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Malte's Random LBT fanart

Malte279 · 247 · 39096


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Your artstyle has certainly improved a lot since your last drawings, and I really like how you made artwork that was outside the original five of the gang and extrapolated on the story.

It's a shame that LBT is cancelled, as there sure would be a good scene to go along with this picture.


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So glad to see you posting more artwork, Malte! This picture is great! :smile

I love the mountains and the edge of the rocky path the characters are standing on; they look astonishingly good. The grain of the rock; the faceting; the shading; the three-dimensionality. (There’s even little patches of plants growing on the mountains!) The forest below the mountains doesn’t look as good, I’m afraid to say; rather flat and blurry. Since a forest canopy is made up of thousands of leaves atop hundreds of trees, it should have a fair amount of texture detail to it even from a distance. Honestly, though, I wish I could do backgrounds of that quality. :wow

Nice job on the egg stealers. I like that you made Strut easily distinguishable from Ozzy. (In LBT II it’s often hard to tell them apart visually.) I can’t really find anything glaringly wrong with them, although their torsos seem a little short, giving them a rather rotund appearance. (Have they become more successful at foraging since we last saw them? :p) Strut’s legs are maybe a little too splayed-out, and the front of his right* leg (below the ankle joint), is curved in a somewhat unnatural-looking way. Ozzy’s left* knee also looks a little too rounded, in my opinion. And Strut’s frontmost wrist stripe should be just behind his fingers, not on them.

What kind of expression is Ozzy supposed to have? Maybe it’s me, but it looks like he’s biting his lip a little (even though egg stealers technically shouldn’t have lips :p) as if impatient, but otherwise his eyes and mouth look fairly neutral. Also, I don’t think Ozzy and Strut’s mouths extend far back enough; the corners of their mouths should be underneath their eyes. Speaking of eyes, while the bags under Strut’s eyes are much darker and more pronounced than Ozzy’s (and I give you props for including them on him :yes), Ozzy should have them too.

Ruby has a rather pronounced hump-back, her hands should be noticeably larger and thicker compared to the diameter of her forearms, and her legs might be a bit too strongly bent, but other than that she looks pretty good. :yes I like the way her right* hind foot looks from the back. And her head looks fantastic. :yes (I especially like her eyes and crest for some reason.) The only problem I can see is that her nostrils and eyelashes are missing.

The relative proportions of Chomper’s head show great improvement compared to your last picture, but his head is a little small compared to the rest of him, and his legs and feet are too large. And I still think his tail should be a little longer; maybe thicker as well.

Gee…I feel like I’ve done even more nitpicking than usual in this review. :unsure: Sorry about that. :oops Hope to see more artwork from you soon! :D

*Unless otherwise noted, whenever I use “right” and “left” when describing the physical appearance of a character, I am always referring to the character’s right or left, not the viewer’s.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Now THAT is awesome Malte. Those guys look like they're up to no good again, and it's punctuated by Chomper hiding along a rock. (although I will say the way is he hiding looks kind of awkward)

When will your newer story be available to read?


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Well, I don't have much to add to Pangaea's analysis. Ruby's shadow looks quite realistic. It show's you have good depth perception. You drew it all with a mouse, right? How big was the original image (the worksheet)?

Becuase it looks smooth and liveable, very well done for pixel art!

Certainly superior anything I've done so far (I can give a link to my works to those who are curious enough to ask, as I'm a bit shy to show them in public.)


