supplies of knockout drugs on me' lets see ah here' this will knock her out until we can treat her on board ' he said injecting Sharon with a dose of the drug..
 Aisha started the engine. "Come on guys" She said as she began to pull away from the harbor ' we need to reach thgat boast! aisha pullked up the throttle and boat sped through the water  towards the battleship.. 'Board and seize.. thats the plan Landon said resting Sharton down on the bottom of the boast and checking her poulse which was elevated due to the shock..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton walked into a room that seemed to be dedicated to aquatic research. As all hands were currently at their battle stations, the room was empty.

Shelton checked a radar of the surrounding sea and noted that there was a blip coming at them. He headed for that direction.

At the closest porthole, he popped the lock like last time, stuck his body out and waved. "Hey!"

Helping carry Sharon through the porthole, he glanced at the very few people in the lifeboat. "Did the others...make it out?" he asked.


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Yes they are in other boats Landon said pushing Sharon through the porthole then climbing in himself Aisha got in next, followed by Roux anbd the others. " So we just ly low and let this ship take us to the last dDragnstorm base ad we infiltrate it right/ aisha asked ' Because I;'m ok with that after just barely escaping that base back there...
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Zachary smashed the lock on the gate with a chunk of concrete and sprinted over to a small motorboat just as a shell impacted the parking lot, destroying their SUVs.  

"Start damn it!" he shouted as he repeatedly pressed the ignition. With a cough and burble, the engine turned over.

He then opened the throttle and piloted the boat over to the battleship's porthole.

He squeezed through the porthole and the Mongoose Cobalt soldier followed.


"Shelton! How the f--- am I supposed to get through that porthole!" Gustave shouted from the barge he had stolen to use as a personal vehicle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Figure something out, for god's sake!" Shelton snapped back, forgetting he wasn't supposed to talk to Gustave. "You're welcome for getting everybody else aboard the battleship!"

"I don't know if should just stowaway until this ship reaches the oil rig," said Zachary. "It would only aid Dragonstorm in defeating us. It would be far more useful to commandeer it now while it's isolated, and then have our own battleship from which to assault the oil rig."

"Plus the ship is entirely operated by a mother AI," noted Shelton. "We knock out the AI and then the ship is ours. We won't even have to sail or steer it."
"Dammit, I've had it with fighting deranged AI," sighed Mongoose.


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so we overload the AI controlling this thing and take it over.. i like that move" Landon said getting up from the crate he was sitting on ' where ids the AI sitiated? isnt it usually in the captains quarters so he can oversee control of the ship?"
 Well Landon you need to treat sharon for her injuries Aisha said in reply to him. " so who's up for leading a raid on the AI/ I'm game..' she said
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Only Aimee and Zyanya got onto boats themselves, leaving Nixx to still play "baseball" with the battleship and in turn, the two of them climbed through one of the available portholes that Shelton had opened up "So, what about Nixx?" Aimee asked.

"Leave her, she's still a bit loco" Zyanya replied as she tapped her head to indicate where Nixx was loco.


Nixx dropped the pipe and took off in a sprint, her angel-like wings sprouting from her back as she took to the skies, flying through the bombardment that was happen before her wings vanished and the spider-like legs appeared instead as she latched herself to the side of the battleship.

The spider legs soon, started to climb up the side of it and onto the deck above, to which she then simply stretched as the legs vanished back into her body again "Piece of cake"


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Dr. Zanasiu climbed in through the porthole. "Okay is everyone aboard?"

"Gustave's still trying to get aboard," Zachary said, pointing to the barge he was on.

"Leave him," Spc. Crota said.

"Crota, has anyone told you that you're an ass----?" Alfred said as he climbed aboard.


Gustave swore and leapt from the barge. The metallic claws on his hands actually dug into the armor of the battleship. Coupled with his immense strength, he actually began to scale the sides of the battleship.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I don't actually know that much about the defenses on board this ship," Shelton admitted. "The AI is capable of intercepting rogue transmissions, and identifies individuals through electronic ID signals, but I don't know what it can actually do when it sees intruders."

He glanced up at Gustave reaching the deck the hard way. "I best he could provide a distraction? What should our next move be?"

(OOC: Mirumoto has passed control of the battleship AI to me. I'll do my best to play it, but I don't honestly know what it should do or what should happen in this battleship. Please, give me suggestions and I'll do it.)


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"What about attacking the bridge?" Alfred suggested.

Gustave vaulted over the gunwale, his heavy booted feet leaving two dents in the deck. "So what were you saying about leaving me?" he asked Spc. Crota. He scraped a claw along the side of the gunwale, leaving a rather deep gash.

"Nothing," Spc. Crota said as he flinched back from the metallic Nile Crocodile.

