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Momma Longneck? whats your name?

Megatoph · 61 · 10906


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The meanings of the names Sierra and Rinkus were mentioned here:
though this is, of course, speculation.  We still haven't figured out a meaning behind Ali's name.


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Dinah and Dana are two other examples of names with no obvious reference to the species. So is Tipy. As for Littlefoot he was supposed to be named "Thunderfoot" (Brontosaurus=Thunderfootlizard) but that was considered to sound too intimidating for a cute character.


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People in stories on fanfiction used different names for Littlefoot's mother some being Thunderfoot (which shown to be the first thought for Littlefoot's name). That really the one I remembered it was used in a story that had some sort of warrior type style to it where Littlefoot looked more humaniod and some how into the story Littlefoot's mum was brought back to the world of the living completely healthy and named Thunderfoot I think. not totally sure but that seem to be the one that used mostly for her


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I remember I was surprised when I first saw the spelling of the name Ali. To me it looked like a middle eastern male name. I would have expected her to be spelled Elly or something like that. Is Ali in this spelling a common female name?


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To me it looked like a middle eastern male name.
I quite agree.  I have heard of Ali as being a common middle-eastern name, either as a first- or surname.

Is Ali in this spelling a common female name?
I don't know quite how common it is, but I personally know a female named Ali, who went to my high school.  The name doesn't seem to be extremely common, however.


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tja das w¸rde ich auch mal gerne wiesen wie Littlefoots Grossmutter heisst. Also ich klaube das der Name In der ganzen LBT Reihe nicht vorkommt. Auch die anderen Dinos vom Grossen Tal habe ich noch nie mit dem richtigen Namen gehˆrt.

I would also gladly showed how times LittleFoot grandmother called. So I think the name. Throughout the LBT series does not occur. The other dinosaur on the Great Valley, I have never been with the
correct name belongs.


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Some characters in the LBT world have not been given a name.  Littlefoot's mother, and Grandparents.  Petrie's mother & siblings, Ducky's parents and Siblings, various background and other characters, Ali's mother, ect.


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I would agrre they weren't given a name to not confuse the younger viewers. Many characters don't have a name, indeed.


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If you really need a name I suggest Patricia or any other female sounding name with will help in that field.
I agree with the lot here that they dont need names since we all know who they're reffering to, but I added my two cents.


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I don't know what Littlefoot's mother's name is, but I might be able to narrow down a list of criteria for naming these characters...

1. Characters are often named after the species that they are: Sue is a Supersaurus, Pat is an Apatosaurus, and Bron is named after the Brontosaurus, which has since been proven not to exist.

There are exceptions to this, though; "Shorty" is a bit odd, as he is a Braciosaurus, which means "arm lizard." Ali is used here as a female name, such as ALIce or ALIson, not the middle-eastern male name Ali, which may stress the last I...

2. We know that "Littlefoot" is a bit of an odd derivation from "Sauropod" which literally means "lizard foot." Since that would be too odd of a name for the character, it was changed to Littlefoot. We know from the canon of the series that "Littlefoot" was a name that Bron was called when he was young, but it is unclear whether or not that was his real name and it was changed, or if it was simply a nickname in his youth. What is probable, however, is that Bron told this to his mate, and when the egg hatched, she named her son after what his father HAD been named.

3. Littlefoot and his family are Apatosauruses, which literally means "deceptive lizard" because the fossils found were similar to those of a Mosasaurus. It is sort of hard to directly name someone "deceptive", so a similar adjective with fewer negative connotations might be used, or the original Greek stem would be kept and not translated into English; Pterano comes from the Greek root "πτερ" ("Pter") meaning "wing".    

4. To clarify the matter a bit, one has to consider that there were various species of Apatosaurus; the name "Apatosaurus" signifies a genus, not a species (from wikipedia.) The four species of Apatosaurus are "A. Ajax" , "A. excelsus" , "A. louisae", "A. Parvus"; which approximately translate respecitvely as "mourner", "to excel (or be good at)", "of Louis (from Ludwig, meaning "famous warrior"), and "small, little, cheap"; in the sense of being not important, not as in physical size.