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Thanks to all of you for your responses and feedback.
Gee…I feel like I’ve done even more nitpicking than usual in this review. :unsure: Sorry about that. :oops
On the contrary Pangea. Your feedback and constructive criticism is very, very welcome indeed, especially because you rise so valid points :yes
I made some changes about the image to address those of your points which I could without the need to start over again.
The forest below the mountains doesn’t look as good, I’m afraid to say; rather flat and blurry. Since a forest canopy is made up of thousands of leaves atop hundreds of trees, it should have a fair amount of texture detail to it even from a distance.
Very good point :yes
I had done that cannopy by creating a patern of different green, brown, and gray shades, gradiated saturation (less saturation the further something is away), and finally blurred it. However, I totally agree that the final blur made it look too much like a flat surface which it is not meant to be. So in the edited version of the image I added a color pattern over the surface that I did not blur and I also edited a few light and shadow effects similar to that from the rocky walls in order to make the forrest look less "flat". I'm really interested if our photoshop experts have some recommendations for the creation of such backgrounds? Any help would be greatly appreciated :yes
I can’t really find anything glaringly wrong with them, although their torsos seem a little short, giving them a rather rotund appearance. (Have they become more successful at foraging since we last saw them? :p
I tried to stretch Ozzy a little and take a bit away from his and Strut's belly, but I'm afraid that this is something where I couldn't do as much as might be good to really fix it. However, indeed it is likely for the two to have been more successful at that stage of the story than we have ever seen them in LBT 2, so I always have that convenient excuse at my disposal ;)
I tried to do some changes to Ozzys left leg while I could not do much about Struts. I did shift the strip from his fingers there however (nice catch of an obvious mistake there, thanks a lot :yes).
What kind of expression is Ozzy supposed to have? Maybe it’s me, but it looks like he’s biting his lip a little (even though egg stealers technically shouldn’t have lips :p)
Awesomeness! For that is exactly what he is supposed to look like. He doesn't know what to make out of the situation but doesn't mean to reveal his uncertainty too distinctly :D
Also, I don’t think Ozzy and Strut’s mouths extend far back enough; the corners of their mouths should be underneath their eyes.
Right you are. Their kind rather than Ducky's ought to be labelled bigmouthes :lol I made adaptations in the new version of the image.
Speaking of eyes, while the bags under Strut’s eyes are much darker and more pronounced than Ozzy’s (and I give you props for including them on him :yes), Ozzy should have them too.
You should be right, but in this case you are not. It is kind of odd, but for some reason Ozzy, unlike his brother, does not sport these dark rings around his eyes. It is really odd, but I checked it out on several screenshots and Ozzy really comes without that "crook's mask". It is rather strange considering that this "mask" is a common feature of evil characters and Ozzy is often to be considered the more vicious of the two (though one ought not to miss that Strut makes the proposition on how to murder Littlefoot). Nevertheless Ozzy comes without the dark rim around his eyes. Here is a screenshot for reference:

Looking at that screenshot though Ozzy does seem to have the outlines of these rings though without any darker color in them. I saw this only late after I already uploaded the edited image, so there is no improvement in the edit in this respect, I'm afraid.
Ruby has a rather pronounced hump-back, her hands should be noticeably larger and thicker compared to the diameter of her forearms, and her legs might be a bit too strongly bent, but other than that she looks pretty good.
It is often problematic for me to figure out the right degree of standing up straight and bending forward with some two legged characters. I have a strong tendency to show them with too straight backs which sometimes makes them look to anthropomorphic. Screenshots of such characters often send "mixed messages" as there are some in which Ruby looks rather straightened up and some in which she makes pretty much the hump-back shown in this picture. When moving (especially when moving fast) they tend to be more bend forward than when they are standing still. Now obviously Ruby is standing still in this picture, but she is also not exactly at ease. While I haven't figured out every detail of the story yet she is certainly not having a chat about the weather in this image. The hump-back may be interpreted a bit like it would be interpreted when a human bows a little or ducks his or her head in tense situations. Therefore I left her back as it was. As for her hands however I'm afraid that some detail may have been lost while the picture was downscalled at photobuckets. Indeed in the small version of the picture her left hand (shown from a sideway angle so it is tricky to tell the fingers apart) looks rather short. In the larger version of the picture her hand seems to be better in proportion (her hand finger tips to wrist is just a little less long than her lower arm ellbow to wrist), so I did not make any changes there.
The only problem I can see is that her nostrils and eyelashes are missing.
This however I did change. Thanks a lot for alerting me to these blunders :yes
In the process I also made some changes about the outlining of her head. In fact I think the outlining is probably one of the major flaws in the image that for sheer amound of time it would take I'm little eager to change. You will find many parts (especially on the landscape) where I got rid of the outlines altogether. In other parts the outlines are distractingly thick and yet in other parts they are thin (which in many cases I would prefer). Outlines on photoshop are a source of continuous trouble for me. I draw my images on paper (DIN A4) to scan them and then edit them with photoshop, but I never get it right. I do my drawings with pencils only most of the time resulting in scans where the lines are either so frequently interrupted by gaps where the line was not caught properly during the scan or else (if I set the scan to dark) I end up with solid lines that are too thick to look good and come with many inwanted dots and spots which to eraze takes no less time and effort than it does in case of fixing the interrupted outlines. In case of this image I traced the outlines on transparent paper with black ink and used that one for the scan. However, I wasn't really happy with that one either as again extensive fixing work was needed to thin out too thick lines and worst of all the black ink (the thinnest I have come at 0.3mm which is significantly broader than the thin lines you can do with a sharpened pencil) tends to blot out fine detail (especially in case of such small and delicate parts like hands, claws, teeth etc.) and those details too need to be restored in troublesome detail work. Really, I would be most obliged to any photoshop expert who could give me an easy and time saving way to get my scanned outlines right.
The relative proportions of Chomper’s head show great improvement compared to your last picture, but his head is a little small compared to the rest of him, and his legs and feet are too large. And I still think his tail should be a little longer; maybe thicker as well.
I tried to correct as much as I could about this one. I think it is an improvement that I shifted his head down a little in the edited picture (shortening his neck). I added a little to his tail and I tried to shorten his legs a little. However, in case of the legs things don't work out right. They are simply too long which is a frequent problem in my images I'm afraid :unsure:
Anyway, here is the edited version of the picture:

When will your newer story be available to read?
Not for a very long time I'm afraid. As I said, this image would be a scene from the third part of a trilogy and I'm only at the very beginning of the first part and also my progress in writing is something rather unreliable. Also while writing the story I sometimes can't help feeling that to some degree university has contributed to "corrupting" my language. I tend to use very complex and unwieldy terms and formulations that do not fit well to a land before time story :bang
You drew it all with a mouse, right? How big was the original image (the worksheet)?
I didn't draw it with a mouse (except for some corrections) but with pencil on a DIN A4 sheet of paper. I hope that in the end I may be able to get the hang of my graphic tablet to use that one for this work but so far I have been using it for corrections only.
I can give a link to my works to those who are curious enough to ask, as I'm a bit shy to show them in public.
I'm officially curious enough to ask. What is the link?
Also I want to encourage you to post your images here. If you take a look at the first page of this very thread you will find that the fanart section of the GOF is not for high quality art only :lol


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Quote from: Malte279,Mar 1 2011 on  08:39 AM
I had done that cannopy by creating a patern of different green, brown, and gray shades, gradiated saturation (less saturation the further something is away), and finally blurred it. However, I totally agree that the final blur made it look too much like a flat surface which it is not meant to be. So in the edited version of the image I added a color pattern over the surface that I did not blur and I also edited a few light and shadow effects similar to that from the rocky walls in order to make the forrest look less "flat". I'm really interested if our photoshop experts have some recommendations for the creation of such backgrounds? Any help would be greatly appreciated :yes
The forest looks a lot better. :yes The difference in shading where the vegetation covers the mountains makes it look much more realistic and three-dimensional. I especially like that the shape of the mountains is visible underneath. Unfortunately I'm a novice when it comes to Photoshop, so I can't suggest anything as far as creating backgrounds is concerned.

Also, I don’t think Ozzy and Strut’s mouths extend far back enough; the corners of their mouths should be underneath their eyes.
Right you are. Their kind rather than Ducky's ought to be labelled bigmouthes :lol I made adaptations in the new version of the image.
Mouths that extend all the way to the back of the face seem to be a trait of most LBT dinosaurs, I've noticed. Ozzy and Strut's mouths in the edited picture look much more accurate, but there's still something that I thought looked too “plain” about them. Looking at that screenshot you posted made me realize that they're missing the little sideways “T” at the corner of their mouths. Somehow, this tiny little detail does a lot to emphasize a character's expression.