"Good." Gustave then stomped off.

"Gustave, we're-" Dr. Zanasiu was cut off as Gustave rounded a corner.

"Great, there he goes again," Zachary muttered.


Gustave found a hatch that led into the battleship. He tried it only to find out that it was locked. With a roar, he grabbed hold of the hatch and ripped it from its hinges. He then tossed it aside as if the heavy steel fixture were nothing more substantial than paper.

He then readied his shotgun as he descended into the bowels of the ship.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The deranged AI noted that an unidentifiable metallic crocodile was marching towards his motherboard, stationed where the captain's quarters normally would be.


Autoturrets and machineguns revv'd to life, ready to stop the intruder. Armor piercing rounds filled their chambers.

But Gustave wasn't armored; he was made entirely of steel. Marching right through the gunfire, he dispatched everything that dared to shoot at him. Eventually, he reached the captain's quarters and kicked the door open.

"WOULD YOU CONSIDER WORKING FOR THIS BATTLESHIP?" the AI asked, in a last ditch effort.

Gustave thought, then nodded. "Sure." Punching his fist into the part of the ship with the most lights, he ripped out a mess of wires, and then shot every light, monitor, and notable surface in the room. "But not with you."

He then stomped back to the other teammates. "Did whatever you were talking about," he growled. He smelled of smoke and powder and shells continually fell out of new dents all over his body.

Shelton looked stunned speechless, which was a good thing because he wasn't supposed to talk to Gustave.

"Excellent," said Zachary. "Let's chart a course to the next base, then."

(OOC: Let's get things moving. Annoying side boss out of the way, onward to the oil rig!)


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the ship is ours then Landon said pausing from examing sharon ' She'll make a full recovery, but it will be a couple days before shed ready to resume normal activity. being electocurted can leave severe damage, forunately it didnt proive to be the casew on this case.. " He turned to Nixx's let me takle a look at you I noticed you were limping when you climbed on board ' Best check you over t5o be safe H' he said taking out a stetchiscope..
I'll go look around for bandages and sfood supplies Aisha said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I guess I'll check on what happened to the androids now that their commander is dead," Shelton said, leaving the room.

Sharon groaned and looked up at the others. She tried to speak, but all she ended up saying was "Owww..."

"You'd best get her to bed," Masters told James.

"Do they even have bedrooms on a fully automated ship?" asked Crota.

(OOC: two questions for y'all:
Should there be a time skip of the time it takes the battleship to reach the oil rig? [Even if there is one, Shelton needs to have a conversation with James first.]
Should the robots be controllable? Cool as it would be to lead a robot army into the oil rig, I don't know if it's necessary.)


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(OOC - MrDrake and Starfall are gone, so not much can happen.)
(OOC - Have most of the androids be unusable but some are functional.)
(OOC - A few interaction scenes and then a time skip.)

Alfred stroked his beard as he leaned on a bulkhead. "For all we know, this may be an ordinary ship that retrofitted to be fully automatic."

"Well, let's find out!" Zachary said. He then headed to what appeared to be a lounge. He tried the door, only to find it was locked.

Gustave rolled his eyes, shoved Zachary aside, dug his claws into heavy steel hatch and ripped it off its hinges with seemingly no effort. Inside was indeed, a lounge with several sofas, a small kitchenette and other amenities.

"Okay, what the f---?" Neville asked. "Why would this even be here for an automated ship?"

"Who cares," Gustave rumbled. "As long as I can get something to eat and a place to sit down." He sat on a chair which immediately collapsed under his immense weight.  

"I gotta take a piss," the Mongoose Cobalt soldier said as he sprinted to the bathroom.

Dr. Zanasiu carefully lay Sharon down on a sofa.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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((OOC: Nope, still here, as I said....just been lazy is all....and yes, for a whole week XD))

Nixx remained up top, staying at the front of the ship as she looked out ahead as she let off a yawn "Wherever this ship is going, it better be fun...." she muttered to herself as she glanced behind her for a moment, letting off a light smirk to herself "And we are still going to finish out fight Zyanya" she added in to herself.


Aimee and Zyanya on the other hand, arrived where Gustave and the others were, to which Aimee spoke up "So....wonder what there is to eat huh?" was all she could think of saying right now, but then shrugged it off as she walked over the fridge and started to look through what was inside it.

Zyanya on the other hand, just remained silent for the time being as she took a seat on the nearest chair, clasping her hands together as she just looked at the others, finally taking the proper time to study everyone present.


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so how are you doing/ aisga said to nixx coming up on deck... ' i'm aisha, i dont think  we've been properly introduced " she said offering her hand to Nixx. "i'm glad we finally got away from rgar base.. dragonstorm is nearly finished, theres onl;y one base left of thiers to destroy..
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