The first possibility is probably inadequate; Ajax was a male name from the Homeric epic poems (Iliad and Odyssey) and the meaning of that name in no way suites Littlefoot's mother. Excelsus is a bit odd, and doesn't exactly describe her so well. Louisae is totally off... That leaves us with "Parvus"... which I believe to be the best choice for basing her name off of. It makes sense that a mother with a name meaning "small" and a father who WAS named "Littlefoot" (or was at least called that) should have a child with a similar name. Although the meaning of the phrase "small" is shifted in this case (from the meaning "insignificant" to the meaning "small in size"), it still fits the naming conventions well enough.  

5. So, assuming that Littlefoot's mother follows that naming convention of most of the characters (named after their species, with modifications here and there), her name might be something like "Parva"; with is "Parvus" being given a feminine "a" at the end. I know that it sounds a bit like "larva", but it might just work...

It might be worth noting that "Parva" does not come up on any online etymology sites...  

So, if I HAD to guess at the name of Littlefoot's mother, Parva would be my guess...

Alternatively, a name like "Lightfoot" might be used, in keeping with the theme of "little" (which light is similar to in the sense that something is light if it is not heavy, and little and light usually go together, although this is not always the case.)

"Parva" is probably no weirder than names like "Tria", "Tops" and "Pterano", all of which are names of characters in the series...


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One difficulty in trying to guess her name is her parents are not given personal names.  If you have to have a name for her you could make up a nickname, or look at Apatasaurus and see what name seems to jump out at you.


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We will of course never know for sure, but you certainly put a lot of work into this analysis :yes
There is one minor point where there is some different information:
2. We know that "Littlefoot" is a bit of an odd derivation from "Sauropod" which literally means "lizard foot." Since that would be too odd of a name for the character, it was changed to Littlefoot.
Littlefoot was originally meant to be named "thunderfoot" as another derivation from the non-existent species "Brontosaurus" (thunderfoot lizard). However, it was found that "thunderfoot" was too intimidating a name for so cute a character so it was changed.
There is also one story about how Littlefoot got his name, but it is probably not canon being printed in one German book of LBT only. It is mentioned in another thread. According to that book Littlefoot's grandfather placed his huge foot beside Littlefoot's tiny foot right after Littlefoot hatched and said: "Look how small his feet are! One of my toes is bigger than one of his feet!"
So Littlefoot's mother decided to call her son Littlefoot.
I do not know if there was any such idea from the moviemakers, or if it was just an idea of the author of that book. But either way I think it's a nice and plausible story.


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alot of people on use the name "Thunderfoot" as LF's Mother's real name and some have used ,well, other names to refer to Littlefoot's Mother. My name for LF's Mother  being "Savannah".



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Quote from: Threehorn,Jun 29 2006 on  12:44 PM
People in stories on fanfiction used different names for Littlefoot's mother some being Thunderfoot (which shown to be the first thought for Littlefoot's name).
Actually the original name of Littlefoot's Mother was supposed to be Thunderfoot but due to a triceratops in a novel written before The Land Before Time being called Thunderfoot, the name had to be changed at the last minute to Littlefoot's Mother. source


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Quote from: ScratteLover2,May 4 2010 on  08:15 PM
Quote from: Threehorn,Jun 29 2006 on  12:44 PM
People in stories on fanfiction used different names for Littlefoot's mother some being Thunderfoot (which shown to be the first thought for Littlefoot's name).
Actually the original name of Littlefoot's Mother was supposed to be Thunderfoot but due to a triceratops in a novel written before The Land Before Time being called Thunderfoot, the name had to be changed at the last minute to Littlefoot's Mother. source
Sorry but that doesn't convince me. Anyone can edit Wikipedia.


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Agreed. And for the record, Thunderfoot was originally intended to be Littlefoot's name.

Salvatore Blackheart

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A good name for littlefoot¥s mom would be "Bleu" (french for blue) Because in LBT 10 her skin color is blue. if we talk about of couples "Bron and Bleu"(Brown and Blue) sounds good for me. Because they remind me to Hige and Blue a couple of the anime serie named "wolf Rain".