Speaking of eyes, while the bags under Strut’s eyes are much darker and more pronounced than Ozzy’s (and I give you props for including them on him :yes), Ozzy should have them too.
You should be right, but in this case you are not. It is kind of odd, but for some reason Ozzy, unlike his brother, does not sport these dark rings around his eyes. It is really odd, but I checked it out on several screenshots and Ozzy really comes without that "crook's mask". It is rather strange considering that this "mask" is a common feature of evil characters and Ozzy is often to be considered the more vicious of the two (though one ought not to miss that Strut makes the proposition on how to murder Littlefoot). Nevertheless Ozzy comes without the dark rim around his eyes.
Looking at that screenshot though Ozzy does seem to have the outlines of these rings though without any darker color in them.
That's basically what I meant; that Ozzy should have the outlines of those bags/rings, but not the darker coloring Strut's have. (I personally interpret Strut's more prominent eye rings as signs of stress from the abuse his brother puts him through. :p)

Ruby has a rather pronounced hump-back, her hands should be noticeably larger and thicker compared to the diameter of her forearms, and her legs might be a bit too strongly bent, but other than that she looks pretty good.
It is often problematic for me to figure out the right degree of standing up straight and bending forward with some two legged characters. I have a strong tendency to show them with too straight backs which sometimes makes them look to anthropomorphic. Screenshots of such characters often send "mixed messages" as there are some in which Ruby looks rather straightened up and some in which she makes pretty much the hump-back shown in this picture. When moving (especially when moving fast) they tend to be more bend forward than when they are standing still. Now obviously Ruby is standing still in this picture, but she is also not exactly at ease. While I haven't figured out every detail of the story yet she is certainly not having a chat about the weather in this image. The hump-back may be interpreted a bit like it would be interpreted when a human bows a little or ducks his or her head in tense situations. Therefore I left her back as it was. As for her hands however I'm afraid that some detail may have been lost while the picture was downscalled at photobuckets. Indeed in the small version of the picture her left hand (shown from a sideway angle so it is tricky to tell the fingers apart) looks rather short. In the larger version of the picture her hand seems to be better in proportion (her hand finger tips to wrist is just a little less long than her lower arm ellbow to wrist), so I did not make any changes there.
I apologize; a little clarification is in order: what I meant by the “hump-back” is that her back looks much higher and more domed than it should be; almost like she has a low sail like an Ouranosaurus or Suchomimus. Sorry; I knew I should have worded myself differently. :slap Ruby's posture looks fine. In fact, I think it's just right.

I also made some changes about the outlining of her head. In fact I think the outlining is probably one of the major flaws in the image that for sheer amound of time it would take I'm little eager to change. You will find many parts (especially on the landscape) where I got rid of the outlines altogether. In other parts the outlines are distractingly thick and yet in other parts they are thin (which in many cases I would prefer). Outlines on photoshop are a source of continuous trouble for me. I draw my images on paper (DIN A4) to scan them and then edit them with photoshop, but I never get it right. I do my drawings with pencils only most of the time resulting in scans where the lines are either so frequently interrupted by gaps where the line was not caught properly during the scan or else (if I set the scan to dark) I end up with solid lines that are too thick to look good and come with many inwanted dots and spots which to eraze takes no less time and effort than it does in case of fixing the interrupted outlines. In case of this image I traced the outlines on transparent paper with black ink and used that one for the scan. However, I wasn't really happy with that one either as again extensive fixing work was needed to thin out too thick lines and worst of all the black ink (the thinnest I have come at 0.3mm which is significantly broader than the thin lines you can do with a sharpened pencil) tends to blot out fine detail (especially in case of such small and delicate parts like hands, claws, teeth etc.) and those details too need to be restored in troublesome detail work. Really, I would be most obliged to any photoshop expert who could give me an easy and time saving way to get my scanned outlines right.
I personally didn’t see any problems with the outlines in the image, but one problem I see with the edited version is that you seem to have (accidentally?) shifted the background to the right by one pixel, as parts of Ozzy, Strut, and Ruby’s outlines have been obliterated.

Thank you for your reassurance that my critique is not irritating. Glad I could be of help. :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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As I mentioned before on Messsenger...although I can't recall when.  If you are using photoshop, this might be useful for you:

DA: Photoshop Tutorials

Indeed, it might be useful for others who are attempting to use photoshop.


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Mouths that extend all the way to the back of the face seem to be a trait of most LBT dinosaurs, I've noticed. Ozzy and Strut's mouths in the edited picture look much more accurate, but there's still something that I thought looked too “plain” about them. Looking at that screenshot you posted made me realize that they're missing the little sideways “T” at the corner of their mouths. Somehow, this tiny little detail does a lot to emphasize a character's expression.
I had very much hoped for that one to go unnoticed. I made several attempts to add such a T, but try as I might it always looked stupid. It is amazing how extreme and in this case devastating effect that little line has. No matter what that line always made it look like the eggeaters were smiling (while they are not supposed to) or else at least gave them a somewhat chubby looking expression which didn't fit either. In the end I decided to leave the Ts uncrossed.
I apologize; a little clarification is in order: what I meant by the “hump-back” is that her back looks much higher and more domed than it should be; almost like she has a low sail like an Ouranosaurus or Suchomimus.
Alas I'm afraid that is something that would take a lot of complex changing especially with the wood background. I am going to pay special attention to it in my next pictures though. One thing I did change in another version of this picture is to add a line and do some little changes to make a bump on Ruby's back that is supposed to be her right leg look more like that. I'm afraid it did not suffice for the main issue though.
I personally didn’t see any problems with the outlines in the image, but one problem I see with the edited version is that you seem to have (accidentally?) shifted the background to the right by one pixel, as parts of Ozzy, Strut, and Ruby’s outlines have been obliterated.
Accidentally indeed and not even aware of it :(
I'm afraid I'm far from having mastered the working with different layers and seem to get more problems from it than benefits. I tried to patch up some of the worst stuff in the final version of the image, but I'm afraid some remain.
So thank you very much for the link Katie. I might find something helpful there.
So this is the last edit I did.


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I had done another drawing early this year, but after showing it to people on MSN feeling that it might be "misinterpreted" I initially decided not to post it on the GOF. I am thinking different about it by now and if anyone insists to interpret any "lewd activity" into this image then shame on you, not on me. Honi soit qui mal y pense!
That being said the picture shows a scene from a story I am writing and depicts the first ever meeting between Ruby and Chomper, which in that story would take place a few days or weeks after the events of LBT 2.
But the moment she turned round she noticed a scent she hadn't yet noticed. It was the scent of a sharptooth and it was not brought to her by the breeze but had reached her against the wind. At the same time she heard a cracking noise from the thicket in front from which she had stepped just a few moments before. Ruby whirled around looking frantically for any route of escape she might have missed before or at least for some kind of hiding place. Neither was there and out of the corner of her eye she caught a motion as something was rushing towards her from the thicket. Ruby tried to sidestep her attacker, but it was a hasty movement causing her to trip and fall. This had never happened to her but Ruby had no time to course her clumsiness or her bad luck as she landed hard on her side. Immediately she rolled on her back to jump up again, but before she could do anything more there was some blurry motion in her field of vision and she felt a weight pinning her to the ground. Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and screamed while expecting for a pointed claw or a row of sharp teeth to descend into her neck.
But the stabbing pain she was waiting for did not come. After several moments the keen mind Ruby had acquired during her many ranges of exploration began to work again in spite of the paralyzing fear. By all likelihood she ought to be dead by now. But since she wasn't something must have happened that had saved her so far. And if it, whatever it was, had kept her from being killed so far it might continue to do so. Grasping at that straw of hope Ruby decided to open her eye to see whatever it was that had kept her alive.
But all that she saw when she glinted through her eyelids was a flash of teeth and a whirl of claws right in front of her face causing her to scream and squeeze her eyes shut again, numbed by sheer fear of death. But again death or pain didn't come. When after several moments her mind gradually returned beside the continuing mortal fear Ruby decided not to open her eyes again as clearly what she had seen did not provide any relief or comfort. She tried to suppress the fear and get control over herself again. She was panting heavily, barely able to breath as if she had just suffered a heavy blow in her stomach.
Ruby's frantic fear paused suddenly at an odd realization. A heavy blow in her stomach? She should have suffered just that with her attacker having pounced onto her and pinned her to the ground. She would expect to be squeezed under the weight of an attacking sharptooth that alone should have been enough to kill her. But the weight that she actually did feel on her belly and chest seemed to be relatively moderate. It surely wasn't this weight or any force of impact that kept her from breathing normally. There was yet another thing that her mind told Ruby. The jungle she had been wandering through before had been quite thick. Even if her attacker had approached her from a direction from which the breeze had carried his scent away from her, he still would have caused way too much noise for her to miss if he was of any size significantly larger than her own.
But whatever reassurance this might provide there was no mistake about the smell of dead meat in the breath of her her attacker that she felt on her face and again Ruby felt sheer panic trying to push away any hopeful thought. This creature had eaten meat and done so recently. Recently! Perhaps that was the reason why she was still here. Perhaps her attacker was full and not hungry anymore. Perhaps he was just playing with his prey for the time being. But this too wasn't a thought that was suitable to mitigate Ruby's terror. With neither her eyes nor her nose providing anything to relief her fear Ruby noticed that what she heard was kind of odd though. It was a cacophony of hissing, spitting, snarling, growling, and a number of vicious sounding noises for which no word she knew seemed to fit. But what was the point of her attacker snarling and spitting around rather than doing... anything? Was her attacker, the thought seemed so ridiculous that Ruby almost snorted about it, choking on anything?
Ruby took a deep breath and decided to open her eyes again and try to see a bit more than she had during her last attempt.
Teeth and claws were again the first thing that she saw and instinctively she started screaming again at the top of her voice, but she kept her eyes open this time. Instinctive panic again seemed to drive any other thought out of her mind. She was screaming and her attacker was roaring at her. At last she had to fetch breath and the same moment her attacker too fell silent picking up his roar again the moment Ruby picked up her scream again. So surprised was Ruby about this that she chocked on some of her own saliva. As her scream ended in a violent fit of coughs, so did the roar of her attacker or at least it ended in a series of growling noises that somewhat reminded of a coughing fit.
Ruby was so confused about this and so thrown out of balance by her coughing fit that she did not resume her scream when she had recovered her breath. Was her attacker mocking her? Did he try to mimic her?
And here is the image:

In one respect the image is a premire for me, because it is the first time that I did an image completely with the graphic tablet on photoshop. There is no paper version of this image, only a very rough planing sketch that was not scanned to make this image.


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Oh dear, I'm afraid I sounded so defensive about the last picture that I scared off everyone from even responding. That was of course not my intention and I apologize for that tone :confused
Anyway, here is a new picture I have been working on for quite a while. It too shows a scene from that unwritten trilogy making up for many of the gaps between the movies and the series. This picture I drew on paper, scanned the outlines and then did the rest with the graphic tablet. I think using the tablet only produces clearer results, but I also like to work with paper and that's something I can do everywhere and at almost any time. Anyway, here is the picture which is called: Red Claws
(Same as the last picture it might easily be misinterpreted about some points):


  • Petrie
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Hmmm...the pic with Redclaw and the gang isn't half bad. Some of the textures and layouts on the rocks and trees gives it a nice 3d look to them. Most of the characters in that pic have somewhat awkward stances but the colors and shading makes up for that. And is that blood on Chompers' right claw?

As for the picture above that....I really think you should redesign it. Yeah, yeah, shame on me but seriously this pic looks awkward. The kids are going to snicker (laugh), the adults are going to be confused of what they are seeing and we cannot change how people see or think of things anyways. Whether its on MSN or not somebody is going to have that "thought." My art teacher Mrs. Rosa told me that you should always draw a rough sketch and if possible, ask a friend what they think of the sketch. It is always a good idea to take a good look at a picture before you finalize it.  

Here is a motto that I always go by; Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


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Quote from: Malte279,Jun 26 2011 on  05:19 PM
Oh dear, I'm afraid I sounded so defensive about the last picture that I scared off everyone from even responding. That was of course not my intention and I apologize for that tone :confused
Sorry; I was going to review your last picture, but I kept forgetting because I had so many other things to do, so I never got around to it. :oops

Quote from: Malte279,May 26 2011 on  05:21 PM
I had done another drawing early this year, but after showing it to people on MSN feeling that it might be "misinterpreted" I initially decided not to post it on the GOF. I am thinking different about it by now and if anyone insists to interpret any "lewd activity" into this image then shame on you, not on me. Honi soit qui mal y pense!
That being said the picture shows a scene from a story I am writing and depicts the first ever meeting between Ruby and Chomper, which in that story would take place a few days or weeks after the events of LBT 2.
For the record, my first thought upon seeing the picture (having not yet read the post at that point) was “Ah, this shows Chomper and Ruby meeting each other for the first time”, but I can see how other people might…see it differently. (Frankly, I don’t think this is something you should submit for pokeplayer’s LBT fanart contest.) I think the image's potential to be interpreted as suggestive would be greatly limited if Chomper were standing on top of Ruby, rather than straddling her or sitting atop her as he is in this version.

Regarding your note that this scene is intended to take place shortly after LBT II: to me Chomper looks much older than he should; more like his LBT V or TV series self. Hatchling Chomper had much stubbier proportions (a smaller body and larger head), and not yet developed the ridge on his back. Still, Chomper is pretty well done; the detail on headóand especially his teethóis terrific. Ruby’s not bad either, although she looks kind of two-dimensional somehow; though I like her expression, there’s something about it that just makes it look “flat”, and not as expressive as it could be. Also, from what we can see of her left eye, it’s not looking in the same direction as her right one. On a similar note, I would suggest moving the pupil of Chomper’s right eye closer to the middle of his eye, maybe even all the way to the inner corner, to make him look more like he’s looking directly at Ruby.

I’m most-of-the-way finished with a post reviewing on the second picture (it’s very long), but I’m afraid I won’t have time to complete it tonight. Expect to see it soon, though. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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As promised, my review for “Red Claws”:

I’m probably committing one of those misinterpretations you warned of, but the impression I got from this image was that Chomper has just given Red Claw his scar :! (I notice that Red Claw doesn’t yet have his eponymous red claw in this scene). Whether this is true or not, it’s an idea I’ve never heard or thought of before. It’s clear to me that Chomper has inflicted some type of scratch-related injury on Red Claw, as evidenced by the fact that his claws are bloody and Red Claw is recoiling in pain.

All in all, I think this picture looks very good, even though I’m finding it a little hard to appreciate the finer details due to the size of the image. The background is beautiful. I especially love the trees. I commend you for making each of the conifers unique, rather than just copying one and using it over and over. And the detail on the deciduous tree is fantastic. However, I can’t tell what that long, narrow brown thing extending horizontally across the background is. :confused

Littlefoot, Chomper and Ducky are well drawn overall, though Chomper’s head should be larger and I think Ducky’s beak should be a little wider. Littlefoot’s tail looks sort of odd (I don’t think the underside of his neck and tail should merge so smoothly with the underside of his body), but his legs and feet are very good. I like Littlefoot’s running pose, too, though for some reason he doesn’t look like he’s moving at a nearly urgent enough pace, considering what he’s trying to get away from. I also have a problem with both him and Spike, in that parts of their outlines (mainly the ridges on their backs) are much darker than the outlining of the rest of their bodies. I have a similar issue with Cera’s teeth; the darker outline between them, and the apparent lack of one separating her teeth from her beak, makes her expression look really strange. Other than that, she’s not bad (I especially like her frill and the detail on it); her body and legs look a little strange from this angle, but I’ll chalk that up to it being difficult to draw her well from the front in a running pose.

You did a fantastic job on Ruby’s head; it’s one of the most accurately drawn character faces in the picture, as well as one of my favorites. The only details I can criticize are that her nostrils don’t seem to be present, and her eyelashes appear to be a single short clump of black. Her right foot and all of her visible feathers are also well drawn, but her back is too low and not domed enough (Basically, she has the opposite problem as she did in the picture with the egg stealers).

Red Claw looks fairly good, although his tail seems to disappear behind his right leg; his upper torso looks rather narrow in comparison to his lower body; and although the detail you put into his mouth is excellent, his teeth may be proportionally too small, and the lips on the right side of his mouth (his right, our left) seem excessively thick.

Petrie looks awesome; almost 3D. :lol I love his expression; somehow it works better for him than it does for Cera (maybe because his beak is darker, so the outlining of his teeth doesn’t contrast so much?). You did a really good job drawing him from that angle.

Spike should have a bit more of a neck, his head should be smaller in proportion to his body, and his mouth should extend farther back (the corner of his mouth should be behind his eyes). However, apart from the outlining issue I mentioned earlier, his plates and spinal ridge look good, andósomething that applies to your style of drawing Spike in general that I don’t believe I’ve brought up beforeóI like that you include his tail spikes in your pictures of him :yes (Spike is drawn with no tail spikes in the sequels and TV series, which seems silly to me, given that they’re what he’s named for).
By the way, Malte, are these the full-sized versions of these images? Maybe it’s just me, but it hurts my eyes to look at these images closely, trying to make out some of the details. Would it be possible for you to post larger versions of your recent pictures (both these two and the egg stealer one)? They’re awesome pictures, and I’d love to look at them and enjoy every detail without causing unnecessary damage to my eyesight. :p If you’re concerned about the images being too large for people’s browsing windows, you can always use the trick I’ve been employing lately when posting members’ star day cards: posting a smaller version of the picture that is also a link to the full-sized version. Here’s the code I use:
Code:  on  
[URL=*URL of larger image*][IMG]*URL of smaller image*[/IMG][/URL]

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Thank you very, very much for your feedback.
I appreciate it a lot :yes
However, I can’t tell what that long, narrow brown thing extending horizontally across the background is.
It is difficult to recognize indeed. The characters are on top of a kind of plateau that is "cut" by a narrow canyon. That canyon is the narrow brown thing, but it is difficult to recognize indeed.
Littlefoot, Chomper and Ducky are well drawn overall, though Chomper’s head should be larger and I think Ducky’s beak should be a little wider. Littlefoot’s tail looks sort of odd (I don’t think the underside of his neck and tail should merge so smoothly with the underside of his body), but his legs and feet are very good. I like Littlefoot’s running pose, too, though for some reason he doesn’t look like he’s moving at a nearly urgent enough pace, considering what he’s trying to get away from.
Indeed, I still don't get my proportions right on too many ocassions. In addition to the cases you named I think Littlefoot foots feet (odd as it sounds) may be too little. However, in case of the undersized heads of Ducky and Chomper this is really a problem as it is not kids' proportions.
As for Littlefoot's looks there is part of the background of the story missing here. Thing is that to him the big roaring sharptooth in the rear may not be the concern that troubles him the most.
By the way, Malte, are these the full-sized versions of these images? Maybe it’s just me, but it hurts my eyes to look at these images closely, trying to make out some of the details. Would it be possible for you to post larger versions of your recent pictures (both these two and the egg stealer one)? They’re awesome pictures, and I’d love to look at them and enjoy every detail without causing unnecessary damage to my eyesight.
I used to have fullsized versions of both pictures, but unfortunately those (as well as a number of other drawings) were lost in the recent crash of my computer :bang
No way to recover them :cry

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Littlefoot is quite capable of sheeding tears even when nobody else does. We saw him crying or at least being very close to it, in quite a few of the LBT movies (after his mothers dead and the quarrel with Cera in the original movie, during the goodbye to Chomper in LBT 2, he was twice very close to it in LBT 4, and in LBT 6 too he seemed rather near to it. We had him cry about Mo's presumed death, reapeatedly throughout LBT 10 and (my memory may cheat me here) I think he cried in LBT 11 too.

Finally someone listed the times a character cries!  :)

But a few corrections: he wasn't "close to it" in LBT 4, he did cry, twice when finding out is Grandpa is ill.

He did cry in 6 when Doc left, remember?

Unlike most people assume, he did not cry about Mo's presumed death in 9---a least not that we saw. In fact, LBT 9 is one of the only LBT films where a character does't cry.  :)

"Repeatedly throughout LBT 10"? He cried once, during the scene where he's sitting on the ledge before Bron comes up. What are you talking about?  :huh:

And no, he did not cry in LBT 11. Although he should have seeing as everyone else (espicially Dutrike) did.

But still, good job trying at least. Seriously, good job.  :exactly

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Anyways, can you explain what you meant by that, Malte? The "repeatedly in 10" part?


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It may have been a simple slip up and nothing more.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Was it, Malte?

Cause for some movies (like 11) you seemed to be "unsure" but for 10 you seemed perfectly sure, which seems odd.